
Geoffrey St. John profile

Apr 2nd, 2013
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  1. Geoffrey St. John - Edit
  4. Feature Character
  9. Geoffrey St. John
  11. Version: 11 of 11 versions total.
  12. Last Edited: April 02, 2013
  13. Owner: Skip
  15. Species: Skunk
  16. Age: 29
  17. Birthdate: 01/4/1989
  18. Sex: Male
  19. Fur/Hair Color: Black & white
  20. Eye Color: blue
  21. Alignment: Lawful Good
  22. Themesong: "James Bond Theme (Old)"
  24. Appearance: Just like any other skunk, Geoffrey is mainly black & white. The majority of his face is white along with the front of his torso. His build is somewhat stocky, but is quite muscular, even for his size. In addition, there are the two common white lines running down his large tail. His hair is white as well but borders on silver. He looks very much like his father, with a marginally-shorter muzzle, hair combed less into a mohawk (more of a ridge), and a slightly bushier tail. His eyes are light blue (contrasted with his father's green eyes) and with the right light could make girls fall in love.
  26. However, the way he dresses will definitely make them stay away. When he is on a base or in the presence of higher rank, he is always wearing a high-class uniform. Therefore, he is be wearing a pressed jacket and matching trousers, not to mention his shoes are always polished to perfection. In the field, it is a different matter but the strictness still can be found. The field uniform consists of mainly the standard green combat uniform. However, he goes a bit farther as his uniform consists of different pouches for everything from extra ammo to cigarettes, most of which are waterproof.
  28. In the off chance he is found off duty, he wears completely different clothing. Instead, off the uptight dress code of GUN it is more of a laid-back version…is it in a military fashion. The upper jacket is replaced with a purple vest along with a brown utility belt as he still carries his weapons. Other things he may be found wearing are a green neckerchief and a purple beret. Note he may wear these at any time.
  30. For his equipment, he carried a pair of ballistic glasses, which he tends to wear in high-risk areas, a standard GUN issue pistol, night-vision goggles and a wrist crossbow weapon. Depending on the situation and orders, he may carry different equipment; this is just the standard list.
  32. Personality: Growing up alone, Geoffrey has a fierce style of independence rivaled only by a few. This also leads him to a one tract sort of mind, he focuses on something leaving everything else to the wind. However,, because of his past he is also fiercely loyal and honorable to a degree…he can only be pushed to far.
  34. As far as ‘heroes’ go, he hates vigilantes that take the fight into their own hands risking the lives of the innocent, but don’t put it past him to do this as well.
  36. At time he is cold hearted and very few know him enough to realize what he has comes from the emotions that build up, and those that know this can easily take advantage of it.
  37. Backstory: The son of Ian St. John, Geoffrey was born January 1st 1989 at an unknown location. Little is known of his early childhood except for the fate of his mother who died in child birth. The fate of his father is unknown. Because of this fact, young St. John was forced to survive on his own. Refusing to live in an orphanages he survived on his own among the back alleys of the streets.
  39. Fighting to survive the skunk learned fast to be careful of who to trust and who to side with, but in the early days he choose wrong giving him many long nights without substance or shelter. This in turn lead to him developing a sense of honor that would follow him through the rest of his life, to him, if you wanted respect you had to earn it and that is what compelled him to make the biggest choice of his career…at the age of seventeen, Geoffrey enlisted in the military.
  41. This started a new chapter in his life, starting a physical and mental changed in the young boy. At the beginning of his training, Geoffrey was small and scrawny compared to the other enlistees and many bet he would be the first to fall from the program. However, this only encouraged the boy more, pushing him to strive to be the best. After a short time, the charts told the story. He was at the top of every list of his class, physical training, communications, technology and his highest scores…basic hand to hand combat. It started to appear as if the skunk was built for combat, but this not only benefited him but also cursed him as others were watching and saw promise as a soldier.
  43. Soon after finishing basic training Geoffrey was accepted into advance placement which was a test of endurance as much as knowledge. Once again the program pushed the trainees to their limits as the class spent weeks on end surviving on their own, participating in near real combat situations and various other tests that are unknown to the majority of the populace. It was here that Geoffrey because to individualize himself as a leader and not just as a soldier. Several times n the training missions he deviated from orders to achieve his goals instead of the goals of the unit as a whole and while those above him saw this as radical behavior others chose him for special training. So by the end of the advance class, out of fifty only seven were left…with Geoffrey at the head of the class. It looked to many like the skunk would go far in a fighting based organization, but before he was meant to continue his training, the world was training…and so was the military he oh so devoted his life to.
  45. With the beginning of the reconstruction, there was no place for highly trained soldiers such as Geoffrey and this highly skilled officer ended up with a position that seemed to doom others to a life of non-existence. Despite all his training and all his work, the skunk ended up, with nothing but a desk job filing paperwork. To him it was an insult but his personality betrayed him, orders were orders and just like his father before him, he had to follow them. This, however, was not the end as events turned towards his favor and through his pushing, the office worker secured a ‘position’ as an agent under Anthon Tark, doing missions…off the book.
  47. Then, yet again, GUN began to change, Anthon Tark began to take on radical ideas, turning Casinopolis into his own fortress and separated from the military. For Geoffrey it was a chance to rise to greatness but as the plot unfolded he quickly learned he was on the wrong train. So with the knowledge he had gathered, the skunk began the attempt to flee the city filled with forces wanting him caught or killed. This time, it’s on his terms…
  49. Geoffrey is an admitted "speciesist" (racist) towards humans, stemming from his father dying at their hands under mysterious circumstances, when he was just a child. This has caused more than one international incident when travelling to Station Square with Princess Sally and Prince Elias, with unbecoming remarks being spoken, and challenging humans to prove their worth to him by fight him.
  52. He often despises taking orders from "mere children" (Sonic and friends have been waging war against Robotnik for about a decade, and their ages are from 16 to 24), even though he often relies on them for many of his missions. He considers Sonic and his friends to be deeply un-disciplined, as opposed to his rigid and disciplined military life.
  54. This skunk soldier has a very strong code of honour, and wishes nothing more than to serve GUN to the greatest of his abilities. He also wishes to make his dead father proud, and avenge his death. His loyalty is without question, and knows no bounds, in that he will even perform legally- and morally-questionable deeds to further his agenda of protecting his country, another source of contention with the morally-upright Sonic Heroes, and even some of his by-the-book GUN brothers-in-arms. Clearly an ends-justify-the-means type of soldier, he is also a force to be reckoned with, thanks to his extensive knowledge of reconnisance (spying) and crossbow skills that are matched only by the legendary Robin Hood and William Tell. In battle, he has been known to take down enemies twice his size, such as humans.
  56. He was formerly dating fellow agent Hershey Cat, though they were seperated in the heat of battle during their last mission, and she was presumably captured. Repeated adventures deep into Robotnik's territory during search-and-rescue missions have proved fruitless, and she remains missing-in-action. This had crushed Geoffrey, but he vowed to never stop looking for his wife, or avenge her if she was killed.
  58. Recently, Geoffrey had come into information that Prince Elias had survived and escaped from a secret slave labour camp of Robotnik's on Downunda. Upon hearing this news, he had lept right into action, trekking across the planet, travelling across the ocean, and hiking to the interior of the desert continent, to where Elias was being held captive. With just his wits and crossbow, he staged a daring daytime lone-man rescue of the prince, and both escaped with their lives. Upon return to their hideout, Geoffrey was warded, by being knighted by Princess Sally.
  60. Despite his protests to the contrary, Geoffrey's behaviour around Elias (and Elias' around Geoffrey) was obvious. After losing Hershey in a mission to <the last place she was seen alive>, Geoffrey and Elias had eventually grown closer and began dating each other. One this was found out by Sonic, the skunk was livid, as the teasing and fighting were nearly constant, but came to an abrupt end Elias and Sally had told their respective boyfriends to set aside their past differences and focus on the war at hand. After seeing Elias shot and nearly killed in a freak surprise attack during a scouting mission, Geoffrey had fought harder than anyone else had seen, surprising even Sonic, by taking down several mechs in quick succession, without assistance. Upon carrying his wounded mate on his shoulders for miles through the forest, Elias was able to survive, thanks to Rotor's prompt and intelligent first-aid treatment, though this would mark the end of the Prince's combat service, relegating him to the sidelines. This act of selfless valour had earned Geoffrey respect in Sonic's eyes, and the two consider the hatchet between them (for the most part) buried.
  62. Residence: Formerly Casinopolis, currently wherever the fight is
  66. Abilities: Geoffrey is a combat officer, meaning he can fight with or without weapons
  68. Intelligence: The skunk has both street and book intelligence meaning he can out talk and outsmart everybody…almost.
  70. Survival: He can evade and escape from most situations through stealth or just sheer luck
  71. Strengths/Weaknesses: Strengths:
  72. -Trained for combat
  73. -as loyal as anyone could get
  74. -decent when it comes to fighting
  75. -very determined
  76. -follows orders to the letter
  78. Weaknesses:
  79. -determined to be the best
  80. -very stricts
  81. -follow orders to the letter
  82. -full of himself
  83. -sometimes too loyal
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