

Nov 12th, 2017
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  1. command /rank [<player>] [<text>]:
  2. permission: *
  3. trigger:
  4. if arg-1 is set:
  5. if arg-player is not set:
  6. if arg-2 is set:
  7. message "&cInvalid Player ( Offline / Spelling Error / Non Existing )"
  8. if arg-player is set:
  9. if arg-2 is "admin":
  10. message "&c%arg-player%&7 is now an &cAdministrator"
  11. send "&7You're now an &cAdminstrator" to arg-player
  12. execute console command "pex user %arg-player% group set admin"
  13. if arg-player is set:
  14. if arg-2 is "administrator":
  15. message "&c%arg-player%&7 is now an &cAdministrator"
  16. send "&7You're now an &cAdministrator" to arg-player
  17. execute console command "pex user %arg-player% group set admin"
  18. if arg-player is set:
  19. if arg-2 is "mod":
  20. message "&c%arg-player%&7 is now a &eModerator"
  21. send "&7You're now a &eModerator" to arg-player
  22. execute console command "pex user %arg-player% group set mod"
  23. if arg-player is set:
  24. if arg-2 is "vip":
  25. message "&c%arg-player%&7 is now a &aVery Important Player"
  26. send "&7You're now a &aVery Important Player" to arg-player
  27. execute console command "pex user %arg-player% group set vip"
  28. if arg-player is set:
  29. if arg-2 is "pro":
  30. message "&c%arg-player%&7 is now a &bProfessional"
  31. send "&7You're now a &bProfessional" to arg-player
  32. execute console command "pex user %arg-player% group set pro"
  33. if arg-player is set:
  34. if arg-2 is "moderator":
  35. message "&c%arg-player%&7 is now a &eModerator"
  36. send "&7You're now a &eModerator" to arg-player
  37. execute console command "pex user %arg-player% group set mod"
  38. if arg-1 is not set:
  39. message "&c/rank (player) (rank)"
  40. if arg-2 is not "mod":
  41. if arg-2 is not "admin":
  42. if arg-2 is not "moderator":
  43. if arg-2 is not "reset":
  44. if arg-2 is not "pro":
  45. if arg-2 is not "vip":
  46. if arg-2 is not "clear":
  47. message "&cInvalid Rank"
  48. message "&7Available ranks are &cAdministrator&7, &eModerator&7, &aVery Important Player&7 and &bProfessional &7(You can also use Reset to set someone's rank to Default)"
  49. if arg-1 is set:
  50. if arg-2 is not set:
  51. message "&c%arg-player%&7 is %arg-1's prefix%"
  52. if arg-player is set:
  53. if arg-2 is "reset" or "clear":
  54. message "&c%arg-player%&7 is now a &8Member"
  55. send "&7You're now a &8Member" to arg-player
  56. execute console command "pex user %arg-player% group set default"
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