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- #!/usr/bin/python
- import sys, os, math#, pygame
- #from pygame.locals import *
- running = True
- fps = 20
- class GeneType:
- BLD = 1
- TRM = 2
- SPR = 3
- def isValid(self, typ):
- for t in self.VAL:
- if (t == typ):
- return True
- return False
- class GenePool(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.nuid = 0
- self.genes = []
- self.mutations = {}
- self.terminal = self.addGene(GeneType.TRM, {})
- self.base = self.addGene(GeneType.BLD, {})
- def addGene(self, typ, neigh):
- i = self.nuid
- self.nuid += 1
- self.genes.append(Gene(typ, i, neigh, self))
- self.mutations[i] = {}
- for g in self.mutations.keys():
- self.mutations[g][i] = 1
- self.mutations[i][g] = 1
- return i
- def isGeneValid(self, gene):
- for g in self.genes:
- if g.uid == gene.uid:
- return True
- return False
- def validateNeigh(self, neigh):
- n = {}
- for d in Dir.VAL:
- n[d] = self.terminal
- for (k, v) in neigh.items():
- if not k in n:
- print 'Neighbour has invalid direction: ' + str(k) +'; ignoring'
- else:
- n[k] = v
- return n
- class Dir:
- UP = 1
- RI = 2
- DO = 3
- LE = 4
- VAL = [UP, RI, DO, LE]
- def isValid(self, di):
- for d in self.VAL:
- if d == di:
- return True
- return False
- def applyDir(self, d, p):
- if d == self.UP:
- return (p[0], p[1] - 1)
- if d == self.RI:
- return (p[0] + 1, p[1])
- if d == self.DO:
- return (p[0], p[1] + 1)
- if d == self.LE:
- return (p[0] - 1, p[1])
- class Gene(object):
- def __init__(self, typ, uid, neigh, pool):
- if GeneType().isValid(typ):
- self.typ = typ
- else:
- print 'Invalid gene type:', typ, '; Setting to terminal'
- self.typ = GeneType.TRM
- self.uid = uid
- if self.typ == GeneType.TRM:
- self.nbr = {}
- else:
- self.nbr = pool.validateNeigh(neigh)
- class Creature(object):
- def __init__(self, origin = (0, 0), gp = None):
- if gp == None:
- self.genepool = GenePool()
- else:
- self.genepool = gp
- self.body = {}
- self.pos = origin
- def build(self):
- queue = []
- queue.append((self.genepool.genes[self.genepool.base], self.pos)) # Gotta start somewhere
- while len(queue) > 0: # While there's still building to do
- g = queue.pop(0) # Get the oldest gene
- if not g[0].typ == GeneType.TRM: # If it isn't a terminal type
- if not g[1][1] in self.body: # If it's on a new row
- self.body[g[1][1]] = {} # Add new dict for the row
- if not g[1][0] in self.body[g[1][1]]: # If the row and column are unique, ie the position hasn't been assigned to another gene already
- self.body[g[1][1]][g[1][0]] = g[0] # Set the row, column to this gene
- for (d, n) in g[0].nbr.items(): # Go through all of this gene's neighbours
- queue.append((self.genepool.genes[n], Dir().applyDir(d, g[1]))) # And add them with the appropriate adjustment to the position
- def buildLimit(self, lim):
- queue = []
- queue.append((self.genepool.genes[self.genepool.base], self.pos)) # Gotta start somewhere
- while (len(queue) > 0) and (lim > 0): # While there's still building to do and we haven't reached the limit
- g = queue.pop(0) # Get the oldest gene
- if not g[0].typ == GeneType.TRM: # If it isn't a terminal type
- if not g[1][1] in self.body: # If it's on a new row
- self.body[g[1][1]] = {} # Add new dict for the row
- if not g[1][0] in self.body[g[1][1]]: # If the row and column are unique, ie the position hasn't been assigned to another gene already
- self.body[g[1][1]][g[1][0]] = g[0] # Set the row, column to this gene
- lim -= 1 # Lower the limit since we've expanded
- for (d, n) in g[0].nbr.items(): # Go through all of this gene's neighbours
- queue.append((self.genepool.genes[n], Dir().applyDir(d, g[1]))) # And add them with the appropriate adjustment to the position
- def printBody(self):
- x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0, 0, 0, 0
- for y in self.body.keys():
- if y < y1:
- y1 = y
- elif y > y2:
- y2 = y
- for x in self.body[y].keys():
- if x < x1:
- x1 = x
- elif x > x2:
- x2 = x
- x2 -= x1 - 1
- y2 -= y1 - 1
- p = []
- for y in xrange(y2):
- p.append([])
- for x in xrange(x2):
- p[y].append(' ')
- for y in self.body.keys():
- for x in self.body[y].keys():
- p[y - y1][x - x1] = 'X'
- for l in p:
- print ''.join(l)
- """
- pygame.init()
- size = (640, 480)
- screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
- pygame.display.set_caption('Patterning')
- pygame.mouse.set_visible(0)
- clock = pygame.time.Clock()
- """
- print 'Starting'
- while running:
- running = False
- p = GenePool()
- u = p.addGene(GeneType.BLD, {})
- l = p.addGene(GeneType.BLD, {})
- m = p.addGene(GeneType.BLD, {})
- n = p.addGene(GeneType.BLD, {})
- b = p.addGene(GeneType.BLD, {})
- p.genes[p.base].nbr[Dir.DO] = b
- p.genes[u].nbr[Dir.DO] = n
- p.genes[n].nbr[Dir.DO] = b
- p.genes[b].nbr[Dir.RI] = l
- p.genes[b].nbr[Dir.LE] = l
- p.genes[l].nbr[Dir.RI] = u
- p.genes[l].nbr[Dir.LE] = u
- c = Creature((0, 0), p)
- c.buildLimit(188)
- c.printBody()
- print 'Terminating'
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