
Further instructions for Greeter Board

Aug 4th, 2021
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  1. [2021/08/04 12:48] Gayngel: You can message me here for issues lol.
  2. [2021/08/04 12:49] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): ty
  3. [2021/08/04 13:32] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): i dont see a reasource button
  4. [2021/08/04 13:35] Gayngel: 1 sec
  5. [2021/08/04 13:35] Gayngel: I think they've changed the Google API.
  6. [2021/08/04 13:36] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): i copied and pasted
  7. [2021/08/04 13:36] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): im doin gthe key
  8. [2021/08/04 13:37] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): trying to name project
  10. [2021/08/04 13:41] Gayngel: Ok on the top right corner under your profile select use legacy editor. Then it should look as it does in the video.
  11. [2021/08/04 13:41] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): k
  12. [2021/08/04 13:42] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): thx
  13. [2021/08/04 13:42] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): i wanna do it right
  14. [2021/08/04 13:42] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): and im blonde
  15. [2021/08/04 13:43] Gayngel: lol
  17. [2021/08/04 13:50] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): when i do resource
  18. [2021/08/04 13:50] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): library
  19. [2021/08/04 13:51] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): uggg
  20. [2021/08/04 13:51] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): i dont hav ethe same menu
  21. [2021/08/04 13:51] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): to name it
  22. [2021/08/04 13:51] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): im so sorry
  23. [2021/08/04 13:51] Gayngel: let me see here
  24. [2021/08/04 13:53] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): cant name it
  25. [2021/08/04 13:53] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): i can put the key in
  28. [2021/08/04 14:04] Gayngel: Ok so you click resources > libraries
  29. [2021/08/04 14:05] Gayngel: In the box that says add library you put this code:
  30. [2021/08/04 14:05] Gayngel: MOHgh9lncF2UxY-NXF58v3eVJ5jnXUK_T
  31. [2021/08/04 14:05] Gayngel: Then click add, selcect stable under version and then select save.
  32. [2021/08/04 14:06] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): stable too
  35. [2021/08/04 14:07] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): did that
  36. [2021/08/04 14:07] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): just move on?
  37. [2021/08/04 14:07] Gayngel: yes
  38. [2021/08/04 14:07] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): ok
  39. [2021/08/04 14:07] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): does it matter to not name it
  40. [2021/08/04 14:07] Gayngel: No
  41. [2021/08/04 14:08] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): k
  42. [2021/08/04 14:08] Gayngel: You can name it if you want in your drive
  43. [2021/08/04 14:08] Gayngel: Just right click the file and rename
  45. [2021/08/04 14:08] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): on we go then
  46. [2021/08/04 14:08] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): ok
  47. [2021/08/04 14:08] Gayngel: Are you watching the video?
  48. [2021/08/04 14:10] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): i am
  50. [2021/08/04 14:35] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): display board not working
  51. [2021/08/04 14:35] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): i set it to scan
  52. [2021/08/04 14:35] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): parcel
  53. [2021/08/04 14:37] Gayngel: Hmm you're the second to tell me it's not working, maybe there's a bug in the code because of the changes to Google. Let me see
  54. [2021/08/04 14:37] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): k
  55. [2021/08/04 14:48] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): not sure my mat worked either
  57. [2021/08/04 14:54] Gayngel: Oh yeah it asks the visitor if you they want to display pics only on the next day's visit, so you have to wait until tomorrow to get the prompt to display your profile pic.
  58. [2021/08/04 14:55] Gayngel: But if you want to, you can cheat and can open the spreadsheet and under Allow Daily visits change No to Yes and then reset the scripts in the greeter.
  60. [2021/08/04 14:56] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): lemme look
  61. [2021/08/04 14:57] Gayngel: In your drive there should be a spreadsheet created.
  62. [2021/08/04 15:00] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): there is
  64. [2021/08/04 15:01] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): not sure how to open it
  66. [2021/08/04 15:02] Gayngel: Just double click it and it will open.
  67. [2021/08/04 15:03] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): i see
  68. [2021/08/04 15:03] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): so if i put my mat and display board back out they should work
  70. [2021/08/04 15:04] Gayngel: Right at the end of the row with your name just set Allow Daily visits to Yes and hit enter so it saves
  71. [2021/08/04 15:04] Gayngel: You need to reset the scripts in the greeter (not the display board)
  73. [2021/08/04 15:04] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): its says yes
  74. [2021/08/04 15:04] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): ok
  76. [2021/08/04 15:05] Gayngel: Edit the greeter and select contents tab and selct reset scripts and let it reset everything until it says done
  77. [2021/08/04 15:06] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): take out the no
  78. [2021/08/04 15:06] Gayngel: yes and replace with yes
  79. [2021/08/04 15:07] Gayngel: it will update to no again when the board greets you again so can leave it after it greets.
  80. [2021/08/04 15:13] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): THE DISPLAY BOARD EVENTUALLY WORK
  81. [2021/08/04 15:13] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): ooops
  82. [2021/08/04 15:14] Gayngel: lol great
  84. [2021/08/04 15:14] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): will it work
  85. [2021/08/04 15:14] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): its not now
  86. [2021/08/04 15:14] Gayngel: yes
  87. [2021/08/04 15:14] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): lol
  88. [2021/08/04 15:14] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): ok
  89. [2021/08/04 15:15] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): for visitors
  90. [2021/08/04 15:15] Gayngel: It will ask to add their profile pic after the second visit
  92. [2021/08/04 15:15] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): im sorry im a bother
  93. [2021/08/04 15:16] Gayngel: No bother at all :)
  94. [2021/08/04 15:16] Gayngel: II ned to make better instructions lol
  95. [2021/08/04 15:19] Gayngel: Please do leave a review on the MP listing:
  96. [2021/08/04 15:20] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): I WILL
  97. [2021/08/04 15:20] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): ooops
  98. [2021/08/04 15:20] ⓉⓄⓅⒶⓏ (topaz.lemondrop): promise
  99. [2021/08/04 15:20] Gayngel: Thanks :)
  100. [2021/08/04 16:07] Topaz Lemondrop: (Saved Thu Aug 05 00:44:35 2021)ty
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