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- -- (c) 2014 RDashINC
- --
- -- Linux kernel, in computercraft.
- -- Will at one point adheed to Linux Kernel standards.
- -- Open Source, and object oriented.
- --
- -- License: MIT
- -- Author: RainbowDashDC
- -- Contributors: see CREDITS
- -- URL:
- --
- -- Specifications & Planning moved to:
- -- Main Functions of the kernel --
- -- Using Globals, so incase we're in a developer env (no reboot to clear _G),
- -- we clear it ourselves
- -- os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw
- _G['debug_flag']=false
- _G['quiet_flag']=false
- _G['root_flag']=false
- _G['shell_flag']=false
- _G['log_flag']=false
- local Args={...}
- -- Helper Functions --
- _G['Set'] = function(list)
- local set = {}
- for _, l in ipairs(list) do set[l] = true end
- return set
- end
- -- @see
- _G['copytable'] = function(source)
- local function copyTableInternal(source, seen)
- if type(source) ~= 'table' then return source end
- if seen[source] then return seen[source] end
- local rv = {}
- seen[source] = rv
- for k,v in pairs(source) do
- rv[copyTableInternal(k, seen)] = copyTableInternal(v, seen)
- end
- return rv
- end
- return copyTableInternal(source, {})
- end
- -- @see
- local random = math.random
- _G['getRandomString'] = function(template)
- return string.gsub(template, '[xy]', function (c)
- local v = (c == 'x') and random(0, 0xf) or random(8, 0xb)
- return string.format('%x', v)
- end)
- end
- --[[
- Split has been deprecated in favor of <string>:split.
- This will be removed in
- ]]--
- _G['split'] = function(s,re)
- kernel.output("_G[\"split\"] is deprecated.")
- local i1 = 1
- local ls = {}
- local append = table.insert
- if not re then re = '%s+' end
- if re == '' then return {s} end
- while true do
- local i2,i3 = s:find(re,i1)
- if not i2 then
- local last = s:sub(i1)
- if last ~= '' then append(ls,last) end
- if #ls == 1 and ls[1] == '' then
- return {}
- else
- return ls
- end
- end
- append(ls,s:sub(i1,i2-1))
- i1 = i3+1
- end
- end
- --[[
- <string>:split
- @desc seperate a string by delimiter
- @param delimiter - delimiter to split with
- @returns class
- ]]--
- function string:split( delimiter )
- if type( delimiter ) == "string" then
- local result = { }
- local from = 1
- local delim_from, delim_to = string.find( self, delimiter, from )
- while delim_from do
- table.insert( result, string.sub( self, from , delim_from-1 ) )
- from = delim_to + 1
- delim_from, delim_to = string.find( self, delimiter, from )
- end
- table.insert( result, string.sub( self, from ) )
- return result
- elseif type( delimiter ) == "number" then
- return self:gmatch( (".?"):rep( delimiter ) )
- end
- end
- _G['getRandomNumber'] = function(min, max)
- return math.random(min, max)
- end
- _G['readonlytable'] = function(table)
- return setmetatable({}, {
- __index = table,
- __newindex = function(table, key, value)
- kernel.panic('Attempt to modify a readonlytable', 12,
- debug.traceback())
- end,
- __metatable = false
- });
- end
- --[[
- The main method in the new class system.
- (please consult /doc/ for a more in-depth explanation)
- Creates a class out of an optional subclass and a constructor method.
- This returns a table that can be modified normally.
- The constructor does not provide the self variable by itself:
- You'll need to add in a parameter.
- For example, if you need to pass a name and age to a constructor
- the params will be instance, name and age.
- The markdown documentation contains more information about this specific
- method.
- ]]--
- function _G.class(base, init)
- local c = {} -- a new class instance
- if not init and type(base) == 'function' then
- init = base
- base = nil
- elseif type(base) == 'table' then
- -- our new class is a shallow copy of the base class!
- for i,v in pairs(base) do
- c[i] = v
- end
- c._base = base
- end
- -- the class will be the metatable for all its objects,
- -- and they will look up their methods in it.
- c.__index = c
- -- expose a constructor which can be called by <classname>(<args>)
- local mt = {}
- mt.__call = function(class_tbl, ...)
- local obj = {}
- setmetatable(obj,c)
- if init then
- init(obj,...)
- else
- -- make sure that any stuff from the base class is initialized!
- if base and base.init then
- base.init(obj, ...)
- end
- end
- return obj
- end
- c.init = init
- c.isSubclassOf = function(self, klass)
- local m = getmetatable(self)
- while m do
- if m == klass then return true end
- m = m._base
- end
- return false
- end
- function c:equals (otherObject)
- if not otherObject:isSubclassOf(self) then
- return false
- else
- for i = 1, #otherObject do
- if not otherObject[i] == self[i] then
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function c:clone ()
- return c
- end
- function c:toString ()
- local mt = getmetatable(self)
- if mt.__tostring then
- return mt.__tostring()
- end
- return tostring(self)
- end
- function c:include ( mixin )
- for k,v in pairs(mixin) do
- c[k] = mixin[k]
- end
- end
- setmetatable(c, mt)
- return c
- end
- function printf (fmt, ...)
- print(string.format(fmt, ...))
- end
- -- End --
- -- Kernel --
- kernel = {}
- computer = {}
- kernel.apis = {}
- kernel.DIR = '/kernel' -- blank for root directory. (no trailing slashes)
- kernel.dir = kernel.DIR
- kernel.version =''
- function kernel.output(msg, debug)
- -- Log the output no matter what flags.
- kernel.log(msg)
- if not (_G['quiet_flag']) then
- if not (debug_flag) then
- if(debug) then
- return false
- end
- end
- term.write('['..tostring(timer.getTime())..']: '..tostring(msg))
- kernel.newline()
- -- We were outputed.
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function kernel.log(msg)
- msg='['..timer.getTime()..']: '..tostring(msg).."\n"
- local log ='/kernel.log', 'a')
- log.write(msg)
- log.close()
- return true;
- end
- function kernel.newline()
- print('')
- end
- function kernel.cleanup()
- -- Reset Term
- pcall(term.clear)
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- -- Unload Devices, de-register them, etc --
- pcall(devices.unload)
- -- Flush vRAM --
- pcall(ram.flush)
- -- Write stopped to STDIN --
- kernel.output('Will now halt')
- -- End --
- if not (_G['shell_flag']) then
- os.shutdown()
- end
- end
- function kernel.getType()
- if not (term.isColour()) then
- if (pocket) then
- computer.type='pc'
- return 'pocket computer'
- else
- computer.type='c'
- return 'standard computer'
- end
- -- Set color
- computer.isColor=false
- else
- if (pocket) then
- computer.type='advpc'
- return 'advanced pocket computer'
- else
- computer.type='advc'
- return 'advanced computer'
- end
- -- Set color
- computer.isColor=true
- end
- end
- function kernel.loadAPI(api, t)
- -- Core or ext
- local path = '/etc/kernel/'..(t == 'core' and 'core' or 'ext/'..api )
- if(t=='class') then
- kernel.output('kernel: API is using class wrapper', true)
- path = '/etc/kernel/core/classes'
- end
- if not (fs.exists(kernel.DIR..path..'/'..api..'.lua')) then
- -- Return false because file doesn't exist, or isn't setup correctly.
- kernel.output('kernel: Failed to load api \''..api..'\'')
- kernel.output('kernel: path='..kernel.DIR..path..'/'..api..'.lua', true)
- return false
- else
- if(t=='core') then
- kernel.output('Loading core api \''..api..'\'', true)
- local i,err = loadfile(kernel.DIR..path..'/'..api..'.lua')
- -- print(kernel.DIR..path..'/'..api..'.lua')
- if(i==nil) then
- kernel.panic(
- string.format('kernel: Couldn\'t load API, i is \'%s\'.Syntax error?',
- type(i)),27,err)
- end
- local coi=copytable(_G)
- coi.kernel = kernel
- coi.timer = timer
- coi.devices = devices
- coi.thread = thread
- coi.threads = threads
- coi.base64 = base64
- setfenv(i, coi)
- -- Readonly by default, because core.
- local t=i()
- -- Add too loaded APIs List
- table.insert(kernel.apis, api)
- if (type(t)=='table') then
- if not (t[api]==nil) then
- kernel.output("Returned multiple objects.", true)
- for i, k in pairs(t) do
- kernel.output('Adding object \''..tostring(i)..'\'', true)
- if not (kernel.apis[i]==nil) then
- kernel.panic('API confliction, '..tostring(i)..' is SET', 22, 'kernel->loadApi('..api..')')
- end
- -- Add to loaded APIs
- table.insert(kernel.apis, i)
- -- Return object
- _G[i]=k
- end
- else
- _G[api]=readonlytable(t)
- end
- else
- _G[api]=readonlytable(t)
- end
- else
- if(t=='ext') then
- kernel.output('Loading external api \''..api..'\'', true)
- local i,err = loadfile(kernel.DIR..path..'/'..api..'.lua')
- -- Check if we had some sort of load issue.
- if(i==nil) then
- kernel.panic(
- string.format('Couldn\'t load API, i is \'%s\'. Syntax error?',
- type(i)),27,err)
- end
- setfenv(i, _G)
- _G[api]=i()
- -- Add too loaded APIs List
- table.insert(kernel.apis, api)
- else
- kernel.output('Loading class api \''..api..'\'', true)
- -- Load API
- local i,err = loadfile(kernel.DIR..path..'/'..api..'.lua')
- -- Check if an error occured.
- if(i==nil) then
- kernel.panic(
- string.format('Couldn\'t load API, i is \'%s\'. Syntax error?',
- type(i)),27,err)
- end
- -- Set enviroment
- setfenv(i, _G)
- -- Execute
- local t=i()
- if (type(t)=='table') then
- if not (t[api]==nil) then
- kernel.output("Returned multiple objects.", true)
- for i, k in pairs(t) do
- kernel.output('Adding object \''..tostring(i)..'\'', true)
- if not (kernel.apis[i]==nil) then
- kernel.panic('API confliction, '..tostring(i)..' is SET', 22, 'kernel->loadApi('..api..')')
- end
- -- Add to loaded APIs
- table.insert(kernel.apis, i)
- -- Return object
- _G[i]=k
- end
- else
- kernel.output('t is not table, t=type('..type(t)..')')
- _G[api]=readonlytable(t)
- end
- -- Add too loaded APIs List
- table.insert(kernel.apis, api)
- end
- end
- end
- -- No error
- return true
- end
- end
- function kernel.panic(msg, code, traceback)
- -- Reset Term
- pcall(term.clear)
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- -- Kernel Panic Info
- local kpt=timer.getTime()
- -- Error exit
- -- pcall must have name of function not function()
- -- (Otherwise you run it beforehand!)
- if not (devices==nil) then
- pcall(devices.unload)
- end
- if not (ram==nil) then
- pcall(ram.flush)
- end
- pcall(timer.stop)
- -- Display panic
- print('('..code..') Kernel panic - at time ' .. kpt)
- kernel.newline()
- print('('..code..') Kernel panic - not syncing: '..tostring(msg))
- kernel.newline()
- if(debug_flag) then
- print('('..code..') Trace: ')
- print(traceback)
- else
- print('('..code..')', 'Stack trace witheld, run with \'debug\' for one')
- end
- kernel.newline()
- term.write('('..code..') Invoked: ')
- for i, v in ipairs(Args) do
- term.write(v)
- term.write(' ')
- end
- kernel.newline()
- print('('..code..') kernel.DIR: '..kernel.DIR)
- print('('..code..') Version: '..kernel.version)
- -- The linux kernel doesn't exit, nor does it return
- -- Thus we make a loop that can only be terminated via reboot.
- while true do sleep(0) end
- end
- -- End --
- -- Timer --
- timer = {}
- function timer.start()
- timer.startTime=os.clock()
- end
- function timer.getTime()
- if not (timer.startTime==nil) then
- return tostring(os.clock()-timer.startTime)
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- -- End --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- ccLinux
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if not fs.exists(kernel.dir .. '/vram') then
- fs.makeDir(kernel.dir .. '/vram')
- end
- -- Start Execution --
- timer.start()
- for i, v in ipairs(Args) do
- -- fixes split bug/
- v=v..'='
- -- Singluar no argument args
- if(v=='quiet=') then
- _G['quiet_flag']=true
- else
- if(v=='debug=') then
- _G['debug_flag']=true
- _G['shell_flag']=true
- else
- if(v=='shell_dump=') then
- _G['shell_flag']=true
- else
- if(v=='log=') then
- _G['log_flag']=true
- end
- end
- end
- -- Use arguments ones
- local a = v:split('=')
- if not (a==nil) then
- -- Change device root
- if(a[1]=="root") then
- kernel.DIR=a[2]
- kernel.dir=kernel.DIR
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Remove old logs if they exists
- -- should be in var at one point
- if (fs.exists(kernel.DIR..'/kernel.log')==true) then
- fs.delete(kernel.DIR..'/kernel.log')
- end
- -- Create a new log.
- local l ='/kernel.log', 'w')
- l.write('')
- l.close()
- kernel.output('ccLinux v'..kernel.version);
- -- Where are we? --
- kernel.output('Base: '..kernel.DIR)
- -- What are we? --
- kernel.output('Got '..kernel.getType())
- -- Set globals, yes they are apparently different!
- -- Helps with scopes. APIs and threads will have access to only _G functions.
- _G['kernel'] = readonlytable(kernel)
- _G['timer'] = readonlytable(timer)
- _G['shell'] = shell
- _G['os'] = os
- _G['fs'] = fs
- -- Load Core APIs
- -- Notice the 2nd parameter 'core', it's different than ext.
- kernel.loadAPI('ram', 'core')
- kernel.loadAPI('devices', 'core')
- kernel.loadAPI('thread', 'core')
- kernel.loadAPI('links', 'core')
- kernel.loadAPI('debug', 'core')
- kernel.loadAPI('vfs', 'core')
- kernel.loadAPI('rc', 'core')
- -- Load external APIs
- kernel.loadAPI('aeslua', 'ext')
- kernel.loadAPI('JSON', 'ext')
- kernel.loadAPI('luajit', 'ext')
- kernel.loadAPI('base64', 'ext')
- kernel.loadAPI('sha', 'ext')
- kernel.loadAPI('libcomp', 'ext')
- -- Load MatAlcDev class APIs
- kernel.loadAPI("utils", "class")
- -- Initalize RAM --
- kernel.output('Initializing RAM', true)
- ram.init()
- -- Running INIT --
- -- Run 0 before anything for updates and etc --
- rc.doRunLevel(0)
- -- Initialize devices, and objects --
- devices.getAll();
- -- Thread Test --
- thread.start(function()
- local tid=thread.getThreadID()
- thread.listener(kernel.DIR..'/etc/kernel/main.lua', tid)
- end)
- -- Return to shell, we must've not shutdown
- return true
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