
BL9 - Aerial Combat

Jan 22nd, 2023
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  1. The three Makuta had gained altitude. flying up near the ceiling of the chamber. Once they were over the Matoran, they unleashed the Tridax pods they carried. The pods split open on release, raining shadow leeches down. Before the Matoran force could react, two of their number had been hit. The leeches rapidly drained the light out of the unfortunate villagers, turning them into shadow Matoran. Photok hurled light blasts at both, stunning them.
  3. “Let’s go!” he shouted. The remaining Matoran rocketed back toward the village, dodging leeches and blasts of shadow energy as they went. Amazingly, the way home was clear. It looked as if they were going to make it.
  5. That is, until six powerful figures suddenly appeared right in their path.
  7. Pohatu Nuva had been a Toa of Stone his entire life. In that time, he had seen a lot of strange things. There was the voice of the Makuta of Metru Nui coming out of a Matoran body; hordes of mechanical Bohrok attacking his village; hissing Rahkshi on the rampage; monstrous Bahrag and robotic Exo-Toa; and, of course, a Matoran suddenly becoming a Toa of Light. And that had all been in one year!
  9. But a squad of flying — flying? — Matoran headed right for him, pursued by shadowy, bat-winged figures? That was a new one.
  11. A less experienced Toa would have been too shocked to react. One moment, he and the rest of the Toa Nuva were knee-deep in snowdrifts on Artakha. The next, they were here — wherever here was, though it did look vaguely familiar. Yes, a novice Toa would have been wondering how he was managing to hover in mid-air, how come he wasn’t crashing to the ground, and how he got here in the first place.
  13. But not Pohatu Nuva. He had a clear, simple view of life that served him well. It was a pretty good guess the big nasties with darkness trailing behind them were the bad guys, and the Matoran darting all over the sky were the good guys. He was a Toa, always had been, probably always would be. That meant it was time to kick some bat-winged tail.
  15. I love this job, he said to himself as he soared into battle.
  17. Kopaka Nuva, Toa of Ice, watched Pohatu go charging right into the thick of things. His other partners had shown the good sense to scatter and try and figure out the situation before acting. But not Pohatu, no, he was swooping and diving like a crazed Gukko bird.
  19. Logically, Kopaka should have hung back until he had a better idea of the enemy’s abilities. Plunging into battle with no plan was a sure way to get defeated. Cold, clear analysis dictated that Pohatu had made his choice; it was the wrong one, and no one else should be put at risk because of it.
  21. There was only one problem. Kopaka liked Pohatu. The Toa of Stone was everything Kopaka wasn’t — open, warm, friendly — so the two of them being friends was hard for most to picture. Kopaka, after all, was guarded, icy, far from trusting, and sometimes downright rude. But Pohatu had never asked or expected him to be anything else, which set the Toa of Stone apart from most.
  23. Maybe that was why, grumbling all the way, Kopaka shot through the air toward the scene of battle.
  25. Lewa Nuva was happier than he had ever been. The Toa of Air was in his element, soaring through the skies, and he was doing it without just a Mask of Levitation and wind currents to glide on. His new armor let him rocket through the sky, and that was fine by him.
  27. He had narrowly avoided a collision with the oncoming Matoran. Looking behind, he saw some of them were turning around. Probably want to quick-find out who we are, he thought. Like to ask them the same question, after we clean up the mess here.
  29. Up ahead, Pohatu, Onua, Kopaka, and Tahu were all having problems mastering combat in the air. Only Gali, used to fighting underwater, was easily holding her own in the new environment.
  31. One of the monstrous fliers was closing in on Onua Nuva. Some kind of pod was dropping from the creature. Lewa doubted it was a Naming Day present. He hit it with a blast of air and it shattered, sending dark leeches flying through the sky. Lewa was about to create a mini-cyclone to trap one, knowing Kopaka would want to study it, when something slammed into his back.
  33. “No! Leave it alone!”
  35. Lewa twisted his neck to see who was now sitting on top of him. It was one of the Matoran — a green-armored Le-Matoran from the look of him — now riding Lewa like the Toa was a flying Rahi beast.
  37. “Are you crazy?” said Lewa Nuva. “Get off me! I don’t carry-fly passengers!”
  39. “Stay away from that shadow leech,” Tanma insisted. “And — watch out! The Makuta’s coming back this way!”
  41. “Makuta? Where?” asked Lewa, looking around. All he saw was the bat creature heading toward him, with a black-armored Matoran riding it. “You mean that Matoran?”
  45. - BIONICLE Legends 9: Shadows in the Sky, Chapter 2
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