
Further Adventures - Dozen Zorros

Feb 9th, 2023
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  1. "Dream of innocence, listen!" Barbados hissed. "Listen, and comprehend, else I choke you to death! An emissary came to me in the south from this high official, and through him arrangements were made. Things have happened since last we were in the vicinity of Reina de Los Angeles. The Governor, I know, left San Francisco de Asis and journeyed south with his gallant company. And while he was at Reina de Los Angeles something happened that caused him to hate the town There even was talk for a time of him being forced to abdicate his high station."
  3. "Ha! More mystery!" Sanchez growled.
  5. "It seems that in the southland there was a pest of a highwayman known as Señor Zorro, and whom men called the Curse of Capistrano. A land pirate, spit upon him! How can a man be a pirate on the land? However, this Señor Zoro did several things worthy of note. From what I have heard, I would we had a dozen of him in the ship's company. We could raid the whole of Mexico, capture the Spanish fleets and attack Europe."
  7. "This Señor Zorro must be quite some man," Sanchez observed.
  9. "I have heard but little, but enough to convince me that I would have him for a friend rather than an enemy. He is a sort of devil. Now he is here and now he is gone. Like a ghost he comes and like a specter he disappears. Ha! You, a pirate, cross yourself!"
  11. "I am afraid of no live man who lives, save perhaps yourself," Sanchez observed. "But I like not this talk of ghosts.
  13. "Here is the jest, fool and friend! It develops after a time that his terrible Señor Zorro is nothing but a caballero out to have a bit of fun and protect the weak. There is a waste of time for you – protecting the weak. And other sundry caballeros joined hands with him and punished minor officials who sought to steal and deal crookedly. That is right and proper. If a thief, be a thief! If a pirate, be a pirate! But do not play at being an honest man and try to be thief and pirate at the same time."
  15. "Ha!" Sanchez grunted, meaning that he wished the sermon to end and the tale to continue.
  18. - The Further Adventures of Zorro, Chapter 1
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