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- ---
- --- Made for the Advanced Peripherals documentation - Can be used in production
- --- Created by Srendi -
- --- DateTime: 18.12.2022 04:00
- --- Link:
- ---
- label = "Automatic"
- me = peripheral.find("meBridge") --MeBridge
- mon = peripheral.find("monitor") --Monitor
- --List of the items which should be checked
- --Display Name - Technical Name - Minimum Amount
- meItems = {
- [1] = {"Oak Planks", "minecraft:oak_planks", "180"},
- [2] = {"Diorite", "minecraft:polished_diorite", "100"},
- [3] = {"Wind Generator", "mekanismgenerators:wind_generator", "20"},
- [4] = {"Glass", "minecraft:glass", "500"},
- [5] = {"Stick", "minecraft:stick", "100"}
- }
- function checkMe(checkName, name, low)
- melist = me.listCraftableItems()
- for a = 1, #melist do
- size = tostring(melist[a].amount)
- ItemName = melist[a].name
- --Only craft the items we have in our table
- if checkName == ItemName then
- row = row + 1
- CenterT(name, row,, colors.lightGray, "left", false)
- --Number of items in the system lower than the minimum amount?
- if tonumber(size) < tonumber(low) then
- --Craft us some delicious items
- CenterT(size .. "/" .. low, row,,, "right", true)
- --If the items is already being crafted - don't start a new crafting job
- if not me.isItemCrafting({name = checkName}) then
- --Prepare the table for "craftItem"
- craftedItem = {name = checkName, count = low - size}
- me.craftItem(craftedItem)
- print("Crafting some delicious " .. checkName .. " " .. craftedItem.count .. " times")
- end
- else
- --Everything is fine. Print the amount in green
- CenterT(size .. "/" .. low, row,,, "right", true)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function checkTable()
- row = 2
- --Loop through our me items and check if they need to be crafted
- for i = 1, #meItems do
- checkName = meItems[i][2]
- name = meItems[i][1]
- low = meItems[i][3]
- checkMe(checkName, name, low)
- end
- end
- function prepareMonitor()
- mon.clear()
- CenterT(label, 1,, colors.white, "head", false)
- end
- --A util method to print text centered on the monitor
- function CenterT(text, line, txtback, txtcolor, pos, clear)
- monX, monY = mon.getSize()
- mon.setTextColor(txtcolor)
- length = string.len(text)
- dif = math.floor(monX - length)
- x = math.floor(dif / 2)
- if pos == "head" then
- mon.setCursorPos(x + 1, line)
- mon.write(text)
- elseif pos == "left" then
- if clear then
- clearBox(2, 2 + length, line, line)
- end
- mon.setCursorPos(2, line)
- mon.write(text)
- elseif pos == "right" then
- if clear then
- clearBox(monX - length - 8, monX, line, line)
- end
- mon.setCursorPos(monX - length, line)
- mon.write(text)
- end
- end
- --Clear a specific area, prevents flickering
- function clearBox(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)
- mon.setBackgroundColor(
- for xPos = xMin, xMax, 1 do
- for yPos = yMin, yMax do
- mon.setCursorPos(xPos, yPos)
- mon.write(" ")
- end
- end
- end
- prepareMonitor()
- while true do
- checkTable()
- --Update every 3 seconds
- sleep(3)
- end
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