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- --task 1
- create or alter function SalaryByComp(@compName varchar(30))
- returns table
- as
- return
- (
- select avg(salary) 'Зарплата'
- from Cooperator
- join Department on Cooperator.Dept_id = Department.Dept_id
- join Company on Company.Company_id = Department.Company_id
- where Company.Name = @compName
- )
- select * from SalaryByComp('ПАО АНК Башнефть')
- --task 2
- create or alter function QuantEmp(@months int)
- returns int
- as
- begin
- declare @now date = GETDATE()
- declare @count int
- set @count = (select COUNT(Cooperator.Cooperator_id)
- from Cooperator
- where DATEDIFF(MONTH, Cooperator.Start_date, @now) <= @months)
- return @count
- end
- select dbo.QuantEmp(10) 'Работники'
- --task 3
- create or alter function EmpAllGrades(@deptName varchar(30))
- returns table
- as
- return
- (
- select c.Name, c.Surname, c.Category
- from Cooperator c
- join Department on c.Dept_id = Department.Dept_id
- where Department.Name = @deptName and c.Cooperator_id in (select Cooperator.Cooperator_id
- from Cooperator, Evaluation
- where Evaluation.Cooperator_id = Cooperator.Cooperator_id and Evaluation.Status = 3)
- and c.Cooperator_id in (select Cooperator.Cooperator_id
- from Cooperator, Evaluation
- where Evaluation.Cooperator_id = Cooperator.Cooperator_id and Evaluation.Status = 4)
- and c.Cooperator_id in (select Cooperator.Cooperator_id
- from Cooperator, Evaluation
- where Evaluation.Cooperator_id = Cooperator.Cooperator_id and Evaluation.Status = 5)
- )
- select * from EmpAllGrades('IT-отдел')
- --task 4
- create or alter function DeptsWLow()
- returns table
- as
- return
- (
- select top(2) count(c.Cooperator_id) 'Количество работников', d.Name
- from Department d
- JOIN Cooperator c ON d.Dept_id = c.Dept_id
- GROUP BY d.Dept_id, d.Name
- ORDER BY count(c.Cooperator_id)
- )
- select * from DeptsWLow()
- --task 5
- create or alter function getCoops()
- returns @f_coops table
- (
- Coop_id int primary key,
- Coop_name varchar(30),
- Coop_surn varchar(30),
- Coop_cat varchar(30),
- Last_status tinyint,
- Coop_res varchar(30)
- )
- as
- begin
- insert @f_coops
- select c.Cooperator_id, c.Name, c.Surname, c.Category, e.Status, 'Годен'
- from Cooperator c, Evaluation e
- where (e.Date = (select max(e.Date)
- from Evaluation e
- where e.Cooperator_id = c.Cooperator_id)) and e.Status >= 3
- union
- select c.Cooperator_id, c.Name, c.Surname, c.Category, e.Status, 'Уволен'
- from Cooperator c, Evaluation e
- where (e.Date = (select max(e.Date)
- from Evaluation e
- where e.Cooperator_id = c.Cooperator_id)) and e.Status < 3
- return
- end
- select * from dbo.getCoops()
- --zashita
- /*
- посчитать сколько сотруднков у которых все оценки 5, сколько сотрудников у которых все 4
- на вход отдел
- */
- create or alter function Coop4n5(@deptName varchar(30))
- returns @st_coops table
- (
- Coop_id int,
- Coop_name varchar(30),
- Coop_surn varchar(30),
- Coop_status varchar(30)
- )
- as
- begin
- insert @st_coops
- select c.Cooperator_id , c.Name, c.Surname, 'все 5'
- from Cooperator c, Evaluation e, Department d
- where d.Name = @deptName and d.Dept_id = c.Dept_id and e.Status = 5 and e.Cooperator_id = c.Cooperator_id and c.Cooperator_id not in (select Cooperator.Cooperator_id
- from Cooperator, Evaluation
- where Evaluation.Cooperator_id = Cooperator.Cooperator_id and Evaluation.Status <= 4)
- union
- select c.Cooperator_id , c.Name, c.Surname, 'все 4'
- from Cooperator c, Evaluation e, Department d
- where d.Name = @deptName and d.Dept_id = c.Dept_id and e.Status = 4 and e.Cooperator_id = c.Cooperator_id and c.Cooperator_id not in (select Cooperator.Cooperator_id
- from Cooperator, Evaluation
- where Evaluation.Cooperator_id = Cooperator.Cooperator_id and Evaluation.Status <= 3 or Evaluation.Status = 5 and Evaluation.Cooperator_id = Cooperator.Cooperator_id)
- return
- end
- select * from dbo.Coop4n5('Отдел Инженеров')
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