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- gg.alert("my youtube link"," copy ")
- gg .copyText('')
- gg.toast("copied")
- gg.sleep("555")
- gg.toast("ad loading fail")
- gg.sleep("500")
- gg.alert("FFH4X"," login ")
- gg.alert("USER : ?\n\nPASS : ?"," text ")
- local password = "ffh4x"
- local prompt = gg.prompt ( { "user" } ,nil
- , { "number " } ) or { " " }
- if prompt [1] ~= password then
- while ( true ) do
- gg.alert ( "not found user" )
- os.exit ( )
- end
- end
- gg.alert(" vip "," memu"," login")
- gg.toast("loading")
- gg.sleep(5000)
- gg.toast("⬜ 10%")
- gg.sleep("333")
- gg.toast("⬜⬜ 20%")
- gg.sleep("333")
- gg.toast("⬜⬜⬜ 30%")
- gg.sleep("333")
- gg.toast("⬜⬜⬜⬜ 40%")
- gg.sleep("333")
- gg.toast("⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 50%")
- gg.sleep("333")
- gg.toast("⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 60%")
- gg.sleep("333")
- gg.toast("⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 70%")
- gg.sleep("333")
- gg.toast("⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 80%")
- gg.sleep("333")
- gg.toast("⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 90%")
- gg.sleep("333")
- gg.toast("⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜100%")
- gg.sleep("333")
- gg.toast("not found password")
- gg.sleep("999")
- gg.toast("checking ")
- gg.sleep("5000")
- gg.toast("verifying ")
- gg.sleep("5000")
- gg.toast(" warring not found /com.dts.freefireth/com.dts.freefirmaxth/ ")
- gg.sleep(5000)
- gg.toast("⬜ 10%")
- gg.sleep("222")
- gg.toast("⬜⬜ 20%")
- gg.sleep("333")
- gg.toast("⬜⬜⬜ 30%")
- gg.sleep("555")
- gg.toast("⬜⬜⬜⬜ 40%")
- gg.sleep("111")
- gg.toast("⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 50%")
- gg.sleep("999")
- gg.toast("⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 60%")
- gg.sleep("123")
- gg.toast("⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 70%")
- gg.sleep("193")
- gg.toast("⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 80%")
- gg.sleep("516")
- gg.toast("⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 90%")
- gg.sleep("345")
- gg.toast("⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜100%")
- local password = "ffh4x"
- local prompt = gg.prompt ( { "password" } ,nil
- , { "number " } ) or { " " }
- if prompt [1] ~= password then
- while ( true ) do
- gg.alert ( "wrong" )
- os.exit ( )
- end
- end
- local memFrom, memTo, lib, num, lim, results, src, ok = 0, -1, nil, 0, 32, {}, nil, false
- function name(n)
- if lib ~= n then
- lib = n
- local ranges = gg.getRangesList(lib)
- if #ranges == 0 then
- else
- memFrom = ranges[1].start
- memTo = ranges[#ranges]["end"]
- end
- end
- end
- function hex2tbl(hex)
- local ret = {}
- hex:gsub("%S%S", function (ch)
- ret[#ret + 1] = ch
- return ""
- end)
- return ret
- end
- function original(orig)
- local tbl = hex2tbl(orig)
- local len = #tbl
- if len == 0 then return end
- local used = len
- if len > lim then used = lim end
- local s = ''
- for i = 1, used do
- if i ~= 1 then s = s..";" end
- local v = tbl[i]
- if v == "??" or v == "**" then v = "0~~0" end
- s = s..v.."r"
- end
- s = s.."::"..used
- gg.searchNumber(s, gg.TYPE_BYTE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, memFrom, memTo)
- if len > used then
- for i = used + 1, len do
- local v = tbl[i]
- if v == "??" or v == "**" then
- v = 256
- else
- v = ("0x"..v) + 0
- if v > 127 then v = v - 256 end
- end
- tbl[i] = v
- end
- end
- local found = gg.getResultCount();
- results = {}
- local count = 0
- local checked = 0
- while true do
- if checked >= found then
- break
- end
- local all = gg.getResults(8)
- local total = #all
- local start = checked
- if checked + used > total then
- break
- end
- for i, v in ipairs(all) do
- v.address = v.address + myoffset
- end
- gg.loadResults(all)
- while start < total do
- local good = true
- local offset = all[1 + start].address - 1
- if used < len then
- local get = {}
- for i = lim + 1, len do
- get[i - lim] = {address = offset + i, flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE, value = 0}
- end
- get = gg.getValues(get)
- for i = lim + 1, len do
- local ch = tbl[i]
- if ch ~= 256 and get[i - lim].value ~= ch then
- good = false
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if good then
- count = count + 1
- results[count] = offset
- checked = checked + used
- else
- local del = {}
- for i = 1, used do
- del[i] = all[i + start]
- end
- gg.removeResults(del)
- end
- start = start + used
- end
- end
- end
- function replaced(repl)
- num = num + 1
- local tbl = hex2tbl(repl)
- if src ~= nil then
- local source = hex2tbl(src)
- for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do
- if v ~= "??" and v ~= "**" and v == source[i] then tbl[i] = "**" end
- end
- src = nil
- end
- local cnt = #tbl
- local set = {}
- local s = 0
- for _, addr in ipairs(results) do
- for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do
- if v ~= "??" and v ~= "**" then
- s = s + 1
- set[s] = {
- ["address"] = addr + i,
- ["value"] = v.."r",
- ["flags"] = gg.TYPE_BYTE,
- }
- end
- end
- end
- if s ~= 0 then gg.setValues(set) end
- ok = true
- end
- gg.clearResults()
- t = gg.getListItems()
- gg.removeListItems(t)
- libil2cpp = "3.5;9.219563e-41;3.34241e-39;1.4012985e-45;4.8808683e-39::25"
- libunity = "3.5;9.219563e-41;3.34241e-39;1.4012985e-45;.52e-44;2.936e-38::33"
- if gg.isVisible(true) then
- gg.setVisible(false)
- end -- Iғ | Sɴ
- gg.clearResults()
- Random = 1
- b = [[
- 5273
- Var #9513FC90|9513fc90|10|42200000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|63ec90
- Var #9641C684|9641c684|10|e590013c|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|191b684
- Var #9641C688|9641c688|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|191b688
- Var #9A237484|9a237484|10|c0000000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|252484
- Var #9514E0B0|9514e0b0|10|e92d4c70|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|64d0b0
- Var #9514E0B4|9514e0b4|10|e28db010|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|64d0b4
- Var #951005D4|951005d4|10|e92d4830|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|5ff5d4
- Var #951005D8|951005d8|10|e28db008|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|5ff5d8
- Var #9512C6B0|9512c6b0|10|e92d4c70|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|62b6b0
- Var #9512C6B4|9512c6b4|10|e28dff10|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|62b6b4
- Var #95FF8CF8|95ff8cf8|10|eb33a910|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|14f7cf8
- Var #9657E0FC|9657e0fc|10|e92d4c70|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|1a7d0fc
- Var #9657E100|9657e100|10|e28db010|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|1a7d100
- Var #95AEA134|95aea134|10|e5900018|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|fe9134
- Var #95AEA138|95aea138|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|fe9138
- Var #96417AA0|96417aa0|10|e92d4ff0|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|1916aa0
- Var #96417AA4|96417aa4|10|e28db01c|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|1916aa4
- Var #95B2D454|95b2d454|10|e92d4c70|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|102c454
- Var #95B2D458|95b2d458|10|e28db010|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|102c458
- Var #95147D90|95147d90|10|e92d4c70|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|646d90
- Var #95147D94|95147d94|10|e28db010|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|646d94
- Var #96804868|96804868|10|e92d4bf0|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|1d03868
- Var #9680486C|9680486c|10|e28db018|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|1d0386c
- Var #9A136280|9a136280|10|358637bd|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|151280
- Var #9510C804|9510c804|10|e92d4ff0|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|60b804
- Var #9510C808|9510c808|10|e28db01c|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|60b808
- Var #9510C950|9510c950|10|e3a00000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|60b950
- Var #9510C954|9510c954|10|e1a01005|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|60b954
- Var #9574CAC0|9574cac0|10|3e4ccccd|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|c4bac0
- Var #9574CD78|9574cd78|10|3e4ccccd|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|c4bd78
- Var #96E86664|96e86664|10|42c80000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|2385664
- Var #9640E110|9640e110|10|e92d4c70|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|190d110
- Var #9640E114|9640e114|10|e28db010|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|190d114
- Var #95152FFC|95152ffc|10|e92d4c70|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|651ffc
- Var #95153000|95153000|10|e28db010|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|652000
- Var #9510010C|9510010c|10|e92d4800|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|5ff10c
- Var #95100110|95100110|10|e1a0b00d|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|5ff110
- Var #959DE9F8|959de9f8|10|42700000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|edd9f8
- Var #959DD758|959dd758|10|e92d4ff0|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|edc758
- Var #959DD75C|959dd75c|10|e28db01c|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|edc75c
- Var #9640DAF0|9640daf0|10|e5900060|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|190caf0
- Var #9640DAF4|9640daf4|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|190caf4
- Var #9514D470|9514d470|10|43960000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|64c470
- Var #964096EC|964096ec|10|e5900050|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|19086ec
- Var #964096F0|964096f0|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|19086f0
- Var #96411670|96411670|10|e92d4c70|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|1910670
- Var #96411674|96411674|10|e28db010|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|1910674
- Var #951594C8|951594c8|10|e92d48f0|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|6584c8
- Var #951594CC|951594cc|10|e28db010|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|6584cc
- Var #950FF744|950ff744|10|e5d00324|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|5fe744
- Var #950FF748|950ff748|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|5fe748
- Var #9AE86890|9ae86890|10|358637bd|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|ea1890
- Var #9AE86894|9ae86894|10|358637bd|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|ea1894
- Var #9AE86898|9ae86898|10|358637bd|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|ea1898
- Var #9AE8689C|9ae8689c|10|358637bd|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|ea189c
- Var #9AE7A79C|9ae7a79c|10|358637bd|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|e9579c
- ]]
- fileData = gg.EXT_STORAGE .. "/[###].dat"
- io.output(fileData):write(b):close()
- gg.loadList(fileData, gg.LOAD_APPEND)
- gg.sleep(50)
- r = gg.getListItems()
- getReset = gg.getValues(r)
- gg.clearList()
- os.remove(fileData)
- b = [[
- 5273
- Var #9513FC90|9513fc90|10|43b40000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|63ec90
- Var #9641C684|9641c684|10|e3a0000f|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|191b684
- Var #9641C688|9641c688|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|191b688
- Var #9A237484|9a237484|10|447a0000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|252484
- Var #9514E0B0|9514e0b0|10|e3a00001|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|64d0b0
- Var #9514E0B4|9514e0b4|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|64d0b4
- Var #951005D4|951005d4|10|e3a00000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|5ff5d4
- Var #951005D8|951005d8|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|5ff5d8
- Var #9512C6B0|9512c6b0|10|e3a00001|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|62b6b0
- Var #9512C6B4|9512c6b4|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|62b6b4
- Var #95FF8CF8|95ff8cf8|10|e3bb0000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|14f7cf8
- Var #9657E0FC|9657e0fc|10|e344007f|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|1a7d0fc
- Var #9657E100|9657e100|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|1a7d100
- Var #95AEA134|95aea134|10|e3430f96|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|fe9134
- Var #95AEA138|95aea138|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|fe9138
- Var #96417AA0|96417aa0|10|e3a00012|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|1916aa0
- Var #96417AA4|96417aa4|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|1916aa4
- Var #95B2D454|95b2d454|10|e3a00000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|102c454
- Var #95B2D458|95b2d458|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|102c458
- Var #95147D90|95147d90|10|e3a00000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|646d90
- Var #95147D94|95147d94|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|646d94
- Var #96804868|96804868|10|e3a00000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|1d03868
- Var #9680486C|9680486c|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|1d0386c
- Var #9A136280|9a136280|10|bf800000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|151280
- Var #9510C804|9510c804|10|e3a00000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|60b804
- Var #9510C808|9510c808|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|60b808
- Var #9510C950|9510c950|10|e3a00000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|60b950
- Var #9510C954|9510c954|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|60b954
- Var #9574CAC0|9574cac0|10|0|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|c4bac0
- Var #9574CD78|9574cd78|10|0|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|c4bd78
- Var #96E86664|96e86664|10|c1d00000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|2385664
- Var #9640E110|9640e110|10|e3a00312|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|190d110
- Var #9640E114|9640e114|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|190d114
- Var #95152FFC|95152ffc|10|e3a00000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|651ffc
- Var #95153000|95153000|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|652000
- Var #9510010C|9510010c|10|e3a00000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|5ff10c
- Var #95100110|95100110|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|5ff110
- Var #959DE9F8|959de9f8|10|bf800000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|edd9f8
- Var #959DD758|959dd758|10|e3a00000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|edc758
- Var #959DD75C|959dd75c|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|edc75c
- Var #9640DAF0|9640daf0|10|e344045c|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|190caf0
- Var #9640DAF4|9640daf4|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|190caf4
- Var #9514D470|9514d470|10|437a0000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|64c470
- Var #964096EC|964096ec|10|e3a0008a|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|19086ec
- Var #964096F0|964096f0|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|19086f0
- Var #96411670|96411670|10|e3a00000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|1910670
- Var #96411674|96411674|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|1910674
- Var #951594C8|951594c8|10|e3a00000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|6584c8
- Var #951594CC|951594cc|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|6584cc
- Var #950FF744|950ff744|10|e3a00001|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|5fe744
- Var #950FF748|950ff748|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|5fe748
- Var #9AE86890|9ae86890|10|bf8e3cc9|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|ea1890
- Var #9AE86894|9ae86894|10|bf8e3cc9|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|ea1894
- Var #9AE86898|9ae86898|10|bf8e3cc9|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|ea1898
- Var #9AE8689C|9ae8689c|10|bf8e3cc9|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|ea189c
- Var #9AE7A79C|9ae7a79c|10|bf800000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|e9579c
- ]]
- fileData = gg.EXT_STORAGE .. "/[###].dat"
- io.output(fileData):write(b):close()
- gg.loadList(fileData, gg.LOAD_APPEND)
- gg.sleep(50)
- r = gg.getListItems()
- getReset = gg.getValues(r)
- gg.clearList()
- os.remove(fileData)
- b = [[
- 15742
- Var #96AECC44|96aecc44|10|e92d4830|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|222bc44
- Var #96AECC48|96aecc48|10|e28db008|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|222bc48
- Var #96A35D8C|96a35d8c|10|e92d48f0|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|2174d8c
- Var #96A35D90|96a35d90|10|e28db010|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|2174d90
- Var #96C3B264|96c3b264|10|e92d48f0|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|237a264
- Var #96C3B268|96c3b268|10|e28db010|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|237a268
- Var #96AECC44|96aecc44|10|e3a00000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|222bc44
- Var #96AECC48|96aecc48|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|222bc48
- Var #96A35D8C|96a35d8c|10|e3a00000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|2174d8c
- Var #96A35D90|96a35d90|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|2174d90
- Var #96C3B264|96c3b264|10|e3a00000|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|237a264
- Var #96C3B268|96c3b268|10|e12fff1e|0|0|0|0|rwxp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|237a268
- ]]
- fileData = gg.EXT_STORAGE .. "/[###].dat"
- io.output(fileData):write(b):close()
- gg.loadList(fileData, gg.LOAD_APPEND)
- gg.sleep(50)
- r = gg.getListItems()
- getReset = gg.getValues(r)
- gg.clearList()
- os.remove(fileData)
- gg.setVisible(true)
- if'%Y%m%d') > '20220802' then
- hh=gg.alert('data up \n new memu mods in yt')
- os.exit()
- end
- gg.toast("BY RAIZ mods")
- gg.alert("darkxblue team ffh4x"," ")
- gg.alert("PS TEAM , GODTEAM"," ")
- function Main0()
- SN = gg.choice({
- Ghost .. "Ghost hack",
- Stone .. "Stone hack️",
- Head .. "antenna",
- Diamond .. "speed x3",
- "Wall kill️",
- "Aimlock , Aimbot",
- "exit",
- }, nil, "═══════════════════ \n ▶ ffh4x king\n ▶MODS BY RAIZ\n ▶ ANTIBAN __upgrade-2022/08/29\n ═══════════════════════")
- if SN==1 then
- Main2()
- end
- if SN==2 then
- Main3()
- end
- if SN==3 then
- Main4()
- end
- if SN==4 then
- Main5()
- end
- if SN==5 then
- Main6()
- end
- if SN==6 then
- Main7()
- end
- if SN==7 then
- HS8()
- end
- FX=0
- end
- Ghost = " ❌️ "
- function Main2()
- if Ghost == " ❌️ " then
- gg.setVisible(false)
- gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
- name("")
- myoffset = 13536000
- original("7F 45 4C 46 01 01 01 00")
- replaced("00 00 A0 E3 1E FF 2F E1")
- gg.addListItems(gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()))
- gg.saveList("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.dts.freefireth/files/contentcache/Temp/android/MultiThread/CompulsoryRes/gameassetbundles/config/.a.txt", gg.LOAD_VALUES)
- gg.clearList()
- gg.setVisible(true)
- gg.toast("Ghost hack")
- Ghost = " ✅ "
- elseif Ghost == " ✅ " then
- gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
- name("")
- myoffset = 13536000
- original("7F 45 4C 46 01 01 01 00")
- replaced("F0 4F 2D E9 1C B0 8D E2")
- gg.addListItems(gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()))
- gg.saveList("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.dts.freefireth/files/contentcache/Temp/android/MultiThread/CompulsoryRes/gameassetbundles/config/.aa.txt", gg.LOAD_VALUES)
- gg.clearList()
- gg.clearResults()
- gg.toast("Ghost hack")
- Ghost = " ❌️ "
- end
- end
- Stone = " ❌️ "
- function Main3()
- if Stone == " ❌️ " then
- gg.clearResults()
- io.output(fileData):write([[
- 20672
- Var #9CDFC4A8|9cdfc4a8|10|0|0|0|0|0|r-xp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|abff68
- Var #9CDFC4B8|9cdfc4b8|10|0|0|0|0|0|r-xp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|abff78
- Var #9CDFC4E8|9cdfc4e8|10|0|0|0|0|0|r-xp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|abffa8
- ]]):close()
- gg.loadList(fileData, gg.LOAD_APPEND | gg.LOAD_VALUES)
- os.remove(fileData)
- gg.sleep(50)
- gg.clearList()
- gg.clearResults()
- gg.toast("Wall hack stone")
- Stone = " ✅ "
- elseif Stone == " ✅ " then
- gg.clearResults()
- io.output(fileData):write([[
- 12873
- Var #9D95DF68|9d95df68|10|cafffe57|0|0|0|0|r-xp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|abff68
- Var #9D95DF78|9d95df78|10|cafffe53|0|0|0|0|r-xp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|abff78
- Var #9D95DFA8|9d95dfa8|10|cafffe47|0|0|0|0|r-xp|/data/app/com.dts.freefireth-1/lib/arm/|abffa8
- ]]):close()
- gg.loadList(fileData, gg.LOAD_APPEND | gg.LOAD_VALUES)
- os.remove(fileData)
- gg.sleep(50)
- gg.clearList()
- gg.clearResults()
- gg.toast("Wall hack stone")
- Stone = " ❌️ "
- end
- end
- Head = " ❌️ "
- function Main4()
- if Head == " ❌️ " then
- gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
- gg.searchNumber("73r;6Cr;20r;35r;00r;00r;80r;3Fr::8", 1)
- gg.getResults(1000)
- gg.editAll("73r;6Cr;20r;35r;9Ar;19r;34r;43r", 1)
- gg.clearResults()
- gg.searchNumber("E9r;C5r;4Ar;35r;00r;00r;80r;3Fr::8", 1)
- gg.getResults(1000)
- gg.editAll("E9r;C5r;4Ar;35r;9Ar;19r;34r;43r", 1)
- gg.clearResults()
- gg.toast("antenna")
- gg.toast("BY RAIZ MODS")
- Head = " ✅ "
- elseif Head == " ✅ " then
- gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
- gg.searchNumber("73r;6Cr;20r;35r;9Ar;19r;34r;43r::8", 1)
- gg.getResults(1000)
- gg.editAll("73r;6Cr;20r;35r;00r;00r;80r;3Fr", 1)
- gg.clearResults()
- gg.searchNumber("E9r;C5r;4Ar;35r;9Ar;19r;34r;43r::8", 1)
- gg.getResults(1000)
- gg.editAll("E9r;C5r;4Ar;35r;00r;00r;80r;3Fr", 1)
- gg.clearResults()
- gg.toast("antenna")
- gg.toast("BY RAIZ MODS")
- Head = " ❌️ "
- end
- end
- Diamond = " ❌️ "
- function Main5()
- if Diamond == " ❌️ " then
- gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
- gg.searchNumber("1.0F;0.33333334327F;0.02999999933F:9", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, -0, -1, -0)
- gg.refineNumber("1.0", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, -0, -1, -0)
- revert = gg.getResults(1)
- gg.editAll("3.0", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
- gg.clearResults()
- gg.toast("speed x3")
- Diamond = " ✅️ "
- elseif Diamond == " ✅️ " then
- gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
- gg.searchNumber("3.0F;0.33333334327F;0.02999999933F:9", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, -0, -1, -0)
- gg.refineNumber("3.0", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, -0, -1, -0)
- revert = gg.getResults(1)
- gg.editAll("1.0", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
- gg.clearResults()
- gg.toast("speed x1")
- Diamond = " ❌️ "
- end
- end
- function Main6()
- gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
- gg.searchNumber("-1.30928164e25;-3.69511377e20;1.25206298e-38;0.00001", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
- gg.refineNumber("0.00001", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
- revert = gg.getResults(10, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
- gg.editAll("1", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
- gg.clearResults()
- gg.processResume()
- gg.toast("Wall kill")
- end
- function Main7()
- gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
- gg.searchNumber("1057048494", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
- gg.getResults(205)
- gg.editAll("-2000000", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
- gg.clearResults()
- gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
- gg.searchNumber("3DB851ECh;3F800000h;420000h;40A00000h;40133333h", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
- gg.refineNumber("1075000115", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
- gg.getResults(1000)
- gg.editAll("-5", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
- gg.clearResults()
- gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
- gg.searchNumber("1.35000002384", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
- gg.getResults(1000)
- gg.editAll("100", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
- gg.clearResults()
- gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
- name("")
- myoffset = 23090004
- original("7F 45 4C 46 01 01 01 00")
- replaced("01 00 A0 E3 1E FF 2F E1")
- gg.clearResults()
- gg.toast("Aimlock , Aimbot")
- end
- function HS8()
- os.exit()
- end
- while true do
- if gg.isVisible(true) then
- FX = 1
- gg.setVisible(false)
- end
- if FX == 1 then
- Main0()
- end
- end
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