
Wow Spell list

Mar 9th, 2017
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  1. br.idList = {
  3. -- Blood
  4. [250] = {
  5. abilities = {
  6. asphyxiate = 221562,
  7. bloodBoil = 50842,
  8. bloodMirror = 206977,
  9. bloodTap = 221699,
  10. blooddrinker = 206931,
  11. bonestorm = 194844,
  12. consumption = 205223,
  13. dancingRuneWeapon = 49028,
  14. deathAndDecay = 43265,
  15. deathsCaress = 195292,
  16. gorefiendsGrasp = 108199,
  17. heartStrike = 206930,
  18. markOfBlood = 206940,
  19. marrowrend = 195182,
  20. runeTap = 194679,
  21. soulgorge = 212744,
  22. tighteningGrasp = 206970,
  23. tombstone = 219809,
  24. vampiricBlood = 55233,
  25. iceboundFortitude = 48792,
  26. },
  27. artifacts = {
  28. allConsumingRot = 192464,
  29. bloodFeast = 192548,
  30. bonebreaker = 192538,
  31. coagulopathy = 192460,
  32. consumption = 205223,
  33. danceOfDarkness = 192514,
  34. grimPerseverance = 192447,
  35. ironHeart = 192450,
  36. meatShield = 192453,
  37. mouthOfHell = 192570,
  38. rattlingBones = 192557,
  39. sanguinaryAffinity = 221775,
  40. skeletalShattering = 192558,
  41. theHungeringMaw = 214903,
  42. umbilicusEternus = 193213,
  43. unendingThirst = 192567,
  44. veinrender = 192457,
  45. },
  46. buffs = {
  47. boneShield = 195181,
  48. crimsonScourge = 81136,
  49. dancingRuneWeapon = 81256,
  50. tombstone = 219809,
  51. vampiricBlood = 55233,
  52. },
  53. debuffs = {
  54. asphyxiate = 221562,
  55. bloodMirror = 206977,
  56. blooddrinker = 206931,
  57. heartStrike = 206930,
  58. markOfBlood = 206940,
  59. },
  60. glyphs = {
  62. },
  63. talents = {
  64. antimagicBarrier = 205727,
  65. bloodMirror = 206977,
  66. bloodTap = 221699,
  67. blooddrinker = 206931,
  68. bloodworms = 195679,
  69. bonestorm = 194844,
  70. foulBulwark = 206974,
  71. marchOfTheDamned = 219779,
  72. markOfBlood = 206940,
  73. ossuary = 219786,
  74. purgatory = 114556,
  75. rapidDecomposition = 194662,
  76. redThirst = 205723,
  77. runeTap = 194679,
  78. soulgorge = 212744,
  79. spectralDeflection = 211078,
  80. tighteningGrasp = 206970,
  81. tombstone = 219809,
  82. trembleBeforeMe = 206960,
  83. willOfTheNecropolis = 206967,
  84. },
  85. },
  86. -- Frost
  87. [251] = {
  88. abilities = {
  89. chainsOfIce = 45524,
  90. empowerRuneWeapon = 47568,
  91. frostStrike = 49143,
  92. howlingBlast = 49184,
  93. obliterate = 49020,
  94. pillarOfFrost = 51271,
  95. remorselessWinter = 196770,
  96. },
  97. artifacts = {
  98. ambidexterity = 189092,
  99. artificialStamina = 211309,
  100. badToTheBone = 189147,
  101. bladesOfFrost = 218931,
  102. blastRadius = 189086,
  103. chillOfTheGrave = 205209,
  104. coldAsIce = 189080,
  105. crystallineSwords = 189186,
  106. deadOfWinter = 189164,
  107. frozenCore = 189179,
  108. frozenSkin = 204875,
  109. frozenSoul = 189184,
  110. hypothermia = 189185,
  111. iceInYourVeins = 189154,
  112. mirrorBall = 189180,
  113. nothingButTheBoots = 189144,
  114. overPowered = 189097,
  115. sindragosasFury = 190778,
  116. soulbiter = 214904,
  117. },
  118. buffs = {
  119. breathOfSindragosa = 152279,
  120. darkSuccor = 101568,
  121. hungeringRuneWeapon = 207127,
  122. iceboundFortitude = 48792,
  123. icyTalons = 194879,
  124. killingMachine = 51124,
  125. obliteration = 207256,
  126. pillarOfFrost = 51271,
  127. remorselessWinter = 196770,
  128. rime = 59052,
  129. },
  130. debuffs = {
  131. chainsOfIce = 45524,
  132. frostFever = 55095,
  133. },
  134. glyphs = {
  136. },
  137. talents = {
  138. abominationsMight = 207161,
  139. avalanche = 207142,
  140. blindingSleet = 207167,
  141. breathOfSindragosa = 152279,
  142. freezingFog = 207060,
  143. frostscythe = 207230,
  144. frozenPulse = 194909,
  145. gatheringStorm = 194912,
  146. glacialAdvance = 194913,
  147. hornOfWinter = 57330,
  148. hungeringRuneWeapon = 207127,
  149. icecap = 207126,
  150. icyTalons = 194878,
  151. murderousEffeciency = 207061,
  152. obliteration = 207256,
  153. permafrost = 207200,
  154. runicAttenuation = 207104,
  155. shatteringStrikes = 207057,
  156. volatileShielding = 207188,
  157. whiteWalker = 212765,
  158. winterIsComing = 207170,
  159. },
  160. },
  161. -- Unholy
  162. [252] = {
  163. abilities = {
  164. armyoftheDead = 42650,
  165. asphyxiate = 108194,
  166. chainsOfIce = 45524,
  167. corpseShield = 207319,
  168. darkTransformation = 63560,
  169. deathAndDecay = 43265,
  170. deathCoil = 47541,
  171. festeringStrike = 85948,
  172. huddle = 47484,
  173. hook = 212468,
  174. leap = 47482,
  175. necroticStrike = 223829,
  176. outbreak = 77575,
  177. protectiveBile = 212384,
  178. raiseDead = 46584,
  179. scourgeStrike = 55090,
  180. summonGargoyle = 49206,
  181. },
  182. artifacts = {
  183. apocalypse = 220143,
  184. },
  185. buffs = {
  186. corpseShield = 207319,
  187. darkSuccor = 101568,
  188. darkTransformation = 63560,
  189. deathAndDecay = 188290,
  190. necrosis = 207346,
  191. soulReaper = 215711,
  192. suddenDoom = 49530,
  193. },
  194. debuffs = {
  195. chainsOfIce = 45524,
  196. festeringWound = 194310,
  197. necroticStrike = 223829,
  198. outbreak = 77575,
  199. scourgeOfWorlds = 191748,
  200. soulReaper = 130736,
  201. virulentPlague = 191587,
  202. },
  203. glyphs = {
  205. },
  206. talents = {
  207. allWillServe = 194916,
  208. burstingScores = 207264,
  209. ebonFever = 207269,
  210. epidemic = 207317,
  211. pestilentPustules = 194917,
  212. blightedRuneWeapon = 194918,
  213. unholyFrenzy = 207289,
  214. castigator = 207305,
  215. clawingShadows = 207311,
  216. sludgeBelcher = 207313,
  217. asphyxiate = 108194,
  218. debilitatingInfestation = 207316,
  219. spellEater = 207321,
  220. corpseShield = 207319,
  221. lingeringApparition = 212763,
  222. shadowInfusion = 198943,
  223. necrosis = 207346,
  224. infectedClaws = 207272,
  225. darkArbiter = 207349,
  226. defile = 152280,
  227. soulReaper = 130736,
  228. --Honortalents
  229. necroticStrike = 223829,
  230. },
  231. },
  232. -- All
  233. Shared = {
  234. abilities = {
  235. antiMagicShell = 48707,
  236. controlUndead = 111673,
  237. corpseExplosion = 127344,
  238. darkCommand = 56222,
  239. deathGate = 50977,
  240. deathGrip = 49576,
  241. deathStrike = 49998,
  242. iceboundFortitude = 48792,
  243. mindFreeze = 47528,
  244. pathOfFrost = 3714,
  245. raiseAlly = 61999,
  246. wraithWalk = 212552,
  247. },
  248. artifacts = {
  250. },
  251. buffs = {
  252. pathOfFrost = 3714,
  253. unholyStrength = 53365,
  254. wraithWalk = 212552,
  255. },
  256. debuffs = {
  257. bloodPlague = 55078,
  258. controlUndead = 111673,
  259. darkCommand = 56222,
  260. frostBreath = 190780,
  261. frostFever = 55095,
  262. razorice = 51714,
  263. },
  264. glyphs = {
  266. },
  267. talents = {
  269. },
  270. },
  271. },
  272. DEMONHUNTER = {
  273. -- Havoc
  274. [577] = {
  275. abilities = {
  276. annihilation = 201427,
  277. bladeDance = 188499,
  278. blur = 198589,
  279. chaosBlades = 211048,
  280. chaosNova = 179057,
  281. chaosStrike = 162794,
  282. darkness = 196718,
  283. deathSweep = 210152,
  284. demonsBite = 162243,
  285. eyeBeam = 198013,
  286. felBarrage = 211053,
  287. felEruption = 211881,
  288. felRush = 195072,
  289. furyOfTheIllidari = 201467,
  290. metamorphosis = 191427,
  291. netherwalk = 196555,
  292. nemesis = 206491,
  293. throwGlaive = 185123,
  294. vengefulRetreat = 198793,
  295. },
  296. artifacts = {
  297. anguishOfTheDeceiver = 201473,
  298. demonSpeed = 201469,
  299. furyOfTheIllidari = 201467,
  300. warglaivesOfChaos = 214795,
  301. },
  302. buffs = {
  303. chaosBlades = 211797,
  304. metamorphosis = 162264,
  305. momentum = 208628,
  306. prepared = 203650,
  307. },
  308. debuffs = {
  309. nemesis = 206491,
  310. },
  311. glyphs = {
  313. },
  314. talents = {
  315. blindFury = 203550,
  316. bloodlet = 206473,
  317. chaosBlades = 211048,
  318. chaosCleave = 206475,
  319. demonBlades = 203555,
  320. demonic = 213410,
  321. demonicAppetite = 206478,
  322. demonReborn = 193897,
  323. desperateInstincts = 205411,
  324. felBarrage = 211053,
  325. felMastery = 192939,
  326. firstBlood = 206416,
  327. masterOfTheGlaive = 203556,
  328. momentum = 206476,
  329. nemesis = 206491,
  330. netherwalk = 196555,
  331. prepared = 203551,
  332. soulRending = 204909,
  333. unleashedPower = 206477,
  334. },
  335. },
  336. -- Vengeance
  337. [581] = {
  338. abilities = {
  339. demonSpikes = 203720,
  340. empowerWards = 218256,
  341. felDevastation = 212084,
  342. felblade = 213241,
  343. fieryBrand = 204021,
  344. fracture = 209795,
  345. immolationAura = 178740,
  346. infernalStrike = 189110,
  347. metamorphosis = 187827,
  348. netherBond = 207810,
  349. shear = 203782,
  350. sigilOfChains = 202138,
  351. sigilOfFlame = 204596,
  352. sigilOfMisery = 207684,
  353. sigilOfSilence = 202137,
  354. soulBarrier = 227225,
  355. soulCleave = 228477,
  356. soulCarver = 207407,
  357. spiritBomb = 218679,
  358. throwGlaive = 204157,
  359. torment = 185245,
  360. },
  361. artifacts = {
  362. aldrachiDesign = 207343,
  363. auraOfPain = 207347,
  364. charredWarblades = 213010,
  365. defensiveSpikes = 212829,
  366. demonicFlames = 212894,
  367. devourSoul = 212821,
  368. embraceThePain = 212816,
  369. fieryDemise = 212817,
  370. fueledByPain = 213017,
  371. honedWarblades = 207352,
  372. infernalForce = 207375,
  373. painBringer = 207387,
  374. shatterTheSouls = 212827,
  375. siphonPower = 218910,
  376. soulCarver = 207407,
  377. tormentedSouls = 214744,
  378. willOfTheIllidari = 212819,
  379. },
  380. buffs = {
  381. demonSpikes = 203819,
  382. soulFragments = 203981,
  383. metamorphosis = 187827,
  384. feastofSouls = 207693,
  385. },
  386. debuffs = {
  387. fieryBrand = 207744,
  388. frailty = 224509,
  389. sigilOfFlame = 204598,
  390. },
  391. glyphs = {
  393. },
  394. talents = {
  395. abyssalStrike = 207550,
  396. agonizingFlames = 207548,
  397. bladeTurning = 203753,
  398. burningAlive = 207739,
  399. consentratedSigils = 207666,
  400. fallout = 227174,
  401. feastofSouls = 207697,
  402. feedTheDemon = 218612,
  403. flameCrash = 227322,
  404. fracture = 209795,
  405. lastResort = 209258,
  406. netherBond = 207810,
  407. quickenedSigils = 209281,
  408. razorSpikes = 209400,
  409. sigilOfChains = 202138,
  410. soulBarrier = 227225,
  411. soulRending = 217996,
  412. spiritBomb = 218679,
  413. },
  414. },
  415. -- All
  416. Shared = {
  417. abilities = {
  418. consumeMagic = 183752,
  419. felblade = 232893,
  420. felEruption = 211881,
  421. glide = 131347,
  422. imprison = 217832,
  423. spectralSight = 188501,
  424. },
  425. artifacts = {
  427. },
  428. buffs = {
  429. glide = 131347,
  430. },
  431. debuffs = {
  433. },
  434. glyphs = {
  435. glyphOfCracklingFlames = 219831,
  436. glyphOfFallowWings = 220083,
  437. glyphOfFearsomeMetamorphosis = 220831,
  438. glyphOfFelTouchedSouls = 219713,
  439. glyphOfFelWings = 220228,
  440. glyphOfFelEnemies = 220240,
  441. glyphOfManaTouchedSouls = 219744,
  442. glyphOfShadowEnemies = 220244,
  443. glyphOfTatteredWings = 220226,
  444. },
  445. talents = {
  446. felblade = 232893,
  447. felEruption = 211881,
  448. },
  449. },
  450. },
  451. DRUID = {
  452. -- Balance
  453. [102] = {
  454. abilities = {
  456. },
  457. artifacts = {
  459. },
  460. buffs = {
  462. },
  463. debuffs = {
  465. },
  466. glyphs = {
  468. },
  469. talents = {
  471. },
  472. },
  473. -- Feral
  474. [103] = {
  475. abilities = {
  476. ashamanesFrenzy = 210722,
  477. berserk = 106951,
  478. brutalSlash = 202028,
  479. elunesGuidance = 202060,
  480. ferociousBite = 22568,
  481. incarnationKingOfTheJungle = 102543,
  482. maim = 22570,
  483. moonfireFeral = 155625,
  484. rake = 1822,
  485. removeCorruption = 2782,
  486. renewal = 108238,
  487. rip = 1079,
  488. savageRoar = 52610,
  489. shred = 5221,
  490. skullBash = 106839,
  491. stampedingRoar = 106898,
  492. survivalInstincts = 61336,
  493. swipe = 106785, --213764,
  494. thrash = 106830, --106832,
  495. tigersFury = 5217,
  496. },
  497. artifacts = {
  498. ashamanesBite = 210702,
  499. ashamanesEnergy = 210579,
  500. ashamanesFrenzy = 210722,
  501. attunedToNature = 210590,
  502. fangsOfTheFirst = 214911,
  503. feralInstinct = 210631,
  504. feralPower = 210571,
  505. hardenedRoots = 210638,
  506. honedInstinct = 210557,
  507. openWounds = 210666,
  508. powerfulBite = 210575,
  509. protectionOfAshamane = 210650,
  510. razorFangs = 210570,
  511. scentOfBlood = 210663,
  512. shadowThrash = 210676,
  513. sharpenedClaws = 210637,
  514. shredderFangs = 214736,
  515. tearTheFlesh = 210593,
  516. },
  517. buffs = {
  518. berserk = 106951,
  519. bloodtalons = 145152,
  520. clearcasting = 135700,
  521. elunesGuidance = 202060,
  522. fieryRedMaimers = 236757,
  523. incarnationKingOfTheJungle = 102543,
  524. predatorySwiftness = 69369,
  525. savageRoar = 52610,
  526. stampedingRoar = 77764,
  527. survivalInstincts = 61336,
  528. tigersFury = 5217,
  529. },
  530. debuffs = {
  531. ashamanesFrenzy = 210723,
  532. ashamanesRip = 210705,
  533. moonfireFeral = 155625,
  534. rake = 155722,
  535. rip = 1079,
  536. thrash = 106832,
  537. },
  538. glyphs = {
  540. },
  541. talents = {
  542. balanceAffinity = 197488,
  543. bloodScent = 202022,
  544. bloodtalons = 155672,
  545. brutalSlash = 202028,
  546. elunesGuidance = 202060,
  547. guardianAffinity = 217615,
  548. incarnationKingOfTheJungle = 102543,
  549. jaggedWounds = 202032,
  550. lunarInspiration = 155580,
  551. momentOfClarity = 155577,
  552. predator = 202021,
  553. renewal = 108238,
  554. restorationAffinity = 197492,
  555. sabertooth = 202031,
  556. savageRoar = 52610,
  557. soulOfTheForest = 158476,
  558. },
  559. },
  560. -- Guardian
  561. [104] = {
  562. abilities = {
  563. barkskin = 22812,
  564. bristlingFur = 155835,
  565. frenziedRegeneration = 22842,
  566. incapacitatingRoar = 99,
  567. incarnationGuardianOfUrsoc = 102558,
  568. ironfur = 192081,
  569. lunarBeam = 204066,
  570. mangle = 33917,
  571. markOfUrsol = 192083,
  572. maul = 6807,
  573. pulverize = 80313,
  574. rageOfTheSleeper = 200851,
  575. removeCorruption = 2782,
  576. skullBash = 106839,
  577. stampedingRoar = 106898,
  578. survivalInstincts = 61336,
  579. swipe = 213771, --106785,
  580. thrash = 77758, -- 106830,
  581. },
  582. artifacts = {
  583. rageOfTheSleeper = 200851,
  584. },
  585. buffs = {
  586. frenziedRegeneration = 22842,
  587. galacticGuardian = 213708,
  588. ironfur = 192081,
  589. markOfUrsol = 192083,
  590. pulverize = 158792,
  591. survivalInstincts = 61336,
  592. },
  593. debuffs = {
  594. moonfireGuardian = 164812,
  595. thrash = 192090,
  596. },
  597. glyphs = {
  599. },
  600. talents = {
  601. balanceAffinity = 197488,
  602. bloodFrenzy = 203962,
  603. brambles = 203953,
  604. bristlingFur = 155835,
  605. earthwarden = 203974,
  606. feralAffinity = 202155,
  607. galacticGuardian = 203964,
  608. guardianOfElune = 155578,
  609. gutteralRoars = 204012,
  610. incarnationGuardianOfUrsoc = 102558,
  611. lunarBeam = 204066,
  612. pulverize = 80313,
  613. rendAndTear = 204053,
  614. restorationAffinity = 197492,
  615. soulOfTheForest = 158477,
  616. sunfire = 93402,
  617. survivalOfTheFittest = 203965,
  618. },
  619. },
  620. -- Restoration
  621. [105] = {
  622. abilities = {
  623. barkskin = 22812,
  624. cenarionWard = 102351,
  625. efflorescence = 145205,
  626. essenceOfGhanir = 208253,
  627. ferociousBite = 22568,
  628. flourish = 197721,
  629. healingTouch = 5185,
  630. incarnationTreeOfLife = 33891,
  631. innervate = 29166,
  632. ironbark = 102342,
  633. lifebloom = 33763,
  634. lunarStrike = 197628,
  635. moonfire = 8921,
  636. moonkinForm = 197625,
  637. naturesCure = 88423,
  638. rake = 1822,
  639. rejuvenation = 774,
  640. renewal = 108238,
  641. revitalize = 212040,
  642. rip = 1079,
  643. solarWrath = 5176,
  644. shred = 5221,
  645. starsurge = 197626,
  646. sunfire = 93402,
  647. swiftmend = 18562,
  648. swipe = 106785,
  649. tranquility = 740,
  650. ursolsVortex = 102793,
  651. wildGrowth = 48438,
  652. yserasGift = 145108,
  653. },
  654. artifacts = {
  655. armorOfTheAncients = 189754,
  656. artificialDamage = 213428,
  657. blessingOfTheWorldTree = 189744,
  658. bloomsOfGhanir = 186393,
  659. dreamwalker = 189849,
  660. essenceOfGhanir = 208253,
  661. essenceOfNordrassil = 189760,
  662. ghanirsBloom = 214913,
  663. grovewalker = 186320,
  664. infusionOfNature = 189757,
  665. knowledgeOfTheAncients = 189772,
  666. markOfShifting = 186372,
  667. naturalMending = 189749,
  668. naturesEssence = 189787,
  669. naturesVigor = 222644,
  670. persistence = 186396,
  671. powerOfTheArchdruid = 189870,
  672. seedsOfTheWorldTree = 189768,
  673. tranquilMind = 189857,
  674. },
  675. buffs = {
  676. abundance = 207640,
  677. cenarionWard = 102352,
  678. clearcasting = 16870,
  679. incarnationTreeOfLife = 33891,
  680. moonkinForm = 197625,
  681. rejuvenationGermination = 155777,
  682. lifebloom = 33763,
  683. lunarEmpowerment = 164547,
  684. rejuvenation = 774,
  685. regrowth = 8936,
  686. solarEmpowerment = 164545,
  687. soulOfTheForest = 114108,
  688. },
  689. debuffs = {
  690. moonfire = 164812,
  691. rake = 155722,
  692. rip = 1079,
  693. thrash = 106832,
  694. sunfire = 164815,
  695. },
  696. glyphs = {
  698. },
  699. talents = {
  700. abundance = 207383,
  701. balanceAffinity = 197632,
  702. cenarionWard = 102351,
  703. cultivation = 200390,
  704. feralAffinity = 197490,
  705. flourish = 197721,
  706. germination = 155675,
  707. guardianAffinity = 197491,
  708. incarnationTreeOfLife = 33891,
  709. innerPeace = 197073,
  710. momentOfClarity = 155577,
  711. renewal = 108238,
  712. soulOfTheForest = 158478,
  713. springBlossoms = 207385,
  714. stonebark = 197061,
  715. },
  716. },
  717. -- Balance
  718. [102] = {
  719. abilities = {
  720. forceOfNature = 205636,
  721. blessingOfTheAncients = 202360,
  722. furyOfElune = 202770,
  723. newMoon = 202767,
  724. halfMoon = 202768,
  725. fullMoon = 202771,
  726. stellarFlare = 202347,
  727. sunfire = 93402,
  728. incarnationChoseOfElune = 102560,
  729. starfall = 191034,
  730. solarWrath = 190984,
  731. lunarStrike = 194153,
  732. starsurge = 78674,
  733. warriorOfElune = 202425,
  734. solarBeam = 78675,
  735. celestialAlignment = 194223,
  736. barkskin = 22812,
  737. rejuvenation = 774,
  738. swiftmend = 18562,
  739. innervate = 29166,
  740. renewal = 108238,
  741. wildCharge = 102383,
  742. },
  743. artifacts = {
  744. },
  745. buffs = {
  746. blessingOfElune = 202737,
  747. blessingOfAnshe = 202739,
  748. incarnationChoseOfElune = 102560,
  749. celestialAlignment = 194223,
  750. furyOfElune = 202770,
  751. onethsOverconfidence = 209407,
  752. solarEmpowerment = 164545,
  753. lunarEmpowerment = 164547,
  754. warriorOfElune = 202425,
  755. balanceForm = 24858,
  756. stellarDrift = 202461,
  757. emeraldDreamcatcher = 208190,
  758. rejuvenation = 774,
  759. barkskin = 22812,
  760. owlkinFrenzy = 157228,
  761. },
  762. debuffs = {
  763. stellarFlare = 202347,
  764. moonfire = 164812,
  765. sunfire = 164815,
  766. },
  767. glyphs = {
  769. },
  770. talents = {
  771. forceOfNature = 205636,
  772. blessingOfTheAncients = 202360,
  773. incarnationChoseOfElune = 102560,
  774. furyOfElune = 202770,
  775. stellarFlare = 202347,
  776. naturesBalance = 202430,
  777. astralCommunion = 202359,
  778. stellarDrift = 202354,
  779. warriorOfElune = 202425,
  780. soulOfTheForest = 114107,
  781. },
  782. },
  783. -- All
  784. Shared = {
  785. abilities = {
  786. bearForm = 5487,
  787. catForm = 768,
  788. balanceForm = 24858,
  789. dash = 1850,
  790. displacerBeast = 102280,
  791. dreamwalk = 193753,
  792. entanglingRoots = 339,
  793. flightForm = 165962,
  794. growl = 6795,
  795. massEntanglement = 102359,
  796. mightyBash = 5211,
  797. moonfire = 8921,
  798. prowl = 5215,
  799. rebirth = 20484,
  800. regrowth = 8936,
  801. revive = 50769,
  802. shadowmeld = 58984,
  803. stagForm = 210053,
  804. travelForm = 783,
  805. typhoon = 132469,
  806. wildCharge = 102401,
  807. },
  808. artifacts = {
  810. },
  811. buffs = {
  812. bearForm = 5487,
  813. catForm = 768,
  814. dash = 1850,
  815. displacerBeast = 137452,
  816. flightForm = 165962,
  817. prowl = 5215,
  818. shadowmeld = 58984,
  819. stagForm = 210053,
  820. travelForm = 783,
  821. },
  822. debuffs = {
  823. entanglingRoots = 339,
  824. growl = 6795,
  825. moonfire = 8921,
  826. },
  827. glyphs = {
  828. glyphOfTheCheetah = 131113,
  829. glyphOfTheDoe = 224122,
  830. glyphOfTheFeralChameleon = 210333,
  831. glyphOfTheOrca = 114333,
  832. glyphOfTheSentinel = 219062,
  833. glyphOfTheUrsolChameleon = 107059,
  834. },
  835. talents = {
  836. displacerBeast = 102280,
  837. massEntanglement = 102359,
  838. mightyBash = 5211,
  839. typhoon = 132469,
  840. wildCharge = 102401,
  841. },
  842. },
  843. },
  844. HUNTER = {
  845. -- BeastMastery
  846. [253] = {
  847. abilities = {
  848. aMurderOfCrows = 131894,
  849. aspectOfTheCheetah = 186257,
  850. aspectOfTheTurtle = 186265,
  851. aspectOfTheWild = 193530,
  852. barrage = 120360,
  853. bestialWrath = 19574,
  854. bindingShot = 109248,
  855. chimaeraShot = 53209,
  856. cobraShot = 193455,
  857. concussiveShot = 5116,
  858. counterShot = 147362,
  859. direBeast = 120679,
  860. direfrenzy = 217200,
  861. disengage = 781,
  862. eagleEye = 6197,
  863. exhilaration = 109304,
  864. feignDeath = 5384,
  865. flare = 1543,
  866. intimidation = 19577,
  867. killCommand = 34026,
  868. misdirection = 34477,
  869. multiShot = 2643,
  870. stampede = 201430,
  871. titansThunder = 207097,
  872. volley = 194386
  873. },
  874. artifacts = {
  876. },
  877. buffs = {
  878. bestialWrath = 19574,
  879. direBeast = 120694,
  880. volley = 194386
  881. },
  882. debuffs = {
  884. },
  885. glyphs = {
  887. },
  888. talents = {
  889. direfrenzy = 217200,
  890. aMurderOfCrows = 131894,
  891. barrage = 120360,
  892. volley = 194386,
  893. intimidation = 19577,
  894. },
  895. },
  896. -- Marksmanship
  897. [254] = {
  898. abilities = {
  899. aMurderOfCrows = 131894,
  900. aimedShot = 19434,
  901. arcaneShot = 185358,
  902. aspectOfTheCheetah = 186257,
  903. aspectOfTheTurtle = 186265,
  904. barrage = 120360,
  905. bindingShot = 109248,
  906. blackArrow = 194599,
  907. burstingShot = 186387,
  908. concussiveShot = 5116,
  909. counterShot = 147362,
  910. disengage = 781,
  911. eagleEye = 6197,
  912. exhilaration = 109304,
  913. explosiveShot = 212431,
  914. explosiveShotDetonate = 212679,
  915. feignDeath = 5384,
  916. flare = 1543,
  917. intimidation = 19577,
  918. markedShot = 185901,
  919. misdirection = 34477,
  920. multiShot = 2643,
  921. piercingShot = 198670,
  922. sidewinders = 214579,
  923. trueshot = 193526,
  924. volley = 194386,
  925. windburst = 204147,
  926. wyvernSting = 19386,
  927. },
  928. artifacts = {
  929. windburst = 204147,
  930. },
  931. buffs = {
  932. bombardment = 82921,
  933. bullseye = 204090,
  934. lockAndLoad = 194594,
  935. markingTargets = 223138,
  936. sentinelsSight = 208912,
  937. trickShot = 227272,
  938. trueshot = 193526,
  939. volley = 194386
  940. },
  941. debuffs = {
  942. aMurderOfCrows = 131894,
  943. carefulAim = 63468,
  944. huntersMark = 185365,
  945. trueAim = 199803,
  946. vulnerable = 187131,
  947. },
  948. glyphs = {
  950. },
  951. talents = {
  952. aMurderOfCrows = 131894,
  953. barrage = 120360,
  954. bindingShot = 109248,
  955. blackArrow = 194599,
  956. camouflague = 199483,
  957. carfulAim = 53238,
  958. disengage = 781,
  959. explosiveShot = 212431,
  960. farstrider = 199523,
  961. lockAndLoad = 194595,
  962. loneWolf = 155228,
  963. patientSniper = 234588,
  964. piercingShot = 198670,
  965. sentinel = 206817,
  966. sidewinders = 214579,
  967. steadyFocus = 193533,
  968. trickShot = 199522,
  969. trueAim = 199527,
  970. volley = 194386,
  971. wyvernSting = 19386,
  972. },
  973. },
  974. -- Survival
  975. [255] = {
  976. abilities = {
  977. aMurderOfCrows = 131894,
  978. aspectOfTheCheetah = 186257,
  979. aspectOfTheEagle = 186289,
  980. aspectOfTheTurtle = 186265,
  981. butchery = 212436,
  982. carve = 187708,
  983. caltrops = 187698,
  984. camouflague = 199483,
  985. dragonsfireGrenade = 194855,
  986. eagleEye = 6197,
  987. exhilaration = 109304,
  988. explosiveTrap = 191433,
  989. feignDeath = 5384,
  990. flankingStrike = 202800,
  991. flare = 1543,
  992. freezingTrap = 187650,
  993. furyOfTheEagle = 203415,
  994. harpoon = 190925,
  995. hatchetToss = 193265,
  996. intimidation = 19577,
  997. lacerate = 185855,
  998. mongooseBite = 190928,
  999. muzzle = 187707,
  1000. rangersNet = 200108,
  1001. raptorStrike = 186270,
  1002. splittingCobra = 194407,
  1003. snakeHunter = 201078,
  1004. steelTrap = 187650,
  1005. stickyBomb = 191241,
  1006. throwingAxes = 200163,
  1007. },
  1008. artifacts = {
  1010. },
  1011. buffs = {
  1012. aspectOfTheEagle = 186289,
  1013. mokNathalTactics = 201081,
  1014. mongooseFury = 190931,
  1015. spittingCobra = 194407,
  1016. },
  1017. debuffs = {
  1018. caltrops = 194277,
  1019. lacerate = 185855,
  1020. serpentSting = 118253,
  1021. },
  1022. glyphs = {
  1024. },
  1025. talents = {
  1026. aMurderOfCrows = 206505,
  1027. animalInstincts = 204315,
  1028. aspectOfTheBeast = 191384,
  1029. butchery = 212436,
  1030. caltrops = 194277,
  1031. camouflague = 199483,
  1032. dragonsfireGrenade = 194855,
  1033. expertTrapper = 199543,
  1034. guerrilaTactics = 236698,
  1035. mortalWounds = 200108,
  1036. rangersNet = 201075,
  1037. serpentSting = 87935,
  1038. snakeHunter = 201078,
  1039. spittingCobra = 194407,
  1040. steelTrap = 162488,
  1041. stickyBomb = 191241,
  1042. throwingAxes = 200163,
  1043. wayOfTheMokNathal = 201082,
  1044. },
  1045. },
  1046. -- All
  1047. Shared = {
  1048. abilities = {
  1050. },
  1051. artifacts = {
  1053. },
  1054. buffs = {
  1056. },
  1057. debuffs = {
  1059. },
  1060. glyphs = {
  1062. },
  1063. talents = {
  1065. },
  1066. },
  1067. },
  1068. MAGE = {
  1069. -- Arcane
  1070. [62] = {
  1071. abilities = {
  1072. arcaneBarage = 44425,
  1073. arcaneBlast = 30451,
  1074. arcaneExplosion = 1449,
  1075. arcaneMissles = 5143,
  1076. arcanePower = 12042,
  1077. evocation = 12051,
  1078. arcaneFamiliar = 205022,
  1079. arcaneCharge = 36032,
  1082. },
  1083. artifacts = {
  1084. markOfAluneth = 224968,
  1086. },
  1087. buffs = {
  1088. arcaneFamiliar = 210126,
  1089. arcanePower = 12042,
  1090. arcaneCharge = 36032,
  1091. arcaneMissles = 79683,
  1093. },
  1094. debuffs = {
  1095. arcaneCharge = 36032,
  1096. netherTempest = 114923,
  1098. },
  1099. glyphs = {
  1101. },
  1102. talents = {
  1103. netherTempest = 114923,
  1104. arcaneFamiliar = 205022,
  1106. },
  1107. },
  1108. -- Fire
  1109. [63] = {
  1110. abilities = {
  1111. blazingBarrier = 235313,
  1112. blastWave = 157981,
  1113. cinderstorm = 198929,
  1114. combustion = 190319,
  1115. dragonsBreath = 31661,
  1116. fireball = 133,
  1117. fireBlast = 108853,
  1118. flameOn = 205029,
  1119. flamestrike = 2120,
  1120. livingBomb = 44457,
  1121. meteor = 153561,
  1122. mirrorImage = 55342,
  1123. phoenixsFlames = 194466,
  1124. pyroblast = 11366,
  1125. scorch = 2948,
  1126. },
  1127. artifacts = {
  1128. aftershocks = 194431,
  1129. phoenixReborn = 215773,
  1130. phoenixsFlames = 194466,
  1131. },
  1132. buffs = {
  1133. blazingBarrier = 235313,
  1134. combustion = 190319,
  1135. heatingUp = 48107,
  1136. hotStreak = 48108,
  1137. iceFloes = 108839,
  1138. kaelthasUltimateAbility = 209455,
  1139. },
  1140. debuffs = {
  1142. },
  1143. glyphs = {
  1145. },
  1146. talents = {
  1147. alexstraszasFury = 235870,
  1148. blastWave = 157981,
  1149. cinderstorm = 198929,
  1150. conflagration = 205023,
  1151. controlledBurn = 205033,
  1152. firestarter = 205026,
  1153. flameOn = 205029,
  1154. flamePatch = 205037,
  1155. kindling = 155148,
  1156. livingBomb = 44457,
  1157. meteor = 153561,
  1158. mirrorImage = 55342,
  1159. pyromaniac = 205020,
  1160. },
  1161. },
  1162. -- Frost
  1163. [64] = {
  1164. abilities = {
  1165. blizzard = 190356,
  1166. coldSnap = 235219,
  1167. coneOfCold = 120,
  1168. fireBlast = 108853,
  1169. flurry = 44614,
  1170. freeze = 231596,
  1171. frostbolt = 116,
  1172. frozenTouch = 205030,
  1173. frostBomb = 112948,
  1174. frozenOrb = 84714,
  1175. iceLance = 30455,
  1176. icyVeins = 12472,
  1177. summonWaterElemental = 31687,
  1178. },
  1179. artifacts = {
  1180. ebonbolt = 214634,
  1181. icyHand = 220817,
  1182. },
  1183. buffs = {
  1184. brainFreeze = 190447,
  1185. frostBomb = 112948,
  1186. fingersOfFrost = 112965,
  1187. icyVeins = 12472,
  1188. chainReaction = 195418,
  1189. zannesuJourney = 226852,
  1190. timeWarp = 80353,
  1191. iceFloes = 108839,
  1192. iceBarrier = 11426,
  1193. },
  1194. debuffs = {
  1195. frostBomb = 112948,
  1196. wintersChill = 228358,
  1197. },
  1198. glyphs = {
  1200. },
  1201. talents = {
  1202. articGale = 205038,
  1203. boneChilling = 205027,
  1204. cometStorm = 153595,
  1205. frostBomb = 112948,
  1206. frozenTouch = 205030,
  1207. glacialSpike = 199786,
  1208. iceNova = 157997,
  1209. iceFloes = 108839,
  1210. lonelyWinter = 205024,
  1211. rayOfFrost = 205021,
  1212. splittingIce = 56377,
  1213. thermalVoid = 155149,
  1214. },
  1215. },
  1216. -- All
  1217. Shared = {
  1218. abilities = {
  1219. blink = 1953,
  1220. counterspell = 2139,
  1221. frostNova = 122,
  1222. iceBarrier = 11426,
  1223. iceBlock = 45438,
  1224. invisibility = 66,
  1225. runeOfPower = 116011,
  1226. slowFall = 130,
  1227. spellsteal = 30449,
  1228. timeWarp = 80353,
  1229. waterJet = 135029,
  1230. },
  1231. artifacts = {
  1233. },
  1234. buffs = {
  1235. incantersFlow = 1463,
  1236. runeOfPower = 116014,
  1237. },
  1238. debuffs = {
  1240. },
  1241. glyphs = {
  1243. },
  1244. talents = {
  1245. cauterize = 86949,
  1246. incantersFlow = 1463,
  1247. iceFloes = 108839,
  1248. iceWard = 205036,
  1249. mirrorImage = 55342,
  1250. ringOfFrost = 113724,
  1251. runeOfPower = 116011,
  1252. shimmer = 212653,
  1253. unstableMagic = 157976,
  1254. },
  1255. },
  1256. },
  1257. MONK = {
  1258. -- Brewmaster
  1259. [268] = {
  1260. abilities = {
  1261. blackoxBrew = 115399,
  1262. blackoutStrike = 205523,
  1263. breathOfFire = 115181,
  1264. chiBurst = 123986,
  1265. chiWave = 115098,
  1266. detox = 218164,
  1267. effuse = 116694,
  1268. expelHarm = 115072,
  1269. explodingKeg = 214326,
  1270. fortifyingBrew = 115203,
  1271. healingElixir = 122281,
  1272. ironskinBrew = 115308,
  1273. kegSmash = 121253,
  1274. purifyingBrew = 119582,
  1275. rushingJadeWind = 116847,
  1276. spearHandStrike = 116705,
  1277. },
  1278. artifacts = {
  1280. },
  1281. buffs = {
  1282. ironskinBrew = 215479,
  1283. blackoutCombo = 228563,
  1285. },
  1286. debuffs = {
  1287. moderateStagger = 124274,
  1288. heavyStagger = 124273,
  1290. },
  1291. glyphs = {
  1293. },
  1294. talents = {
  1295. blackoutCombo = 196736,
  1297. },
  1298. },
  1299. -- Mistweaver
  1300. [270] = {
  1301. abilities = {
  1302. blackoutKick = 100784;
  1303. chiBurst = 123986;
  1304. zenPulse = 124081;
  1305. mistwalk = 197945;
  1306. chiTorpedo = 115008;
  1307. tigersLust = 116841;
  1308. cracklingJadeLighting = 117952;
  1309. detox = 115450;
  1310. effuse = 116694;
  1311. envelopingMist = 124682;
  1312. essenceFont = 191837;
  1313. healingElixir = 122281;
  1314. diffuseMagic = 122783;
  1315. dampenHarm = 122278;
  1316. invokeChiJiTheRedCrane = 198664;
  1317. refreshingJadeWind = 196725;
  1318. summonJadeSerpentStatue = 115313;
  1319. legSweep = 119381;
  1320. ringOfPeace = 116844;
  1321. songOfChiJi = 198898;
  1322. lifeCocoon = 116849;
  1323. paralysis = 115078;
  1324. provoke = 115546;
  1325. reawaken = 212051;
  1326. renewingMist = 115151;
  1327. resuscitate = 115178;
  1328. revival = 115310;
  1329. risingSunKick = 107428;
  1330. roll = 109132;
  1331. sheilunsGift = 205406;
  1332. spinningCraneKick = 101546;
  1333. thunderFocusTea = 116680;
  1334. tigerPalm = 100780;
  1335. manaTea = 197908;
  1336. transcendence = 101643;
  1337. transcendenceTransfer = 119996;
  1338. vivify = 116670;
  1339. soothingMist = 193884;
  1340. },
  1341. artifacts = {
  1342. },
  1343. buffs = {
  1344. soothingMist = 115175,
  1345. renewingMist = 119611,
  1346. envelopingMist = 124682,
  1347. thunderFocusTea = 116680,
  1348. lifeCyclesEnvelopingMist = 197919,
  1349. lifeCyclesVivify = 197916,
  1350. upliftTrance = 197206,
  1351. refreshingJadeWind = 196725,
  1352. lifeCocoon = 116849,
  1353. transcendence = 101643,
  1354. tigersLust = 116841,
  1355. teachingsOfTheMonastery = 202090,
  1356. diffuseMagic = 122783,
  1357. dempenHarm = 122278;
  1358. innervate = 29166;
  1359. symbolOfHope = 64901;
  1360. manaTea = 197908;
  1361. },
  1362. debuffs = {
  1363. },
  1364. glyphs = {
  1365. },
  1366. talents = {
  1367. chiBurst = 123986;
  1368. zenPulse = 124081;
  1369. mistwalk = 197945;
  1370. chiTorpedo = 115008;
  1371. tigersLust = 116841;
  1372. mistWrap = 197900;
  1373. spiritOfTheCrane = 197900;
  1374. ringOfPeace = 116844;
  1375. songOfChiJi = 198898;
  1376. legSweep = 119381;
  1377. healingElixir = 122281;
  1378. diffuseMagic = 122783;
  1379. dampenHarm = 122278;
  1380. refreshingJadeWind = 196725;
  1381. invokeChiJiTheRedCrane = 198664;
  1382. summonJadeSerpentStatue = 115313;
  1383. manaTea = 197908;
  1384. risingThunder = 210804,
  1385. },
  1386. },
  1387. -- Windwalker
  1388. [269] = {
  1389. abilities = {
  1390. chiWave = 115098,
  1391. detox = 218164,
  1392. disable = 116095,
  1393. energizingElixir = 115288,
  1394. fistsOfFury = 113656,
  1395. flyingSerpentKick = 101545,
  1396. flyingSerpentKickEnd = 115057,
  1397. healingElixir = 122281,
  1398. invokeXuenTheWhiteTiger = 123904,
  1399. risingSunKick = 107428,
  1400. rushingJadeWind = 116847,
  1401. serenity = 152173,
  1402. spearHandStrike = 116705,
  1403. spinningCraneKick = 101546,
  1404. stormEarthAndFire = 137639,
  1405. stormEarthAndFireFixate = 221771,
  1406. strikeOfTheWindlord = 205320,
  1407. touchOfDeath = 115080,
  1408. touchOfKarma = 122470,
  1409. transcendence = 101643,
  1410. transcendenceTransfer = 119996,
  1411. whirlingDragonPunch = 152175,
  1412. },
  1413. artifacts = {
  1414. crosswinds = 195650,
  1415. darkSkies = 195265,
  1416. deathArt = 195266,
  1417. fistsOfTheWind = 195291,
  1418. galeBurst = 195399,
  1419. goodKarma = 195295,
  1420. healingWinds = 195380,
  1421. innerPeace = 195243,
  1422. lightOnYourFeet = 195244,
  1423. powerOfAThousandCranes = 195269,
  1424. risingWinds = 195263,
  1425. spiritualFocus = 195298,
  1426. strengthOfXuen = 195267,
  1427. strikeOfTheWindlord = 205320,
  1428. tigerClaws = 218607,
  1429. tornadoKicks = 196082,
  1430. transferOfPower = 195300,
  1431. windborneBlows = 214922,
  1432. },
  1433. buffs = {
  1434. serenity = 152173,
  1435. stormEarthAndFire = 137639,
  1436. healingWinds = 195381,
  1437. hitCombo = 196741,
  1438. theEmperorsCapacitor = 235054,
  1439. touchOfKarma = 122470,
  1440. transcendence = 101643,
  1441. },
  1442. debuffs = {
  1443. markOfTheCrane = 228287,
  1444. touchOfDeath = 115080,
  1445. },
  1446. glyphs = {
  1447. glyphOfRisingTigerKick = 125151,
  1448. },
  1449. talents = {
  1450. ascension = 115396,
  1451. chiOrbit = 196743,
  1452. chiWave = 115098,
  1453. energizingElixir = 115288,
  1454. eyeOfTheTiger = 196607,
  1455. healingElixir = 122281,
  1456. hitCombo = 196740,
  1457. invokeXuen = 123904,
  1458. powerStrikes = 121817,
  1459. rushingJadeWind = 116847,
  1460. serenity = 152173,
  1461. whirlingDragonPunch = 152175,
  1462. },
  1463. },
  1464. -- All
  1465. Shared = {
  1466. abilities = {
  1467. blackoutKick = 100784,
  1468. chiBurst = 123986,
  1469. chiTorpedo = 115008,
  1470. cracklingJadeLightning = 117952,
  1471. dampenHarm = 122278,
  1472. diffuseMagic = 122783,
  1473. effuse = 116694,
  1474. legSweep = 119381,
  1475. paralysis = 115078,
  1476. provoke = 115546,
  1477. resuscitate = 115178,
  1478. ringOfPeace = 116844,
  1479. roll = 109132,
  1480. tigersLust = 116841,
  1481. tigerPalm = 100780,
  1482. },
  1483. artifacts = {
  1485. },
  1486. buffs = {
  1487. blackoutKick = 116768,
  1488. dampenHarm = 122278,
  1489. diffuseMagic = 122783,
  1490. },
  1491. debuffs = {
  1493. },
  1494. glyphs = {
  1496. },
  1497. talents = {
  1498. celerity = 115173,
  1499. chiBurst = 123986,
  1500. chiTorpedo = 115008,
  1501. dampenHarm = 122278,
  1502. diffuseMagic = 122783,
  1503. legSweep = 119381,
  1504. ringOfPeace = 116844,
  1505. tigersLust = 116841,
  1506. },
  1507. },
  1508. },
  1509. PALADIN = {
  1510. -- Holy
  1511. [65] = {
  1512. abilities = {
  1513. absolution = 212056;
  1514. auraMastery = 31821;
  1515. avengingWrath = 31842;
  1516. beaconOfFaith = 156910;
  1517. beaconOfLight = 53563;
  1518. beaconOfVirtue = 200025;
  1519. bestowFaith = 223306;
  1520. blessingOfSacrifice = 6940;
  1521. cleanse = 4987;
  1522. consecration = 26573;
  1523. crusaderStrike = 35395;
  1524. divineProtection = 498;
  1525. divineSteed = 190784;
  1526. holyAvenger = 105809;
  1527. holyLight = 82326;
  1528. holyPrism = 114165;
  1529. holyShock = 20473;
  1530. judgment = 20271,
  1531. lightOfDawn = 85222;
  1532. lightOfTheMartyr = 183998;
  1533. lightsHammer = 114158;
  1534. ruleOfLaw = 214202;
  1535. tyrsDeliverance = 200652,
  1537. },
  1538. artifacts = {
  1540. },
  1541. buffs = {
  1542. auraOfMercy = 183415;
  1543. auraMastery = 31821;
  1544. avengingWrath = 31842;
  1545. beaconOfLight = 53563;
  1546. beaconOfFaith = 53563;
  1547. beaconOfVirtue = 200025;
  1548. bestowFaith = 223306;
  1549. divineProtection = 498;
  1550. divinePurpose = 216411;
  1551. ferventMartyr = 223316;
  1552. infusionOfLight = 54149;
  1553. ruleOfLaw = 214202;
  1554. theLightSaves = 200421;
  1555. vindicator = 200376;
  1557. },
  1558. debuffs = {
  1559. judgement = 214222,
  1561. },
  1562. glyphs = {
  1564. },
  1565. talents = {
  1566. bestowFaith = 223306;
  1567. lightsHammer = 114158;
  1568. crusadersMight = 196926;
  1569. cavalier = 230332;
  1570. unbreakableSpirit = 114154;
  1571. ruleOfLaw = 214202;
  1572. fistOfJustice = 198054;
  1573. repentance = 20066;
  1574. blindingLight = 115750;
  1575. devotionAura = 183425;
  1576. auraOfSacrifice = 183416;
  1577. auraOfMercy = 183415;
  1578. divinePurpose = 197646;
  1579. holyAvenger = 105809;
  1580. holyPrism = 114165;
  1581. ferventMartyr = 196923;
  1582. sanctifiedWrath = 53376;
  1583. judgmentOfLight = 183778;
  1584. beaconOfFaith = 156910;
  1585. beaconOfTheLightBringer = 197446;
  1586. beaconOfVirtue = 200025;
  1590. },
  1591. },
  1592. -- Protection
  1593. [66] = {
  1594. abilities = {
  1595. aegisOfLight = 204150,
  1596. ardentDefender = 31850,
  1597. avengersShield = 31935,
  1598. avengingWrath = 31884,
  1599. bastionOfLight = 204035,
  1600. blessedHammer = 204019,
  1601. blessingOfSpellwarding = 204018,
  1602. cleanseToxins = 213644,
  1603. consecration = 26573,
  1604. divineSteed = 190784,
  1605. eyeOfTyr = 209202,
  1606. guardianOfAncientKings = 86659,
  1607. hammerOfTheRighteous = 53595,
  1608. handOfTheProtector = 213652,
  1609. lightOfTheProtector = 184092,
  1610. rebuke = 96231,
  1611. shieldOfTheRighteous = 53600,
  1612. },
  1613. artifacts = {
  1614. eyeOfTyr = 209202,
  1616. },
  1617. buffs = {
  1618. ardentDefender = 31850,
  1619. avengingWrath = 31884,
  1620. bulwarkOfOrder = 209388,
  1621. consecration = 188370,
  1622. divineSteed = 221883,
  1623. guardianOfAncientKings = 86659,
  1624. seraphim = 152262,
  1625. shieldOfTheRighteous = 132403,
  1627. },
  1628. debuffs = {
  1629. eyeOfTyr = 209202,
  1630. blessedHammer = 204301,
  1631. },
  1632. glyphs = {
  1634. },
  1635. talents = {
  1636. holyShield = 152261,
  1637. blessedHammer = 204019,
  1638. consecratedHammer = 203785,
  1639. firstAvenger = 203776,
  1640. bastionOfLight = 204035,
  1641. crusadersJudgment = 204023,
  1642. fistOfJustice = 198054,
  1643. repentance = 20066,
  1644. blindingLight = 115750,
  1645. blessingOfSpellwarding = 204018,
  1646. cavalier = 230332,
  1647. retributionAura = 203797,
  1648. handOfTheProtector = 213652,
  1649. knightTemplar = 204139,
  1650. finalStand = 204077,
  1651. aegisOfLight = 204150,
  1652. consecratedGround = 204054,
  1653. judgmentOfLight = 183778,
  1654. righteousProtector = 204074,
  1655. seraphim = 152262,
  1656. lastDefender = 203791,
  1658. },
  1659. },
  1660. -- Retribution
  1661. [70] = {
  1662. abilities = {
  1663. avengingWrath = 31884,
  1664. bladeOfJustice = 184575,
  1665. cleanseToxins = 213644,
  1666. consecration = 205228,
  1667. crusade = 231895,
  1668. divineHammer = 198034,
  1669. divineStorm = 53385,
  1670. executionSentence = 213757,
  1671. eyeForAnEye = 205191,
  1672. greaterBlessingOfKings = 203538,
  1673. greaterBlessingOfWisdom = 203539,
  1674. handOfHinderance = 183218,
  1675. holyWrath = 210220,
  1676. judgmentOfLight = 183788,
  1677. justicarsVengeance = 215661,
  1678. rebuke = 96231,
  1679. shieldOfVengeance = 184662,
  1680. templarsVerdict = 85256,
  1681. wakeOfAshes = 205273,
  1682. wordOfGlory = 210191,
  1683. zeal = 217020,
  1684. },
  1685. artifacts = {
  1686. ashbringersLight = 207604,
  1687. ashesToAshes = 179546,
  1688. bladeOfLight = 214081,
  1689. deflection = 184778,
  1690. deliverTheJustice = 186927,
  1691. divineTempest = 186773,
  1692. echoOfTheHighlord = 186788,
  1693. embraceTheLight = 186934,
  1694. endlessResolve = 185086,
  1695. healingStorm = 193058,
  1696. highlordsJudgment = 186941,
  1697. mightOfTheTemplar = 185368,
  1698. protectorOfTheAshenBlade = 186944,
  1699. righteousBlade = 184843,
  1700. sharpenedEdge = 184759,
  1701. unbreakableWill = 182234,
  1702. wakeOfAshes = 205273,
  1703. wrathOfTheAshbringer = 186945,
  1704. },
  1705. buffs = {
  1706. avengingWrath = 31884,
  1707. crusade = 231895,
  1708. divinePurpose = 223819,
  1709. divineSteed = 221886,
  1710. greaterBlessingOfKings = 203538,
  1711. greaterBlessingOfWisdom = 203539,
  1712. theFiresOfJustice = 209785,
  1713. whisperOfTheNathrezim = 207635,
  1714. },
  1715. debuffs = {
  1717. },
  1718. glyphs = {
  1719. glyphOfWingedVengeance = 57979,
  1720. },
  1721. talents = {
  1722. bladeOfWrath = 231832,
  1723. consecration = 205228,
  1724. crusade = 231895,
  1725. divineHammer = 198034,
  1726. divineIntervention = 213313,
  1727. divinePurpose = 223817,
  1728. executionSentence = 213757,
  1729. eyeForAnEye = 205191,
  1730. finalVerdict = 198038,
  1731. fistOfJustice = 234299,
  1732. greaterJudgment = 218178,
  1733. holyWrath = 210220,
  1734. justicarsVengeance = 215661,
  1735. theFiresOfJustice = 203316,
  1736. virtuesBlade = 202271,
  1737. wordOfGlory = 210191,
  1738. zeal = 217020,
  1739. },
  1740. },
  1741. -- All
  1742. Shared = {
  1743. abilities = {
  1744. blessingOfFreedom = 1044,
  1745. blessingOfProtection = 1022,
  1746. blindingLight = 115750,
  1747. contemplation = 121183,
  1748. crusaderStrike = 35395,
  1749. divineShield = 642,
  1750. flashOfLight = 19750,
  1751. hammerOfJustice = 853,
  1752. handOfReckoning = 62124,
  1753. judgment = 20271,
  1754. layOnHands = 633,
  1755. redemption = 7328,
  1756. repentance = 20066,
  1758. },
  1759. artifacts = {
  1761. },
  1762. buffs = {
  1764. },
  1765. debuffs = {
  1766. judgment = 197277,
  1767. },
  1768. glyphs = {
  1769. glyphOfFireFromHeavens = 57954,
  1770. glyphOfPillarOfLight = 146959,
  1771. glyphOfTheLuminousCharger = 89401,
  1772. glyphOfTheQueen = 212642,
  1773. },
  1774. talents = {
  1775. blindingLight = 115750,
  1776. cavalier = 230332,
  1777. judgmentOfLight = 183788,
  1778. repentance = 20066,
  1779. },
  1780. },
  1781. },
  1782. PRIEST = {
  1783. -- Discipline
  1784. [256] = {
  1785. abilities = {
  1786. angelicFeather = 121536,
  1787. clarityOfWill = 152118,
  1788. divineStar = 110744,
  1789. halo = 120517,
  1790. leapOfFaith = 73325,
  1791. lightsWrath = 207946,
  1792. mindbender = 123040,
  1793. mindControl = 205364,
  1794. mindVision = 2096,
  1795. painSuppression = 33206,
  1796. penance = 47540,
  1797. plea = 200829,
  1798. powerInfusion = 10060,
  1799. powerWordBarrier = 62618,
  1800. powerWordRadiance = 194509,
  1801. powerWordShield = 17,
  1802. powerWordSolace = 129250,
  1803. purgeTheWicked = 204197,
  1804. purify = 527,
  1805. rapture = 47536,
  1806. schism = 214621,
  1807. shadowCovenant = 204065,
  1808. shadowMend = 186263,
  1809. shadowWordPain = 589,
  1810. shiningForce = 204263,
  1811. },
  1812. artifacts = {
  1814. },
  1815. buffs = {
  1816. angelicFeather = 121557,
  1817. atonement = 194384,
  1818. clarityOfWill = 152118,
  1819. overloadedWithLight = 223166,
  1820. powerInfusion = 10060,
  1821. rapture = 47536,
  1822. },
  1823. debuffs = {
  1824. purgeTheWicked = 204213,
  1825. schism = 214621,
  1826. shadowWordPain = 589,
  1827. smite = 585,
  1828. },
  1829. glyphs = {
  1831. },
  1832. talents = {
  1833. angelicFeather = 121536,
  1834. bodyAndSoul = 64129,
  1835. castigation = 193134,
  1836. clarityOfWill = 152118,
  1837. contrition = 197419,
  1838. divineStar = 110744,
  1839. dominantMind = 205367,
  1840. grace = 200309,
  1841. halo = 120517,
  1842. masochism = 193063,
  1843. mindbender = 123040,
  1844. powerInfusion = 10060,
  1845. powerWordSolace = 129250,
  1846. purgeTheWicked = 204197,
  1847. psychicVoice = 196704,
  1848. schism = 214621,
  1849. shadowCovenant = 204065,
  1850. shieldDiscipline = 197045,
  1851. shiningForce = 204263,
  1852. thePenitent = 200347,
  1853. twistOfFate = 109142,
  1854. },
  1855. },
  1856. -- Holy
  1857. [257] = {
  1858. abilities = {
  1859. angelicFeather = 121536,
  1860. bodyAndMind = 214121,
  1861. desperatePrayer = 19236,
  1862. divineHymn = 64843,
  1863. divineStar = 110744,
  1864. flashHeal = 2061,
  1865. guardianSpirit = 47788,
  1866. holyFire = 14914,
  1867. holyNova = 132157,
  1868. holyWordChastise = 88625,
  1869. holyWordSanctify = 34861,
  1870. holyWordSerenity = 2050,
  1871. heal = 2060,
  1872. leapOfFaith = 73325,
  1873. prayerOfHealing = 596,
  1874. prayerOfMending = 33076,
  1875. purify = 527,
  1876. renew = 139,
  1877. smite = 585,
  1878. symbolOfHope = 64901,
  1879. },
  1880. artifacts = {
  1881. lightOfTuure = 208065,
  1882. },
  1883. buffs = {
  1884. angelicFeather = 121557,
  1885. blessingOfTuure = 196578,
  1886. divinity = 197031,
  1887. echoOfLight = 77489,
  1888. prayerOfMending = 41635,
  1889. renew = 139,
  1890. surgeOfLight = 109186,
  1891. },
  1892. debuffs = {
  1894. },
  1895. glyphs = {
  1897. },
  1898. talents = {
  1899. angelicFeather = 121536,
  1900. apotheosis = 200183,
  1901. bindingHeal = 32546,
  1902. bodyAndMind = 214121,
  1903. circleOfHealing = 204883,
  1904. divineStar = 110744,
  1905. halo = 120517,
  1906. shiningForce = 204263,
  1907. surgeOfLight = 109186,
  1908. symbolOfHope = 64901,
  1909. },
  1910. },
  1911. -- Shadow
  1912. [258] = {
  1913. abilities = {
  1914. dispersion = 47585,
  1915. mindBlast = 8092,
  1916. mindBomb = 205369,
  1917. mindbender = 200174,
  1918. mindFlay = 15407,
  1919. mindVision = 2096,
  1920. powerInfusion = 10060,
  1921. powerWordShield = 17,
  1922. psychicScream = 8122,
  1923. purifyDisease = 213634,
  1924. shadowCrash = 205385,
  1925. shadowMend = 186263,
  1926. shadowWordDeath = 32379,
  1927. shadowWordPain = 589,
  1928. shadowWordVoid = 205351,
  1929. shadowfiend = 34433,
  1930. shadowform = 232698,
  1931. silence = 15487,
  1932. surrenderToMadness = 193223,
  1933. vampiricEmbrace = 15286,
  1934. vampiricTouch = 34914,
  1935. voidBoltCast = 228266, --231688,
  1936. voidBolt = 205448,
  1937. voidEruption = 228260,
  1938. voidForm = 228264,
  1939. voidTorrent = 205065,
  1940. },
  1941. artifacts = {
  1942. massHysteria = 194378,
  1943. unleashTheShadows = 194093,
  1944. },
  1945. buffs = {
  1946. dispersion = 47585,
  1947. shadowyInsight = 124430,
  1948. shadowform = 232698,
  1949. surrenderedSoul = 212570,
  1950. void = 211657,
  1951. voidForm = 194249,
  1952. voidTorrent = 205065,
  1953. },
  1954. debuffs = {
  1955. shadowWordPain = 589,
  1956. vampiricTouch = 34914,
  1957. },
  1958. glyphs = {
  1960. },
  1961. talents = {
  1962. auspiciousSpirits = 155271,
  1963. bodyAndSoul = 64129,
  1964. dominantMind = 205367,
  1965. fortressOfTheMind = 193195,
  1966. legacyOfTheVoid = 193225,
  1967. lingeringInsanty = 199849,
  1968. mania = 193173,
  1969. masochism = 193063,
  1970. mindBomb = 205369,
  1971. mindbender = 200174,
  1972. misery = 238558,
  1973. powerInfusion = 10060,
  1974. psychicVoice = 196704,
  1975. reaperOfSouls = 199853,
  1976. sanlayn = 199855,
  1977. shadowCrash = 205385,
  1978. shadowWordVoid = 205351,
  1979. shadowyInsight = 162452,
  1980. surrenderToMadness = 193223,
  1981. twistOfFate = 109142,
  1982. voidRay = 205371,
  1983. },
  1984. },
  1985. -- All
  1986. Shared = {
  1987. abilities = {
  1988. dispelMagic = 528,
  1989. fade = 586,
  1990. flashHeal = 2061,
  1991. levitate = 1706,
  1992. massDispel = 32375,
  1993. massResurrection = 212036,
  1994. mindControl = 605,
  1995. powerWordBarrier = 81782,
  1996. psychicScream = 8122,
  1997. resurrection = 2006,
  1998. shackleUndead = 9484,
  1999. shadowfiend = 34433,
  2000. smite = 585,
  2001. },
  2002. artifacts = {
  2004. },
  2005. buffs = {
  2006. powerWordShield = 17,
  2007. },
  2008. debuffs = {
  2010. },
  2011. glyphs = {
  2013. },
  2014. talents = {
  2016. },
  2017. },
  2018. },
  2019. ROGUE = {
  2020. -- Assassination
  2021. [259] = {
  2022. abilities = {
  2023. agonizingPoison = 200802,
  2024. assassinsResolve = 84601,
  2025. cripplingPoison = 3408,
  2026. cutToTheChase = 51667,
  2027. deadlyPoison = 2823,
  2028. envenom = 32645,
  2029. evasion = 5277,
  2030. exsanguinate = 200806,
  2031. fanOfKnives = 51723,
  2032. garrote = 703,
  2033. hemorrhage = 16511,
  2034. improvedPoisons = 14117,
  2035. kidneyShot = 408,
  2036. kingsbane = 192759, --222062
  2037. leechingPoison = 108211,
  2038. masteryPotentPoisons = 76803,
  2039. mutilate = 1329,
  2040. poisonedKnife = 185565,
  2041. rupture = 1943,
  2042. sealFate = 14190,
  2043. shadowstep = 36554,
  2044. stealth = 1784,
  2045. vendetta = 79140,
  2046. venomousWounds = 79134,
  2047. woundPoison = 8679,
  2048. },
  2049. artifacts = {
  2050. assassinsBlades = 214368,
  2051. bagOfTricks = 192657,
  2052. balancedBlades = 192326,
  2053. bloodOfTheAssassinated = 192923,
  2054. fadeIntoShadows = 192323,
  2055. fromTheShadows = 192428,
  2056. gushingWound = 192329,
  2057. kingsbane = 192759,
  2058. masterAlchemist = 192318,
  2059. masterAssassin = 192349,
  2060. poisonKnives = 192376,
  2061. serratedEdge = 192315,
  2062. shadowSwiftness = 192422,
  2063. shadowWalker = 192345,
  2064. slayersPrecision = 214928,
  2065. surgeOfToxins = 192424,
  2066. toxicBlades = 192310,
  2067. urgeToKill = 192384,
  2068. },
  2069. buffs = {
  2070. agonizingPoison = 200802,
  2071. cripplingPoison = 3408,
  2072. deadlyPoison = 2823,
  2073. elaboratePlanning = 193641,
  2074. envenom = 32645,
  2075. leechingPoison = 108211,
  2076. stealth = 1784,
  2077. subterfuge = 115192,
  2078. theDreadlordsDeceit = 208692,
  2079. woundPoison = 8679,
  2080. },
  2081. debuffs = {
  2082. agonizingPoison = 200803,
  2083. cripplingPoison = 3409,
  2084. deadlyPoison = 2818,
  2085. garrote = 703,
  2086. hemorrhage = 16511,
  2087. internalBleeding = 154953,
  2088. kingsbane = 192759,
  2089. mutilatedFlesh = 211672,
  2090. rupture = 1943,
  2091. surgeOfToxins = 192425,
  2092. vendetta = 79140,
  2093. woundPoison = 8680,
  2094. },
  2095. glyphs = {
  2097. },
  2098. talents = {
  2099. agonizingPoison = 200802,
  2100. elaboratePlanning = 193640,
  2101. exsanguinate = 200806,
  2102. hemorrhage = 16511,
  2103. internalBleeding = 154904,
  2104. leechingPoison = 108211,
  2105. masterPoisoner = 196864,
  2106. nightstalker = 14062,
  2107. shadowFocus = 108209,
  2108. subterfuge = 108208,
  2109. thuggee = 196861,
  2110. venomRush = 152152,
  2111. },
  2112. },
  2113. -- Outlaw
  2114. [260] = {
  2115. abilities = {
  2116. adrenalineRush = 13750,
  2117. ambush = 8676,
  2118. betweenTheEyes = 199804,
  2119. bladeFlurry = 13877,
  2120. blind = 2094,
  2121. blunderbuss = 202895,
  2122. bribe = 199740,
  2123. cannonballBarrage = 185767,
  2124. curseOfTheDreadblades = 202665,
  2125. ghostlyStrike = 196937,
  2126. gouge = 1776,
  2127. grapplingHook = 195457,
  2128. killingSpree = 51690,
  2129. masteryMainGauche = 76806,
  2130. parley = 199743,
  2131. pistolShot = 185763,
  2132. riposte = 199754,
  2133. rollTheBones = 193316,
  2134. runThrough = 2098,
  2135. saberSlash = 193315,
  2136. sliceAndDice = 5171,
  2137. stealth = 1784,
  2138. },
  2139. artifacts = {
  2140. blackPowder = 216230,
  2141. bladeDancer = 202507,
  2142. bladeMaster = 202628,
  2143. blunderbuss = 202897,
  2144. blurredTime = 202769,
  2145. cannonballBarrage = 185767,
  2146. curseOfTheDreadblades = 202665,
  2147. cursedEdge = 202463,
  2148. cursedSteel = 214929,
  2149. deception = 202755,
  2150. fatesThirst = 202514,
  2151. fatebringer = 202524,
  2152. fortuneStrikes = 202530,
  2153. fortunesBoon = 202907,
  2154. fortunesStrike = 202521,
  2155. ghostlyShell = 202533,
  2156. greed = 202820,
  2157. gunslinger = 202522,
  2158. hiddenBlade = 202573,
  2159. killingSpree = 51690,
  2160. sliceAndDice = 5171,
  2161. },
  2162. buffs = {
  2163. adrenalineRush = 13750,
  2164. alacrity = 193538,
  2165. bladeFlurry = 13877,
  2166. broadsides = 193356,
  2167. buriedTreasure = 199600,
  2168. grandMelee = 193358,
  2169. greenskinsWaterloggedWristcuffs = 209420,
  2170. hiddenBlade = 202754,
  2171. jollyRoger = 199603,
  2172. opportunity = 195627,
  2173. rollTheBones = {
  2174. broadsides = 193356,
  2175. buriedTreasure = 199600,
  2176. grandMelee = 193358,
  2177. jollyRoger = 199603,
  2178. sharkInfestedWaters = 193357,
  2179. trueBearing = 193359,
  2180. },
  2181. sharkInfestedWaters = 193357,
  2182. sliceAndDice = 5171,
  2183. stealth = 1784,
  2184. trueBearing = 193359,
  2185. },
  2186. debuffs = {
  2187. curseOfTheDreadblades = 202665,
  2188. ghostlyStrike = 196937,
  2189. parley = 199743,
  2190. },
  2191. glyphs = {
  2193. },
  2194. talents = {
  2195. acrobaticStikes = 196924,
  2196. cannonballBarrage = 185767,
  2197. dirtyTricks = 108216,
  2198. ghostlyStrike = 196937,
  2199. grapplingHook = 195457,
  2200. hitAndRun = 196922,
  2201. ironStomach = 193546,
  2202. killingSpree = 51690,
  2203. parley = 199743,
  2204. sliceAndDice = 5171,
  2205. swordmaster = 200733,
  2206. quickDraw = 196938,
  2207. },
  2208. },
  2209. -- Subtlety
  2210. [261] = {
  2211. abilities = {
  2212. backstab = 53,
  2213. blind = 2094,
  2214. envelopingShadows = 206237,
  2215. evasion = 5277,
  2216. eviscerate = 196819,
  2217. gloomblade = 200758,
  2218. goremawsBite = 209782,
  2219. kidneyShot = 408,
  2220. nightblade = 195452,
  2221. shadowBlades = 121471,
  2222. shadowDance = 185313,
  2223. shadowstep = 36554,
  2224. shadowstrike = 185438,
  2225. shurikenStorm = 197835,
  2226. shurikenToss = 114014,
  2227. stealth = 115191,
  2228. symbolsOfDeath = 212283,
  2229. },
  2230. artifacts = {
  2231. akaarisSoul = 209835,
  2232. catlikeReflexes = 210144,
  2233. demonsKiss = 197233,
  2234. embraceOfDarkness = 197604,
  2235. energeticStabbing = 197239,
  2236. finality = 197406,
  2237. flickeringShadows = 197256,
  2238. fortunesBite = 197369,
  2239. ghostArmor = 197244,
  2240. goremawsBite = 209782,
  2241. gutRipper = 197234,
  2242. legionblade = 214903,
  2243. precisionStrike = 197235,
  2244. secondShuriken = 197610,
  2245. shadowFangs = 221856,
  2246. shadowNova = 209781,
  2247. shadowSouls = 197386,
  2248. theQuietKnife = 197231,
  2249. },
  2250. buffs = {
  2251. envelopingShadows = 206237,
  2252. finalityNightblade = 197498,
  2253. shadowBlades = 121471,
  2254. shadowDance = 185422,
  2255. stealth = 115191,
  2256. symbolsOfDeath = 212283,
  2257. theDreadlordsDeceit = 228224,
  2258. subterfuge = 115192,
  2259. },
  2260. debuffs = {
  2261. nightblade = 195452,
  2262. },
  2263. glyphs = {
  2265. },
  2266. talents = {
  2267. envelopingShadows = 206237,
  2268. gloomblade = 200758,
  2269. masterOfShadows = 196976,
  2270. masterOfSubtlety = 31223,
  2271. nightstalker = 14062,
  2272. premeditation = 196979,
  2273. shadowFocus = 108209,
  2274. soothingDarkness = 200759,
  2275. subterfuge = 108208,
  2276. strikeFromTheShadows = 196951,
  2277. tangledShadow = 200778,
  2278. weaponmaster = 193537,
  2279. },
  2280. },
  2281. -- All
  2282. Shared = {
  2283. abilities = {
  2284. cheapShot = 1833,
  2285. cloakOfShadows = 31224,
  2286. crimsonVial = 185311,
  2287. deathFromAbove = 152150,
  2288. detection = 56814,
  2289. distract = 1725,
  2290. feint = 1966,
  2291. goremawsBite = 209783, --809784
  2292. kick = 1766,
  2293. markedForDeath = 137619,
  2294. pickLock = 1804,
  2295. pickPocket = 921,
  2296. sap = 6770,
  2297. shadowmeld = 58984,
  2298. sprint = 2983,
  2299. tricksOfTheTrade = 57934,
  2300. vanish = 1856,
  2301. },
  2302. artifacts = {
  2304. },
  2305. buffs = {
  2306. cloakOfShadows = 31224,
  2307. feint = 1966,
  2308. masterAssassinsInitiative = 235027,
  2309. sprint = 2983,
  2310. vanish = 11327,
  2311. },
  2312. debuffs = {
  2313. sap = 6770,
  2314. },
  2315. glyphs = {
  2316. glyphOfBlackout = 219693,
  2317. glyphOfBurnout = 220279,
  2318. glyphOfDisguise = 63268,
  2319. glyphOfFlashBang = 219678,
  2320. },
  2321. talents = {
  2322. alacrity = 193539,
  2323. anticipation = 114015,
  2324. cheatDeath = 31230,
  2325. deathFromAbove = 152150,
  2326. deeperStrategem = 193531,
  2327. elusiveness = 79008,
  2328. markedForDeath = 137619,
  2329. preyOnTheWeak = 131511,
  2330. vigor = 14983,
  2331. },
  2332. },
  2333. },
  2334. SHAMAN = {
  2335. -- Elemental
  2336. [262] = {
  2337. abilities = {
  2338. ancestralGuidance = 108281,
  2339. ascendance = 114050,
  2340. chainLightning = 188443,
  2341. earthElemental = 198103,
  2342. earthquake = 61882,
  2343. earthShock = 8042,
  2344. elementalBlast = 117014,
  2345. elementalMastery = 16166,
  2346. fireElemental = 198067,
  2347. flameShock = 188389,
  2348. frostShock = 196840,
  2349. gustOfWind = 192063,
  2350. healingSurge = 8004,
  2351. icefury = 210714,
  2352. lavaBeam = 114074,
  2353. lavaBurst = 51505,
  2354. lightningBolt = 188196,
  2355. liquidMagmaTotem = 192222,
  2356. stormElemental = 192249,
  2357. stormkeeper = 205495,
  2358. thunderstorm = 51490,
  2359. totemMastery = 210643,
  2360. },
  2361. artifacts = {
  2362. stormkeeper = 205495,
  2363. },
  2364. buffs = {
  2365. ascendance = 114050,
  2366. bloodlust = 2825,
  2367. echoesOfTheGreatSundering = 208722,
  2368. elementalFocus = 16164,
  2369. elementalMastery = 16166,
  2370. emberTotem = 210658,
  2371. heroism = 32182,
  2372. icefury = 210714,
  2373. lavaSurge = 77762,
  2374. powerOfTheMaelstrom = 191877,
  2375. resonanceTotem = 202192,
  2376. stormkeeper = 205495,
  2377. stormTotem = 210652,
  2378. tailwindTotem = 210659,
  2379. },
  2380. debuffs = {
  2381. flameShock = 188389,
  2382. frostShock = 196840,
  2383. lightningRod = 197209,
  2384. },
  2385. glyphs = {
  2387. },
  2388. talents = {
  2389. aftershock = 210707,
  2390. ancestralGuidance = 108281,
  2391. ancestralSwiftness = 192087,
  2392. ascendance = 114050,
  2393. earthenRage = 170374,
  2394. echoOfTheElements = 108283,
  2395. elementalBlast = 117014,
  2396. elementalFusion = 192235,
  2397. elementalMastery = 16166,
  2398. gustOfWind = 192063,
  2399. icefury = 210714,
  2400. lightningRod = 210689,
  2401. liquidMagmaTotem = 192222,
  2402. pathOfFlame = 201909,
  2403. primalElementalist = 117013,
  2404. stormElemental = 192249,
  2405. totemMastery = 210643,
  2406. },
  2407. },
  2408. -- Enhancement
  2409. [263] = {
  2410. abilities = {
  2411. ascendance = 114051,
  2412. boulderfist = 201897,
  2413. cleanseSpirit = 51886,
  2414. crashLightning = 187874,
  2415. doomWinds = 204945,
  2416. earthenSpike = 188089,
  2417. feralLunge = 196884,
  2418. feralSpirit = 51533,
  2419. flametongue = 193796,
  2420. frostbrand = 196834,
  2421. furyOfAir = 197211,
  2422. healingSurge = 188070,
  2423. lavaLash = 60103,
  2424. lightningBolt = 187837,
  2425. lightningShield = 192106,
  2426. rainfall = 215864,
  2427. rockbiter = 193786,
  2428. spiritWalk = 58875,
  2429. stormstrike = 17364,
  2430. sundering = 197214,
  2431. windRushTotem = 192077,
  2432. windsong = 201898,
  2433. windstrike = 115356,
  2434. },
  2435. artifacts = {
  2436. alphaWolf = 198434,
  2437. doomWinds = 204945,
  2438. gatheringStorms = 198299,
  2439. },
  2440. buffs = {
  2441. ascendance = 114051,
  2442. boulderfist = 218825,
  2443. crashLightning = 187874,
  2444. doomWinds = 204945,
  2445. flametongue = 194084,
  2446. frostbrand = 196834,
  2447. furyOfAir = 197211,
  2448. gatheringStorms = 198300,
  2449. hailstorm = 210853,
  2450. hotHand = 215785,
  2451. landslide = 202004,
  2452. lightningShield = 192106,
  2453. oldWar = 188028,
  2454. prolongedPower = 229206,
  2455. stormbringer = 201846,
  2456. },
  2457. debuffs = {
  2458. frostbrand = 147732,
  2459. stormTempest = 214265,
  2460. },
  2461. glyphs = {
  2463. },
  2464. talents = {
  2465. ancestralSwiftness = 192087,
  2466. ascendance = 114051,
  2467. boulderfist = 201897,
  2468. crashingStorm = 192246,
  2469. earthenSpike = 188089,
  2470. empoweredStormLash = 210731,
  2471. feralLunge = 196884,
  2472. furyOfAir = 197211,
  2473. hailstorm = 210853,
  2474. hotHand = 201900,
  2475. landslide = 197992,
  2476. lightningShield = 192106,
  2477. overcharge = 210727,
  2478. rainfall = 215864,
  2479. sundering = 197214,
  2480. windRushTotem = 192077,
  2481. windsong = 201898,
  2482. },
  2483. },
  2484. -- Restoration
  2485. [264] = {
  2486. abilities = {
  2487. ancestralGuidance = 108281,
  2488. ascendance = 114052,
  2489. chainHeal = 1064,
  2490. chainLightning = 421,
  2491. cloudburstTotem = 157153,
  2492. flameShock = 188838,
  2493. giftOfTheQueen = 207778,
  2494. healingRain = 73920,
  2495. healingSurge = 8004,
  2496. healingStreamTotem = 5394,
  2497. healingTideTotem = 108280,
  2498. healingWave = 77472,
  2499. heroism = 32182,
  2500. lavaBurst = 51505,
  2501. lightningBolt = 403,
  2502. purifySpirit = 77130,
  2503. riptide = 61295,
  2504. spiritLinkTotem = 98008,
  2505. spiritwalkersGrace = 79206,
  2506. wellspring = 197995,
  2507. },
  2508. artifacts = {
  2509. giftOfTheQueen = 207778,
  2510. },
  2511. buffs = {
  2512. ascendance = 114052,
  2513. cloudburstTotem = 157504,
  2514. healingRain = 73920,
  2515. lavaSurge = 77762,
  2516. riptide = 61295,
  2517. tidalWaves = 53390,
  2518. },
  2519. debuffs = {
  2520. flameShock = 188838,
  2521. },
  2522. glyphs = {
  2523. },
  2524. talents = {
  2525. ancestralGuidance = 108281,
  2526. ancestralProtectionTotem = 207399,
  2527. ascendance = 114052,
  2528. cloudburstTotem = 157153,
  2529. earthenShieldTotem = 198838,
  2530. gustOfWind = 192063,
  2531. unleashLife = 73685,
  2532. wellspring = 197995,
  2533. windRushTotem = 192077,
  2534. },
  2535. },
  2536. -- All
  2537. Shared = {
  2538. abilities = {
  2539. ancestralSpirit = 2008,
  2540. astralShift = 108271,
  2541. earthbindTotem = 2484,
  2542. earthgrabTotem = 51485,
  2543. ghostWolf = 2645,
  2544. hex = 51514,
  2545. lightningSurgeTotem = 192058,
  2546. purge = 370,
  2547. voodooTotem = 196932,
  2548. waterWalking = 546,
  2549. windShear = 57994,
  2550. },
  2551. artifacts = {
  2553. },
  2554. buffs = {
  2555. astralShift = 108271,
  2556. ghostWolf = 2645,
  2557. waterWalking = 546,
  2558. },
  2559. debuffs = {
  2560. hex = 51514,
  2561. },
  2562. glyphs = {
  2564. },
  2565. talents = {
  2566. earthgrabTotem = 51485,
  2567. lightningSurgeTotem = 192058,
  2568. voodooTotem = 196932,
  2569. windRushTotem = 192077,
  2570. },
  2571. },
  2572. },
  2573. WARLOCK = {
  2574. -- Affliction
  2575. [265] = {
  2576. abilities = {
  2577. agony = 980,
  2578. corruption = 172,
  2579. drainSoul = 198590,
  2580. grimoireOfSacrifice = 108503,
  2581. haunt = 48181,
  2582. howlOfTerror = 5484,
  2583. phantomSingularity = 205179,
  2584. reapSouls = 216698,
  2585. seedOfCorruption = 27243,
  2586. shadowBolt = 232670,
  2587. siphonLife = 63106,
  2588. soulEffigy = 205178,
  2589. unstableAffliction = 30108,
  2590. },
  2591. artifacts = {
  2592. compoundingHorror = 199282,
  2593. crystallineShadows = 221862,
  2594. drainedToAHusk = 199120,
  2595. fatalEchoes = 199257,
  2596. harvesterOfSouls = 201424,
  2597. hideousCorruption = 199112,
  2598. inherentlyUnstable = 199152,
  2599. inimitableAgony = 199111,
  2600. longDarkNightOfTheSoul = 199214,
  2601. perdition = 199158,
  2602. reapSouls = 216698,
  2603. seedsOfDoom = 199153,
  2604. shadowsOfTheFlesh = 199212,
  2605. shadowyIncantations = 199163,
  2606. soulFlame = 199471,
  2607. soulstealer = 214934,
  2608. sweetSouls = 199220,
  2609. wrathOfConsumption = 199472,
  2610. },
  2611. buffs = {
  2612. compoundingHorror = 199281,
  2613. deadwindHarvester = 216708,
  2614. demonicPower = 196099,
  2615. empoweredLifeTap = 235156,
  2616. tormentedSouls = 216695,
  2617. },
  2618. debuffs = {
  2619. agony = 980,
  2620. corruption = 146739,
  2621. siphonLife = 63106,
  2622. unstableAffliction1 = 233490,
  2623. unstableAffliction2 = 233496,
  2624. unstableAffliction3 = 233497,
  2625. unstableAffliction4 = 233498,
  2626. unstableAffliction5 = 233499,
  2627. },
  2628. glyphs = {
  2630. },
  2631. talents = {
  2632. absoluteCorruption = 196103,
  2633. contagion = 196105,
  2634. empoweredLifeTap = 235157,
  2635. grimoireOfSacrifice = 108503,
  2636. haunt = 48181,
  2637. howlOfTerror = 5484,
  2638. maleficGrasp = 235155,
  2639. phantomSingularity = 205179,
  2640. siphonLife = 63106,
  2641. soulConduit = 215941,
  2642. soulEffigy = 205178,
  2643. sowTheSeeds = 196226,
  2644. writheInAgony = 196102,
  2645. },
  2646. },
  2647. -- Demonology
  2648. [266] = {
  2649. abilities = {
  2650. callDreadstalkers = 104316,
  2651. commandDemon = 119898,
  2652. demonbolt = 157695,
  2653. demonicEmpowerment = 193396,
  2654. demonwrath = 193440,
  2655. doom = 603,
  2656. drainLife = 234153,
  2657. felstorm = 89751,
  2658. grimoireFelguard = 111898,
  2659. handOfGuldan = 105174,
  2660. implosion = 196277,
  2661. shadowbolt = 686,
  2662. shadowflame = 205181,
  2663. summonDarkglare = 205180,
  2664. thalkielsConsumption = 211714,
  2665. },
  2666. artifacts = {
  2667. thalkielsConsumption = 211714,
  2668. },
  2669. buffs = {
  2670. demonicCalling = 205146,
  2671. demonicEmpowerment = 193396,
  2672. demonwrath = 193440,
  2673. },
  2674. debuffs = {
  2675. doom = 603,
  2676. shadowflame = 205181,
  2677. },
  2678. glyphs = {
  2680. },
  2681. talents = {
  2682. demonbolt = 157695,
  2683. grimoireOfSynergy = 171975,
  2684. handOfDoom = 196283,
  2685. implosion = 196277,
  2686. shadowflame = 205181,
  2687. summonDarkglare = 205180,
  2688. },
  2689. },
  2690. -- Destruction
  2691. [267] = {
  2692. abilities = {
  2693. cataclysm = 152108,
  2694. channelDemonfire = 196447,
  2695. chaosBolt = 116858,
  2696. conflagrate = 17962,
  2697. dimensionalRift = 196586,
  2698. drainLife = 234153,
  2699. grimoireOfSacrifice = 108503,
  2700. havoc = 80240,
  2701. immolate = 348,
  2702. incinerate = 29722,
  2703. rainOfFire = 5740,
  2704. shadowBolt = 686,
  2705. shadowburn = 17877,
  2706. shadowfury = 30283,
  2707. },
  2708. artifacts = {
  2709. artificialStamina = 211309,
  2710. burningHunger = 196432,
  2711. chaoticIstability = 196217,
  2712. conflagrationOfChaos = 219195,
  2713. demonicDurability = 215223,
  2714. devourerOfLife = 196301,
  2715. dimensionRipper = 219415,
  2716. dimensionalRift = 196586,
  2717. eternalStruggle = 196305,
  2718. fireAndTheFlames = 196222,
  2719. fireFromTheSky = 196258,
  2720. flamesOfThePit = 215183,
  2721. impishIncineration = 215273,
  2722. lordOfFlames = 224103,
  2723. masterOfDisaster = 196211,
  2724. planeswalker = 196675,
  2725. residualFlames = 196227,
  2726. soulsnatcher = 196236,
  2727. stolenPower = 214936,
  2728. },
  2729. buffs = {
  2730. backdraft = 117828, --196406,
  2731. conflagrationOfChaos = 196546,
  2732. demonicPower = 196099,
  2733. empoweredLifeTap = 235156,
  2734. lessonsOfSpaceTime = 236174,
  2735. lordOfFlames = 224103,
  2736. },
  2737. debuffs = {
  2738. immolate = 157736,
  2739. havoc = 80240,
  2740. roaringBlaze = 205184,
  2741. },
  2742. glyphs = {
  2744. },
  2745. talents = {
  2746. backdraft = 196406,
  2747. cataclysm = 152108,
  2748. channelDemonfire = 196447,
  2749. empoweredLifeTap = 235157,
  2750. eradication = 196412,
  2751. fireAndBrimstone = 196408,
  2752. grimoireOfSacrifice = 108503,
  2753. reverseEntropy = 205148,
  2754. roaringBlaze = 205184,
  2755. shadowburn = 17877,
  2756. shadowfury = 30283,
  2757. wreakHavoc = 196410,
  2758. },
  2759. },
  2760. -- All
  2761. Shared = {
  2762. abilities = {
  2763. darkPact = 108416,
  2764. demonicCircle = 48018,
  2765. fear = 5782,
  2766. grimoireFelhunter = 111897,
  2767. grimoireImp = 111859,
  2768. grimoireSuccubus = 111896,
  2769. grimoireVoidwalker = 111895,
  2770. healthFunnel = 755,
  2771. lifeTap = 1454,
  2772. mortalCoil = 6789,
  2773. soulHarvest = 196098,
  2774. summonDoomguard = 18540,
  2775. summonFelguard = 30146,
  2776. summonFelhunter = 691,
  2777. summonFelImp = 688,
  2778. summonImp = 688,
  2779. summonInfernal = 1122,
  2780. summonSuccubus = 712,
  2781. summonVoidwalker = 697,
  2782. unendingResolve = 104773,
  2783. },
  2784. artifacts = {
  2786. },
  2787. buffs = {
  2788. demonicSynergy = 171982,
  2789. sindoreiSpite = 208871,
  2790. soulHarvest = 196098,
  2791. },
  2792. debuffs = {
  2794. },
  2795. glyphs = {
  2796. glyphOfTheFelImp = 219424,
  2797. },
  2798. talents = {
  2799. burningRush = 111400,
  2800. darkPact = 108416,
  2801. demonicCircle = 48018,
  2802. demonSkin = 219272,
  2803. grimoireOfService = 108501,
  2804. grimoireOfSupremacy = 152107,
  2805. mortalCoil = 6789,
  2806. soulHarvest = 196098,
  2807. },
  2808. },
  2809. },
  2810. WARRIOR = {
  2811. -- Arms
  2812. [71] = {
  2813. abilities = {
  2814. bladestorm = 227847,
  2815. cleave = 845,
  2816. colossusSmash = 167105,
  2817. commandingShout = 97462,
  2818. defensiveStance = 197690,
  2819. dieByTheSword = 118038,
  2820. execute = 163201,
  2821. focusedRage = 207982,
  2822. hamstring = 1715,
  2823. intimidatingShout = 5246,
  2824. mortalStrike = 12294,
  2825. overpower = 7384,
  2826. ravager = 152277,
  2827. rend = 772,
  2828. slam = 1464,
  2829. victoryRush = 34428,
  2830. warbreaker = 209577,
  2831. whirlwind = 1680,
  2832. },
  2833. artifacts = {
  2834. corruptedBloodOfZakajz = 209566,
  2835. crushingBlows = 209472,
  2836. deathblow = 209481,
  2837. defensiveMeasures = 209559,
  2838. exploitTheWeakness = 209494,
  2839. focusInBattle = 209554,
  2840. manyWillFall = 216274,
  2841. oneAgainstMany = 209462,
  2842. preciseStrikes = 209492,
  2843. shatteredDefenses = 209574,
  2844. tacticalAdvance = 209483,
  2845. thoradinsMight = 209480,
  2846. touchOfZakajz = 209541,
  2847. unbreakableSteel = 214937,
  2848. unendingRage = 209459,
  2849. voidCleave = 209573,
  2850. warbreaker = 209577,
  2851. willOfTheFirstKing = 209548,
  2852. },
  2853. buffs = {
  2854. cleave = 188923,
  2855. defensiveStance = 197690,
  2856. focusedRage = 207982,
  2857. overpower = 60503,
  2858. preciseStrikes = 209493,
  2859. shatteredDefenses = 209706,
  2860. stoneHeart = 225947,
  2861. tactician = 199854,
  2862. victorious = 32216,
  2863. },
  2864. debuffs = {
  2865. colossusSmash = 208086,
  2866. rend = 772,
  2867. },
  2868. glyphs = {
  2869. glyphOfThunderStrike = 68164,
  2870. },
  2871. talents = {
  2872. angerManagement = 152278,
  2873. dauntless = 202297,
  2874. deadlyCalm = 227266,
  2875. defensiveStance = 197690,
  2876. doubleTime = 103827,
  2877. fervorOfBattle = 202316,
  2878. focusedRage = 207982,
  2879. inForTheKill = 215550,
  2880. mortalCombo = 202593,
  2881. opportunityStrikes = 203179,
  2882. overpower = 7384,
  2883. ravager = 152277,
  2884. rend = 772,
  2885. secondWind = 29838,
  2886. sweepingStrikes = 202161,
  2887. titanicMight = 202612,
  2888. trauma = 215538,
  2889. },
  2890. },
  2891. -- Fury
  2892. [72] = {
  2893. abilities = {
  2894. bladestorm = 46924,
  2895. bloodbath = 12292,
  2896. bloodthirst = 23881,
  2897. commandingShout = 97462,
  2898. dragonRoar = 118000,
  2899. enragedRegeneration = 184364,
  2900. execute = 5308,
  2901. furiousSlash = 100130,
  2902. heroicLeap = 6544,
  2903. intimidatingShout = 5246,
  2904. odynsFury = 205545,
  2905. piercingHowl = 12323,
  2906. ragingBlow = 85288,
  2907. rampage = 184367,
  2908. taunt = 355,
  2909. whirlwind = 190411,
  2910. },
  2911. artifacts = {
  2912. juggernaut = 200875,
  2913. odynsFury = 205545,
  2914. },
  2915. buffs = {
  2916. bladestorm = 46924,
  2917. bloodbath = 12292,
  2918. dragonRoar = 118000,
  2919. enrage = 184362,
  2920. enragedRegeneration = 184364,
  2921. frenzy = 202539,
  2922. frothingBerserker = 215572,
  2923. fujiedasFury = 207775,
  2924. intimidatingShout = 5246,
  2925. juggernaut = 201009,
  2926. massacre = 206316,
  2927. meatCleaver = 85739,
  2928. stoneHeart = 225947,
  2929. tasteForBlood = 206333,
  2930. wreckingBall = 215570,
  2931. },
  2932. debuffs = {
  2934. },
  2935. glyphs = {
  2937. },
  2938. talents = {
  2939. bladestorm = 46924,
  2940. bloodbath = 12292,
  2941. carnage = 202922,
  2942. doubleTime = 103827,
  2943. dragonRoar = 118000,
  2944. endlessRage = 202296,
  2945. frenzy = 206313,
  2946. freshMeat = 215568,
  2947. frothingBerserker = 215571,
  2948. furiousCharge = 202224,
  2949. innerRage = 215573,
  2950. massacre = 206315,
  2951. outburst = 206320,
  2952. recklessAbandon = 202751,
  2953. warMachine = 215556,
  2954. warpaint = 208154,
  2955. wreckingBall = 215569,
  2956. },
  2957. },
  2958. -- Protection
  2959. [73] = {
  2960. abilities = {
  2961. defensiveStance = 71,
  2962. demoralizingShout = 1160,
  2963. devastate = 20243,
  2964. focusedRage = 204488,
  2965. ignorePain = 190456,
  2966. impendingVictory = 202168,
  2967. intercept = 198304,
  2968. lastStand = 12975,
  2969. neltharionsFury = 203524,
  2970. ravager = 228920,
  2971. revenge = 6572,
  2972. shieldBlock = 2565,
  2973. shieldSlam = 23922,
  2974. shieldWall = 871,
  2975. spellReflection = 23920,
  2976. thunderClap = 6343,
  2977. victoryRush = 34428,
  2978. },
  2979. artifacts = {
  2980. dragonScales = 203576,
  2981. dragonSkin = 203225,
  2982. intolerance = 203227,
  2983. leapingGiants = 203230,
  2984. mightOfTheVrykul = 188778,
  2985. neltharionsFury = 203524,
  2986. rageOfTheFallen = 216272,
  2987. reflectivePlating = 188672,
  2988. rumblingVoice = 188651,
  2989. scalesOfTheEarth = 189059,
  2990. shatterTheBones = 188639,
  2991. strengthOfTheEarthAspect = 188647,
  2992. thunderCrash = 188644,
  2993. toughness = 188632,
  2994. unbreakableBulwark = 214939,
  2995. vrykulShieldTraining = 188635,
  2996. wallOfSteel = 203261,
  2997. willToSurvive = 188683,
  2998. },
  2999. buffs = {
  3000. defensiveStance = 71,
  3001. neltharionsFury = 203524,
  3002. shieldBlock = 132404,
  3003. shieldWall = 871,
  3004. ultimatum = 122510,
  3005. victorious = 32216,
  3006. vengeanceFocusedRage = 202573,
  3007. vengeanceIgnorePain = 202574,
  3008. },
  3009. debuffs = {
  3010. demoralizingShout = 1160,
  3011. thunderClap = 6343,
  3012. },
  3013. glyphs = {
  3015. },
  3016. talents = {
  3017. angerManagement = 152278,
  3018. bestServedCold = 202560,
  3019. boomingVoice = 202743,
  3020. cracklingThunder = 203201,
  3021. heavyRepercussions = 203177,
  3022. impendingVictory = 202168,
  3023. indomitable = 202095,
  3024. inspiringPresence = 205484,
  3025. intoTheFray = 202603,
  3026. neverSurrender = 202561,
  3027. ravager = 228920,
  3028. renewedFury = 202288,
  3029. safeguard = 223657,
  3030. ultimatum = 122509,
  3031. vengeance = 202572,
  3032. warbringer = 103828,
  3033. warlordsChallenge = 223662,
  3034. },
  3035. },
  3036. -- All
  3037. Shared = {
  3038. abilities = {
  3039. avatar = 107574,
  3040. battleCry = 1719,
  3041. berserkerRage = 18499,
  3042. charge = 100,
  3043. heroicLeap = 6544,
  3044. heroicThrow = 57755,
  3045. pummel = 6552,
  3046. shockwave = 46968,
  3047. stormBolt = 107570,
  3048. },
  3049. artifacts = {
  3051. },
  3052. buffs = {
  3053. avatar = 107574,
  3054. battleCry = 1719,
  3055. berserkerRage = 18499,
  3056. },
  3057. debuffs = {
  3059. },
  3060. glyphs = {
  3062. },
  3063. talents = {
  3064. avatar = 107574,
  3065. shockwave = 46968,
  3066. },
  3067. },
  3068. },
  3069. -- Global
  3070. Shared = {
  3071. Shared = {
  3072. abilities = {
  3073. giftOfTheNaaru = 28880,
  3074. global = 61304,
  3075. shadowmeld = 58984,
  3076. quakingPalm = 107079,
  3077. },
  3078. artifacts = {
  3079. artificialDamage = 226829,
  3080. artificialStamina = 211309,
  3081. },
  3082. buffs = {
  3083. ancientHysteria = 90355,
  3084. bloodlust = 2825,
  3085. heroism = 32182,
  3086. netherwinds = 160452,
  3087. prolongedPower = 229206,
  3088. shadowmeld = 58984,
  3089. temptation = 234143,
  3090. timeWarp = 80353,
  3091. },
  3092. debuffs = {
  3093. dampening = 110310,
  3094. eyeOfLeotheras = 206649,
  3095. },
  3096. },
  3097. },
  3098. ClassTemplate = {
  3099. SpecTemplate = {
  3100. abilities = {
  3102. },
  3103. artifacts = {
  3105. },
  3106. buffs = {
  3108. },
  3109. debuffs = {
  3111. },
  3112. glyphs = {
  3114. },
  3115. talents = {
  3117. },
  3118. },
  3119. SpecTemplate = {
  3120. abilities = {
  3122. },
  3123. artifacts = {
  3125. },
  3126. buffs = {
  3128. },
  3129. debuffs = {
  3131. },
  3132. glyphs = {
  3134. },
  3135. talents = {
  3137. },
  3138. },
  3139. SpecTemplate = {
  3140. abilities = {
  3142. },
  3143. artifacts = {
  3145. },
  3146. buffs = {
  3148. },
  3149. debuffs = {
  3151. },
  3152. glyphs = {
  3154. },
  3155. talents = {
  3157. },
  3158. },
  3159. Shared = {
  3160. abilities = {
  3162. },
  3163. artifacts = {
  3165. },
  3166. buffs = {
  3168. },
  3169. debuffs = {
  3171. },
  3172. glyphs = {
  3174. },
  3175. talents = {
  3177. },
  3178. },
  3179. },
  3180. }
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