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- var input = await File.ReadAllTextAsync("input.txt");
- var directions = new Dictionary<char, Direction>
- {
- ['^'] = Direction.Up,
- ['v'] = Direction.Down,
- ['<'] = Direction.Left,
- ['>'] = Direction.Right
- };
- var boxes = new List<Position>();
- var walls = new List<Position>();
- var boxes2 = new List<DoubleNode>();
- var walls2 = new List<DoubleNode>();
- var start = new Position(-1, -1);
- var mapInput = input.Split($"{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}")[0].Split(Environment.NewLine);
- for (var row = 0; row < mapInput.Length; row++)
- {
- for (var col = 0; col < mapInput[row].Length; col++)
- {
- var cell = mapInput[row][col];
- switch (cell)
- {
- case '#':
- walls.Add(new Position(row, col));
- walls2.Add(new DoubleNode(new Position(row, col * 2), new Position(row, col * 2 + 1)));
- break;
- case 'O':
- boxes.Add(new Position(row, col));
- var box = new DoubleNode(new Position(row, col * 2), new Position(row, col * 2 + 1));
- if (boxes2.All(b => b.Right != box.Left))
- {
- boxes2.Add(box);
- }
- break;
- case '@':
- start = new Position(row, col);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- var moves = new List<Direction>();
- var movesInput = input.Split($"{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}")[1].Split(Environment.NewLine);
- foreach (var line in movesInput)
- {
- moves.AddRange(line.Select(move => directions[move]));
- }
- //Part 1
- var robot = start;
- foreach (var direction in moves)
- {
- var next = robot.Move(direction);
- if (walls.Contains(next))
- {
- continue;
- }
- if (boxes.Contains(next))
- {
- var nextBox = next.Move(direction);
- while (boxes.Contains(nextBox))
- {
- nextBox = nextBox.Move(direction);
- }
- if (walls.Contains(nextBox))
- {
- continue;
- }
- boxes.Remove(next);
- boxes.Add(nextBox);
- }
- robot = next;
- }
- Console.WriteLine($"Part 1: {boxes.Sum(b => b.GpsCoordinates)}");
- //Part 2
- robot = start with { Col = start.Col * 2 };
- foreach (var direction in moves)
- {
- var next = robot.Move(direction);
- if (walls2.Any(w => w.Contains(next)))
- {
- continue;
- }
- var nextBox = boxes2.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Contains(next));
- var canMove = true;
- if (nextBox != null)
- {
- var boxesToMove = new HashSet<DoubleNode> { nextBox };
- var queue = new Queue<DoubleNode>();
- queue.Enqueue(nextBox);
- while (queue.Count > 0)
- {
- var box = queue.Dequeue();
- var nextLeft = box.Left.Move(direction);
- var nextRight = box.Right.Move(direction);
- if (walls2.Any(w => w.Contains(nextLeft)) || walls2.Any(w => w.Contains(nextRight)))
- {
- canMove = false;
- break;
- }
- var nextLeftBox = boxes2.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Contains(nextLeft));
- if (nextLeftBox != null && boxesToMove.Add(nextLeftBox))
- {
- queue.Enqueue(nextLeftBox);
- }
- var nextRightBox = boxes2.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Contains(nextRight));
- if (nextRightBox != null && boxesToMove.Add(nextRightBox))
- {
- queue.Enqueue(nextRightBox);
- }
- }
- if (canMove)
- {
- foreach (var box in boxesToMove)
- {
- boxes2.Remove(box);
- boxes2.Add(new DoubleNode(box.Left.Move(direction), box.Right.Move(direction)));
- }
- }
- }
- if (canMove)
- {
- robot = next;
- }
- }
- Console.WriteLine($"Part 2: {boxes2.Sum(b => b.Left.GpsCoordinates)}");
- internal record DoubleNode(Position Left, Position Right)
- {
- public bool Contains(Position position) => Left.Row <= position.Row && position.Row <= Right.Row &&
- Left.Col <= position.Col && position.Col <= Right.Col;
- }
- internal record Direction(int Row, int Col)
- {
- public static readonly Direction Up = new(-1, 0);
- public static readonly Direction Down = new(1, 0);
- public static readonly Direction Left = new(0, -1);
- public static readonly Direction Right = new(0, 1);
- }
- internal record Position(int Row, int Col)
- {
- public Position Move(Direction dir) => new(Row + dir.Row, Col + dir.Col);
- public int GpsCoordinates => Row * 100 + Col;
- }
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