
Central Casting Character

Apr 18th, 2014
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  1. Central Casting: Holy Shit This Guy is Awesome
  3. I decided to make a Central Casting character to see how crazy it is, but I came up with something I want to play! I didn't even name him, just put him in a file called psyduck.txt, so I suppose his name is Psyduck Dottext.
  5. Anyways, to start, I rolled a 13 for race, giving me Human. Other races are rare, I suppose. His culture is Barbarian, and his social level is Poor, meaning his money starts as 50% of normal starting cash. His literacy chance starts at 10%, then is reduced by 15%, so I have a -5% chance to be literate. Sorry, you can't read, Psyduck.
  7. Anyways, Psyduck is apparently Legitimate, and my family is Mother and Father Only. He is the Second Born of 7 siblings, which gives him a 10% increase in wealth. He has an older brother, and only the fourth and sixth kids are girls. I rolled a d12 for birth time and got January. He was born in his family home, giving him a -5 BiMod. This apparently told, as I rolled a total of -3, for no unusual occurrences during his birth. His father was a Craftsman, specifically a Journeyman Painter, and was Clumsy and Friendly. However, he did not love his family or children.
  9. I got one childhood event, a Family Upheaval. The marriage split up, and Psyduck went with the male Dottext, who remarried within a year. His mother remained unmarried.
  11. I also got only one adolescent event, an Encounter with Nonhumans, specifically Half-Elves.
  13. Now, I have three adulthood events. The first was Involved in Illegal Activities, which has a lot of tables. He was Forced into Crime by Criminals Threatening his Loved Ones, making him a reluctant criminal. He was a Petty Thief, and during his time as a criminal, he Learned the Secret Passages of a Noble Estate. They force you to roll for what kind of noble this is, instead of leaving it to your imagination. I got a Nomad Subchieftain, with 5 acres of estate. How a nomad has an estate is not something explored by the book.
  15. Anyways, after his tenure as a sneak thief, Something Wonderful Happened. Psyduck was Adopted by a Wealthy Family, and what I'm imagining is that it's the same family he snuck into the house of. "Oh, you poor thief. We'll adopt you!" This one, like his own, is Mother and Father Only, with One Sibling, a brother. The head of the household does no work; instead, the other spouse works as a Farmer.
  17. Then, I got d3 Additional Events Occur. I rolled a 2 for this one. My first additional event was a Romantic Encounter. The first roll said that Psyduck's intended Dresses in an Odd or Exotic Manner, and I rolled a 20 for the second, Relationship Ends Amicably. I had a 1 in 10 chance of getting her as a Companion, and I did, so I rolled on that table. More tables upon tables. She is an Adventurer, specifically a Thief, who is Locally Famous. Explains where Psyduck met her, anyways. They Happened to Be in Trouble at the Same Time, and her personality trait is Grim Ally.
  19. After this event, where Psyduck and his intended work out they work better as friends than as lovers, he Joins the Military. For some value of "joins"; he is Press-Ganged into the Light Cavalry of his Home Nation, and since he is poor, he is a Soldier. After that, 3 military events occur.
  21. I swear, two of the events were both Re-Enlists. He first joins the Light Infantry, and has only one event, a Battle. His side Won, and he Fought Well. After that, he joins the Navy, where there is also only one event, a Battle, where he is a Coward, and People Notice (1-4 on a d6). Apparently, he doesn't like the water. However, his side still Won.
  23. The third event is a Coup staged by the commander of his unit. His side Won, but the table asked us to roll d3+1 times and only apply the first one that tells his performance. However, the first one was Slays the Enemy Leader. He just up and killed the king. For the other two rolls, there was Terrible Carnage where d100% of our unit died. It turns out to be 94%, and Psyduck himself sustains a serious injury. Doesn't force him to retire, though. The other event was regardless of his performance, he was responsible for the death of d10 x rank of his Fellows, which turns out to be 9. I'm imagining Psyduck charging pell-mell across the crowded battlefield, with several of his comrades following and getting cut down for their troubles. He fights the king in single combat, and is seriously wounded, but takes him down. At this point, the enemy surrenders to his unit's depleted forces. Which is pretty :black101:
  25. Anyways, I roll for how his Family Upheaval, his Romance, and his Military Service affect his disposition, and get Lightside for the first, No Disposition for the second, and Darkside for the third. His parents separating gives him Trivial Patience, his encounter with half-elves has him wind up with the neutral trait Driving Creativity, his time as a criminal gives him the Darkside trait Strong Harshness, his adoption gives him Driving Well-Manneredness, and his military service forces him to have Strong Anger. With an equal number of Lightside and Darkside traits, he is Neutral, which I pick to be Egalitarian, with tendencies toward goodness. He's not evil, just hard and uncompromising.
  27. And this leaves a compelling mental image in my head of Psyduck leaving the military and his country, with half of the populace hailing him as a hero and half branding him as a traitor, unable to lead due to being too common and too controversial, with only his companion from his second-story work by his side. Where will he go? What will he do?
  29. Damn, Psyduck, you did good for yourself. Same to the Central Casting book, which didn't give me batfuck craziness this time. Though I kind of wonder what will happen if I do it again
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