

Sep 22nd, 2017
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  1. Create the pay system UI - Parent Subscription to courses in the school system. Allow parents to subscribe to the courses' levels their children are enrolled to. Generate an invoice for their subscriptions, send email notification regarding their subscirption and allow them to pay in the system. Create the pay system UI - List of all School's classrooms in the school system. Their status whether started or not and paid or not. Allow also school admins to be able to close and invoice classes. As well as pay unsettled invoices.
  2. Create a cron job that sends email notification to the school admins 5 days before the class starts or when enrollment end date is reached whichever comes first, this will serve as a reminder that the enrollment will be closing soon and that an invoice will be sent. Create a cron job that automatically creates invoices for classrooms of schools when enrolment end date comes or 3 days before the start of the class, whichever comes first. Classroom must be closed to registration
  3. Setup Paypal in the school system. Setup a sandbox for a merchant and a buyer account for gravitybrain. Allow users to pay their invoices inside the pay page using paypal for the meantime.
  4. Once invoice is paid, update all necessary tables to allow lessons to be accessible to users, this includes attempts_current etc
  5. There must be a page where parents can also add more or new courses for their children. This will be a new menu or section in the parents page in the school site
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