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- import keyboard # Library that relates to reading and writing keyboard inputs
- import os
- import mss # Takes screenshot
- import configparser
- import cv2 # Reads through screenshot
- import numpy as np # Works with CV2
- import win32api # Windows API that I just use for mouse button keybinds and mouse movement to an enemy
- import win32con
- from threading import Thread
- from colorama import Fore, Style # Makes the colorful text in the console
- import ctypes # Also Windows API to move the mouse
- import time # Allows for specific time delays and such
- import pygetwindow as gw # Only takes screenshots when youre actually playing
- from urllib.request import urlopen
- from webbrowser import open as openwebpage
- import math
- #importing all the modules we need to run the code.
- # its important that you change (if youre using pyinstaller) os.path.dirname(__file__) to os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
- config_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "config.ini") # Searching for the file called config.ini to read settings
- try: # checks for updates using the version number we defined earlier, pasted from andrewdarkyy cuz im lazy and his colorbot is just a modded version of mine so like who cares
- if not "9" in urlopen("").read().decode("utf-8"):
- print("HI")
- while True:
- time.sleep(0.1)
- except Exception as e:
- print("Error checking update: ", e)
- print("Continuing anyway!")
- time.sleep(5)
- pass
- try:
- config = configparser.ConfigParser() #this is separating all the config options you set.
- config.optionxform = str
- except Exception as e:
- print("Error reading config:", e)
- def rbxfocused():
- try:
- return "Roblox" == gw.getActiveWindow().title
- except:
- return False
- def change_config_setting(setting_name, new_value): #changing the config settings ... duh.
- try:
- config.set("Config", setting_name, str(new_value))
- with open(config_file_path, "w") as configfile:
- config.write(configfile)
- load() # Update global variables after changing config
- print(f"Config setting '{setting_name}' changed to {new_value}")
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"Error changing config setting '{setting_name}': {e}")
- def load(): #loading the settings, duh.
- #these are essential variables that show the settings of the application.
- os.system("title Colorbot")
- toggleholdmodes = ("Hold", "Toggle") #this is a tuple of [0, 1] where hold is 0, toggle is 1.
- user32 = ctypes.windll.user32
- kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8) # 3x3 array of 1s for structuring purposes
- try:
- buffer = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "lastlaunch.txt"), "r")
- currenttime = time.time()
- if currenttime - float( >= 17990:
- buffer2 = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "lastlaunch.txt"), "w+")
- buffer2.write(str(currenttime))
- buffer2.close()
- openwebpage("")
- buffer.close()
- except:
- buffer = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "lastlaunch.txt"), "w+")
- buffer.write(str(time.time()))
- buffer.close()
- openwebpage("")
- try: #read the config file again, just in case if the user changed the settings while the program was running.
- config = configparser.ConfigParser() #this is separating all the config options you set.
- config.optionxform = str
- except Exception as e:
- print("Error reading config:", e)
- try:
- BINDMODE = config.get("Config", "BINDMODE")
- if (
- BINDMODE.lower() == "win32"
- or BINDMODE.lower() == "win32api"
- or BINDMODE.lower() == "win"
- ):
- AIM_KEY_STRING = config.get("Config", "AIM_KEY")
- if "win32con" in AIM_KEY_STRING:
- AIM_KEY = eval(AIM_KEY_STRING, {"win32con": win32con})
- else:
- if (
- BINDMODE.lower() == "keyboard"
- or BINDMODE.lower() == "k"
- or BINDMODE.lower() == "key"
- ):
- AIM_KEY = config.get("Config", "AIM_KEY")
- SWITCH_MODE_KEY = config.get("Config", "SWITCH_MODE_KEY")
- UPDATE_KEY = config.get("Config", "UPDATE_KEY")
- FOV_KEY_UP = config.get("Config", "FOV_KEY_UP")
- FOV_KEY_DOWN = config.get("Config", "FOV_KEY_DOWN")
- CAM_FOV = int(config.get("Config", "CAM_FOV"))
- AIM_FOV = int(config.get("Config", "AIM_FOV"))
- AIM_OFFSET_Y = int(config.get("Config", "AIM_OFFSET_Y"))
- AIM_OFFSET_X = int(config.get("Config", "AIM_OFFSET_X"))
- AIM_SPEED_X = float(config.get("Config", "AIM_SPEED_X"))
- AIM_SPEED_Y = float(config.get("Config", "AIM_SPEED_Y"))
- TRIGGERBOT = config.get("Config", "TRIGGERBOT")
- TRIGGERBOT_DELAY = int(config.get("Config", "TRIGGERBOT_DELAY"))
- SMOOTHENING = config.get("Config", "SMOOTHENING")
- SMOOTH_FACTOR = float(config.get("Config", "SMOOTH_FACTOR"))
- UPPER_COLOR = tuple(map(int, config.get("Config", "UPPER_COLOR").split(', '))) # pasted from the modded colorbot but we're partnered so its chill
- LOWER_COLOR = tuple(map(int, config.get("Config", "LOWER_COLOR").split(', ')))
- if SMOOTH_FACTOR <= 0:
- SMOOTHENING = "disabled"
- COLOR = config.get("Config", "COLOR")
- if COLOR.lower() == "yellow":
- colorname = Fore.YELLOW
- upper = np.array((38, 255, 203), dtype="uint8") # The upper and lower ranges defined are the colors that the aimbot will detect and shoot at
- lower = np.array((30, 255, 201), dtype="uint8") # It's basically a group of a VERY specific shade of yellow (in this case) that it will shoot at and nothing else. The format is HSV, which differs from RGB.
- if COLOR.lower() == "blue":
- colorname = Fore.BLUE
- upper = np.array((123, 255, 217), dtype="uint8")
- lower = np.array((113, 206, 189), dtype="uint8")
- if COLOR.lower() == "pink" or COLOR.lower() == "magenta" or COLOR.lower() == "purple":
- colorname = Fore.MAGENTA
- upper = np.array((150, 255, 201), dtype="uint8")
- lower = np.array((150, 255, 200), dtype="uint8")
- if COLOR.lower() == "green":
- colorname = Fore.GREEN
- upper = np.array((60, 255, 201), dtype="uint8")
- lower = np.array((60, 255, 201), dtype="uint8")
- if COLOR.lower() == "cyan":
- colorname = Fore.CYAN
- upper = np.array((90, 255, 201), dtype="uint8")
- lower = np.array((90, 255, 201), dtype="uint8")
- if COLOR.lower() == "red":
- colorname = Fore.RED
- upper = np.array((0, 255, 201), dtype="uint8")
- lower = np.array((0, 255, 201), dtype="uint8")
- if COLOR.lower() == "custom":
- colorname = Fore.WHITE
- upper = np.array(UPPER_COLOR, dtype="uint8")
- lower = np.array(LOWER_COLOR, dtype="uint8")
- if COLOR.lower() == "0000ff":
- colorname = Fore.BLUE
- upper = np.array((123, 255, 255), dtype="uint8")
- lower = np.array((120, 147, 69), dtype="uint8")
- if COLOR.lower() == "aimblox":
- colorname = Fore.LIGHTRED_EX
- upper = np.array((4, 225, 206), dtype="uint8")
- lower = np.array((0, 175, 119), dtype="uint8")
- if COLOR.lower() == "black":
- colorname = Fore.WHITE
- upper = np.array((0, 0, 0), dtype="uint8")
- lower = np.array((0, 0, 0), dtype="uint8")
- sct = mss.mss()
- screenshot = sct.monitors[0] #this is the settings for the screen capture, the program screenshots your first monitor and continues to look for enemies.
- screenshot["left"] = int((screenshot["width"] / 2) - (CAM_FOV / 2))
- screenshot["top"] = int((screenshot["height"] / 2) - (CAM_FOV / 2))
- screenshot["width"] = CAM_FOV
- screenshot["height"] = CAM_FOV
- center = CAM_FOV / 2
- except Exception as e:
- print("Error loading settings:", e)
- load()
- def lclc():
- try:
- return win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(AIM_KEY) < 0 #checking if the aim key is pressed (mouse buttons)
- except Exception as e:
- print("Error checking key state:", e)
- class trb0t:
- def __init__(self): #initialize the code, first set the variables for default settings.
- self.AIMtoggled = False
- self.switchmode = 1 # as i said earlier, the array is 0-1, 0 being hold, 1 being toggle. the default is TOGGLE as you can see.
- self.__clicks = 0 # clicks to keep track of colorbot
- self.__shooting = False
- def __stop(self):
- oldclicks = self.__clicks
- time.sleep(.05)
- if self.__clicks == oldclicks:
- user32.mouse_event(0x0004)
- def __delayedaim(self):
- self.__shooting = True
- time.sleep(TRIGGERBOT_DELAY / 1000)
- user32.mouse_event(0x0002)
- self.__clicks += 1
- Thread(target = self.__stop).start()
- self.__shooting = False
- def process(self): #process all images we're capturing
- if rbxfocused():
- try:
- img = np.array(sct.grab(screenshot)) #grab screenshot
- hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) #grab hsv color format
- mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower, upper) # create a mask of only the enemy colors
- dilated = cv2.dilate(mask, kernel, iterations=5) # dilation makes objects appear larger for the aimbot
- thresh = cv2.threshold(dilated, 60, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] # threshold
- (contours, hierarchy) = cv2.findContours(
- thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE # find contours
- )
- if len(contours) != 0: # if enemies are on screen: (or if there are contours of enemies on screen)
- contour = max(contours, key=cv2.contourArea)
- topmost = tuple(contour[contour[:, :, 1].argmin()][0]) #finds the highest contour vertically (highest point of the enemy, their head)
- x = topmost[0] - center + AIM_OFFSET_X # calculating the perfect center of the enemy's head by offsetting it a set amount of pixels
- y = topmost[1] - center + AIM_OFFSET_Y
- distance = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) # basic distance in a 2d plane. calculated using pythagorean theorem.
- if distance <= AIM_FOV:
- x2 = x * AIM_SPEED_X
- y2 = y * AIM_SPEED_Y
- x2 = int(x2)
- y2 = int(y2)
- if SMOOTHENING.lower() != "disabled":
- if distance >= SMOOTH_FACTOR:
- user32.mouse_event(0x0001, x2, y2, 0, 0) #move the mouse towards, usually should feel like aimassist.
- else:
- user32.mouse_event(0x0001, x2, y2, 0, 0) #move the mouse towards, usually should feel like aimassist.
- if TRIGGERBOT != "disabled" and distance <= TRIGGERBOT_DISTANCE:
- if self.__shooting == False:
- Thread(target = self.__delayedaim).start()
- else:
- user32.mouse_event(0x0002)
- self.__clicks += 1
- Thread(target = self.__stop).start()
- except Exception as e:
- print("Error in processing:", e)
- def AIMtoggle(self):
- try:
- self.AIMtoggled = not self.AIMtoggled
- time.sleep(0.1) # very short cooldown to stop it from thinking we're rapid toggling.
- except Exception as e:
- print("Error toggling AIM:", e)
- def modeswitch(self): #switch the modes from again, the array, from 0 to 1, 0 being hold, 1 being toggle.
- try:
- if self.switchmode == 0:
- self.switchmode = 1
- elif self.switchmode == 1:
- self.switchmode = 0
- time.sleep(0.1)
- except Exception as e:
- print("Error switching modes:", e)
- def print_banner(b0t: trb0t): #Printing the information
- try:
- os.system("cls") # First clearing the terminal, to then re-print with the new information. Note the colorama formatting with styling and colors!
- print(
- Style.BRIGHT
- + Fore.CYAN
- + """
- _ ___ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ _____
- /_\ | _ \/ __| __| \| | /_\ | | / __/ _ \| | / _ \| _ \ _ )/ _ \_ _|
- / _ \| /\__ \ _|| .` |/ _ \| |__ | (_| (_) | |_| (_) | / _ \ (_) || |
- /_/ \_\_|_\|___/___|_|\_/_/ \_\____| \___\___/|____\___/|_|_\___/\___/ |_|
- """
- + Style.RESET_ALL
- )
- print("====== Controls ======")
- print("Activate colorbot :", Fore.YELLOW + str(AIM_KEY) + Style.RESET_ALL)
- if SWITCH_MODE_KEY != "disabled":
- print("Switch toggle/hold :", Fore.YELLOW + SWITCH_MODE_KEY + Style.RESET_ALL)
- if UPDATE_KEY != "disabled":
- print("Update Config :", Fore.YELLOW + UPDATE_KEY + Style.RESET_ALL)
- if FOV_KEY_UP != "disabled" and FOV_KEY_DOWN != "disabled":
- print(
- "Change FOV :",
- )
- print("==== Information =====")
- print(
- "Toggle/Hold Mode :",
- Fore.CYAN + toggleholdmodes[b0t.switchmode] + Style.RESET_ALL,
- )
- print("Aim FOV :", Fore.CYAN + str(AIM_FOV) + Style.RESET_ALL)
- print("Cam FOV :", Fore.CYAN + str(CAM_FOV) + Style.RESET_ALL)
- if TRIGGERBOT != "disabled":
- print("Triggerbot :", Fore.GREEN + "On" + Style.RESET_ALL)
- else:
- print("Triggerbot :", Fore.RED + "Off" + Style.RESET_ALL)
- print("Triggerbot Delay :", Fore.GREEN + str(TRIGGERBOT_DELAY) + Style.RESET_ALL)
- if SMOOTHENING != "disabled":
- print("Smoothening :", Fore.GREEN + "On" + Style.RESET_ALL)
- print("Smoothening Factor :", Fore.CYAN + str(SMOOTH_FACTOR) + Style.RESET_ALL)
- else:
- print("Smoothening :", Fore.RED + "Off" + Style.RESET_ALL)
- print("Triggerbot Delay :", Fore.GREEN + str(TRIGGERBOT_DELAY) + Style.RESET_ALL)
- print(
- "Aim Speed :",
- Fore.CYAN
- + "X: "
- + str(AIM_SPEED_X)
- + " Y: "
- + str(AIM_SPEED_Y)
- + Style.RESET_ALL,
- )
- print(
- "Aim Offset :",
- Fore.CYAN
- + "X: "
- + str(AIM_OFFSET_X)
- + " Y: "
- + str(AIM_OFFSET_Y)
- + Style.RESET_ALL,
- )
- print(
- "Aim Activated :",
- (Fore.GREEN if b0t.AIMtoggled else Fore.RED)
- + str(b0t.AIMtoggled)
- + Style.RESET_ALL,
- )
- print(
- "Enemy Color :",
- str(colorname + COLOR) + Style.RESET_ALL
- )
- print("======================")
- print(
- Style.BRIGHT
- + Fore.CYAN
- + " for configs and help!"
- + "\nIf you didn't download this from, it's not legit!"
- + Style.RESET_ALL
- )
- except Exception as e:
- print("Error printing banner:", e)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- b0t = trb0t()
- try:
- print_banner(b0t) #to update information or print initial info.
- while True:
- # under each if statement, we first check if the key is set to disabled (if it is disabled, then it will not function. this allows the user to disable keys they don't wish to use.
- if SWITCH_MODE_KEY != "disabled" and keyboard.is_pressed(SWITCH_MODE_KEY):
- b0t.modeswitch() #switching the mode if the user presses the switch mode key AND its not disabled.
- print_banner(b0t) #updating the information
- if FOV_KEY_UP != "disabled" and keyboard.is_pressed(FOV_KEY_UP):
- change_config_setting("AIM_FOV", AIM_FOV+5) #same thing as before, just adding 5 increments to the fov.
- print_banner(b0t)
- if FOV_KEY_DOWN != "disabled" and keyboard.is_pressed(FOV_KEY_DOWN):
- change_config_setting("AIM_FOV", AIM_FOV-5) #same thing as before just removing 5 increments
- print_banner(b0t)
- if UPDATE_KEY != "disabled" and keyboard.is_pressed(UPDATE_KEY):
- load() #updating the settings if the user presses the update key.
- print_banner(b0t)
- time.sleep(0.1) #.1s cooldown as a way of preventing lag and mispresses
- if (
- BINDMODE.lower() == "win32"
- or BINDMODE.lower() == "win32api"
- or BINDMODE.lower() == "win" #make all strings lowercase just in case if someone in config typed it out as WIN32API, which the code wouldn't recognize.
- ): # this is mostly for the mouse buttons.
- if lclc(): #if user is holding down on the key or a key.
- if b0t.switchmode == 0: #if mode is on [**0**, 1] (means if 0) which is hold.
- while lclc(): #while the user is holding the key.
- if not b0t.AIMtoggled:
- b0t.AIMtoggle() #and if the aim isn't already activated, activate it.
- print_banner(b0t) #update info
- while b0t.AIMtoggled:
- b0t.process() #while it is on/activated THEN process all screen capture, note that it doesn't process information unless activated.
- if not lclc():
- b0t.AIMtoggle() #if user stops holding the key, it'll turn off the colorbot.
- print_banner(b0t) #update info.
- if b0t.switchmode == 1: #if mode is on [0, **1**] (means if toggled)
- b0t.AIMtoggle() # activate it forever until user presses again.
- print_banner(b0t)
- while b0t.AIMtoggled: #while it is toggled
- b0t.process() # process the images.
- if lclc():
- b0t.AIMtoggle() # if user presses the button, then deactivate
- print_banner(b0t) #update info
- else:
- if keyboard.is_pressed(AIM_KEY): #else if the user uses keyboard config, then look for keyboard buttons instead.
- if b0t.switchmode == 0:
- if not b0t.AIMtoggled:
- b0t.AIMtoggle()
- print_banner(b0t)
- while b0t.AIMtoggled:
- b0t.process()
- if not keyboard.is_pressed(AIM_KEY):
- b0t.AIMtoggle()
- print_banner(b0t)
- if b0t.switchmode == 1:
- print_banner(b0t)
- while b0t.AIMtoggled:
- b0t.process()
- if keyboard.is_pressed(AIM_KEY):
- b0t.AIMtoggle()
- print_banner(b0t)
- except Exception as e:
- print("An error occurred:", e) #the end, DM befia on discord if you need clarity. Info by, duh, befia or taylor.
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