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- /*
- An array sorted in ascending order is rotated about a pivot unknown to you. Such an array is referred to as a rotated sorted array or a sorted-pivoted array. For example : [1,2,3,4,5] is a sorted array while [3,4,5,1,2] is a rotated sorted array.
- You are given a rotated sorted array, and some integer values. You have to find each value’s location in the array. If the value is present, return the index in which it is stored ( 0 based indexing) , otherwise if not found return -1.
- Assume the array doesn’t have duplicates.
- Input format
- There are Q+3 lines of input.
- First line will have a single integer N denoting the size of the array.
- Second line will contain N space separated integers.
- Third line will contain a single integer Q denoting the number of targets to be searched..
- Next Q lines will have a single integer,X in each line denoting the target value. You have to search for each of these target values in turn.
- Output format
- One line per output for each target search, with -1 or the index at which the integer is found.
- Function Definition
- Complete the function search in the code editor for a language of your choice.
- search has the following parameters :
- nums : An array of numbers having its values in a rotated sorted order
- target : An integer representing the number to be searched in nums
- search returns :
- int : An integer denoting the index of the target to be searched. If target not present returns -1.
- Constraints
- 1 <= N <= 10^6 where N denotes the size of the input array
- 1 <= A[i] <= 10^9 where A[i] denotes the ith element of the input array
- 1 <= Q <= 10^6 where Q denotes the number of targets to be searched
- 1 <= X <= 10^9 where X denotes the target element to be search
- Sample Input 1
- 7
- 4 5 6 9 10 2 3
- 2
- 3
- 8
- Sample Output 1
- 6
- -1
- Explanation 1
- The element 3 is found in the array at index 6. Element 8 is not found in the array, thus -1.
- Sample Input 2
- 6
- 5 6 8 1 3 4
- 1
- 0
- Sample Output 2
- -1
- Explanation 2
- The element 0 is not found in the array.
- */
- /**
- * @param {number} target
- * @param {number[]} nums
- * @return {number}
- */
- // reference :
- function search(arr, target) {
- const n=arr.length;
- let low=0;
- let high=n-1;
- while(low<=high){
- let mid=low+Math.floor((high-low)/2);
- if(arr[mid]==target){
- return mid;
- }
- // either of one half will always be sorted,
- // we just half to eliminate one half at a time
- if(arr[low]<=arr[mid]){
- // left half is sorted
- if(target>=arr[low]&&target<=arr[mid]){
- high=mid-1;
- }
- else
- low=mid+1;
- }
- else{
- if(target>=arr[mid]&&target<=arr[high]){
- low=mid+1;
- }
- else
- high=mid-1;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- function main() {
- let n = parseInt(readLine(), 10);
- let nums = readIntArr();
- let q = parseInt(readLine(), 10);
- while (q--) {
- let target = parseInt(readLine(), 10);
- let result = search(nums, target);
- console.log(result);
- }
- }
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