

Apr 18th, 2016
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  1. [2:55AM] lol you go hard: i cant articulate my thoughts well into sentences as i mentioned before so try to stay with me , ik most liekly ull understand what im trying to say
  2. ok but here it goes
  3. time is like an eternal, undying shower of rain over a pool of water
  4. each water droplet signifying an event
  5. of the past, present and future accordance to fall
  6. but in he end all meet and are one when hose raindroplets create multitudes of water ripple rings intertwining with one another once they hit he pool of water
  7. thats static for u
  8. lol
  9. damn i f k d up but i ink u get what im trying to say right
  10. like time is uh an everlasting , undying shower of rain over a pool of water, each water droplet signifys an event from past, present and future accordance to fall but in he end when those water droplets hit he pool of waterthey create a multitudes of water ripple rings that intertwine with one another
  11. and in relativity all are one
  12. the past , present and future are one
  13. they all connect
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