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- program TesseractTool;
- {$loadlib libTesseract}
- {$ENDIF}
- const
- VERSION = '1.00';
- TESS_DATA_PATH = AppPath + 'tessdata';
- TESS_LANGUAGE = 'eng';
- type
- TFileMenu = record
- Menu: TMenuItem;
- end;
- type
- TImageMenu = record
- Menu: TMenuItem;
- LoadClientImage: TMenuItem;
- LoadImage: TMenuItem;
- LoadFromClipboard: TMenuItem;
- end;
- type
- TThresholdSettings = record
- gb: TGroupBox;
- btnApply: TButton;
- cbInvert: TCheckBox;
- seAmount: TSpinEdit;
- cbMethod: TComboBox;
- lbl, lbl2, lbl3: TLabel;
- end;
- type
- TResizeSettings = record
- gb: TGroupBox;
- seWidth, seHeight: TSpinEdit;
- lbl1, lbl2: TLabel;
- btnResize: TButton;
- end;
- type
- TDrawnBox = record
- Cols: TIntegerArray;
- Points: TPointArray;
- Drawn: Boolean;
- end;
- var
- frm: TForm;
- sb: TScrollBox;
- memo: TMemo;
- pnl: TPanel;
- img: TImage;
- MainMenu: record Menu: TMainMenu; FileMenu: TFileMenu; ImageMenu: TImageMenu; end;
- btnTesseract: TButton;
- ThresholdSett: TThresholdSettings;
- ResizeSett: TResizeSettings;
- DrawnBox: TDrawnBox;
- SelectedBox: TBox;
- boxStarted: Boolean;
- boxPoint, LastPos: TPoint;
- var
- LoadedBMP: TMufasaBitmap; // Orginal loaded bitmap
- currBMP: TMufasaBitmap;
- var
- TessPtr: Pointer = nil;
- TessIsSetup: Boolean = False;
- procedure Debug(const Str: String);
- begin
- memo.getLines().add(Str);
- end;
- procedure Tess_Setup();
- var
- Time: UInt64 := GetTickCount64();
- begin
- TessPtr := Tesseract_Create();
- if (TessPtr = nil) then
- Debug('ERROR: Failed to create a tesseract instance')
- else begin
- if (Tesseract_Init(TessPtr, TESS_DATA_PATH, TESS_LANGUAGE) <> 0) then
- Debug('ERROR: Unable to initizalse tesseract, check Simba console for more infomation')
- else begin
- TessIsSetup := True;
- Debug(Format('Tesseract setup in %d ms', [GetTickCount64() - Time]));
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- procedure Tess_Free();
- begin
- if (not TessIsSetup) then
- Exit();
- Tesseract_End(TessPtr);
- Tesseract_Delete(TessPtr);
- TessPtr := nil;
- TessIsSetup := False;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- function Tess_GetText(const BMP: TMufasaBitmap): String;
- var
- i: integer;
- textLen: UInt32;
- textPtr: PChar;
- begin
- Result := '';
- try
- Tesseract_SetImage(TessPtr, BMP.getData(), BMP.getWidth(), bmp.getHeight(), 4, Integer(BMP.getWidth() * 4));
- textPtr := Tesseract_GetUTF8Text(TessPtr, textLen);
- setLength(result, textLen);
- if (textLen > 0) then
- begin
- for i := 1 to textLen do
- result[i] := textPtr[i - 1]^;
- end;
- finally
- Tesseract_FreeUTF8Text(textPtr);
- Tesseract_Clear(TessPtr);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- procedure DrawMufasaBitmap(var BMP: TMufasaBitmap; const NewBMP: Boolean = True);
- var
- i, h: Integer;
- TBmp: TBitmap;
- begin
- img.setWidth(Max(sb.getWidth(), BMP.getWidth()));
- img.setHeight(Max(sb.getHeight(), BMP.getHeight()));
- img.getPicture().Clear();
- TBMP := BMP.ToTBitmap();
- img.getPicture().setBitmap(TBMP);
- TBMP.Free();
- if (NewBMP) then
- begin
- if (CurrBMP <> nil) then
- CurrBMP.Free();
- CurrBMP := BMP.Copy();
- end;
- end;
- procedure LoadClientImage(Sender: TObject); Native;
- var
- BMP: TMufasaBitmap;
- W, H: Integer;
- begin
- with (Client.getIOManager()) do
- begin
- if (not TargetValid) then
- begin
- Debug('Target isn''t vaild!!');
- Exit();
- end;
- GetDimensions(W, H);
- BMP.Init();
- BMP.CopyClientToBitmap(Client.getIOManager(), True, 0, 0, W-1, H-1);
- DrawMufasaBitmap(BMP);
- if (LoadedBMP <> nil) then
- LoadedBMP.Free();
- LoadedBMP := BMP.Copy();
- BMP.Free();
- Debug('Loaded client image');
- end;
- end;
- procedure LoadImage(Sender: TObject); Native;
- var
- fl: TOpenDialog;
- bmp: TMufasaBitmap;
- begin
- fl.Init(frm);
- fl.setFilter('Graphic (*.bmp;*.xpm;*.png;*.pbm;*.pgm;*.ppm;*.ico;*.icns;*.cur;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif)|*.bmp;*.xpm;*.png;*.pbm;*.pgm;*.ppm;*.ico;*.icns;*.cur;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif|Bitmaps (*.bmp)|*.bmp|Pixmap (*.xpm)|*.xpm|Portable Network Graphic (*.png)|*.png|Portable PixMap (*.pbm;*.pgm;*.ppm)|*.pbm;*.pgm;*.ppm|Icon (*.ico)|*.ico|OSX Icon Resource (*.icns)|*.icns|Cursor (*.cur)|*.cur|Joint Picture Expert Group (*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif)|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif|All files (*.*)|*.*|');
- fl.setOptions([ofFileMustExist]);
- fl.setInitialDir(AppPath);
- if (fl.Execute) then
- begin
- bmp.Init();
- bmp.LoadFromFile(fl.getFileName());
- DrawMufasaBitmap(bmp);
- if (LoadedBMP <> nil) then
- LoadedBMP.Free();
- LoadedBMP := BMP.Copy();
- bmp.Free();
- end;
- fl.Free();
- end;
- procedure LoadFromClipboard(Sender: TObject); Native;
- var
- TBMP: TBitmap;
- BMP: TMufasaBitmap;
- begin
- if (LoadedBMP <> nil) then
- LoadedBMP.Free();
- LoadedBMP.Init();
- TBMP.Init();
- try
- TBMP.LoadFromClipboardFormat();
- except
- Debug('Failed to load from clipboard: Wrong format!');
- TBMP.Free();
- Exit();
- end;
- LoadedBMP.LoadFromTBitmap(TBMP);
- DrawMufasaBitmap(LoadedBMP);
- TBMP.Free();
- end;
- procedure CanvasSetPixelInv(Canvas:TCanvas; TPA:TPointArray);
- var color:TRGB32; i:Integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to High(TPA) do
- begin
- color := TRGB32(Canvas.GetPixel(TPA[i].x,TPA[i].y));
- color.R := color.R xor 255;
- color.G := color.G xor 255;
- color.B := color.B xor 255;
- Canvas.SetPixel(TPA[i].x,TPA[i].y,TColor(color));
- end;
- end;
- (*--| Event handling |--------------------------------------------------------*)
- procedure onNotifyEvent(Sender: TObject); Native;
- var
- Time: UInt64 := GetTickCount64();
- Str: String;
- Lines: TStringArray;
- i: Integer;
- Method: TBmpThreshMethod;
- Invert: Boolean;
- begin
- case (Sender) of
- btnTesseract:
- begin
- Str := Tess_GetText(CurrBMP);
- Debug(Format('Tesseract took %d ms (%dx%d)', [GetTickCount64() - Time, img.getPicture().getBitmap().getWidth(), img.getPicture().getBitmap().getHeight()]));
- Debug('Result: ');
- Lines := Explode(#10, Str);
- for i := 0 to High(Lines) do
- begin
- Str := Trim(Lines[i]);
- if (Str <> '') then
- Debug('-' + Str);
- end;
- end;
- ThresholdSett.btnApply:
- begin
- case (ThresholdSett.cbMethod.getCaption()) of
- 'TM_Mean': Method := TM_Mean;
- 'TM_MinMax': Method := TM_MinMax;
- end;
- case (ThresholdSett.cbInvert.getState()) of
- cbChecked: Invert := True;
- cbUnchecked: Invert := False;
- end;
- CurrBMP.ThresholdAdaptive(0, 255, Invert, Method, ThresholdSett.seAmount.getValue());
- Debug(Format('Threshold took %d ms (%dx%d)', [GetTickCount64() - Time, img.getPicture().getBitmap().getWidth(), img.getPicture().getBitmap().getHeight()]));
- DrawMufasaBitmap(CurrBMP, False);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure onKeyEvent(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); Native;
- begin
- case Key of
- VK_Z:
- if (ssCtrl in Shift) then
- begin
- DebugLn('Undo');
- end;
- VK_Y:
- if (ssCtrl in Shift) then
- begin
- DebugLn('Redo');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure onImgMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); Native;
- begin
- if (not BoxStarted) then
- begin
- BoxStarted := True;
- BoxPoint := Point(X, Y);
- end else begin
- SelectedBox := TBox([BoxPoint.x, BoxPoint.y, LastPos.x, LastPos.y]);
- BoxStarted := False;
- end;
- end;
- procedure onImgMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; x, y: Integer); Native;
- var
- c: TCanvas;
- BoxToDraw: TBox;
- function DashedEdgeFromBox(B:TBox): TPointArray;
- var i:Integer;
- begin
- for i:=B.x1 to B.x2 do
- if (i mod 4 <> 0) then
- begin
- Result := Result + Point(i,b.y1);
- Result := Result + Point(i,b.y2);
- end;
- Inc(B.Y1); Dec(B.Y2);
- for i:=B.y1 to B.y2 do
- if (i mod 4 <> 0) then
- begin
- Result := Result + Point(b.x1,i);
- Result := Result + Point(b.x2,i);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- if (not BoxStarted) then
- Exit();
- c := img.getCanvas();
- if (DrawnBox.Drawn) then
- c.SetPixels(DrawnBox.Points, DrawnBox.Cols);
- BoxToDraw := TBox([BoxPoint.x, BoxPoint.y, x, y]);
- if (BoxToDraw.X1 > BoxToDraw.X2) then
- Swap(BoxToDraw.X1, BoxToDraw.X2);
- if (BoxToDraw.Y1 > BoxToDraw.Y2) then
- Swap(BoxToDraw.Y1,BoxToDraw.Y2);
- DrawnBox.Points := DashedEdgeFromBox(BoxToDraw);
- DrawnBox.Cols := c.GetPixels(DrawnBox.Points);
- CanvasSetPixelInv(c,DrawnBox.Points);
- DrawnBox.Drawn := True;
- LastPos := TPoint([x, y]);
- end;
- procedure Resize(Sender: TObject); Native;
- var
- tmp: TMufasaBitmap;
- NewW, NewH: Integer;
- Time: UInt64 := GetTickCount64();
- begin
- tmp := LoadedBMP.Copy();
- NewW := tmp.getWidth() * ResizeSett.seWidth.getValue();
- NewH := tmp.getHeight() * ResizeSett.seHeight.getValue();
- DebugLn(Format('NewW %d, NewH %d', [NewW, NewH]));
- tmp.ResizeEx(RM_Bilinear, NewW, NewH);
- DrawMufasaBitmap(tmp);
- tmp.Free();
- Debug(Format('Resized Image (%d, %d) > (%d, %d) in %d ms', [LoadedBMP.getWidth(), LoadedBMP.getHeight(), NewW, NewH, GetTickCount64() - Time]));
- end;
- procedure Create_Form(); Native;
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- frm.Init(nil);
- with (frm) do
- begin
- setCaption('Tesseract Tool (v'+VERSION+') - By Olly');
- setWidth(800);
- setHeight(600);
- setPosition(poScreenCenter);
- setOnKeyDown(onKeyEvent);
- setOnShow(LoadClientImage);
- getConstraints().setMinHeight(600);
- getConstraints().setMinWidth(800);
- setKeyPreview(True);
- end;
- MainMenu.Menu.Init(frm);
- with (MainMenu) do
- begin
- FileMenu.Menu := Menu.AddMenu('File');
- ImageMenu.Menu := Menu.AddMenu('Image');
- ImageMenu.LoadClientImage := ImageMenu.Menu.AddMenu('Load Client Image');
- ImageMenu.LoadClientImage.setOnClick(LoadClientImage);
- ImageMenu.LoadImage := ImageMenu.Menu.AddMenu('Load Image');
- ImageMenu.LoadImage.setOnClick(LoadImage);
- ImageMenu.LoadFromClipboard := ImageMenu.Menu.AddMenu('Load From Clipboard');
- ImageMenu.LoadFromClipboard.setOnClick(LoadFromClipboard);
- end;
- sb.Init(frm);
- with (sb) do
- begin
- setParent(frm);
- setAlign(alClient);
- setBorderStyle(bsNone);
- end;
- img.Init(frm);
- with (img) do
- begin
- setParent(sb);
- setWidth(1500);
- setHeight(1500);
- setCursor(crCross);
- setCenter(True);
- setOnMouseMove(onImgMouseMove);
- setOnMouseDown(onImgMouseDown);
- end;
- pnl.Init(frm);
- with (pnl) do
- begin
- setParent(frm);
- setHeight(150);
- setAlign(alBottom);
- setBevelOuter(bvLowered);
- end;
- memo.Init(frm);
- with (memo) do
- begin
- setReadOnly(True);
- setParent(pnl);
- setHeight(100);
- setAlign(alBottom);
- setScrollBars(ssAutoVertical);
- Debug('Tesseract Tool Version ' + VERSION);
- Debug('Hot Keys: Ctrl + Z = Undo | Ctrl + Y = Redo');
- end;
- btnTesseract.Init(frm);
- with (btnTesseract) do
- begin
- setParent(pnl);
- setAlign(alClient);
- setCaption('Tesseract!');
- setOnClick(onNotifyEvent);
- end;
- with (ThresholdSett) do
- begin
- gb.Init(frm);
- with (gb) do
- begin
- setParent(pnl);
- setAlign(alLeft);
- setWidth(350);
- setCaption('Threshold');
- end;
- lbl.Init(frm);
- with (lbl) do
- begin
- setParent(gb);
- setLeft(5);
- setTop(5);
- setWidth(lbl.getCanvas().TextWidth('Invert') + 10);
- setCaption('Invert');
- end;
- cbInvert.Init(frm);
- with (cbInvert) do
- begin
- setParent(gb);
- setTop(lbl.getTop() - 1);
- setLeft(lbl.getLeft() + lbl.getWidth());
- end;
- lbl2.Init(frm);
- with (lbl2) do
- begin
- setParent(gb);
- setLeft((cbInvert.getLeft() + cbInvert.getHeight()));
- setTop(lbl.getTop());
- setWidth(lbl.getCanvas().TextWidth('Method') + 5);
- setCaption('Method');
- end;
- cbMethod.Init(frm);
- with (cbMethod) do
- begin
- setParent(gb);
- setTop(1);
- setLeft((lbl2.getLeft() + lbl2.getWidth()) + 5);
- setWidth(cbMethod.getCanvas().TextWidth('TM_MinMax') + 25);
- setReadOnly(True);
- getItems().Add('TM_Mean');
- getItems().Add('TM_MinMax');
- setCaption('TM_Mean');
- end;
- lbl3.Init(frm);
- with (lbl3) do
- begin
- setParent(gb);
- writeln(cbMethod.getWidth());
- setLeft((cbMethod.getLeft() + cbMethod.getWidth()) + 7);
- setTop(lbl.getTop());
- setCaption('Amount');
- setWidth(lbl.getCanvas().TextWidth('Amount') + 5);
- end;
- seAmount.Init(frm);
- with (seAmount) do
- begin
- setParent(gb);
- setTop(1);
- setLeft((lbl3.getLeft() + lbl3.getWidth()) + 7);
- setMinValue(-255);
- setMaxValue(255);
- end;
- btnApply.Init(frm);
- with (btnApply) do
- begin
- setParent(gb);
- setLeft((seAmount.getLeft() + seAmount.getWidth()) + 8);
- setCaption('Apply Threshold');
- setOnClick(onNotifyEvent);
- setWidth(frm.getCanvas().TextWidth('Apply Threshold') + 25);
- end;
- gb.setWidth((btnApply.getLeft() + btnApply.getWidth()) + 10);
- end;
- with (ResizeSett) do
- begin
- gb.Init(frm);
- with (gb) do
- begin
- setParent(pnl);
- setAlign(alLeft);
- setWidth(220);
- setCaption('Resize');
- end;
- lbl1.Init(frm);
- with (lbl1) do
- begin
- setParent(gb);
- setTop(5);
- setLeft(5);
- setCaption('W');
- end;
- seWidth.Init(frm);
- with (seWidth) do
- begin
- setParent(gb);
- setTop(2);
- setValue(1);
- setLeft(lbl1.getCanvas().TextWidth('W') + 10);
- end;
- lbl2.Init(frm);
- with (lbl2) do
- begin
- setParent(gb);
- setTop(5);
- setLeft((seWidth.getLeft() + seWidth.getWidth()) + 8);
- setCaption('H ');
- end;
- seHeight.Init(frm);
- with (seHeight) do
- begin
- setParent(gb);
- setTop(2);
- setValue(1);
- setLeft((seWidth.getLeft() + seWidth.getWidth()) + lbl2.getCanvas().TextWidth('H') + 15);
- end;
- btnResize.Init(frm);
- with (btnResize) do
- begin
- setParent(gb);
- setTop(1);
- setWidth(lbl1.getCanvas().TextWidth('Resize') + 25);
- setLeft((seHeight.getLeft() + seHeight.getWidth()) + 8);
- setCaption('Resize');
- setOnClick(Resize);
- end;
- end;
- try
- Tess_Setup();
- frm.ShowModal();
- finally
- frm.Free();
- Tess_Free();
- if (LoadedBMP <> nil) then
- LoadedBMP.Free();
- if (CurrBMP <> nil) then
- CurrBMP.Free();
- end;
- end;
- begin
- Sync(Create_Form);
- end.
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