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- local tool, player = script.Parent, game.Players.LocalPlayer return {
- ToolName = nil;
- ToolIcon = nil;
- ToolDesc = nil;
- AmmoClip = 30;
- AmmoTotal = 150;
- AmmoLimited = true;
- SpreadBase = 0.9;
- ReloadDuration = 3;
- ReloadWhenEmpty = true;
- ReloadUnequipped = true;
- FireRate = 0.13;
- FireAuto = true;
- FireBurst = false;
- FireMulti = 1;
- DamageDefault = 10;
- DamageSpecific = {["Head"] = 10; ["Handle"] = 10};
- DamageNeutrals = true;
- DamageFriendly = false;
- CursorEquipping = "rbxasset://textures\\GunCursor.png";
- CursorReloading = "rbxasset://textures\\GunWaitCursor.png";
- HitSoundOn = false;
- HitSoundAsset = "rbxasset://sounds\\metalgrass2.mp3";
- RayOriginOffset =,-0.75,0);
- RayMaxDistance = 999;
- ReflectionEnabled = true;
- ReflectionLimit = 4;
- LeftArmWeldC1 = nil;
- RightArmWeldC1 = nil;
- ProjectileOriginOffset =, 0, 0);
- }
- wait(1)
- repeat wait() until game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
- local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local character = player.Character
- local backpack = player.Backpack
- local debris = game:GetService('Debris')
- local create = assert(LoadLibrary('RbxUtility')).Create
- local storage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage'):findFirstChild("RCLStorage")
- local filteringEnabled = workspace.FilteringEnabled
- local ignoreModel = nil
- local loadedTools = {}
- local connections = {}
- local handles = {}
- local firing
- local mouseDown
- local hitSound
- local deathConnection
- local creatorTag
- local leftArmWeld
- local rightArmWeld
- -- For optimization purposes
- local multiShot
- local serverDmg
- local ammoLimit
- local ray =
- local cframe =
- local mathAbs = math.abs
- local vector3 =
- local mathRandom = math.random
- local projectilePart = create("Part"){
- Size = vector3(1, 1, 1);
- Anchored = true;
- FormFactor = 0;
- CanCollide = false;
- TopSurface = 0;
- BottomSurface = 0;
- BrickColor = player.TeamColor;
- }
- create("SpecialMesh"){
- Parent = projectilePart;
- MeshType = "Brick";
- Scale = vector3(.2, .2, 1);
- }
- if not storage then
- creatorTag = create("ObjectValue"){
- Name = "creator";
- Value = player;
- }
- else
- ignoreModel = workspace:findFirstChild("IgnoreContainer") or nil
- end
- local function getValueClient(tool, name)
- return tool.Config[name].Value
- end
- local function setValueClient(tool, name, value)
- tool.Config[name].Value = value
- end
- local function getValueServer(tool, name)
- if filteringEnabled then
- return storage.Remotes.GetFunction:InvokeServer(tool.Config[name])
- end
- end
- local function setValueServer(tool, name, value)
- if filteringEnabled then
- storage.Remotes.SetEvent:FireServer(tool.Config[name], value)
- end
- end
- local function waitForChildren(parent, children)
- for _, name in pairs(children) do
- while not parent:findFirstChild(name) do
- wait()
- end
- end
- end
- local function waitForConfig(tool)
- while not tool:findFirstChild("Config") do
- wait()
- end
- end
- local function playSound(tool, name)
- if tool and tool:findFirstChild("Handle") then
- local sound = tool.Handle:findFirstChild(name)
- if sound then
- sound:Play()
- if filteringEnabled then
- storage.Remotes.PlayEvent:FireServer(sound)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function isPlayerAlive()
- if player.Character and player.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") and player.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- local function getOverride(name)
- if storage and storage:findFirstChild("Settings") and storage.Settings:findFirstChild(name) then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- local function targetFilter(hitPart, humanoid, config)
- local target = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(humanoid.Parent)
- local dealDamage = target and (target.TeamColor ~= player.TeamColor or (config.DamageFriendly or getOverride("FriendlyFire"))) or (not target and config.DamageNeutrals)
- if dealDamage then
- local damage = config.DamageSpecific[hitPart.Name] or config.DamageDefault
- if serverDmg then
- storage.Remotes.HitEvent:FireServer(humanoid, damage)
- hitSound:Play()
- else
- humanoid:TakeDamage(damage)
- hitSound:Play()
- end
- if not storage and target then
- if not humanoid:findFirstChild('creator') then
- local tag = creatorTag:Clone()
- tag.Parent = humanoid
- debris:AddItem(tag, 0.5)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function raycast(origin, direction, ignore)
- return workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray(origin, direction), ignore)
- end
- -- Parameter simple is set to true for projectiles replicated through filteringEnabled and for reflected projectiles
- local function spawnProjectile(origin, hitPosition, shooter, simple)
- local bulletLength, orientation = (origin - hitPosition).magnitude, cframe(origin, hitPosition)
- if simple then
- local laser1 = projectilePart:clone()
- if shooter then
- laser1.BrickColor = shooter.TeamColor
- else
- laser1.BrickColor = player.TeamColor
- end
- laser1.CFrame = orientation * cframe(0,0, -bulletLength*.5)
- laser1.Mesh.Scale = vector3(.2, .2 , bulletLength)
- laser1.Parent = ignoreModel == nil and workspace or ignoreModel
- debris:AddItem(laser1, .06)
- else
- local laser1, laser2 = projectilePart:clone(), projectilePart:clone()
- if shooter then
- laser1.BrickColor = shooter.TeamColor
- laser2.BrickColor = shooter.TeamColor
- else
- laser1.BrickColor = player.TeamColor
- laser2.BrickColor = player.TeamColor
- end
- laser1.CFrame = orientation * cframe(0,0,-bulletLength*.75)
- laser2.CFrame = orientation * cframe(0,0, -bulletLength*.25)
- laser1.Mesh.Scale = vector3(.2, .2 , bulletLength*.5)
- laser2.Mesh.Scale = vector3(.2, .2, bulletLength*.5)
- laser1.Parent = ignoreModel == nil and workspace or ignoreModel
- laser2.Parent = ignoreModel == nil and workspace or ignoreModel
- debris:AddItem(laser2, .03)
- debris:AddItem(laser1, .06)
- end
- end
- local function getReflectionionDirection(normal, direction)
- local n = normal.unit
- local v = direction.unit
- return 2*(n:Dot(-1*v))*n + v
- end
- local function getSurfaceNormal(hitPart, hitPosition)
- local relativeObjectSpace = hitPart.CFrame:pointToObjectSpace(hitPosition)/hitPart.Size
- local absoluteObjectSpace = vector3(mathAbs(relativeObjectSpace.x),mathAbs(relativeObjectSpace.y),mathAbs(relativeObjectSpace.z))
- local largestVector
- if absoluteObjectSpace.x > absoluteObjectSpace.y and absoluteObjectSpace.x > absoluteObjectSpace.z then
- largestVector = vector3(relativeObjectSpace.x,0,0).unit
- elseif absoluteObjectSpace.y > absoluteObjectSpace.z then
- largestVector = vector3(0,relativeObjectSpace.y,0).unit
- else
- largestVector = vector3(0,0,relativeObjectSpace.z).unit
- end
- return (hitPart.CFrame - hitPart.Position):pointToWorldSpace(largestVector)
- end
- local function fire(tool, mouse, origin, direction, config, run)
- local run = run or 1
- local aimPoint = mouse.hit.p
- local distance = (origin - aimPoint).magnitude
- local minSpread = -(config.SpreadBase) * distance
- local maxSpread = (config.SpreadBase) * distance
- if run < 2 then
- direction = (vector3((aimPoint.x) + (mathRandom(minSpread, maxSpread)/100), (aimPoint.y) + (mathRandom(minSpread, maxSpread)/100), (aimPoint.z) + (mathRandom(minSpread, maxSpread)/100)) - origin).unit * 999
- end
- local hitPart, hitPosition = raycast(origin, direction, {player.Character, ignoreModel})
- local projectileOrigin = run < 2 and (tool.Handle.CFrame * config.ProjectileOriginOffset).p or origin
- spawnProjectile(projectileOrigin, hitPosition, nil, run > 1 and true)
- if filteringEnabled then
- storage.Remotes.FireEvent:FireServer(projectileOrigin, hitPosition)
- end
- if hitPart then
- local humanoid = hitPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") or hitPart.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
- if humanoid then
- targetFilter(hitPart, humanoid, config)
- elseif hitPart.Reflectance >= 1 and config.ReflectionEnabled and run < config.ReflectionLimit then
- local normal = getSurfaceNormal(hitPart, hitPosition)
- local newDirection = getReflectionionDirection(normal, direction)
- fire(tool, mouse, hitPosition, newDirection * 999, config, run + 1)
- end
- end
- end
- local function shoot(tool, mouse, config)
- local origin = (player.Character.Head.CFrame * config.RayOriginOffset).p
- local direction = (mouse.hit.p - origin).unit * 999
- if multiShot then
- for i = 1, config.FireBurst and 3 or config.FireMulti do
- spawn(fire(tool, mouse, origin, direction, config))
- end
- else
- fire(tool, mouse, origin, direction, config)
- end
- end
- local lastReloadAttempt = time()
- local function reload(tool, mouse, config)
- -- Prevents spamming the server
- if filteringEnabled then
- if (time() - lastReloadAttempt) < 1 then
- return
- else
- lastReloadAttempt = time()
- end
- end
- if not getValueClient(tool, "Reloading") and getValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip") ~= config.AmmoClip then
- if ammoLimit and getValueClient(tool, "AmmoStored") <= 0 then
- playSound(tool, "Empty")
- return
- end
- setValueClient(tool, "Reloading", true)
- setValueClient(tool, "Firing", false)
- playSound(tool, "Reload")
- mouse.Icon = player:findFirstChild("CursorReloading") and player.CursorReloading.Value or config.CursorReloading
- if not config.ToolName then
- tool.Name = "[REL]"
- end
- local ammoStored = nil
- if ammoLimit and filteringEnabled then
- spawn(function()
- ammoStored = getValueServer(tool, "AmmoStored")
- end)
- else
- ammoStored = getValueClient(tool, "AmmoStored")
- end
- wait(config.ReloadDuration)
- if not config.ReloadUnequipped and not getValueClient(tool, "Equipped") then
- return
- end
- if not ammoLimit then
- setValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip", config.AmmoClip)
- else
- while not ammoStored do
- wait()
- end
- local ammoClip = getValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip")
- if ammoStored < config.AmmoClip then
- if ammoClip + ammoStored > config.AmmoClip then
- setValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip", config.AmmoClip)
- if filteringEnabled then
- setValueServer(tool, "AmmoStored", ammoStored - (config.AmmoClip - ammoClip))
- else
- setValueClient(tool, "AmmoStored", ammoStored - (config.AmmoClip - ammoClip))
- end
- else
- setValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip", ammoClip + ammoStored)
- if filteringEnabled then
- setValueServer(tool, "AmmoStored", 0)
- else
- setValueClient(tool, "AmmoStored", 0)
- end
- end
- else
- setValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip", config.AmmoClip)
- if filteringEnabled then
- setValueServer(tool, "AmmoStored", ammoStored - (config.AmmoClip - ammoClip))
- else
- setValueClient(tool, "AmmoStored", ammoStored - (config.AmmoClip - ammoClip))
- end
- end
- end
- mouse.Icon = player:findFirstChild("CursorEquipping") and player.CursorEquipping.Value or config.CursorEquipping
- if not config.ToolName then
- tool.Name = "["..getValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip").."]"
- end
- setValueClient(tool, "Reloading", false)
- end
- end
- local function button1Down(tool, mouse, config)
- mouseDown = true
- if not isPlayerAlive() then
- return
- end
- waitForConfig(tool)
- if not getValueClient(tool, "Firing") then
- -- Auto
- if config.FireAuto then
- setValueClient(tool, "Firing", true)
- while mouseDown and not getValueClient(tool, "Reloading") and getValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip")>0 do
- setValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip", getValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip") - 1)
- shoot(tool, mouse, config)
- if not config.ToolName then
- tool.Name = "["..getValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip").."]"
- end
- playSound(tool, "Fire")
- wait(config.FireRate)
- end
- setValueClient(tool, "Firing", false)
- if getValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip") <= 0 then
- if config.ReloadWhenEmpty then
- reload(tool, mouse, config)
- else
- playSound(tool, "Empty")
- end
- end
- -- Semi
- else
- if not getValueClient(tool, "Firing") and not getValueClient(tool, "Reloading") and getValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip") > 0 then
- setValueClient(tool, "Firing", true)
- setValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip", getValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip") - 1)
- shoot(tool, mouse, config)
- if not config.ToolName then
- tool.Name = "["..getValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip").."]"
- end
- playSound(tool, "Fire")
- wait(config.FireRate)
- setValueClient(tool, "Firing", false)
- elseif getValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip")<=0 and not getValueClient(tool, "Firing") then
- if config.ReloadWhenEmpty then
- reload(tool, mouse, config)
- else
- playSound(tool, "Empty")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function button1Up(tool, mouse, config)
- mouseDown = false
- end
- local function keyDown(tool, mouse, key, config)
- if key:lower() == 'r' then
- reload(tool, mouse, config)
- end
- end
- local function unequipped(tool, config)
- if not isPlayerAlive() then
- return
- end
- waitForConfig(tool)
- mouseDown = false
- setValueClient(tool, "Firing", false)
- if deathConnection then
- deathConnection:disconnect()
- end
- if (not config.ToolName and not getValueClient(tool, "Reloading")) or not config.ReloadUnequipped then
- tool.Name = "["..getValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip").."]"
- end
- setValueClient(tool, "Equipped", false)
- end
- local function equipped(tool, mouse, config)
- if not isPlayerAlive() then
- return
- end
- waitForConfig(tool)
- deathConnection = character.Humanoid.Died:connect(function()
- tool:Destroy()
- for _, connection in pairs(connections) do
- pcall(function()
- connection:disconnect()
- end)
- end
- for _, remainingTool in pairs(backpack:GetChildren()) do
- remainingTool:Destroy()
- end
- end)
- -- Optimization
- multiShot = config.FireMulti > 1 and true or config.FireBurst
- serverDmg = storage and storage.Remotes:findFirstChild("HitEvent") and true or false
- if getOverride("InfiniteAmmo") then
- ammoLimit = false
- else
- ammoLimit = config.AmmoLimited
- end
- if hitSound then
- hitSound.Volume = getOverride("HitSoundsEnabled") and 1 or (config.HitSoundsOn and 1 or 0);
- hitSound.SoundId = player:findFirstChild("HitSoundAsset") and player.HitSoundAsset.Value or config.HitSoundAsset;
- else
- hitSound = create("Sound"){
- Name = "HitSound";
- Volume = getOverride("HitSoundsEnabled") and 1 or (config.HitSoundsOn and 1 or 0);
- SoundId = player:findFirstChild("HitSoundAsset") and player.HitSoundAsset.Value or config.HitSoundAsset;
- Pitch = 1;
- Parent = player.PlayerGui
- }
- end
- if not config.ToolName and not getValueClient(tool, "Reloading") then
- tool.Name = "["..getValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip").."]"
- end
- if config.ToolIcon then
- tool.TextureId = config.ToolIcon
- end
- if config.ToolDesc then
- tool.ToolTip = config.ToolDesc
- end
- mouse.Icon = player:findFirstChild("CursorEquipping") and player.CursorEquipping.Value or config.CursorEquipping
- mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() button1Down(tool, mouse, config) end)
- mouse.Button1Up:connect(function() button1Up(tool, mouse, config) end)
- mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) keyDown(tool, mouse, key, config) end)
- setValueClient(tool, "Equipped", true)
- end
- local function isToolLoaded(parent)
- for _, child in pairs(loadedTools) do
- if parent == child then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function scanTool(parent, dropped)
- if parent:IsA("Tool") then
- local configModule = parent:findFirstChild("Config")
- if configModule and configModule:IsA("ModuleScript") and not isToolLoaded(parent) then
- spawn(function()
- table.insert(loadedTools, parent)
- local tool = parent
- local config = require(configModule)
- tool.CanBeDropped = false
- table.insert(handles, tool:WaitForChild("Handle"))
- waitForChildren(tool:WaitForChild("Config"), {"AmmoClip","AmmoStored","AmmoTotal"})
- setValueClient(tool, "AmmoClip", config.AmmoClip)
- setValueServer(tool, "AmmoStored", config.AmmoTotal)
- setValueClient(tool, "AmmoStored", config.AmmoTotal)
- setValueServer(tool, "AmmoTotal", config.AmmoTotal)
- setValueClient(tool, "AmmoTotal", config.AmmoTotal)
- -- Equip routine
- table.insert(connections, tool.Equipped:connect(function(mouse)
- waitForChildren(tool:WaitForChild("Config"), {"AmmoClip","AmmoStored","AmmoTotal","Equipped","Reloading","Firing"})
- equipped(tool, mouse, config)
- end))
- -- Unequip routine
- table.insert(connections, tool.Unequipped:connect(function()
- unequipped(tool, config)
- end))
- -- Adding arm welds
- table.insert(connections, tool.Equipped:connect(function()
- waitForChildren(character, {"Torso", "Left Arm", "Right Arm"})
- local torso = character:findFirstChild("Torso")
- local leftArm = character:findFirstChild("Left Arm")
- local rightArm = character:findFirstChild("Right Arm")
- waitForChildren(torso, {"Left Shoulder", "Right Shoulder"})
- local leftShoulder = torso:findFirstChild("Left Shoulder")
- local rightShoulder = torso:findFirstChild("Right Shoulder")
- leftShoulder.Part1 = nil
- rightShoulder.Part1 = nil
- if filteringEnabled then
- if config.LeftArmWeldC1 or config.RightArmWeldC1 then
- storage.Remotes.WeldEvent:FireServer(false, true, config.LeftArmWeldC1, config.RightArmWeldC1)
- else
- storage.Remotes.WeldEvent:FireServer(false)
- end
- end
- local Weld ="Weld")
- leftArmWeld = Weld:Clone()
- leftArmWeld.Name = "LocalLeftArmWeld"
- leftArmWeld.Part0 = torso
- leftArmWeld.Part1 = leftArm
- leftArmWeld.C1 = config.LeftArmWeldC1 or cframe(0.8,0.5,0.4) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(270), math.rad(40), 0)
- leftArmWeld.Parent = torso
- rightArmWeld = Weld:Clone()
- rightArmWeld.Name = "LocalRightArmWeld"
- rightArmWeld.Part0 = torso
- rightArmWeld.Part1 = rightArm
- rightArmWeld.C1 = config.RightArmWeldC1 or cframe(-1.2,0.5,0.4) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(270), math.rad(-5), 0)
- rightArmWeld.Parent = torso
- end))
- -- Removing arm welds
- table.insert(connections, tool.Unequipped:connect(function()
- waitForChildren(character, {"Torso", "Left Arm", "Right Arm"})
- local torso = character:findFirstChild("Torso")
- local leftArm = character:findFirstChild("Left Arm")
- local rightArm = character:findFirstChild("Right Arm")
- waitForChildren(torso, {"Left Shoulder", "Right Shoulder"})
- local leftShoulder = torso:findFirstChild("Left Shoulder")
- local rightShoulder = torso:findFirstChild("Right Shoulder")
- if filteringEnabled then
- storage.Remotes.WeldEvent:FireServer(true)
- if torso:findFirstChild("LeftArmWeld") then
- torso["LeftArmWeld"].Part1 = nil
- end
- if torso:findFirstChild("RightArmWeld") then
- torso["RightArmWeld"].Part1 = nil
- end
- end
- leftArmWeld.Part1 = nil
- rightArmWeld.Part1 = nil
- leftShoulder.Part1 = leftArm
- rightShoulder.Part1 = rightArm
- if leftArmWeld then
- leftArmWeld:Destroy()
- end
- if rightArmWeld then
- rightArmWeld:Destroy()
- end
- end))
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- if filteringEnabled then
- storage.Remotes.FireEvent.OnClientEvent:connect(function(shooter, origin, hitPosition)
- if shooter.Name ~= player.Name then
- spawnProjectile(origin, hitPosition, shooter, true)
- end
- end)
- storage.Remotes.PlayEvent.OnClientEvent:connect(function(shooter, sound)
- if shooter.Name ~= player.Name and sound then
- sound:Play()
- end
- end)
- end
- player:WaitForChild("Backpack").ChildAdded:connect(function(child)
- scanTool(child, true)
- end)
- for _, parent in pairs(player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
- scanTool(parent)
- end
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