
Hamlet act 1 as poems

Feb 20th, 2014
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  1. Now this is the story all about how
  2. My dad got murdered and I found out
  3. And I'd like to take a moment
  4. Just sit right there
  5. About how my dad was killed in an orchard just sleeping in a chair
  7. Somewhere in Denmark I was born and raised
  8. Studying in Wittenburg for all of my college days
  9. I am just waiting for the day when I rule
  10. but my throne was given to my uncle he's such a fool
  11. So there were a couple of guards up to some good
  12. When the ghost appeared before them and stood
  13. They saw the ghost a second time and they got scare
  14. Decided they would tell me since I'm Denmark's heir
  16. My dad just died and stuff got weird
  17. My uncle married my mom just something more to fear
  18. Ophelia is my maiden lady fair
  19. But her brother and dad said stay away from me beware
  21. Then I chased the ghost out about a mile or two
  22. Saw it was my dad and practically pooed
  23. He said he was posoned right in his ear
  24. I said I would kill my uncle for revenge
  25. Was quite clear
  27. -------------------------------------------------------------
  29. Two men they found a ghost
  30. While they were guarding their post
  31. They told the story to two more
  32. Their number became four
  33. And they all saw the king they miss most
  35. The youth told their story to Hamlet
  36. They took him to the place the ghost met
  37. He explained how he was killed
  38. It was by the uncle instilled
  39. On the throne of great Denmark I bet
  41. The uncle has married Hamlet's mom
  42. Hamlet didn't think this was the bomb
  43. His mom thought it was best
  44. Now Claudius in on her breast
  45. It's almost like going to prom
  47. Ophelia wanted Hamlet to date
  48. Her family said that it is not great
  49. She promised her dad
  50. Even though it made her sad
  51. That with young Halmet she would not mate
  53. Old Fortinbras by old Hamlet died
  54. Young Fortinbras wanted the land for his side
  55. He caused lots of trouble
  56. For the Hamlet's double
  57. And great Denmark just won't let that slide
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