
Guidelines for War

Mar 27th, 2016
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  1. ---
  2. Title: Goliath -- Guidelines for War Games
  3. Author: krusader74
  4. Date: 2016-04-14
  5. Version: 0.6
  6. License: Public Domain
  7. URL:
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  9. Discussion:
  10. ...
  13. Goliath -- Guidelines for War Games
  14. ===================================
  17. > He wore a bronze helmet, and his bronze coat of mail weighed 125 pounds. He also wore bronze leg armor, and he carried a bronze javelin on his shoulder. The shaft of his spear was as heavy and thick as a weaver's beam, tipped with an iron spearhead that weighed 15 pounds. His armor bearer walked ahead of him carrying a shield.
  18. >
  19. > 1 Samuel 17:5-7, New Living Translation (NLT)
  22. Ten Things
  23. ----------
  25. 1. **Rule One**: The referee's judgment is the supreme authority, not a set of written rules. This is the one and only rule.
  26. 2. The remainder of this booklet are just *guidelines*, not rules.
  27. 3. There aren't guidelines for everything.
  28. 4. When in doubt, make a new rule.
  29. 5. Since the referee makes the rules, it's up to the referee to teach the players how to play. The players needn't ever see this guide book. Players learn by example.
  30. 6. The proposed method of resolving mass combat outlined herein can be summarized in one sentence as follows: Roll a big handful of six-sided dice and count up the dice that exceed a target number to determine casualties.
  31. 7. More specific suggestions for resolving combat appear below. But the referee is encouraged to modify these mechanics or create entirely novel ones.
  32. 8. Using six-sided dice as a randomization method is completely optional. *Experiment!* Percentile dice, playing cards, or rock-paper-scissors might work better. Or the referee could simply decide the outcome of a melee based on intuition.
  33. 9. It is possible to use more than one combat resolution mechanic within the same game, e.g., one for mass combat, a different one for jousting, yet another one for man-to-man combat, still another for grappling, an alternative system for man-to-man, and so on *ad infinitum*. The referee is encouraged to learn and play other wargames!
  34. 10. The referee should carefully consider the reasons for playing. Is the main reason to simulate history realistically, reenact a battle from LotR, or just have fun? Cater the rules to accomplish these goals. If the main goal is fun, then impose the *Rule of Fun* and excise anything from the game that impedes having a good time!
  37. Playing area
  38. ------------
  40. The playing area could be a sand table, a battle mat, a whiteboard, an online virtual game table, the floor, your lawn. Use whatever you have available.
  43. Figures
  44. -------
  46. Figures can represent infantry, cavalry, tanks, monsters, artillery, aliens, giant robots, space ships, etc. Figures may be metal or plastic miniatures; or blocks; or paper counters; or colored ink on a whiteboard. Use whatever works. Each figure has 12 characteristics:
  48. 1. **Armor Class** (AC): Light (L), Medium (M), or Heavy (H).
  49. 2. **Mount Type** (MT): Infantry (I) or Cavalry (C).
  50. 3. **Hits** (HT): Whole number indicating how much damage the figure can take before being removed from play. If a unit consisting of figures with 1 HT each attacks a figure with multiple HTs, then they must score that many HTs *simultaneously* to remove it from play. Whereas, if a figure with multiple HTs attacks another figure with multiple HTs, then HTs only need to be scored *cumulatively*.
  51. 4. **Attack Rating** (AR): Measures attack capability. There are six basic ratings obtained from the product AC x MT, e.g., LI=Light Infantry. We impose an ordering on these six basic ratings: LI < MI < HI < LC < MC < HC. Under certain circumstances, like flanking, figures deserve a bonus to their attack capability; we denote this AR+1, which just means LI fights as MI, ..., and HC gets +1 on each die. **N.B.** HT always modifies AR. For example: A Hero has HT=4. If he's on foot with medium armor, then his AR=MI. But he attacks as if he were 4 separate MI.
  52. 5. **Defense Rating** (DR): Measures defensive capability. Quantified like AR, incl. HT modifier.
  53. 6. **Morale Rating** (MR): An integer modifier that ranges from -4 to +4. A +4 means the figure never checks morale, e.g., a Dragon or a Hero.
  54. 7. **Movement** (MV): Standard movement, measured in inches.
  55. 8. **Charge** (Chg): Movement when charging, if applicable.
  56. 9. **Fly**: Movement in the air, if applicable.
  57. 10. **Missile** (Mss): Range for missile attacks, if applicable.
  58. 11. **Special Abilities** (SA): A red dragon breathes fire. A Wizard casts spells. The bite of a ghoul paralyzes anyone except elves. SA's are only limited by imagination.
  59. 12. **Point Cost** (Pts): A rational number based on AC, MT, Missile capability, and Special Abilities (SA).
  62. Scale
  63. -----
  65. The following ratios aren't specified by the game. Use whatever makes the most sense.
  67. *Scale*: Ratio of distance in the playing area to distance in real life. The suggested movement rates in these guidelines are listed in inches. You interpret this how you want. An inch could represent a parsec if you're playing a battle in space.
  69. *Base size*: The dimensions of the base of the figure, in inches. Just use common sense: dragon > cavalry > infantry.
  71. *Time*: The exact relationship between game time and real time is fluid. The guidelines suggest using an abstract, turn-based system. But you could play against a real-time clock. Or decide 1 turn = 10 minutes.
  73. The ratio of one figure to the number of troops they represent--might be 1-to-1 or 1-to-20.
  76. Facing and Formation
  77. --------------------
  79. A unit is a group of figures of the same kind, e.g., 30 LI. The units are arranged in the playing area with a certain **facing** and **formation**. A formation has a certain frontage (number of figures in front) and number of ranks deep.
  81. Changing formation costs 1 move. Changing facing costs 1/4 move per 45 degree turn.
  84. Turn sequence
  85. -------------
  87. **Method 1**: Move/Countermove
  89. Hits are resolved (and figures removed) immediately.
  91. 1. Each side rolls a die. High score elects whether to move first.
  92. 2. Move
  93. 3. Resolve missile fire
  94. 4. Resolve melee
  96. Moves may be split into 2 half-move segments in order to conduct *split-move and fire* and *pass through fire*. See the section on missile fire below.
  98. *Morale checks* can occur at *any* step in the turn sequence (see below).
  100. **Method 2**: Written orders/Simultaneous
  102. Since combat occurs simultaneously, figures have the opportunity to return an attack prior to being removed from play. Instead of rolling for initiative, both sides write down orders for each unit. Orders may be conditional. The remainder of the turn sequence is the same as Method 1.
  105. Terrain
  106. -------
  108. Rugged terrain slows movement by half. Particularly difficult terrain may prevent charges or formations of troops.
  111. Missile Fire
  112. ------------
  114. Roll 1 die per attackers' HT. Each die scores a hit depending on the defenders AC as follows:
  116. AC | Score to hit
  117. ---|-------------:
  118. L | 4-6
  119. M | 5-6
  120. H | 6
  122. *Rate of Fire*: Crossbowmen, archers, and longbowmen fire 1x per turn. If archers or longbowmen don't move and aren't meleed at the end of a turn they may fire 2x. If crossbowmen, archers and longbowmen moved up to 1/2 of MV they may fire 1x; but if they move > 1/2 of their MV, then they may fire once only if they roll higher on a d6 vs their opponent.
  124. *Heavy crossbowmen* fire every other turn. They may move up to 1/2 of their MV and still reload or fire, but if they move > 1/2 of their MV they must roll higher on a d6 vs their opponent to fire, and no reloading is allowed. They get a +1 to Missile Fire rolls.
  126. *Split-move and Fire*: Horsemen armed with bows are permitted to move up to 1/2 of their MV, fire, and then continue to move out the balance of their MV. Such horsemen may be fired upon by opponent missile troops during their firing pause.
  128. *Pass-through Fire*: Stationary missile troops may elect to give pass-through fire to any enemy units which are within their missile range at the half-move portion of the turn. This includes enemy troops split-moving, passing by, or charging the missile troops.
  130. *Arc of Fire*: 45 degrees left or right for infantry; 180 degrees left and 45 degrees right for horsemen.
  132. *Number of Ranks Permitted to Fire*: The first two ranks of missile troops are permitted to fire. Additional ranks of missile troops on significantly higher ground are permitted to fire.
  134. *Indirect Fire*: Archers and longbowmen (but not crossbowmen) may fire over the heads of any intervening troops if they are more than 3" distant. Indirect fire reduces the range of the weapon firing by 1/3. Indirect fire adds +1 to the target's AC.
  136. *Cover* reduces the number of hits inflicted by half.
  138. Throwing axes, spears and javelins may fire only 1x per turn, they may always fire at enemy troops charging them, and they may not fire indirectly.
  140. Missiles add to the point cost listed in the section on Troop Types.
  142. Projectile Type | Extra Point Cost | Missile Range
  143. -------------------------|-------------------:|---------------:
  144. Bow | 3 points | 15"
  145. Crossbow | 1.5 points | 24"
  146. Longbow | 4 points | 21"
  149. Melee
  150. -----
  152.   | DR=LI | MI | HI | LC | MC | HC
  153. --------:|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------
  154. AR=LI | 1/1 (6) | 1/2 (6) | 1/3 (6) | 1/2 (6) | 1/3 (6) | 1/4 (6)
  155. MI | 1/1 (5+) | 1/1 (6) | 1/2 (6) | 1/2 (6) | 1/3 (6) | 1/4 (6)
  156. HI | 1/1 (4+) | 1/1 (5+) | 1/1 (6) | 1/1 (6) | 1/2 (6) | 1/3 (6)
  157. LC | 2/1 (5+) | 2/1 (6) | 1/1 (6) | 1/1 (6) | 1/2 (6) | 1/3 (6)
  158. MC | 2/1 (4+) | 2/1 (5+) | 2/1 (6) | 1/1 (5+) | 1/1 (6) | 1/1 (6)
  159. HC | 4/1 (5+) | 3/1 (5+) | 2/1 (5+) | 2/1 (5+) | 1/1 (5+) | 1/1 (6)
  161. The numbers "X/Y (R)" indicate X dice thrown per attacking Y figures with the R being the target number needed to hit. For example, a Light Infantry (LI) figure attacking another Light Infantry figure gets 1 die with 6 needed to hit.
  164. **Situational modifiers**:
  166. *Flanking*: Flanking troops fight at AR+1.
  168. *Rear attacks*: Rear attacks fight at AR+1. Troops attacked from the rear may not return the attack.
  171. Morale Check
  172. ------------
  174. Morale is tested in the following circumstances:
  176. 1. When a unit is charged
  177. 2. Post melee
  178. 3. When a unit takes heavy casualties
  180. To test morale, roll 2d6+MR and then consult the following table:
  182. Score | Result
  183. -------------|-------------------
  184. 6 or greater | Melee continues
  185. 3-5 | Back 1 move
  186. 0-2 | Rout 1.5 moves
  187. <0 | Surrender
  190. *Heavy Losses*: After a unit sustains heavy losses, it must check morale. The percentage of losses triggering a morale check depends on the unit's AC as indicated on the table below. Apply the penalty to the morale check dice roll:
  192. AC | % Losses | Penalty
  193. ---|----------|--------:
  194. L | 25% | -2
  195. M | 33% | -1
  196. H | 50% | 0
  199. *Rout and Rally*: A unit that routs must spend the next turn attempting to rally. They may not move or attack on any turn they are attempting to rally. If they fail to rally, they rout another 1.5 moves. Consult the following table:
  201. Turn of rout | Die score needed to rally
  202. -------------|-------------------------------------------
  203. 1 | Automatic if not attacked, 1-2 if attacked
  204. 2 | 3-6
  205. 3 | 6
  206. 4 | Removed from play
  209. Fatigue
  210. -------
  212. Figures require 1 turn of rest per 3 turns of melee; or 5 turns of movement; or a combination of 4 turns of melee and movement; otherwise AR, DR and MR are all reduced by 1.
  215. Troop Types
  216. -----------
  218. Type | AR | DR | HT | MR | MV | Chg | Fly | Mss | SA | Pts
  219. ------------------|-----|----|---:|-----|----:|----:|----:|----:| ----------|-------:
  220. Bowmen | LI | LI | 1 | +0 | 9" | 12" | -- | 15" |   | 4.0
  221. Crossbowmen | LI | LI | 1 | +0 | 12" | -- | -- | 24" |   | 2.5
  222. Dragon | HC | HC | 4 | +4 | 9" | 15" | 24" | -- | 2,5,6,10 | 100.0
  223. Dwarves | MI | LI | 1 | +0 | 6" | 9" | -- | -- | 2 | 2.5
  224. Elves | MI | MI | 1 | +1 | 12" | -- | -- | 18" | 1,2,3 | 4.0
  225. Ghouls | LC | HC | 2 | +2 | 9" | -- | -- | -- | 2,7a,12 | 20.0
  226. Giants | MI | HI | 12 | +4 | 12" | 18" | -- | 20" | 2,10 | 50.0
  227. Goblins | MI | LI | 1 | +0 | 6" | 9" | -- | -- | 2 | 2.5
  228. Halflings | LI | LI | 1 | +0 | 12" | -- | -- | 15" | 1 | 1.0
  229. Heavy Cavalry\*\* | HC | HC | 1 | +1 | 12" | 18" | -- | -- |   | 5.0
  230. Heavy Infantry | HI | HI | 1 | +0 | 6" | -- | -- | -- |   | 2.5
  231. Heavy Crossbowmen | MI | MI | 1 | +0 | 9" | -- | -- | 24" |   | 4.0
  232. Hero | \* | \* | 4 | +4 | 12" | 15" | -- | 18" | 4 | 20.0
  233. Light Cavalry\*\* | LC | LC | 1 | +0 | 24" | 30" | -- | -- |   | 3.0
  234. Light Infantry | LI | LI | 1 | -2 | 9" | 12" | -- | -- |   | 1.0
  235. Longbowmen | LI | LI | 1 | +0 | 12" | 15" | -- | 21" |   | 5.0
  236. Medium Cavalry\*\*| MC | MC | 1 | +0 | 18" | 24" | -- | -- |   | 4.0
  237. Medium Infantry | MI | MI | 1 | -1 | 9" | 12" | -- | -- |   | 2.0
  238. Ogres | MI | MI | 6 | +1 | 9" | 12" | -- | -- | 2(9) | 15.0
  239. Ogrillons | MI | MI | 4 | +1 | 9" | 12" | -- | 15" | 2 | 10.0
  240. Orcs | MI | MI | 1 | +0 | 9" | 12" | -- | 15" | 2 | 2.0
  241. Orcs, Giant | HI | MI | 1 | +0 | 9" | 12" | -- | 15" | 2 | 2.5
  242. Orogs | HI | MI | 2 | +0 | 9" | 12" | -- | 15" | 2 | 5.0
  243. Peasants | LI | LI | 1 | -4 | 9" | 12" | -- | -- | | 0.5
  244. Ranger | \*+1| \* | 4 | +4 | 12" | 15" | -- | 18" | 4 | 20.5
  245. Skeletons | MI | MI | 1 | +4 | 6" | -- | 9" | -- | 2 | 5.0
  246. Super Hero | \* | \* | 8 | +4 | 12" | 15" | -- | 21" | 4,5,6 | 50.0
  247. Trolls | HI | HI | 3 | +4 | 9" | 12" | -- | -- | 11 | 75.0
  248. Werewolf | HI | MI | 4 | +4 | 9" | 12" | -- | -- | 2,8 | 20.0
  249. Wights | LC | HC | 1 | +1 | 9" | -- | -- | -- | 2,7b | 7.5
  250. Wizards\*\*\* | HI | HI | 2 | +4 | 12" | -- | -- | 24" | 1,2,4,5,10| 100.0
  251. Wraiths | MC | MC | 2 | +2 | 18" | 24" | 36" | -- | 2,5,6,7a | 10.0
  252. Zombies | MI | MI | 1 | +4 | 6" | -- | 9" | -- | 2,12 | 15.0
  255. \* Depends on the underlying AC and MT.
  257. \*\* Players can add projectiles to cavalry types. The missile ranges and extra point costs are listed in the Missile Fire section.
  259. \*\*\* Wizards can throw lightning bolts or fireballs up to 24". These kill any figures hit with MR $\leq$ 0. A figure with MR>0 can make a saving throw: 2d6 + MR $\geq$ 10.
  261. *Spells*: Wizards who do not move and are not under attack can cast spells--light, darkness, haste, slow--let your imagination run wild! An opponent's Wizard can cast a counterspell with 2d6 $\geq$ 7. Victims of these spells make a saving throw with 2d6 + MR $\geq$ 10. Wizards are limited to 7 spells per battle.
  264. Special Abilities (SA)
  265. ----------------------
  267. Number | Ability
  268. -------|----------------------------------------------------------------------
  269. 1 | Invisibility
  270. 2 | See in normal darkness as if it were light
  271. 3 | Split move and fire
  272. 4 | Raise morale of friendly troops
  273. 5 | Cause the enemy to check morale
  274. 6 | Detect hidden enemies
  275. 7a | Paralyze by touch until touched by Elf, Hero, Super Hero or Wizard
  276. 7b | Paralyze by touch for 1 turn
  277. 8 | Shape-shift into the likeness of animals
  278. 9 | Regenerate HT
  279. 10 | Cast fire, similar substances, or stones
  280. 11 | Can only be hurt by Giants, Heroes, Super Heroes or Wizards
  281. 12 | Figures killed by this type become this type!
  284. Acknowledgements
  285. ----------------
  287. Thanks to [derv]( for helpful feedback on [fatigue, morale](, [routing, and trolls](
  289. Thanks to [kesher]( for helpful feedback on the [melee table, ghouls, giant orcs, and HTs](
  292. References
  293. ----------
  295. Free online resources for wargames, Kriegsspielle and Medieval warfare:
  297. * Ashdown, Charles Henry. [Armour & weapons in the middle ages](
  298. * Bodenstedt, Henry. [Siege of Bodenburg](
  299. * Ffoulkes, Charles John. [Armour & weapons](
  300. * MacDonnell, J R. [The tactical war game--A translation of Beitrag zum Kriegsspiel](
  301. * Oman, Charles William Chadwick, Sir. [The art of war in the Middle Ages, A.D. 378-1515](
  302. * Swift, Eben. [A Simplified War Game--Translated from the French and arranged for American students](
  303. * UK War Office. [Rules for the conduct of the war-game](
  304. * von Verdy du Vernois, Julius Adrian Friedrich Wilhelm. [Beitrag zum Kriegsspiel](
  305. * Wells, H G. [Little Wars](
  307. \pagebreak
  309. Changes
  310. -------
  312. Version 0.6 (2016-04-14)
  314. * Added Wizards to the list of those who can hurt Trolls and undo the Paralysis caused by Ghouls
  316. Version 0.5 (2016-04-13)
  318. * Changed Giant Orcs and Ghouls
  319. * Added Orogs, Ogrillons, Skeletons, Wights, and Zombies
  320. * Differentiated SA 7 into 7a and 7b
  321. * Added SA 12
  323. Version 0.4 (2016-04-12)
  325. * Fixed Wizards MR
  326. * Fixed HC vs HC on melee table
  327. * Changed ghoul from 10 Pts to 20 Pts
  328. * Changed giant orcs from 1 Ht to 2 Hts, and from 2.5 Pts to 5 Pts
  329. * Clarified when HTs need to be scored simultaneously or cumulatively
  330. * Clarified meaning of AR+1
  332. Version 0.3 (2016-04-04)
  334. * Added: Guidelines for Heavy Losses in the Morale Check section
  335. * Added: Guidelines for Rout and Rally in the Morale Check section
  336. * Added: References section for free online resources for wargames, Kriegsspielle and Medieval warfare
  337. * Added: "lawns" to Playing Areas, since that's what HG Wells used when he wrote *Little Wars*
  338. * Added: Ogres in the Troop Types section
  339. * Changed: Trolls in the Troop Types section
  341. Version 0.2 (2016-04-03)
  343. * Added: Acknowledgements section
  344. * Added: URL of OD&D Discussion thread for Chainmail clones to YAML metadata
  345. * Fixed: Numerous spelling errors
  346. * Added: Figures require 1 turn of rest per 3 turns of melee; or 5 turns of movement; **or a combination of 4 turns of melee and movement**; otherwise AR, DR and MR are all reduced by 1.
  347. * Added: When testing morale after heavy losses, apply a -1 penalty to the roll per 25% losses taken.
  348. * Added: Peasants with MR=-4 and Pts=0.5
  349. * Changed: The Morale Check table so that surrender occurs on a result of less than 0
  350. * Changed: The following Morale Ratings changed from 0
  352. Troop Type | MR
  353. ----------------|-----
  354. Light Infantry | -2
  355. Medium Infantry | -1
  356. Heavy Cavalry | +1
  358. The MR for Heavy Infantry, Light and Medium Cavalry stay at +0.
  360. Version 0.1 (2016-03-27)
  362. * Initial release
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