
Pt previous context

Oct 11th, 2013
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  1. na: You can show the link for the program?
  2. 24: do u kno how 2 use avisynth or vapoursynth?
  3. 24: deloging is a somewhat involved process to start with, and has prerequisites in knowledge and frameworks.
  4. na: Im bad because the only sites that explain how to encode are English and I'm Italian, google translator is worth it.
  5. na: In Italy there is not it is good for people to encode, use raw type from nyaa and reencode, and out comes a shit.
  6. 24: I'm speaking mostly english
  7. 24: I've herd from mirkosp that he has a group or w/e of HQ encoders
  8. 24: usually if you're reencoding HDTV mp4s from nyaa, you're doing it wrong. use mkvnix to remux. If you want to encode HDTV properly, use TS.
  9. 24: also, c
  10. 24: TS:
  11. 24: also, r u on Rizon?
  12. 24: also, horriblesubs/crunchyroll sometimes has better quality than HDTV. just remux that.
  13. na: r u rizon is?
  14. 24:
  15. na: yea i use for other channel
  16. na: other raw
  17. 24: go join #task-force on rizon.
  18. 24: and listen in.
  19. na: im here
  20. na: on the channel
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