

Mar 26th, 2018
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  1. -- Script Made By Huge_Nazo
  2. -- Converted By Huge_Nazo
  3. -- Help from, turbozester55, GeoMaster, and Vediiz
  4. -- If you stole or logged me or plan to use this without hugenazo's consent, please just say that hugenazo at least made this so they can know that im cool guy
  6. --[[
  7. __ __ .__
  8. / \ / \_____ ______________|__| ___________
  9. \ \/\/ /\__ \\_ __ \_ __ \ |/ _ \_ __ \
  10. \ / / __ \| | \/| | \/ ( <_> ) | \/
  11. \__/\ / (____ /__| |__| |__|\____/|__|
  12. \/ \/
  14. ___. .__
  15. \_ |__ ___.__. | |__ __ __ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____________
  16. | __ < | | | | \| | \/ ___\_/ __ \ / \\__ \ \___ / _ \
  17. | \_\ \___ | | Y \ | / /_/ > ___/| | \/ __ \_/ ( <_> )
  18. |___ / ____| |___| /____/\___ / \___ >___| (____ /_____ \____/
  19. \/\/ \/ /_____/ \/ \/ \/ \/
  21. --]]
  22. -- this script is also pretty edibale and stuff and pretty simple but
  23. -- still though just rember its made by hugenazo
  24. local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer; repeat wait() until plr.Character
  25. local char = plr.Character
  26. local hume = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
  27. local animS = char:WaitForChild("Animate")
  28. local mouse = plr:GetMouse()
  29. --
  30. local head = char:WaitForChild("Head")
  31. local tors = char:WaitForChild("Torso")
  32. local rarm = char:WaitForChild("Right Arm")
  33. local larm = char:WaitForChild("Left Arm")
  34. local rleg = char:WaitForChild("Right Leg")
  35. local lleg = char:WaitForChild("Left Leg")
  36. local hrp = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  37. --
  38. local hw = tors:WaitForChild("Neck")
  39. local tw = hrp:WaitForChild("RootJoint")
  40. local raw = tors:WaitForChild("Right Shoulder")
  41. local law = tors:WaitForChild("Left Shoulder")
  42. local rlw = tors:WaitForChild("Right Hip")
  43. local llw = tors:WaitForChild("Left Hip")
  45. -- Globals --
  47. local i_n = Instance.new
  48. local v3 = Vector3.new
  49. local cfn = CFrame.new
  50. local cfa = CFrame.Angles
  51. local cfe = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ
  52. local bcn = BrickColor.new
  53. local c3 = Color3.new
  54. local ud2 = UDim2.new
  56. function newC3(r, g, b)
  57. return c3(r/255, g/255, b/255)
  58. end
  60. function newPart(p, name, x, y, z, col, trans, ref, anc, cc, prnt)
  61. local part = i_n("Part", p)
  62. part.Name = name
  63. part.Size = v3(x, y, z)
  64. part.BrickColor = col
  65. part.Transparency = trans
  66. part.Reflectance = ref
  67. part.Anchored = anc
  68. part.CanCollide = cc
  69. part.Parent = prnt
  70. return part
  71. end
  73. function newWeld(a, b, c0, c1)
  74. local w = i_n("ManualWeld", a)
  75. w.Part0 = a; w.Part1 = b
  76. if c0 then w.C0 = c0 end
  77. if c1 then w.C1 = c1 end
  78. return w
  79. end
  81. function newAnim(id)
  82. local anim = i_n("Animation")
  83. anim.AnimationId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="..id
  84. anim = hume:LoadAnimation(anim)
  85. return anim
  86. end
  88. function newSound(id, p, vol, pit, loop, por)
  89. local s = i_n("Sound", p)
  90. s.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..id
  91. s.Volume = vol; s.Pitch = pit
  92. s.Looped = loop; s.PlayOnRemove = por
  93. return s
  94. end
  96. -- Global Variables --
  97. local ogdefWS = 16
  98. local defWS = 16
  99. local bdmg = 20
  100. local combostep = 1
  101. local combowait = 2
  102. local combotime = tick()
  104. local equipped = false
  105. local active = false
  106. local running = false
  107. local jumping = false
  108. local lwoverride = false
  109. local softoverride = false
  110. local wsoverride = false
  112. local pausedanims = {}
  113. local bAttacks = {}
  114. local bAbilities = {}
  115. local abilities = {
  116. {["name"] = "Guard",
  117. ["cd"] = 6,
  118. ["ccd"] = 0,
  119. ["key"] = "E",
  120. ["ready"] = true,
  121. },
  122. {["name"] = "Upper-cutter",
  123. ["cd"] = 12,
  124. ["ccd"] = 0,
  125. ["key"] = "Z",
  126. ["ready"] = true,
  127. },
  128. {["name"] = "Bash",
  129. ["cd"] = 7,
  130. ["ccd"] = 0,
  131. ["key"] = "X",
  132. ["ready"] = true,
  133. },
  134. {["name"] = "Enrage",
  135. ["cd"] = 17,
  136. ["ccd"] = 0,
  137. ["key"] = "C",
  138. ["ready"] = true,
  139. },
  140. {["name"] = "Piercing Lunge",
  141. ["cd"] = 35,
  142. ["ccd"] = 0,
  143. ["key"] = "V",
  144. ["ready"] = true,
  145. }
  146. }
  148. ----- Instances ------
  149. local bdmg = i_n("NumberValue", script);bdmg.Value = 10
  150. local atkspd = i_n("NumberValue", script);atkspd.Value = 1
  151. local atkrange = i_n("NumberValue", script);atkrange.Value = 3
  152. local critc = i_n("NumberValue", script);critc.Value = 25
  153. local cancastab = i_n("BoolValue", script);cancastab.Name = "CanCastAbilities";cancastab.Value = true
  154. local rage = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter", script)
  155. rage.Name = "rage"
  156. rage.Rate = (60)
  157. rage.Speed = NumberRange.new(0,0)
  158. rage.VelocitySpread = (0)
  159. rage.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(1,.2)
  160. rage.LightEmission = (1)
  161. rage.Acceleration = v3(0,50,0)
  162. rage.Lifetime = NumberRange.new(.145,.145)
  163. rage.Size = NumberSequence.new({NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(0,4),NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(1,5)})
  164. rage.Texture = "rbxassetid://347730682"
  165. rage.Rotation = NumberRange.new(-15,15)
  166. rage.RotSpeed = NumberRange.new(-25,25)
  167. local color1 = Color3.new(1,0.3,0.015)
  168. local color2 = Color3.new(1,0,0)
  169. rage.Color = ColorSequence.new(color1,color2)
  170. rage.Enabled = false
  172. local ragelight = i_n("PointLight", script)
  173. ragelight.Name = "ragelight"
  174. ragelight.Color = c3(1,.02,0)
  175. ragelight.Brightness = 2
  176. ragelight.Range = 8
  177. ragelight.Shadows = true
  178. ragelight.Enabled = false
  180. local Electricity = Instance.new("ParticleEmitter", script)
  181. Electricity.Name = "Electricity"
  182. Electricity.Rate = (80)
  183. Electricity.Speed = NumberRange.new(0,0)
  184. Electricity.VelocitySpread = (0)
  185. Electricity.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(0,0)
  186. Electricity.LightEmission = (1)
  187. Electricity.Lifetime = NumberRange.new(0.075,0.075)
  188. Electricity.Size = NumberSequence.new({NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(0,1),NumberSequenceKeypoint.new(1,1.15)})
  189. Electricity.Texture = "rbxassetid://347730682"
  190. Electricity.Rotation = NumberRange.new(-360,360)
  191. Electricity.RotSpeed = NumberRange.new(-25,25)
  192. local color1 = Color3.new(1,.8,0.1)
  193. local color2 = Color3.new(1,.8,0.1)
  194. Electricity.Color = ColorSequence.new(color1,color2)
  195. Electricity.Enabled = false
  197. local dfunc = {
  198. function(hitHumanoid, damage, owner, crit)
  199. if hitHumanoid == owner then return end
  200. local debris = game:GetService("Debris")
  201. local p=Instance.new("Part",workspace);p.CanCollide=false;p.Transparency=1;p.Size=Vector3.new(.2,.2,.2);p.CFrame=hitHumanoid.Parent.Torso.CFrame+Vector3.new(math.random(-1,1),math.random(1,2),math.random(-1,1));p.Anchored = true
  202. local g=Instance.new("BillboardGui",p);g.Size=UDim2.new(2.5,0,2.5,0);g.Adornee=p;g.AlwaysOnTop=true
  203. local t=Instance.new("TextLabel",g);t.BackgroundTransparency=1;t.TextStrokeTransparency=0;t.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,1,0);t.TextScaled=true;t.Font= Enum.Font.Fantasy
  205. -- ========================================================================================
  206. if damage <= -1 then -- player is being healed
  207. t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',1.25)
  208. t.Text = "+"..( math.abs( math.floor((damage))).."")
  209. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Lime green").Color
  210. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  211. local s=Instance.new("Sound", hitHumanoid.Parent.Torso)
  212. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://535405197"
  213. s.Volume = 1
  214. s.Pitch = 1.15
  215. s:Play()
  216. hitHumanoid:TakeDamage(damage)
  217. debris:AddItem(s,1)
  218. debris:AddItem(p,1.45)
  219. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  220. -- ========================================================================================
  222. -- ========================================================================================
  223. elseif hitHumanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("ForceField") ~= nil or hitHumanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("Blocking") then -- player is blocking attack or has forcefield
  224. t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-0.1,0),'Out','Sine',2)
  225. t.Text = "Blocked!"
  226. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Really blue").Color
  227. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  228. g.Size=UDim2.new(25,0,25,0)
  229. local s=Instance.new("Sound", hitHumanoid.Parent.Torso)
  230. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://135436314"
  231. s.Volume = 0.25
  232. s.Pitch = 0.825
  233. s:Play()
  234. debris:AddItem(s,1)
  235. debris:AddItem(p,.95)
  236. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  237. -- ========================================================================================
  239. -- ========================================================================================
  240. elseif damage <= 0 or hitHumanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("Dodging") then -- player takes 0 damage therefore dodging the attack
  241. t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',.9)
  242. t.Text = "Dodge!"
  243. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Ghost grey").Color
  244. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  245. local s=Instance.new("Sound", hitHumanoid.Parent.Torso)
  246. s.SoundId="rbxasset://sounds/swoosh.wav"
  247. s.Volume = 1
  248. s.Pitch = 2
  249. s:Play()
  250. debris:AddItem(s,1)
  251. debris:AddItem(p,.85)
  252. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  253. -- ========================================================================================
  255. -- ========================================================================================
  256. elseif crit then -- player dealt critical strike
  257. t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',.9)
  258. t.Text = "-"..( math.abs( math.floor((damage))).."!")
  259. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Deep orange").Color
  260. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Maroon").Color
  261. t.ZIndex=3
  262. local a=Instance.new("ImageLabel", t)
  263. a.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0)
  264. a.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  265. a.Image = "rbxassetid://649624738"
  266. a.ImageColor3 = BrickColor.new("Deep orange").Color
  267. a.ZIndex=2
  268. local s=Instance.new("Sound", hitHumanoid.Parent.Torso)
  269. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://488886309"
  270. s.Volume = 1
  271. s.Pitch = 2.35
  272. s:Play()
  273. hitHumanoid:TakeDamage(damage)
  274. debris:AddItem(s,1)
  275. debris:AddItem(p,.85)
  276. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;a.ImageTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  277. -- ========================================================================================
  279. -- ========================================================================================
  280. elseif hitHumanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("ArmorBroken") then -- player dealt more damage to this unit (double damage)
  281. t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',.9)
  282. t.Text = "-"..( math.abs( math.floor((damage*2))).."!")
  283. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Royal purple").Color
  284. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  285. t.ZIndex=2
  286. local s=Instance.new("Sound", hitHumanoid.Parent.Torso)
  287. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://488886309"
  288. s.Volume = 1
  289. s.Pitch = 2
  290. s:Play()
  291. hitHumanoid:TakeDamage(damage*2)
  292. debris:AddItem(s,1)
  293. debris:AddItem(p,.85)
  294. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  295. -- ========================================================================================
  297. -- ========================================================================================
  298. elseif hitHumanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("GuardUp") then -- player is taking less damage (gets dealt less)
  299. t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',.9)
  300. t.Text = "-"..( math.abs( math.floor((damage/2))).."")
  301. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Bright blue").Color
  302. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  303. t.ZIndex=2
  304. local s=Instance.new("Sound", hitHumanoid.Parent.Torso)
  305. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://199149338"
  306. s.Volume = 1
  307. s.Pitch = 1.1
  308. s:Play()
  309. hitHumanoid:TakeDamage(damage/2)
  310. debris:AddItem(s,1)
  311. debris:AddItem(p,.85)
  312. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  313. -- ========================================================================================
  315. -- ========================================================================================
  316. elseif damage >= (hitHumanoid.MaxHealth * .25) then -- player dealt high amount of damage
  317. t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',1)
  318. t.Text = "-"..( math.abs( math.floor((damage))).." !")
  319. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Really red").Color
  320. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  321. local s=Instance.new("Sound", hitHumanoid.Parent.Torso)
  322. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://199149137"
  323. s.Volume = 0.5
  324. s.Pitch = 1.25
  325. s:Play()
  326. hitHumanoid:TakeDamage(damage)
  327. debris:AddItem(s,1)
  328. debris:AddItem(p,1)
  329. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  330. -- ========================================================================================
  332. -- ========================================================================================
  333. else -- player takes normal damage
  334. t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',.9)
  335. t.Text = "-"..( math.abs( math.floor((damage))))
  336. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Bright yellow").Color
  337. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  338. local s=Instance.new("Sound", hitHumanoid.Parent.Torso)
  339. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://199149137"
  340. s.Volume = 0.5
  341. s.Pitch = 1
  342. s:Play()
  343. hitHumanoid:TakeDamage(damage)
  344. debris:AddItem(s,1)
  345. debris:AddItem(p,.95)
  346. spawn(function()for i = 0,1,.2 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  347. end
  348. end
  349. }
  351. local weapon = i_n("Model", char);weapon.Name = "Weapon"
  353. local handl = newPart(i_n("Part"),"Handle",0.51, 1.36, 0.51,BrickColor.new("Brown"), 0, 0, false, false, weapon)
  354. local newmesh = i_n("CylinderMesh",handl)
  355. handl.CFrame = cfn(-4.4, 1.02, 4.4)
  357. local pommel = newPart(i_n("Part"),"Pommel",0.34, 0.34, 0.51,BrickColor.new("Gold"), 0, 0, false, false, weapon)
  358. local newmesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",pommel);newmesh.MeshType = "Torso"; newmesh.Scale = v3(2,1,1)
  359. pommel.CFrame = cfn(-4.4, 0.17, 4.4)
  360. pommel.Rotation = v3(180, 90, 0)
  362. local bladetip = newPart(i_n("Part"),"BladeTip",0.2, 0.2, 0.85,BrickColor.new("Pearl"), 0, .3, false, false, weapon)
  363. local newmesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",bladetip);newmesh.MeshType = "FileMesh";newmesh.MeshId = "http://www.roblox.com/Asset/?id=9756362" ;newmesh.Scale = v3(0.235, 1.7, 0.604)
  364. bladetip.CFrame = cfn(-4.4, 5.44, 4.4)
  366. local grip = newPart(i_n("Part"),"Grip",0.51, 1.19, 0.51,BrickColor.new("Dirt brown"), 0, 0, false, false, weapon)
  367. local newmesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",grip);newmesh.MeshType = "Head"; newmesh.Scale = v3(1.2,1,1.2)
  368. grip.CFrame = cfn(-4.4, 1.02, 4.4)
  370. local frontblade = newPart(i_n("Part"),"Blade",0.85, 0.17, 3.4,BrickColor.new("Pearl"), 0, .3, false, false, weapon)
  371. local newmesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",frontblade);newmesh.MeshType = "Torso"
  372. frontblade.CFrame = cfn(-4.315, 3.74, 4.4)
  373. frontblade.Rotation = v3(-90, 0, -90)
  375. local backblade = newPart(i_n("Part"),"Part",0.85, 0.17, 3.4,BrickColor.new("Pearl"), 0, .3, false, false, weapon)
  376. local newmesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",backblade);newmesh.MeshType = "Torso"
  377. backblade.CFrame = cfn(-4.485, 3.74, 4.4)
  378. backblade.Rotation = v3(-90, 0, 90)
  380. local hilt1 = newPart(i_n("Part"),"Part",0.68, 0.34, 0.51,BrickColor.new("Gold"), 0, 0, false, false, weapon)
  381. local newmesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",hilt1);newmesh.MeshType = "Torso"; newmesh.Scale = v3(2,1,1)
  382. hilt1.CFrame = cfn(-4.4, 1.87, 4.4)
  383. hilt1.Rotation = v3(180,90, 0)
  385. local hilt2 = newPart(i_n("Part"),"Part",1.02, 0.2, 0.37,BrickColor.new("Gold"), 0, 0, false, false, weapon)
  386. local newmesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",hilt2);newmesh.MeshType = "Torso"; newmesh.Scale = v3(2,1,1)
  387. hilt2.CFrame = cfn(-4.4, 1.87, 4.4)
  388. hilt2.Rotation = v3(180, 90, 0)
  390. function weld(x, y)
  391. if x == y then return end
  392. local CJ = CFrame.new(x.Position)
  393. local w = Instance.new("ManualWeld")
  394. w.Part0 = x
  395. w.Part1 = y
  396. w.C0 = x.CFrame:inverse() * CJ
  397. w.C1 = y.CFrame:inverse() * CJ
  398. w.Parent = x
  399. return w
  400. end
  402. local model = weapon
  404. for _,v in pairs(model:GetChildren()) do
  405. if v:IsA("BasePart") then
  406. weld(model.Handle, v)
  407. end end
  409. local handle = weapon:WaitForChild("Handle")
  410. local idletrack = newAnim(180435571)
  412. ----- New Instances ------
  414. local backweld = newWeld(tors, handle)
  415. backweld.C0 = cfn(1.5, 1.5, .5) * cfa(0, math.rad(90), 0) * cfa(math.rad(-135), 0, 0)
  417. local grip = newWeld(rarm, nil, cfn(0, -.7, 0) * cfa(math.rad(-90), 0, 0))
  419. local equipS = newSound(211059653, handle, 1, 1, false, false)
  420. local uneqS = newSound(166196557, handle, 1, 1, false, false)
  422. local slash1 = newSound(199145841, handle, 1, 1, false, false)
  423. local slash2 = newSound(199145841, handle, 1, 1.2, false, false)
  424. local slash3 = newSound(356422588, handle, 1, 1, false, false)
  425. local slash3 = newSound(356422588, handle, 1, 1.2, false, false)
  427. local skill1 = newSound(231917758, handle, 1, .85, false, false)
  428. local skill2 = newSound(2767090, handle, 1, .85, false, false)
  429. local skill3 = newSound(662614920,handle,1,1,false,false)
  430. local skill4 = newSound(2101137,handle,1,.45,false,false)
  431. local skill42 = newSound(540358153,handle,1,.7,false,false)
  433. ----- Animation Defaults ------
  435. local stand = {
  436. ["head"] = hw.C0,
  437. ["tors"] = tw.C1,
  438. ["rarm"] = raw.C0,
  439. ["larm"] = law.C0,
  440. ["rleg"] = rlw.C0,
  441. ["lleg"] = llw.C0,
  442. ["grip0"] = grip.C0,
  443. ["grip1"] = grip.C1
  444. }
  446. local neutral = {
  447. ["head"] = stand.head * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-10)),
  448. ["tors"] = stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-10)),
  449. ["rarm"] = stand.rarm * cfa(math.rad(-15), math.rad(-25), math.rad(-5)),
  450. ["larm"] = stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(-10), 0, 0),
  451. ["rleg"] = stand.rleg * cfa(0, math.rad(-24), 0),
  452. ["lleg"] = stand.lleg * cfa(0, math.rad(8), 0),
  453. ["grip0"] = stand.grip0,
  454. ["grip1"] = stand.grip1
  455. }
  457. local run = {
  458. ["head"] = stand.head * cfa(math.rad(8), 0, 0),
  459. ["tors"] = stand.tors,
  460. ["rarm"] = stand.rarm * cfa(math.rad(-20), math.rad(-15), math.rad(-5)),
  461. ["larm"] = stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(-15), math.rad(-10), math.rad(-5)),
  462. ["rleg"] = stand.rleg,
  463. ["lleg"] = stand.lleg,
  464. ["grip0"] = stand.grip0,
  465. ["grip1"] = stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(15), 0, 0)
  466. }
  468. local jump = {
  469. ["head"] = stand.head * cfa(math.rad(-15), 0, 0),
  470. ["tors"] = stand.tors,
  471. ["rarm"] = stand.rarm * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(60)),
  472. ["larm"] = stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(-24), 0, 0),
  473. ["rleg"] = stand.rleg * cfn(.5, 0, 0) * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-15)),
  474. ["lleg"] = stand.lleg * cfn(-1, 1, 0) * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(15)),
  475. ["grip0"] = stand.grip0,
  476. ["grip1"] = stand.grip1
  477. }
  479. local fall = {
  480. ["head"] = stand.head * cfa(math.rad(15), 0, 0),
  481. ["tors"] = stand.tors,
  482. ["rarm"] = stand.rarm * cfn(0, -.5, .2) * cfa(math.rad(-70), 0, 0),
  483. ["larm"] = stand.larm * cfn(0, -.5, .2) * cfa(math.rad(-70), 0, 0),
  484. ["rleg"] = stand.rleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(9)),
  485. ["lleg"] = stand.lleg * cfn(-1, 1, 0) * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(15)),
  486. ["grip0"] = stand.grip0,
  487. ["grip1"] = stand.grip1
  488. }
  490. local stunned = {
  491. ["head"] = stand.head,
  492. ["tors"] = stand.tors * cfn(0, -2.25, 0) *cfa(math.rad(90),0,0),
  493. ["rarm"] = stand.rarm * cfn(0, -.5, .2) * cfa(math.rad(-40), 0, 0),
  494. ["larm"] = stand.larm * cfn(0, -.5, .2) * cfa(math.rad(-40), 0, 0),
  495. ["rleg"] = stand.rleg * cfa(math.rad(-15), 0, 0),
  496. ["lleg"] = stand.lleg * cfa( math.rad(-15), 0, 0),
  497. ["grip0"] = stand.grip0,
  498. ["grip1"] = stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(90),0,0)
  499. }
  500. ------ Primary Functions ------
  503. ArtificialHB = Instance.new("BindableEvent", script)
  504. ArtificialHB.Name = "Heartbeat"
  506. script:WaitForChild("Heartbeat")
  509. --credit to saz/nym for this pacemaker
  510. frame = 1 / 60
  511. tf = 0
  512. allowframeloss = false
  513. tossremainder = false
  514. lastframe = tick()
  515. script.Heartbeat:Fire()
  517. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function(s, p)
  518. tf = tf + s
  519. if tf >= frame then
  520. if allowframeloss then
  521. script.Heartbeat:Fire()
  522. lastframe = tick()
  523. else
  524. for i = 1, math.floor(tf / frame) do
  525. script.Heartbeat:Fire()
  526. end
  527. lastframe = tick()
  528. end
  529. if tossremainder then
  530. tf = 0
  531. else
  532. tf = tf - frame * math.floor(tf / frame)
  533. end
  534. end
  535. end)
  537. function swait(num)
  538. if num == 0 or num == nil then
  539. ArtificialHB.Event:wait()
  540. else
  541. for i = 0, num do
  542. ArtificialHB.Event:wait()
  543. end
  544. end
  545. end
  547. function stopAnims()
  548. pausedanims = {}
  550. for _,v in pairs(hume:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do v:Stop()
  551. table.insert(pausedanims, v)
  552. end end
  554. function resumeAnims()
  555. for _,v in pairs(pausedanims) do v:Play()
  556. end end
  558. function resetJoints()
  559. hw.C0 = stand.head; tw.C1 = stand.tors
  560. raw.C0 = stand.rarm; law.C0 = stand.larm
  561. rlw.C0 = stand.rleg; llw.C0 = stand.lleg
  562. grip.C0 = stand.grip0; grip.C1 = stand.grip1
  563. end
  565. function equip()
  566. local t = 15
  567. animS.Disabled = true; stopAnims()
  568. resetJoints()
  570. for i = 1, t do swait()
  571. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(172)), (i/t)/2)
  572. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(neutral.larm, i/t)
  573. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(neutral.head, i/t)
  574. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(neutral.tors, i/t)
  575. end
  577. backweld.Part1 = nil; grip.Part1 = handle
  578. idletrack:Play(); equipS:Play()
  579. end
  581. function unequip()
  582. local t = 15
  584. lwoverride = true
  586. for i = 1, t do swait()
  587. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(172)), (i/t)/2)
  588. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm, i/t)
  589. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head, i/t)
  590. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors, i/t)
  591. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg, i/t)
  592. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg, i/t)
  593. end
  595. uneqS:Play()
  596. grip.Part1 = nil; backweld.Part1 = handle
  597. idletrack:Stop(); animS.Disabled = false
  598. resetJoints(); resumeAnims()
  599. lwoverride = false
  600. end
  602. function checkPartMag(list, range)
  603. local targets = {}
  605. for _,v in pairs(list) do
  606. for _,x in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  607. local vhume = x:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  608. if vhume and vhume:IsA("Humanoid") then
  609. for _,y in pairs(x:GetChildren()) do
  610. if y:IsA("BasePart") and (v.Position - y.Position).magnitude <= range
  611. then table.insert(targets, x); break end
  612. end end end end
  614. return targets
  615. end
  618. function checkPartMag2(list, range)
  619. local targets = {}
  621. for _,v in pairs(list) do
  622. for _,x in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  623. local vhume = x:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  624. if vhume and vhume:IsA("Humanoid") then
  625. for _,y in pairs(x:GetChildren()) do
  626. if y:IsA("BasePart") and (v.Position - y.Position).magnitude <= range
  627. then table.insert(targets, x); break end
  628. end end end end
  630. return targets
  631. end
  633. function checkPosMag(pos, range)
  634. local targets = {}
  636. for _,x in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  637. local vhume = x:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  638. if vhume and vhume:IsA("Humanoid") then
  639. for _,y in pairs(x:GetChildren()) do
  640. if y:IsA("BasePart") and (pos - y.Position).magnitude <= range
  641. then table.insert(targets, x)
  642. print(x.Name) end
  643. end end end
  645. return targets
  646. end
  648. function rollTheDice(chance, min, max)
  649. local gen = math.random(min, max)
  650. return gen <= chance
  651. end
  653. function strike(targ, dmg, critchance)
  654. local moddmg = math.floor(dmg)
  655. local crit = false
  657. if targ == char then return end
  659. local vhume = targ:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  660. if vhume and vhume:IsA("Humanoid") then
  661. moddmg = math.ceil(moddmg * (math.random(75, 150)/100))
  663. if rollTheDice(critchance, 1, 100) then
  664. moddmg = moddmg * 2; crit = true
  665. end
  667. dfunc[1](vhume, moddmg, hume, crit)
  668. end end
  670. function cooldown(num)
  671. local ab = abilities[num]
  672. local now = tick()
  674. spawn(function()
  675. ab.ready = false
  676. ab.ccd = ab.cd
  678. while ab.ccd > 0 do swait()
  680. repeat swait() until (tick()-now) >= 1
  681. or ab.ccd <= 0
  683. if ab.ccd > 0 then ab.ccd = ab.ccd - 1; now = tick()
  684. else break
  685. end end
  687. ab.ready = true
  688. end)
  689. end
  691. function attack()
  692. if combostep >= #bAttacks then combostep = 1
  693. else combostep = combostep + 1 end
  695. combotime = tick(); bAttacks[combostep]()
  697. softoverride = false; lwoverride = false
  698. wsoverride = false; hume.WalkSpeed = defWS
  699. end
  701. function cast(num)
  702. local ab = abilities[num]
  703. local func = bAbilities[num]
  705. if ab.ready and func then
  706. cooldown(num); func()
  707. end end
  709. function knockback(targ, power, time)
  710. local vtors = targ:FindFirstChild("Torso")
  711. if vtors and vtors.Parent then
  712. local bv = i_n("BodyVelocity", vtors)
  713. bv.MaxForce = v3(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge)
  714. bv.Velocity = vtors.CFrame.lookVector * power
  715. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bv, time)
  716. end end
  718. function checkStatus(targ, status)
  719. local val = targ:FindFirstChild(status)
  720. if val and val:IsA("BoolValue") then
  721. return true
  722. else return false
  723. end end
  725. function canMove()
  726. if checkStatus(char, "Stun")
  727. or checkStatus(char, "Knockback")
  728. then return true
  729. else return false
  730. end end
  732. -- Basic Attacks --
  734. bAttacks = {
  735. ------------------
  736. function()
  737. local t = math.ceil(15/atkspd.Value)
  738. local hitdb = {}
  740. for i = 1, t do swait()
  741. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(12)), i/t)
  742. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(24)), i/t)
  743. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(0, .5, 0) * cfa(math.rad(15), 0, math.rad(172)), i/t)
  744. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfa(0, math.rad(-30), math.rad(-70)), i/t)
  745. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(-30), 0, 0), i/t)
  747. if not running then softoverride = true
  748. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg, i/t)
  749. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, math.rad(24), 0), i/t)
  750. end
  752. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  754. end
  756. if active then t = math.ceil(10/atkspd.Value); slash1:Play()
  758. for i = 1, t do swait()
  759. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-12)), i/t)
  760. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-24)), i/t)
  761. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(.8, 0, -1) * cfa(math.rad(30), 0, math.rad(45)), i/t)
  762. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(-45), 0, math.rad(30)), i/t)
  763. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(80), 0, 0), i/t)
  765. if not running then softoverride = true
  766. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfn(.5, 0, 0) * cfa(0, math.rad(-24), 0), i/t)
  767. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(15)), i/t)
  768. end
  770. for _,v in pairs(checkPartMag({weapon.Blade}, atkrange.Value)) do
  771. if not hitdb[v] then hitdb[v] = true
  772. strike(v, bdmg.Value, critc.Value)
  773. end end
  775. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  777. end end
  778. end,
  779. ------------------
  780. function()
  781. local t = math.ceil(15/atkspd.Value)
  782. local hitdb = {}
  784. for i = 1, t do swait()
  785. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-22)), i/t)
  786. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-45)), i/t)
  787. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(.8, 0, -1.8) * cfa(math.rad(-90), 0, math.rad(135)), i/t)
  788. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(-15), 0, math.rad(-30)), i/t)
  789. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(-30), 0, 0), i/t)
  791. if not running then softoverride = true
  792. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfn(.5, 0, 0), i/t)
  793. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(30)), i/t)
  794. end
  796. if not active then break end
  797. end
  799. if active then t = math.ceil(10/atkspd.Value); slash2:Play()
  801. for i = 1, t do swait()
  802. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(15)), i/t)
  803. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(30)), i/t)
  804. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(0, -.5, .5) * cfa(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), i/t)
  805. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(0, 0, .2) * cfa(math.rad(-80), 0, math.rad(-15)), i/t)
  806. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(90), 0, 0), i/t)
  808. if not running then softoverride = true
  809. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfa(0, math.rad(-30), 0), i/t)
  810. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, math.rad(30), 0), i/t)
  811. end
  813. for _,v in pairs(checkPartMag({weapon.Blade}, atkrange.Value)) do
  814. if not hitdb[v] then hitdb[v] = true
  815. strike(v, bdmg.Value, critc.Value)
  816. end end
  818. if not active then break end
  819. end end
  820. end,
  821. ------------------
  822. function()
  823. local t = math.ceil(15/atkspd.Value)
  824. local hitdb = {}
  826. for i = 1, t do swait()
  827. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(60)), i/t)
  828. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(70)), i/t)
  829. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfa(math.rad(-30), math.rad(50), math.rad(-30)), i/t)
  830. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(0, 0, -1.5) * cfa(math.rad(80), 0, math.rad(-30)), i/t)
  831. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(-30), 0, 0), i/t)
  833. if not running then softoverride = true
  834. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-30)), i/t)
  835. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfn(-.8, 0, 0), i/t)
  836. end
  838. if not active then break end
  839. end
  841. if active then t = math.ceil(10/atkspd.Value); slash2:Play()
  843. for i = 1, t do swait()
  844. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head, i/t)
  845. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors, i/t)
  846. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(.8, 0, -.5) * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(90)), i/t)
  847. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(-.8, 0, -1.6) * cfa(0, math.rad(-30), math.rad(-90)), i/t)
  848. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(90), 0, 0), i/t)
  850. if not running then softoverride = true
  851. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfn(.5, 0, 0), i/t)
  852. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(30)), i/t)
  853. end
  855. for _,v in pairs(checkPartMag({weapon.Blade}, atkrange.Value)) do
  856. if not hitdb[v] then hitdb[v] = true
  857. strike(v, bdmg.Value, critc.Value)
  858. end end
  860. if not active then break end
  861. end end
  862. end,
  863. ------------------
  864. function()
  865. local t = math.ceil(10/atkspd.Value)
  866. local hitdb = {}
  868. lwoverride = true
  869. wsoverride = true
  870. hume.WalkSpeed = 0
  872. for i = 1, t do swait()
  873. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-22)), i/t)
  874. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-45)), i/t)
  875. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(.8, 0, -1.8) * cfa(math.rad(-90), 0, math.rad(135)), i/t)
  876. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(-15), 0, math.rad(-30)), i/t)
  877. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(-30), 0, 0), i/t)
  878. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfn(1, 1, 0), i/t)
  879. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg, i/t)
  881. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  883. end
  885. if active then t = math.ceil(40/atkspd.Value); slash3:Play()
  886. local angle = 0
  888. for i = 1, t do swait()
  889. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(15)), i/t)
  890. tw.C1 = stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(750 * (i/t)))
  891. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(0, -.5, .5) * cfa(math.rad(-90), 0, 0), i/t)
  892. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(0, 0, .2) * cfa(math.rad(-80), 0, math.rad(-15)), i/t)
  893. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(90), 0, 0), i/t)
  894. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfn(1, 1, 0), i/t)
  895. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg, i/t)
  896. hrp.Velocity = hrp.CFrame.lookVector * 30
  897. angle = angle + (750/t)
  899. if angle >= 330 and i~=t then slash3:Play(); angle = 0
  900. end
  902. for _,v in pairs(checkPartMag({weapon.Blade}, atkrange.Value)) do
  903. if not hitdb[v] then hitdb[v] = true; strike(v, bdmg.Value, critc.Value)
  904. spawn(function() wait(.15); hitdb[v] = false end)
  905. end end
  907. if not active then break end
  908. end end
  909. end,
  910. ------------------
  911. }
  913. -- Abilities --
  915. bAbilities = {
  917. function(E)
  919. local t = 90
  921. local b= i_n("BoolValue",char);b.Name="Blocking";game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(b,1.65)
  922. defWS = 8
  924. for i = 1, t do swait()
  925. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(math.rad(17),0,0), i/t)
  926. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, 0), i/t)
  927. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfa(math.rad(-15),0,math.rad(90)), i/t)
  928. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(-.3,-0.25,-1.95) * cfa(math.rad(45),math.rad(-40), math.rad(-80)), i/t)
  929. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfn(0.25,0,0)* cfa(0,math.rad(90), math.rad(-110)), i/t)
  931. if not running then softoverride = true
  932. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg, i/t)
  933. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, math.rad(24), 0), i/t)
  934. end
  936. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  938. end
  939. defWS = ogdefWS
  941. end,
  943. function(Z)
  945. local t = 10
  946. local hitdb = {}
  947. local exp = coroutine.wrap(function()
  948. local Explosion = newPart(i_n("Part"), "Effect", .2,.2,.2,BrickColor.new("Daisy orange"), 0.4, 0, true, false, workspace)
  949. local Mesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",Explosion);Mesh.Scale=v3(4,0.75,4);Mesh.MeshId="http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=20329976"
  950. Explosion.CFrame = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * cfn(0,-1.25,0)* cfa(math.rad(-180),0,0)
  951. repeat
  952. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale + v3(.75,.175,.75)
  953. Explosion.Transparency = Explosion.Transparency + .05
  954. swait()
  955. until Explosion.Transparency >= 1
  956. Explosion:Destroy()
  957. end)
  959. for i = 1, t do swait()
  960. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(math.rad(-15),0,0), i/t)
  961. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfn(0,-.1,0) * cfa(math.rad(-25),0,0), i/t)
  962. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfa(0, math.rad(21), math.rad(64)), i/t)
  963. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(0,-.3,-1.45)* cfa(0, math.rad(-53), math.rad(-70)), i/t)
  964. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(-180), 0, 0), i/t)
  966. if not running then softoverride = true
  967. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg, i/t)
  968. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, math.rad(24), 0), i/t)
  969. end
  971. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  973. end
  975. local t = 25
  977. defWS = 0
  978. lwoverride = true
  979. wsoverride = true
  980. skill1:Play()
  981. exp()
  982. local bv = i_n("BodyVelocity", char.HumanoidRootPart);bv.MaxForce=v3(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge);bv.Velocity=v3(0,95,0);game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bv,.075)
  983. for i = 1, t do swait()
  984. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(math.rad(-17),0,0), i/t)
  985. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, 0), i/t)
  986. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(0, .5, 0) * cfa(0, math.rad(23), math.rad(172)), i/t)
  987. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(0,0,-1.45)* cfa(0, math.rad(-53), math.rad(-143)), i/t)
  988. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(-180), 0, 0), i/t)
  989. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg, i/t)
  990. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, math.rad(24), 0), i/t)
  992. for _,v in pairs(checkPartMag({weapon.Blade}, 6)) do
  993. if not hitdb[v] then hitdb[v] = true
  994. strike(v, bdmg.Value + 5, 0)
  995. if v.Name~=plr.Name then
  996. local bv = i_n("BodyVelocity", v.Torso);bv.MaxForce=v3(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge);bv.Velocity=v3(0,85,0);game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bv,.1)
  997. end end end
  999. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  1001. end
  1003. defWS = ogdefWS
  1004. end,
  1006. function(X)
  1008. local t = 15
  1009. local hitdb = {}
  1010. lwoverride = true
  1011. wsoverride = true
  1012. defWS = 0
  1014. local exp = coroutine.wrap(function()
  1015. local Explosion = newPart(i_n("Part"), "Effect", .2,.2,.2,BrickColor.new("Ghost grey"), .4, 0, true, false, workspace)
  1016. local Mesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",Explosion);Mesh.Scale=v3(3,4,3);Mesh.MeshId="http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=20329976"
  1017. Explosion.CFrame = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * cfa(math.rad(45),0,0)
  1018. local bv = i_n("BodyVelocity", hrp); bv.MaxForce = v3(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge);bv.Velocity = hrp.CFrame.lookVector * 60
  1019. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bv,.15)
  1020. repeat
  1021. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale + v3(.75,.25,.75)
  1022. Explosion.Transparency = Explosion.Transparency + .05
  1023. swait()
  1024. until Explosion.Transparency >= 1
  1025. Explosion:Destroy()
  1026. end)
  1028. exp()
  1029. skill2:Play()
  1030. for i = 1, t do swait()
  1031. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(0, math.rad(-10), math.rad(-90)), i/t)
  1032. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-90)), i/t)
  1033. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(0,-0.35,0.45)* cfa(math.rad(-90),0,math.rad(90)), i/t)
  1034. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(-45),0,0), i/t)
  1035. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(-12),0,0), i/t)
  1036. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfa(math.rad(12),0,0), i/t)
  1037. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(math.rad(-18),0,0), i/t)
  1039. --[[if not running then softoverride = true
  1040. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg, i/t)
  1041. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, math.rad(24), 0), i/t)
  1042. end
  1043. --]]
  1044. for _,v in pairs(checkPartMag({weapon.Pommel}, 3)) do
  1045. if not hitdb[v] then hitdb[v] = true
  1046. strike(v, bdmg.Value + 1.5, 0)
  1047. if v.Name~=plr.Name then
  1048. local bv =i_n("BoolValue", v);bv.Name = "ArmorBroken";game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bv,2)
  1049. end
  1050. end end
  1052. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  1054. end
  1055. defWS = ogdefWS
  1056. end,
  1058. function(C)
  1060. local t = 20
  1061. local hitdb = {}
  1062. local exp = coroutine.wrap(function()
  1063. local Explosion = newPart(i_n("Part"), "Effect", .2,.2,.2,BrickColor.new("Bright red"), 0, 0, true, false, workspace)
  1064. local Mesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",Explosion);Mesh.Scale=v3(3,4,3);Mesh.MeshId="http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=20329976"
  1065. Explosion.CFrame = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * cfn(0,-1.25,0)* cfa(0,0,0)
  1066. repeat
  1067. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale + v3(.75,.25,.75)
  1068. Explosion.Transparency = Explosion.Transparency + .05
  1069. swait()
  1070. until Explosion.Transparency >= 1
  1071. Explosion:Destroy()
  1072. end)
  1074. local atkspdbuf = coroutine.wrap(function()
  1075. atkspd.Value = atkspd.Value * 1.65
  1076. critc.Value = critc.Value + 7.5
  1077. local cln = script.rage:Clone()
  1078. cln.Parent = char.Torso
  1079. cln.Enabled = true
  1080. local cln2 = script.ragelight:Clone()
  1081. cln2.Parent = char.Torso
  1082. cln2.Enabled = true
  1083. defWS = defWS * 1.45
  1084. wait(5.85)
  1085. cln.Enabled = false
  1086. wait(.15)
  1087. cln:Destroy()
  1088. cln2:Destroy()
  1089. defWS = ogdefWS
  1090. atkspd.Value = atkspd.Value / 1.65
  1091. critc.Value = critc.Value - 7.5
  1092. end)
  1094. for i = 1, t do swait()
  1095. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(math.rad(12), 0, 0), i/t)
  1096. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, 0), i/t)
  1097. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfa(math.rad(30),math.rad(45),math.rad(90)), i/t)
  1098. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(30),math.rad(-45),math.rad(-90)), i/t)
  1099. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(0,0,0), i/t)
  1101. if not running then softoverride = true
  1102. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg, i/t)
  1103. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, math.rad(24), 0), i/t)
  1104. end
  1106. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  1108. end
  1110. if active then skill3:Play();exp();atkspdbuf()
  1112. for i = 1, t do swait()
  1113. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(math.rad(-2), 0, 0), i/t)
  1114. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfa(0, 0, 0), i/t)
  1115. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(-0.5,-0.5,0) * cfa(math.rad(30),math.rad(45),math.rad(120)), i/t)
  1116. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(0.5,-0.5,0) * cfa(math.rad(30),math.rad(-45),math.rad(-120)), i/t)
  1117. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(0,0,0), i/t)
  1119. if not running then softoverride = true
  1120. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg, i/t)
  1121. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, math.rad(24), 0), i/t)
  1122. end
  1124. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  1126. end
  1129. end
  1130. end,
  1132. function(V)
  1134. lwoverride = true
  1135. wsoverride = true
  1136. defWS = 0
  1137. local t = 120
  1138. local hitdb = {}
  1140. local Trail = newPart(i_n("Part"), "Effect", .2,.2,.2,BrickColor.new("Institutional white"), 1, 0, true, false, workspace);game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(Trail,3)
  1142. local emitr = script.Electricity:Clone();emitr.Parent = weapon.Blade; emitr.Enabled = true; game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(emitr,1.95)
  1143. local bladtrail = coroutine.wrap(function()
  1144. Trail.Material = "Neon"
  1145. Trail.Size = v3(25, 0.5, 0.5)
  1146. Trail.Transparency = 0
  1147. local Mesh = i_n("SpecialMesh",Trail);Mesh.Scale=v3(1,1,1);Mesh.MeshType = "Sphere"
  1148. Trail.CFrame = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * cfn(0,0,0)* cfa(0,math.rad(90),0)
  1149. local dumbtp = newPart(i_n("Part"), "Effect", .2,.2,.2,BrickColor.new("Institutional white"), 1, 0, true, false, workspace);game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(dumbtp,.1)
  1150. dumbtp.CFrame = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *cfn(0,0,-15)
  1151. char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = dumbtp.CFrame
  1152. repeat
  1153. Trail.Size = Trail.Size + v3(.125,.025,.025)
  1154. Trail.Transparency = Trail.Transparency + .025
  1155. swait()
  1156. until Trail.Transparency >= 1
  1157. Trail:Destroy()
  1158. end)
  1159. skill4:Play()
  1160. for i = 1, t do swait()
  1161. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head * cfa(math.rad(-22), 0, 0), i/t)
  1162. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors * cfn(0,0,0.65) *cfa(math.rad(-25), 0, 0), i/t)
  1163. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfa(math.rad(-85),0,math.rad(36)), i/t)
  1164. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(-0.25,0.5,-1.85) *cfa(math.rad(90), 0, math.rad(-30)), i/t)
  1165. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(30), 0, math.rad(20)), i/t)
  1166. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfn(.85, 1, 0) * cfa(0,0,math.rad(30)), i/t)
  1167. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0,0,math.rad(15)), i/t)
  1169. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  1171. end
  1173. local t = 15
  1174. bladtrail()
  1175. skill42:Play()
  1177. for i = 1, t do swait()
  1178. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stand.head, i/t)
  1179. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stand.tors, i/t)
  1180. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stand.rarm * cfn(.8, 0, -.5) * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(90)), i/t)
  1181. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfn(-.8, 0, -1.6) * cfa(0, math.rad(-30), math.rad(-90)), i/t)
  1182. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stand.grip1 * cfa(math.rad(90), 0, 0), i/t)
  1184. if not running then softoverride = true
  1185. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfn(.5, 0, 0), i/t)
  1186. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(30)), i/t)
  1187. end
  1189. for _,v in pairs(checkPartMag({Trail}, 20)) do
  1190. if not hitdb[v] then hitdb[v] = true
  1191. strike(v, bdmg.Value + 10, 0)
  1192. end end
  1195. if not active or checkStatus(char, "Stun") then break end
  1197. end
  1199. defWS = ogdefWS
  1200. end
  1202. }
  1204. -- coroutines
  1205. ----------------------------------------------
  1207. ----------------------------------------------
  1208. local runmanage = spawn(function()
  1209. while true do swait()
  1211. local tvel = (hrp.Velocity * v3(1, 0, 1)).magnitude
  1212. local groundcheck = Ray.new(hrp.Position, ((hrp.CFrame.p - Vector3.new(0, 1, 0)) - hrp.CFrame.p).unit * 4)
  1213. local hit = workspace:FindPartOnRay(groundcheck, char)
  1215. if hit then
  1216. if jumping then jumping = false; end
  1217. else jumping = true
  1218. end
  1220. if tvel > 2 then
  1222. if not running then running = true; softoverride = false end
  1223. elseif running then running = false
  1224. end
  1226. if (wsoverride or lwoverride) and not active then
  1227. wsoverride = false; lwoverride = false
  1228. end
  1230. if not wsoverride then
  1231. hume.WalkSpeed = defWS
  1232. end end end)
  1233. ----------------------------------------------
  1234. local runanim = spawn(function()
  1235. while true do swait()
  1236. local vtvel = math.abs(hrp.Velocity.Y)
  1237. local t = 20
  1239. if equipped and not active then
  1241. if jumping then
  1243. if hrp.Velocity.Y > 1 then for i = 1, t do swait()
  1244. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(jump.rarm, (i/t)/2)
  1245. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(jump.larm, (i/t)/2)
  1246. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(jump.head, (i/t)/2)
  1247. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(jump.tors, (i/t)/2)
  1248. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(jump.grip1, (i/t)/2)
  1249. grip.C0 = grip.C0:lerp(jump.grip0, (i/t)/2)
  1250. if not jumping or active or hrp.Velocity.Y < 1 then
  1251. break end end
  1253. else for i = 1, t do swait()
  1254. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(fall.rarm, (i/t)/2)
  1255. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(fall.larm, (i/t)/2)
  1256. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(fall.head, (i/t)/2)
  1257. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(fall.tors, (i/t)/2)
  1258. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(fall.grip1, (i/t)/2)
  1259. grip.C0 = grip.C0:lerp(fall.grip0, (i/t)/2)
  1260. if not jumping or active or hrp.Velocity.Y > 1 then
  1261. break end end end
  1263. elseif running then for i = 1, t do swait()
  1264. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(run.rarm, (i/t)/2)
  1265. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(-15), math.rad(10), 0), (i/t)/2)
  1266. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(run.head, (i/t)/2)
  1267. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(run.tors, (i/t)/2)
  1268. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(run.grip1, (i/t)/2)
  1269. grip.C0 = grip.C0:lerp(run.grip0, (i/t)/2)
  1270. if not running or jumping or active then break end
  1271. end
  1273. for i = 1, t do swait()
  1274. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(run.rarm, (i/t)/2)
  1275. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stand.larm * cfa(math.rad(-15), math.rad(10),0), (i/t)/2)
  1276. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(run.head, (i/t)/2)
  1277. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(run.tors, (i/t)/2)
  1278. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(run.grip1, (i/t)/2)
  1279. grip.C0 = grip.C0:lerp(run.grip0, (i/t)/2)
  1280. if not running or jumping or active then break end
  1281. end
  1283. else t = 60
  1284. for i = 1, t do swait()
  1285. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(neutral.rarm, i/t)
  1286. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(neutral.larm, i/t)
  1287. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(neutral.head, i/t)
  1288. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(neutral.tors, i/t)
  1289. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(neutral.grip1, (i/t)/2)
  1290. grip.C0 = grip.C0:lerp(neutral.grip0, (i/t)/2)
  1291. if running or jumping or active then break end
  1292. end end end end end)
  1293. ----------------------------------------------
  1294. local legwalk = spawn(function()
  1295. while true do swait()
  1296. local t = math.ceil(300/hume.WalkSpeed)
  1297. local t2 = 20
  1299. if equipped and not (lwoverride or softoverride) then
  1301. if jumping then
  1303. if hrp.Velocity.Y > 1 then for i = 1, t2 do swait()
  1304. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(jump.rleg, i/t2)
  1305. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(jump.lleg, i/t2)
  1306. if not jumping or lwoverride or softoverride
  1307. or hrp.Velocity.Y < 1 then break end
  1308. end
  1310. else for i = 1, t2 do swait()
  1311. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(fall.rleg, i/t2)
  1312. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(fall.lleg, i/t2)
  1313. if not jumping or lwoverride or softoverride
  1314. or hrp.Velocity.Y > 1 then break end
  1315. end end
  1317. elseif running then for i = 1, t do swait()
  1318. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-40)), (i/t)/2)
  1319. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(-40)), (i/t)/2)
  1320. if not running or jumping or lwoverride or softoverride then break end
  1321. end
  1323. if running and not jumping then for i = 1, t do swait()
  1324. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stand.rleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(40)), (i/t)/2)
  1325. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stand.lleg * cfa(0, 0, math.rad(40)), (i/t)/2)
  1326. if not running or lwoverride or softoverride then break end
  1327. end end
  1329. else for i = 1, t do swait()
  1330. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(neutral.rleg, i/t)
  1331. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(neutral.lleg, i/t)
  1332. if running or jumping or lwoverride or softoverride then break end
  1333. end end
  1335. elseif not equipped then
  1336. rlw.C0 = stand.rleg; llw.C0 = stand.lleg
  1337. end end end)
  1338. ----------------------------------------------
  1339. local combomanage = spawn(function()
  1340. while true do swait()
  1341. if (tick()-combotime)>=combowait
  1342. and not active then combostep = 0
  1343. end end
  1344. end)
  1345. ----------------------------------------------
  1346. -- Input Events
  1348. mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  1349. if equipped and not active then active = true
  1350. attack(); active = false
  1351. end end)
  1353. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  1354. key = key:lower()
  1356. for i,v in ipairs(abilities) do
  1357. if key == v.key:lower() then
  1358. if equipped and script.CanCastAbilities.Value == true and not active then
  1359. active = true; cast(i); active = false
  1360. end end end
  1362. if key == "q" then
  1363. if not equipped then equipped = true; active = true
  1364. equip(); active = false
  1366. else if not active then active = true
  1367. unequip(); active = false; equipped = false
  1368. end end end end)
  1370. -- Arbitrary End Code --
  1371. weapon.Parent = char
  1373. while char:FindFirstChild("Silenced") ~= nil do
  1374. script.CanCastAbilities.Value = false
  1375. wait(2)
  1376. script.CanCastAbilities.Value = true
  1377. end
  1379. while true do -- stun
  1380. if char:FindFirstChild("Stunned") ~= nil then do
  1381. defWS = 0; hume.JumpPower = 0 ;active = true
  1382. local stuntext = coroutine.wrap(function()
  1383. local p=Instance.new("Part",workspace);p.CanCollide=false;p.Transparency=1;p.Size=Vector3.new(.2,.2,.2);p.CFrame=char.Torso.CFrame+Vector3.new(math.random(-1,1),math.random(1,2),math.random(-1,1));p.Anchored = true
  1384. local g=Instance.new("BillboardGui",p);g.Size=UDim2.new(2.5,0,2.5,0);g.Adornee=p;g.AlwaysOnTop=true
  1385. local t=Instance.new("TextLabel",g);t.BackgroundTransparency=1;t.TextStrokeTransparency=0;t.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,1,0);t.TextScaled=true;t.Font= Enum.Font.Fantasy
  1386. t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',1.25)
  1387. t.Text = "Stunned!"
  1388. t.TextColor3=c3(255,255,0)
  1389. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  1390. local s=Instance.new("Sound", char.Torso)
  1391. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://2801263"
  1392. s.Volume = 1
  1393. s.Pitch = 1.15
  1394. s:Play()
  1395. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(s,1)
  1396. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(p,1.45)
  1397. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  1398. end)
  1399. stuntext()
  1400. local t = 110
  1401. for i = 1, t do swait()
  1402. hw.C0 = hw.C0:lerp(stunned.head, i/t)
  1403. tw.C1 = tw.C1:lerp(stunned.tors , i/t)
  1404. raw.C0 = raw.C0:lerp(stunned.rarm , i/t)
  1405. law.C0 = law.C0:lerp(stunned.larm , i/t)
  1406. grip.C1 = grip.C1:lerp(stunned.grip1 , i/t)
  1408. if not running then softoverride = true
  1409. rlw.C0 = rlw.C0:lerp(stunned.rleg, i/t)
  1410. llw.C0 = llw.C0:lerp(stunned.lleg, i/t)
  1411. if not active then break end
  1412. end
  1414. end
  1415. defWS = ogdefWS; hume.JumpPower = 50 ;active = false
  1416. end
  1417. end
  1418. if char:FindFirstChild("Silenced") ~= nil then do
  1419. script.CanCastAbilities.Value = false
  1420. local siltext = coroutine.wrap(function()
  1421. local p=Instance.new("Part",workspace);p.CanCollide=false;p.Transparency=1;p.Size=Vector3.new(.2,.2,.2);p.CFrame=char.Torso.CFrame+Vector3.new(math.random(-1,1),math.random(1,2),math.random(-1,1));p.Anchored = true
  1422. local g=Instance.new("BillboardGui",p);g.Size=UDim2.new(2.5,0,2.5,0);g.Adornee=p;g.AlwaysOnTop=true
  1423. local t=Instance.new("TextLabel",g);t.BackgroundTransparency=1;t.TextStrokeTransparency=0;t.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,1,0);t.TextScaled=true;t.Font= Enum.Font.Fantasy
  1424. t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',1.25)
  1425. t.Text = "Silenced"
  1426. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Eggplant").Color
  1427. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  1428. local s=Instance.new("Sound", char.Torso)
  1429. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://2785493"
  1430. s.Volume = 1
  1431. s.Pitch = 1.2
  1432. s:Play()
  1433. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(s,1)
  1434. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(p,1.45)
  1435. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  1436. end)
  1437. siltext()
  1438. wait(2.15)
  1439. script.CanCastAbilities.Value = true
  1440. end end
  1441. if char:FindFirstChild("Slowed") ~= nil then do
  1442. defWS = defWS - 7
  1443. local siltext = coroutine.wrap(function()
  1444. local p=Instance.new("Part",workspace);p.CanCollide=false;p.Transparency=1;p.Size=Vector3.new(.2,.2,.2);p.CFrame=char.Torso.CFrame+Vector3.new(math.random(-1,1),math.random(1,2),math.random(-1,1));p.Anchored = true
  1445. local g=Instance.new("BillboardGui",p);g.Size=UDim2.new(2.5,0,2.5,0);g.Adornee=p;g.AlwaysOnTop=true
  1446. local t=Instance.new("TextLabel",g);t.BackgroundTransparency=1;t.TextStrokeTransparency=0;t.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,1,0);t.TextScaled=true;t.Font= Enum.Font.Fantasy
  1447. t:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,0,-1,0),'Out','Sine',1.25)
  1448. t.Text = "Slowed"
  1449. t.TextColor3=BrickColor.new("Ghost grey").Color
  1450. t.TextStrokeColor3=BrickColor.new("Really black").Color
  1451. local s=Instance.new("Sound", char.Torso)
  1452. s.SoundId="rbxassetid://2785493"
  1453. s.Volume = 1
  1454. s.Pitch = .8
  1455. s:Play()
  1456. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(s,1)
  1457. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(p,1.45)
  1458. spawn(function() for i = 0,1,.1 do t.TextTransparency=i;t.TextStrokeTransparency=i;wait(.1);end end)
  1459. end)
  1460. siltext()
  1461. wait(2.15)
  1462. defWS = defWS + 7
  1463. end end
  1464. swait()
  1465. end
  1468. -- script made by Huge_Nazo
  1469. -- gime credit if u use this idc if u do just at least when u go to show say someone cool made it
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