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- -- Variable Setup
- -- Command Line input Table
- local argTable = {...}
- -- Flag Variables: These are conditions for different features (all flags are named foo_bar, all other variables are named fooBar)
- local cmd_line = false
- local cmd_line_resume = false
- local cmd_line_cost_only = false
- local chain_next_shape = false -- This tells goHome() where to end, if true it goes to (0, 0, positionZ) if false it goes to (-1, -1, 0)
- local special_chain = false -- For certain shapes that finish where the next chained shape should start, goHome() will only turn to face 0 if true
- local cost_only = false
- local sim_mode = false
- -- Record Keeping Variables: These are for recoding the blocks and fuel used
- local blocks = 0
- local fuel = 0
- -- Position Tracking Variables: These are for keeping track of the turtle's position
- local positionX = 0
- local positionY = 0
- local positionZ = 0
- local facing = 0
- local gpsPositionX = 0
- local gpsPositionY = 0
- local gpsPositionZ = 0
- local gpsFacing = 0
- -- General Variables: Other variables that don't fit in the other categories
- local resupply = false
- local enderchestRefilling = false
- local can_use_gps = false
- local returntohome = false -- whether the turtle shall return to start after build
- local choice = ""
- -- Progress Table: These variables are the tables that the turtle's progress is tracked in
- local tempProgTable = {}
- local progTable = {} --This is the LOCAL table! used for local stuff only, and is ONLY EVER WRITTEN when sim_mode is FALSE
- local progFileName = "ShapesProgressFile"
- -- Utility functions
- function writeOut(...) -- ... lets writeOut() pass any arguments to print(). so writeOut(1,2,3) is the same as print(1,2,3). previously writeOut(1,2,3) would have been the same as print(1)
- for i, v in ipairs(arg) do
- print(v)
- end
- end
- function getInput(inputtype, message, option1, option2)
- local input = ""
- if inputtype == "string" then
- writeOut(message.. "(" ..option1 .. " or "..option2..")" )
- while true do
- input =
- input = string.lower(input)
- if input ~= option1 and input ~= option2 then
- writeOut("You didn't enter a valid option. Please try again.")
- else
- return input
- end
- end
- end
- if inputtype == "int" then
- writeOut(message)
- while true do
- input =
- if tonumber(input) ~= nil then
- return tonumber(input)
- else
- writeOut("Need a number. Please try again")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function wrapmodules() -- checks for and wraps turtle modules
- local test = 0
- if peripheral.getType("left" )== "resupply" then
- resupplymodule=peripheral.wrap("left")
- resupply = true
- elseif peripheral.getType("right") == "resupply" then
- resupplymodule=peripheral.wrap("right")
- resupply = true
- end
- if peripheral.getType("left") == "modem" then
- modem=peripheral.wrap("left")
- test, _, _ = gps.locate(1)
- if test ~= nil then
- can_use_gps = true
- end
- elseif peripheral.getType("right") == "modem" then
- modem=peripheral.wrap("right")
- test, _, _ = gps.locate(1)
- if test ~= nil then
- can_use_gps = true
- end
- end
- if resupply then
- return "resupply"
- end
- end
- function linkToRSStation() -- Links to resupply station
- if then
- return true
- else
- writeOut("Please put Resupply Station to the left of the turtle and press Enter to continue")
- linkToRSStation()
- end
- end
- function compareResources()
- if (turtle.compareTo(1) == false) then
- turtle.drop()
- end
- end
- function checkResources()
- if resupply then
- if turtle.getItemCount(activeslot) <= 1 then
- while not(resupplymodule.resupply(1)) do
- os.sleep(0.5)
- end
- end
- elseif enderchestRefilling then
- compareResources()
- while (turtle.getItemCount(activeslot) <= 1) do
- if (activeslot == 15) and (turtle.getItemCount(activeslot)<=1) then
- turtle.digUp()
- for i = 1, 15 do
- turtle.drop()
- end
- turtle.placeUp()
- for i = 1, 15 do
- turtle.suckUp()
- end
- turtle.digUp()
- activeslot = 1
- else
- activeslot = activeslot+1
- -- writeOut("Turtle slot empty, trying slot "..activeslot)
- end
- compareResources()
- os.sleep(0.2)
- end
- else
- compareResources()
- while (turtle.getItemCount(activeslot) <= 1) do
- if (activeslot == 16) and (turtle.getItemCount(activeslot)<=1) then
- writeOut("Turtle is empty, please put building block in slots and press enter to continue")
- activeslot = 1
- else
- activeslot = activeslot+1
- -- writeOut("Turtle slot almost empty, trying slot "..activeslot)
- end
- compareResources()
- os.sleep(0.2)
- end
- end
- end
- function checkFuel()
- if (not(tonumber(turtle.getFuelLevel()) == nil)) then
- while turtle.getFuelLevel() < 50 do
- writeOut("Turtle almost out of fuel, pausing. Please drop fuel in inventory. And press enter.")
- turtle.refuel()
- end
- end
- end
- function placeBlock()
- blocks = blocks + 1
- simulationCheck()
- if cost_only then
- return
- end
- if turtle.detectDown() and not turtle.compareDown() then
- turtle.digDown()
- end
- checkResources()
- turtle.placeDown()
- progressUpdate()
- end
- function round(toBeRounded, decimalPlace) -- Needed for hexagon and octagon
- local multiplier = 10^(decimalPlace or 0)
- return math.floor(toBeRounded * multiplier + 0.5) / multiplier
- end
- -- Navigation functions
- -- Allow the turtle to move while tracking its position
- -- This allows us to just give a destination point and have it go there
- function turnRightTrack()
- simulationCheck()
- facing = facing + 1
- if facing >= 4 then
- facing = 0
- end
- progressUpdate()
- if cost_only then
- return
- end
- turtle.turnRight()
- end
- function turnLeftTrack()
- simulationCheck()
- facing = facing - 1
- if facing < 0 then
- facing = 3
- end
- progressUpdate()
- if cost_only then
- return
- end
- turtle.turnLeft()
- end
- function turnAroundTrack()
- turnLeftTrack()
- turnLeftTrack()
- end
- function turnToFace(direction)
- if direction >= 4 or direction < 0 then
- return false
- end
- while facing ~= direction do
- turnLeftTrack()
- end
- return true
- end
- function safeForward()
- simulationCheck()
- if facing == 0 then
- positionY = positionY + 1
- elseif facing == 1 then
- positionX = positionX + 1
- elseif facing == 2 then
- positionY = positionY - 1
- elseif facing == 3 then
- positionX = positionX - 1
- end
- fuel = fuel + 1
- progressUpdate()
- if cost_only then
- return
- end
- checkFuel()
- local success = false
- local tries = 0
- while not success do
- success = turtle.forward()
- if not success then
- while (not success) and tries < 3 do
- tries = tries + 1
- turtle.dig()
- success = turtle.forward()
- sleep(0.3)
- end
- if not success then
- writeOut("Blocked attempting to move forward.")
- writeOut("Please clear and press enter to continue.")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function safeBack()
- simulationCheck()
- if facing == 0 then
- positionY = positionY - 1
- elseif facing == 1 then
- positionX = positionX - 1
- elseif facing == 2 then
- positionY = positionY + 1
- elseif facing == 3 then
- positionX = positionX + 1
- end
- fuel = fuel + 1
- progressUpdate()
- if cost_only then
- return
- end
- checkFuel()
- local success = false
- local tries = 0
- while not success do
- success = turtle.back()
- if not success then
- turnAroundTrack()
- while turtle.detect() and tries < 3 do
- tries = tries + 1
- if turtle.dig() then
- break
- end
- sleep(0.3)
- end
- turnAroundTrack()
- success = turtle.back()
- if not success then
- writeOut("Blocked attempting to move back.")
- writeOut("Please clear and press enter to continue.")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function safeUp()
- simulationCheck()
- positionZ = positionZ + 1
- fuel = fuel + 1
- progressUpdate()
- if cost_only then
- return
- end
- checkFuel()
- local success = false
- while not success do
- success = turtle.up()
- if not success then
- while turtle.detectUp() do
- if not turtle.digUp() then
- writeOut("Blocked attempting to move up.")
- writeOut("Please clear and press enter to continue.")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function safeDown()
- simulationCheck()
- positionZ = positionZ - 1
- fuel = fuel + 1
- progressUpdate()
- if cost_only then
- return
- end
- checkFuel()
- local success = false
- while not success do
- success = turtle.down()
- if not success then
- while turtle.detectDown() do
- if not turtle.digDown() then
- writeOut("Blocked attempting to move down.")
- writeOut("Please clear and press enter to continue.")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function moveY(targetY)
- if targetY == positionY then
- return
- end
- if (facing ~= 0 and facing ~= 2) then -- Check axis
- turnRightTrack()
- end
- while targetY > positionY do
- if facing == 0 then
- safeForward()
- else
- safeBack()
- end
- end
- while targetY < positionY do
- if facing == 2 then
- safeForward()
- else
- safeBack()
- end
- end
- end
- function moveX(targetX)
- if targetX == positionX then
- return
- end
- if (facing ~= 1 and facing ~= 3) then -- Check axis
- turnRightTrack()
- end
- while targetX > positionX do
- if facing == 1 then
- safeForward()
- else
- safeBack()
- end
- end
- while targetX < positionX do
- if facing == 3 then
- safeForward()
- else
- safeBack()
- end
- end
- end
- function moveZ(targetZ)
- if targetZ == positionZ then
- return
- end
- while targetZ < positionZ do
- safeDown()
- end
- while targetZ > positionZ do
- safeUp()
- end
- end
- -- I *HIGHLY* suggest formatting all shape subroutines to use the format that dome() uses; specifically, navigateTo(x,y,[z]) then placeBlock(). This should ensure proper "data recording" and also makes readability better
- function navigateTo(targetX, targetY, targetZ, move_z_first)
- targetZ = targetZ or positionZ -- If targetZ isn't used in the function call, it defaults to its current z position, this should make it compatible with all previous implementations of navigateTo()
- move_z_first = move_z_first or false -- Defaults to moving z last, if true is passed as 4th argument, it moves vertically first
- if move_z_first then
- moveZ(targetZ)
- end
- if facing == 0 or facing == 2 then -- Y axis
- moveY(targetY)
- moveX(targetX)
- else
- moveX(targetX)
- moveY(targetY)
- end
- if not move_z_first then
- moveZ(targetZ)
- end
- end
- function goHome()
- if chain_next_shape then
- if not special_chain then
- navigateTo(0, 0) -- So another program can chain multiple shapes together to create bigger structures
- end
- else
- navigateTo(-1, -1, 0) -- So the user can collect the turtle when it is done -- also not 0,0,0 because some shapes use the 0,0 column
- end
- turnToFace(0)
- end
- -- Shape Building functions
- function line(length)
- if length <= 0 then
- error("Error, length can not be 0")
- end
- local i
- for i = 1, length do
- placeBlock()
- if i ~= length then
- safeForward()
- end
- end
- end
- function rectangle(depth, width)
- if depth <= 0 then
- error("Error, depth can not be 0")
- end
- if width <= 0 then
- error("Error, width can not be 0")
- end
- local lengths = {depth, width, depth, width }
- local j
- for j=1,4 do
- line(lengths[j])
- turnRightTrack()
- end
- end
- function square(width)
- rectangle(width, width)
- end
- function wall(length, height)
- local i
- local j
- for i = 1, length do
- for j = 1, height do
- placeBlock()
- if j < height then
- safeUp()
- end
- end
- safeForward()
- for j = 1, height - 1 do
- safeDown()
- end
- end
- turnLeftTrack()
- end
- function platform(x, y)
- local forward = true
- for counterY = 0, y - 1 do
- for counterX = 0, x - 1 do
- if forward then
- navigateTo(counterX, counterY)
- else
- navigateTo(x - counterX - 1, counterY)
- end
- placeBlock()
- end
- if forward then
- forward = false
- else
- forward = true
- end
- end
- end
- function cuboid(depth, width, height, hollow)
- platform(depth, width)
- while (facing > 0) do
- turnLeftTrack()
- end
- turnAroundTrack()
- if ((width % 2) == 0) then -- This is for reorienting the turtle to build the walls correct in relation to the floor and ceiling
- turnLeftTrack()
- end
- if not(hollow == "n") then
- for i = 1, height - 2 do
- safeUp()
- if ((width % 2) == 0) then -- This as well
- rectangle(depth, width)
- else
- rectangle(width, depth)
- end
- end
- else
- for i = 1, height - 2 do
- safeUp()
- platform(depth,width)
- end
- end
- safeUp()
- platform(depth, width)
- end
- function pyramid(length, hollow)
- height = math.ceil(length / 2)
- for i = 1, height do
- if hollow=="y" then
- rectangle(length, length)
- else
- platform(length, length)
- navigateTo(0,0)
- while facing ~= 0 do
- turnRightTrack()
- end
- end
- if i ~= height then
- safeUp()
- safeForward()
- turnRightTrack()
- safeForward()
- turnLeftTrack()
- length = length - 2
- end
- end
- end
- function stair(width, height)
- turnRightTrack()
- local counterX = 1
- local counterY = 0
- local goForward = 0
- while counterY < height do
- while counterX < width do
- placeBlock()
- safeForward()
- counterX = counterX + 1
- end
- placeBlock()
- counterX = 1
- counterY = counterY + 1
- if counterY < height then
- if goForward == 1 then
- turnRightTrack()
- safeUp()
- safeForward()
- turnRightTrack()
- goForward = 0
- else
- turnLeftTrack()
- safeUp()
- safeForward()
- turnLeftTrack()
- goForward = 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function circle(radius)
- width = radius * 2 + 1
- sqrt3 = 3 ^ 0.5
- boundaryRadius = radius + 1.0
- boundary2 = boundaryRadius ^ 2
- z = radius
- cz2 = (radius - z) ^ 2
- limitOffsetY = (boundary2 - cz2) ^ 0.5
- maxOffestY = math.ceil(limitOffsetY)
- -- We do first the +x side, then the -x side to make movement efficient
- for side = 0, 1 do
- -- On the right we go from small y to large y, on the left reversed
- -- This makes us travel clockwise (from below) around each layer
- if (side == 0) then
- yStart = radius - maxOffestY
- yEnd = radius + maxOffestY
- yStep = 1
- else
- yStart = radius + maxOffestY
- yEnd = radius - maxOffestY
- yStep = -1
- end
- for y = yStart, yEnd, yStep do
- cy2 = (radius - y) ^ 2
- remainder2 = (boundary2 - cz2 - cy2)
- if remainder2 >= 0 then
- -- This is the maximum difference in x from the centre we can be without definitely being outside the radius
- maxOffsetX = math.ceil((boundary2 - cz2 - cy2) ^ 0.5)
- -- Only do either the +x or -x side
- if (side == 0) then
- -- +x side
- xStart = radius
- xEnd = radius + maxOffsetX
- else
- -- -x side
- xStart = radius - maxOffsetX
- xEnd = radius - 1
- end
- -- Reverse direction we traverse xs when in -y side
- if y > radius then
- temp = xStart
- xStart = xEnd
- xEnd = temp
- xStep = -1
- else
- xStep = 1
- end
- for x = xStart, xEnd, xStep do
- cx2 = (radius - x) ^ 2
- distanceToCentre = (cx2 + cy2 + cz2) ^ 0.5
- -- Only blocks within the radius but still within 1 3d-diagonal block of the edge are eligible
- if distanceToCentre < boundaryRadius and distanceToCentre + sqrt3 >= boundaryRadius then
- offsets = {{0, 1, 0}, {0, -1, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {-1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, -1}}
- for i=1,6 do
- offset = offsets[i]
- dx = offset[1]
- dy = offset[2]
- dz = offset[3]
- if ((radius - (x + dx)) ^ 2 + (radius - (y + dy)) ^ 2 + (radius - (z + dz)) ^ 2) ^ 0.5 >= boundaryRadius then
- -- This is a point to use
- navigateTo(x, y)
- placeBlock()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function dome(typus, radius)
- -- Main dome and sphere building routine
- width = radius * 2 + 1
- sqrt3 = 3 ^ 0.5
- boundaryRadius = radius + 1.0
- boundary2 = boundaryRadius ^ 2
- if typus == "dome" then
- zstart = radius
- elseif typus == "sphere" then
- zstart = 0
- elseif typus == "bowl" then
- zstart = 0
- end
- if typus == "bowl" then
- zend = radius
- else
- zend = width - 1
- end
- -- This loop is for each vertical layer through the sphere or dome.
- for z = zstart,zend do
- if not cost_only and z ~= zstart then
- safeUp()
- end
- --writeOut("Layer " .. z)
- cz2 = (radius - z) ^ 2
- limitOffsetY = (boundary2 - cz2) ^ 0.5
- maxOffestY = math.ceil(limitOffsetY)
- -- We do first the +x side, then the -x side to make movement efficient
- for side = 0,1 do
- -- On the right we go from small y to large y, on the left reversed
- -- This makes us travel clockwise (from below) around each layer
- if (side == 0) then
- yStart = radius - maxOffestY
- yEnd = radius + maxOffestY
- yStep = 1
- else
- yStart = radius + maxOffestY
- yEnd = radius - maxOffestY
- yStep = -1
- end
- for y = yStart,yEnd,yStep do
- cy2 = (radius - y) ^ 2
- remainder2 = (boundary2 - cz2 - cy2)
- if remainder2 >= 0 then
- -- This is the maximum difference in x from the centre we can be without definitely being outside the radius
- maxOffsetX = math.ceil((boundary2 - cz2 - cy2) ^ 0.5)
- -- Only do either the +x or -x side
- if (side == 0) then
- -- +x side
- xStart = radius
- xEnd = radius + maxOffsetX
- else
- -- -x side
- xStart = radius - maxOffsetX
- xEnd = radius - 1
- end
- -- Reverse direction we traverse xs when in -y side
- if y > radius then
- temp = xStart
- xStart = xEnd
- xEnd = temp
- xStep = -1
- else
- xStep = 1
- end
- for x = xStart,xEnd,xStep do
- cx2 = (radius - x) ^ 2
- distanceToCentre = (cx2 + cy2 + cz2) ^ 0.5
- -- Only blocks within the radius but still within 1 3d-diagonal block of the edge are eligible
- if distanceToCentre < boundaryRadius and distanceToCentre + sqrt3 >= boundaryRadius then
- offsets = {{0, 1, 0}, {0, -1, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {-1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, -1}}
- for i=1,6 do
- offset = offsets[i]
- dx = offset[1]
- dy = offset[2]
- dz = offset[3]
- if ((radius - (x + dx)) ^ 2 + (radius - (y + dy)) ^ 2 + (radius - (z + dz)) ^ 2) ^ 0.5 >= boundaryRadius then
- -- This is a point to use
- navigateTo(x, y)
- placeBlock()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function cylinder(radius, height)
- for i = 1, height do
- circle(radius)
- safeUp()
- end
- end
- function hexagon(sideLength)
- local changeX = sideLength / 2
- local changeY = round(math.sqrt(3) * changeX, 0)
- changeX = round(changeX, 0)
- local counter = 0
- navigateTo(changeX, 0)
- for currentSide = 1, 6 do
- counter = 0
- if currentSide == 1 then
- for placed = 1, sideLength do
- navigateTo(positionX + 1, positionY)
- placeBlock()
- end
- elseif currentSide == 2 then
- navigateTo(positionX, positionY + 1)
- while positionY <= changeY do
- if counter == 0 or counter == 2 or counter == 4 then
- navigateTo(positionX + 1, positionY)
- end
- placeBlock()
- navigateTo(positionX, positionY + 1)
- counter = counter + 1
- if counter == 5 then
- counter = 0
- end
- end
- elseif currentSide == 3 then
- while positionY <= (2 * changeY) do
- if counter == 0 or counter == 2 or counter == 4 then
- navigateTo(positionX - 1, positionY)
- end
- placeBlock()
- navigateTo(positionX, positionY + 1)
- counter = counter + 1
- if counter == 5 then
- counter = 0
- end
- end
- elseif currentSide == 4 then
- for placed = 1, sideLength do
- navigateTo(positionX - 1, positionY)
- placeBlock()
- end
- elseif currentSide == 5 then
- navigateTo(positionX, positionY - 1)
- while positionY >= changeY do
- if counter == 0 or counter == 2 or counter == 4 then
- navigateTo(positionX - 1, positionY)
- end
- placeBlock()
- navigateTo(positionX, positionY - 1)
- counter = counter + 1
- if counter == 5 then
- counter = 0
- end
- end
- elseif currentSide == 6 then
- while positionY >= 0 do
- if counter == 0 or counter == 2 or counter == 4 then
- navigateTo(positionX + 1, positionY)
- end
- placeBlock()
- navigateTo(positionX, positionY - 1)
- counter = counter + 1
- if counter == 5 then
- counter = 0
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function octagon(sideLength)
- local sideLength2 = sideLength - 1
- local change = round(sideLength2 / math.sqrt(2), 0)
- navigateTo(change, 0)
- for currentSide = 1, 8 do
- if currentSide == 1 then
- for placed = 1, sideLength2 do
- navigateTo(positionX + 1, positionY)
- placeBlock()
- end
- elseif currentSide == 2 then
- for placed = 1, change do
- navigateTo(positionX + 1, positionY + 1)
- placeBlock()
- end
- elseif currentSide == 3 then
- for placed = 1, sideLength2 do
- navigateTo(positionX, positionY + 1)
- placeBlock()
- end
- elseif currentSide == 4 then
- for placed = 1, change do
- navigateTo(positionX - 1, positionY + 1)
- placeBlock()
- end
- elseif currentSide == 5 then
- for placed = 1, sideLength2 do
- navigateTo(positionX - 1, positionY)
- placeBlock()
- end
- elseif currentSide == 6 then
- for placed = 1, change do
- navigateTo(positionX - 1, positionY - 1)
- placeBlock()
- end
- elseif currentSide == 7 then
- for placed = 1, sideLength2 do
- navigateTo(positionX, positionY - 1)
- placeBlock()
- end
- elseif currentSide == 8 then
- for placed = 1, change do
- navigateTo(positionX + 1, positionY - 1)
- placeBlock()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function sixprism(length, height)
- for i = 1, height do
- hexagon(length)
- safeUp()
- end
- end
- function eigthprism(length, height)
- for i = 1, height do
- octagon(length)
- safeUp()
- end
- end
- -- Previous Progress Resuming, Simulation functions, Command Line, and File Backend
- -- Will check for a "progress" file.
- function CheckForPrevious()
- if fs.exists(progFileName) then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- -- Creates a progress file, containing a serialized table consisting of the shape type, shape input params, and the last known x, y, and z coords of the turtle (beginning of build project)
- function ProgressFileCreate()
- if not CheckForPrevious() then
- fs.makeDir(progFileName)
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- -- Deletes the progress file (at the end of the project, also at beginning if user chooses to delete old progress)
- function ProgressFileDelete()
- if fs.exists(progFileName) then
- fs.delete(progFileName)
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- -- To read the shape params from the file. Shape type, and input params (e.g. "dome" and radius)
- function ReadShapeParams()
- -- TODO. Unneeded for now, can just use the table elements directly
- end
- function WriteShapeParams(...) -- The ... lets it take any number of arguments and stores it to the table arg{} | This is still unused anywhere
- local paramTable = arg
- local paramName = "param"
- local paramName2 = paramName
- for i, v in ipairs(paramTable) do -- Iterates through the args passed to the function, ex. paramTable[1] i = 1 so paramName2 should be "param1", tested and works!
- paramName2 = paramName .. i
- tempProgTable[paramName2] = v
- progTable[paramName2] = v
- end
- end
- -- function to write the progress to the file (x, y, z)
- function writeProgress()
- local progFile
- local progString = ""
- if not (sim_mode or cost_only) then
- progString = textutils.serialize(progTable) -- Put in here to save processing time when in cost_only
- progFile =, "w")
- progFile.write(progString)
- progFile.close()
- end
- end
- -- Reads progress from file (shape, x, y, z, facing, blocks, param1, param2, param3)
- function readProgress()
- local progFile =, "r")
- local readProgTable = textutils.unserialize(progFile.readAll())
- progFile.close()
- return readProgTable
- end
- -- compares the progress read from the file to the current sim progress. needs all four params
- function compareProgress()
- local progTableIn = progTable
- local readProgTable = readProgress()
- if (progTableIn.shape == readProgTable.shape and progTableIn.x == readProgTable.x and progTableIn.y == readProgTable.y and progTableIn.blocks == readProgTable.blocks and progTableIn.facing == readProgTable.facing) then
- writeOut("All caught up!")
- return true -- We're caught up!
- else
- return false -- Not there yet...
- end
- end
- function getGPSInfo() -- TODO: finish this
- position = gps.locate()
- gpsPositionX = position.x
- gpsPositionZ = position.y
- gpsPositionY = position.z
- end
- function setSimFlags(b)
- sim_mode = b
- cost_only = b
- if cmd_line_cost_only then
- cost_only = true
- end
- end
- function simulationCheck() -- checks state of the simulation
- if sim_mode then
- if compareProgress() then
- setSimFlags(false) -- If we're caught up, un-set flags
- else
- setSimFlags(true) -- If not caught up, just re-affirm that the flags are set
- end
- end
- end
- function continueQuery()
- if cmd_line_resume then
- return true
- else
- if not cmd_line then
- writeOut("Do you want to continue the last job?")
- local yes =
- if yes == "y" then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function progressUpdate() -- This ONLY updates the local table variable. Writing is handled above. -- I want to change this to allow for any number of params
- progTable = {shape = choice, enderchestRefilling = tempProgTable.enderchestRefilling, param1 = tempProgTable.param1, param2 = tempProgTable.param2, param3 = tempProgTable.param3, param4 = tempProgTable.param4, x = positionX, y = positionY, z = positionZ, facing = facing, blocks = blocks}
- if not sim_mode then
- writeProgress()
- end
- end
- -- Command Line
- function checkCommandLine() --True if arguments were passed
- if #argTable > 0 then
- cmd_line = true
- return true
- else
- cmd_line = false
- return false
- end
- end
- function needsHelp() -- True if -h is passed
- for i, v in pairs(argTable) do
- if v == "-h" or v == "-help" or v == "--help" then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- function setFlagsFromCommandLine() -- Sets count_only, chain_next_shape, and sim_mode
- for i, v in pairs(argTable) do
- if v == "-c" or v == "-cost" or v == "--cost" then
- cost_only = true
- cmd_line_cost_only = true
- writeOut("Cost only mode")
- end
- if v == "-z" or v == "-chain" or v == "--chain" then
- chain_next_shape = true
- writeOut("Chained shape mode")
- end
- if v == "-r" or v == "-resume" or v == "--resume" then
- cmd_line_resume = true
- writeOut("Resuming")
- end
- end
- end
- function setTableFromCommandLine() -- Sets progTable and tempProgTable from command line arguments
- progTable.shape = argTable[1]
- tempProgTable.shape = argTable[1]
- local paramName = "param"
- local paramName2 = paramName
- for i = 2, #argTable do
- local addOn = tostring(i - 1)
- paramName2 = paramName .. addOn
- progTable[paramName2] = argTable[i]
- tempProgTable[paramName2] = argTable[i]
- end
- end
- -- Menu, Drawing and Main functions
- function choiceFunction()
- if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then -- If we are NOT resuming progress
- choice =
- choice = string.lower(choice) -- All checks are aginst lower case words so this is to ensure that
- tempProgTable = {shape = choice}
- progTable = {shape = choice}
- if choice == "next" then
- WriteMenu2()
- choice =
- choice = string.lower(choice) -- All checks are aginst lower case words so this is to ensure that
- end
- if choice == "end" or choice == "exit" then
- writeOut("Goodbye.")
- return
- end
- if choice == "help" then
- showHelp()
- return
- end
- if choice == "credits" then
- showCredits()
- return
- end
- writeOut("Building a "..choice)
- local yes = getInput("string","Want to just calculate the cost?","y","n")
- if yes == 'y' then
- cost_only = true
- end
- local yes = getInput("string","Want turtle to return to start after build?","y","n")
- if yes == 'y' then
- returntohome = true
- end
- local yes = getInput("string","Want the turtle to refill from enderchest (slot 16)?","y","n")
- if yes == 'y' then
- enderchestRefilling = true
- tempProgTable.enderchestRefilling = true;
- end
- elseif sim_mode == true then -- If we ARE resuming progress
- tempProgTable = readProgress()
- choice = tempProgTable.shape
- choice = string.lower(choice) -- All checks are aginst lower case words so this is to ensure that
- enderchestRefilling = tempProgTable.enderchestRefilling
- elseif cmd_line == true then -- If running from command line
- choice = tempProgTable.shape
- choice = string.lower(choice) -- All checks are aginst lower case words so this is to ensure that
- enderchestRefilling = tempProgTable.enderchestRefilling
- writeOut("Building a "..choice)
- end
- if not cost_only then
- activeslot = 1
- if turtle.getItemCount(activeslot) == 0 then
- if resupply then
- writeOut("Please put building blocks in the first slot.")
- else
- writeOut("Please put building blocks in the first slot (and more if you need them)")
- end
- while turtle.getItemCount(activeslot) == 0 do
- os.sleep(2)
- end
- end
- else
- activeslot = 1
- end
- -- shape selection if cascade
- if choice == "rectangle" then
- local depth = 0
- local width = 0
- if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then
- depth = getInput("int","How deep does it need to be?")
- width = getInput("int","How wide does it need to be?")
- elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then
- depth = tempProgTable.param1
- width = tempProgTable.param2
- end
- tempProgTable.param1 = depth
- tempProgTable.param2 = width
- progTable = {param1 = depth, param2 = width} -- THIS is here because we NEED to update the local table!
- rectangle(depth, width)
- end
- if choice == "square" then
- local sideLength
- if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then
- writeOut("What depth/width does it need to be?")
- sideLength =
- elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then
- sideLength = tempProgTable.param1
- end
- tempProgTable.param1 = sideLength
- progTable = {param1 = sideLength}
- square(sideLength)
- end
- if choice == "line" then
- local lineLength = 0
- if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then
- lineLength = getInput("int","How long does it need to be?")
- elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then
- lineLength = tempProgTable.param1
- end
- tempProgTable.param1 = lineLength
- progTable = {param1 = lineLength}
- line(lineLength)
- end
- if choice == "wall" then
- local depth = 0
- local height = 0
- if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then
- depth = getInput("int","How deep does it need to be?")
- height = getInput("int","How high does it need to be?")
- elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then
- depth = tempProgTable.param1
- height = tempProgTable.param2
- end
- tempProgTable.param1 = depth
- tempProgTable.param2 = height
- progTable = {param1 = depth, param2 = height}
- wall(depth, height)
- end
- if choice == "platform" then
- local depth = 0
- local width = 0
- if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then
- depth = getInput("int","How deep does it need to be?")
- width = getInput("int","How wide does it need to be?")
- elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then
- depth = tempProgTable.param1
- width = tempProgTable.param2
- end
- tempProgTable.param1 = depth
- tempProgTable.param2 = width
- progTable = {param1 = depth, param2 = width}
- platform(width, depth)
- end
- if choice == "stair" then
- local width = 0
- local height = 0
- if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then
- width = getInput("int","How wide does it need to be?")
- height = getInput("int","How high does it need to be?")
- elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then
- width = tempProgTable.param1
- height = tempProgTable.param2
- end
- tempProgTable.param1 = width
- tempProgTable.param2 = height
- progTable = {param1 = width, param2 = height}
- stair(width, height)
- special_chain = true
- end
- if choice == "cuboid" then
- local depth = 0
- local width = 0
- local height = 0
- local hollow = ""
- if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then
- depth = getInput("int","How deep does it need to be?")
- width = getInput("int","How wide does it need to be?")
- height = getInput("int","How high does it need to be?")
- hollow = getInput("string","Does it need to be hollow?","y","n")
- elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then
- depth = tempProgTable.param1
- width = tempProgTable.param2
- height = tempProgTable.param3
- hollow = tempProgTable.param4
- end
- tempProgTable.param1 = depth
- tempProgTable.param2 = width
- tempProgTable.param3 = height
- tempProgTable.param4 = hollow
- if height < 3 then
- height = 3
- end
- if depth < 3 then
- depth = 3
- end
- if width < 3 then
- width = 3
- end
- progTable = {param1 = depth, param2 = width, param3 = height}
- cuboid(depth, width, height, hollow)
- end
- if choice == "1/2-sphere" or choice == "1/2 sphere" then
- local radius = 0
- local half = ""
- if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then
- radius = getInput("int","What radius does it need to be?")
- half = getInput("string","What half of the sphere does it need to be?","bottom","top")
- elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then
- radius = tempProgTable.param1
- half = tempProgTable.param2
- end
- tempProgTable.param1 = radius
- tempProgTable.param2 = half
- progTable = {param1 = radius, param2 = half}
- if half == "bottom" then
- dome("bowl", radius)
- else
- dome("dome", radius)
- end
- end
- if choice == "dome" then
- local radius = 0
- if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then
- radius = getInput("int","What radius does it need to be?")
- elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then
- radius = tempProgTable.param1
- end
- tempProgTable.param1 = radius
- progTable = {param1 = radius}
- dome("dome", radius)
- end
- if choice == "bowl" then
- local radius = 0
- if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then
- radius = getInput("int","What radius does it need to be?")
- elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then
- radius = tempProgTable.param1
- end
- tempProgTable.param1 = radius
- progTable = {param1 = radius}
- dome("bowl", radius)
- end
- if choice == "circle" then
- local radius = 0
- if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then
- radius = getInput("int","What radius does it need to be?")
- elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then
- radius = tempProgTable.param1
- end
- tempProgTable.param1 = radius
- progTable = {param1 = radius}
- circle(radius)
- end
- if choice == "cylinder" then
- local radius = 0
- local height = 0
- if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then
- radius = getInput("int","What radius does it need to be?")
- height = getInput("int","How high does it need to be?")
- elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then
- radius = tempProgTable.param1
- height = tempProgTable.param2
- end
- tempProgTable.param1 = radius
- tempProgTable.param2 = height
- progTable = {param1 = radius, param2 = height}
- cylinder(radius, height)
- end
- if choice == "pyramid" then
- local length = 0
- local hollow = ""
- if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then
- length = getInput("int","What depth/width does it need to be?")
- hollow = getInput("string","Does it need to be hollow?","y","n")
- elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then
- length = tempProgTable.param1
- hollow = tempProgTable.param2
- end
- tempProgTable.param1 = length
- tempProgTable.param2 = hollow
- progTable = {param1 = length, param2 = hollow}
- pyramid(length, hollow)
- end
- if choice == "sphere" then
- local radius = 0
- if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then
- radius = getInput("int","What radius does it need to be?")
- elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then
- radius = tempProgTable.param1
- end
- tempProgTable.param1 = radius
- progTable = {param1 = radius}
- dome("sphere", radius)
- end
- if choice == "hexagon" then
- local length = 0
- if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then
- length = getInput("int","How long does each side need to be?")
- elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then
- length = tempProgTable.param1
- end
- tempProgTable.param1 = length
- progTable = {param1 = length}
- hexagon(length)
- end
- if choice == "octagon" then
- local length = 0
- if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then
- length = getInput("int","How long does each side need to be?")
- elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then
- length = tempProgTable.param1
- end
- tempProgTable.param1 = length
- progTable = {param1 = length}
- octagon(length)
- end
- if choice == "6-prism" or choice == "6 prism" then
- local length = 0
- local height = 0
- if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then
- length = getInput("int","How long does each side need to be?")
- height = getInput("int","What height does it need to be?")
- elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then
- length = tempProgTable.param1
- height = tempProgTable.param2
- end
- tempProgTable.param1 = length
- tempProgTable.param2 = height
- progTable = {param1 = length, param2 = height}
- sixprism(length, height)
- end
- if choice == "8-prism" or choice == "8 prism" then
- local length = 0
- local height = 0
- if sim_mode == false and cmd_line == false then
- length = getInput("int","How long does each side need to be?")
- height = getInput("int","What height does it need to be?")
- elseif sim_mode == true or cmd_line == true then
- length = tempProgTable.param1
- height = tempProgTable.param2
- end
- tempProgTable.param1 = length
- tempProgTable.param2 = height
- progTable = {param1 = length, param2 = height}
- eightprism(length, height)
- end
- if returntohome then
- goHome() -- After all shape building has finished
- end
- writeOut("Done") -- Saves a few lines when put here rather than in each if statement
- end
- function WriteMenu()
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- writeOut("Shape Maker 1.5 by Keridos/Happydude/pokemane")
- if resupply then -- Any ideas to make this more compact/betterlooking (in terms of code)?
- writeOut("Resupply Mode Active")
- elseif (resupply and can_use_gps) then
- writeOut("Resupply and GPS Mode Active")
- elseif can_use_gps then
- writeOut("GPS Mode Active")
- else
- writeOut("")
- end
- if not cmd_line then
- writeOut("What should be built? [page 1/2]");
- writeOut("next for page 2")
- writeOut("+---------+-----------+-------+-------+")
- writeOut("| square | rectangle | wall | line |")
- writeOut("| cylinder| platform | stair | cuboid|")
- writeOut("| pyramid | 1/2-sphere| circle| next |")
- writeOut("+---------+-----------+-------+-------+")
- writeOut("")
- end
- end
- function WriteMenu2()
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- writeOut("Shape Maker 1.5 by Keridos/Happydude/pokemane")
- if resupply then -- Any ideas to make this more compact/betterlooking (in terms of code)?
- writeOut("Resupply Mode Active")
- elseif (resupply and can_use_gps) then
- writeOut("Resupply and GPS Mode Active")
- elseif can_use_gps then
- writeOut("GPS Mode Active")
- else
- writeOut("")
- end
- writeOut("What should be built [page 2/2]?");
- writeOut("")
- writeOut("+---------+-----------+-------+-------+")
- writeOut("| hexagon | octagon | help | |")
- writeOut("| 6-prism | 8-prism | end | |")
- writeOut("| sphere | credits | | |")
- writeOut("+---------+-----------+-------+-------+")
- writeOut("")
- end
- function showHelp()
- writeOut("Usage: shape [shape-type [param1 param2 param3 ...]] [-c] [-h] [-z] [-r]")
- writeOut("-c: Activate cost only mode")
- writeOut("-h: Show this page")
- writeOut("-z: Set chain_next_shape to true, lets you chain together multiple shapes")
- -- Pause here
- writeOut("-r: Resume the last shape if there is a resume file")
- writeOut("shape-type can be any of the shapes in the menu")
- writeOut("After shape-type input all of the paramaters for the shape")
- -- Pause here, too
- end
- function showCredits()
- writeOut("Credits for the shape builder:")
- writeOut("Based on work by Michiel,Vliekkie, and Aeolun")
- writeOut("Sphere/dome code by pruby")
- writeOut("Additional improvements by Keridos,Happydude and pokemane")
- -- Pause here, too
- end
- function main()
- if wrapmodules()=="resupply" then
- linkToRSStation()
- end
- if checkCommandLine() then
- if needsHelp() then
- showHelp()
- return -- Close the program after help info is shown
- end
- setFlagsFromCommandLine()
- setTableFromCommandLine()
- end
- if (CheckForPrevious()) then -- Will check to see if there was a previous job and gps is enabled, and if so, ask if the user would like to re-initialize to current progress status
- if not continueQuery() then -- If the user doesn't want to continue
- ProgressFileDelete()
- setSimFlags(false) -- Just to be safe
- WriteMenu()
- choiceFunction()
- else -- If the user wants to continue
- setSimFlags(true)
- choiceFunction()
- end
- else
- setSimFlags(false)
- WriteMenu()
- choiceFunction()
- end
- if (blocks ~= 0) and (fuel ~= 0) then -- Do not show on help or credits page or when selecting end
- writeOut("Blocks used: " .. blocks)
- writeOut("Fuel used: " .. fuel)
- end
- ProgressFileDelete() -- Removes file upon successful completion of a job, or completion of a previous job.
- progTable = {}
- tempProgTable = {}
- end
- main()
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