
garry kitchen game maker commands

May 27th, 2018
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  1. add 0000 to score1
  2. add 0000 to score[a]
  3. add [a] to score1
  4. add [a] to score[b]
  5. clear scene 1
  6. clear score1
  7. clear score[a]
  8. clear sprite
  9. / comment
  10. data table at l001
  11. data values - 000 000
  12. display other scene
  13. display scene 1
  14. end if
  15. if a = 000 then
  16. if a = [a] then
  17. if a > 000 then
  18. if a > [a] then
  19. if a < 000 then
  20. if a < [a] then
  21. if button 1 is [on/off] then
  22. if joystick 1 is [right] then
  23. if score1 > 000000 then
  24. if score[a] > 000000 then
  25. if score1 > score2 then
  26. if [sprite] hit [sprite] then
  27. jump to label l001
  28. jump to label l[a]
  29. jump to subroutine at l001
  30. jump to subroutine at l[a]
  31. otherwise
  32. pause for 00.0 seconds
  33. plot a dot at x=000 y=000
  34. plot a dot at x=[a] y=[b]
  35. plot color 0 to scene 1
  36. plot color [a] to scene 1
  37. print "text"
  38. print at row 00 column 00
  39. print at row[a] column[b]
  40. print character of [a]
  41. print color= 00 on 00
  42. print color=[a] on [b]
  43. print on scene1
  44. print value of [a]
  45. return from subroutine
  46. scene 1 background=black
  47. scene 1 background=[a]
  48. scene 1 border=black
  49. scene 1 border=[a]
  50. scene 1 color 1=black
  51. scene 1 color 1=[a]
  52. scene 1 is [scene]
  53. scene 2 color 1 = black
  54. scene 2 color 1 = [a]
  55. score1 at row 00 column 00
  56. score2 at row 00 column 00
  57. score1 color= 00 on 00
  58. score2 color= 00 on 00
  59. score1 displays on scene1
  60. screen update [on/off]
  61. set a = 000
  62. set a = [a]
  63. set a = a + 000
  64. set a = a + [a]
  65. set a = a - 000
  66. set a = a - [a]
  67. set a = a * 000
  68. set a = a * [a]
  69. set a = a / 000
  70. set a = a / [a]
  71. set a =rnd number 0 to 000
  72. set a =[sprite] x position
  73. set a =[sprite] y position
  74. set a =value at data+[a]
  75. set a =value at ram+[a]
  76. set value at ram+[a] = 000
  77. set value at ram+[a] = [a]
  78. skip next if a = 000
  79. skip next if a > 000
  80. skip next if a < 000
  81. song is [song]
  82. song volume = 00
  83. sound channel 1 = []
  84. song is []
  85. song volume = 00
  86. sound channel 1 = []
  87. sound channel 1 is off
  88. sprite 1 is [sprite]
  89. [sprite] animates [always/never]
  90. [sprite] animation spd = 000
  91. [sprite] animation spd = [a]
  92. [sprite] color 1 = black
  93. [sprite] color 1 = [a]
  94. [sprite] dir = 000 000 degrees
  95. [sprite] dir =[a]
  96. [sprite] movement speed=000
  97. [sprite] movement speed=[a]
  98. sprite shared color2=black
  99. sprite shared color2=[a]
  100. sprite under colors 2/3
  101. [sprite] x position =000
  102. [sprite] x position =[a]
  103. [sprite] y position =000
  104. [sprite] y position =[a]
  105. stop program
  106. trace of [a] on
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