

Oct 6th, 2012
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  1. <TServ> You open the present...
  2. <TServ> It is a Pichu pokemon
  3. <Purity> open present
  4. <TServ> You open the present...
  5. <TServ> It is Top Gear America
  6. <Purity> open present
  7. <TServ> You open the present...
  8. <TServ> It is cock juggling thunder cunt bag
  9. <Purity> open present
  10. <TServ> You open the present...
  11. <TServ> It is romane lettuce
  12. <Purity> open present
  13. <TServ> You open the present...
  14. <TServ> It is \dev\null's windowslashes
  15. <Purity> open present
  16. <TServ> You open the present...
  17. <TServ> It is a Friend's DVD boxset, OH THE HUMILITY!
  18. <Purity> open present
  19. <TServ> You open the present...
  20. <TServ> It is 100 zimbabwe BUCKS
  21. <Purity> open present
  22. <TServ> You open the present...
  23. <TServ> It is IPCop
  24. <Purity> open present
  25. <TServ> You open the present...
  26. <TServ> It is a Togekiss Pokemon
  27. <Purity> open present
  28. <TServ> You open the present...
  29. <TServ> It is the wicked witch of the west
  30. <Purity> open present
  31. <TServ> You open the present...
  32. <TServ> It is keg of horse jizz
  33. <Purity> open present
  34. <TServ> You open the present...
  35. <TServ> It is gay niggers from outer space
  36. <Purity> open present
  37. <TServ> You open the present...
  38. <TServ> It is another lame item
  39. <Purity> open present
  40. <TServ> You open the present...
  41. <TServ> It is dirty whore pillows
  42. <Purity> open present
  43. <TServ> You open the present...
  44. <TServ> It is Cocktail Singapore Sling
  45. <Purity> open present
  46. <TServ> You open the present...
  47. <TServ> It is a Lickilicky Pokemon
  48. <Purity> open present
  49. <TServ> You open the present...
  50. <TServ> It is penis destroyer
  51. <Purity> open present
  52. <TServ> You open the present...
  53. <TServ> It is LappyJar
  54. <Purity> open present
  55. <TServ> You open the present...
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