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- local REPO_API = ""
- local REPO_PATH = "/repos/IronicPickle/cc-store/contents"
- local GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN = "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"
- local PROGRAM = ""
- local ARGS = ""
- local DIR = ""
- local CHANNEL = ""
- local function decode64(data)
- local b='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'
- data = string.gsub(data, '[^'..b..'=]', '')
- return (data:gsub('.', function(x)
- if (x == '=') then return '' end
- local r,f='',(b:find(x)-1)
- for i=6,1,-1 do r=r..(f%2^i-f%2^(i-1)>0 and '1' or '0') end
- return r
- end):gsub('%d%d%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?', function(x)
- if (#x ~= 8) then return '' end
- local c=0
- for i=1,8 do c=c+(x:sub(i,i)=='1' and 2^(8-i) or 0) end
- return string.char(c)
- end))
- end
- local function getFileFromRepo(file)
- local res = http.get(REPO_FULL..file, {
- ["Authorization"] = "token "..GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN,
- })
- if res == nil then return nil end
- local body = textutils.unserialiseJSON(res.readAll())
- local content = body.content
- res.close()
- if content == nil then
- return nil
- end
- return decode64(content)
- end
- local function createRootDir()
- print(" > Creating root directory "..DIR)
- fs.makeDir(DIR)
- end
- local function getSyncServer()
- print(" > Downloading sync client")
- local content = getFileFromRepo("/syncServer.lua")
- if content == nil then
- error("Critical error, could not download sync client!")
- end
- local f ="/syncServer.lua", "w")
- f.write(content)
- f.close()
- end
- local function generateStartupScript()
- print(" > Generating startup script")
- local programPath = DIR.."/programs/"..PROGRAM
- local content = DIR..'/syncServer.lua "'..programPath..' '..ARGS..'"'
- local f ="/startup.lua", "w")
- f.write("")
- f.writeLine("local CLI_ARGS = { ... }")
- f.writeLine("local DO_SETUP = CLI_ARGS[1] == '--setup'")
- f.writeLine("")
- f.writeLine("local CHANNEL = \""..CHANNEL.."\"")
- f.writeLine("local REPO_FULL = \""..REPO_FULL.."\"")
- f.writeLine("local GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN = \""..GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN.."\"")
- f.writeLine("local DIR = \""..DIR.."\"")
- f.writeLine("local PROGRAM = \""..PROGRAM.."\"")
- f.writeLine("local PROGRAM_ARGS = \""..ARGS.."\"")
- f.writeLine("")
- f.writeLine("'/syncServer.lua '..CHANNEL..' '..REPO_FULL..' '..GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN..' '..DIR..' '..PROGRAM..' \"'..PROGRAM_ARGS..'\" '..tostring(DO_SETUP))")
- f.close()
- end
- local function install()
- term.clear()
- print("\n> Running install")
- createRootDir()
- getSyncServer()
- generateStartupScript()
- print("\n> Install complete")
- print("\nRun /startup.lua to start")
- end
- local function checkRepoReachable()
- print(" > Checking repo is reachable")
- if not http.checkURL(REPO_API) then
- error("Repo URL not whitelisted")
- end
- if getFileFromRepo("/") == nil then
- error("Repo doesn't exist")
- end
- print(" < Repo successfully reached")
- end
- local function checkRepoContainsSyncServer()
- print(" > Checking repo for syncServer.lua")
- if getFileFromRepo("/syncServer.lua") == nil then
- error("Sync Server doesn't exist on repo")
- end
- print(" < syncServer.lua found in repo")
- end
- local function splitArgs(content)
- local argsString = content:match("$ARGS(.-)$ARGS")
- if argsString == nil then return {} end
- local matches = string.gmatch(argsString, "([^|]+)")
- local args = {}
- for str in matches do
- local default = str:match("%((.-)%)")
- table.insert(args, { name = str, default = default })
- end
- return args
- end
- local function urlEncode(url)
- if url == nil then
- return
- end
- url = url:gsub("\n", "\r\n")
- url = url:gsub("([^%w ])", function(char) return string.format("%%%02X", string.byte(char)) end)
- url = url:gsub(" ", "+")
- return url
- end
- local function readInput(prefix)
- if prefix == nil then prefix = " ->" end
- print(prefix)
- _, y = term.getCursorPos()
- term.setCursorPos(#prefix + 2, y - 1)
- local input = read()
- print("")
- return urlEncode(input)
- end
- local function readArgs(args)
- local readArgsString = ""
- for _,arg in pairs(args) do
- print(" | "
- local input = readInput(" | ->")
- if #input == 0 then input = arg.default end
- readArgsString = readArgsString.." "..(input or "")
- end
- return readArgsString
- end
- local function checkRepoContainsProgram()
- print(" > Checking repo for "..PROGRAM)
- local content = getFileFromRepo("/programs/"..PROGRAM)
- if content == nil then
- error("Program doesn't exist on repo")
- end
- print(" < Found "..PROGRAM.." in repo")
- return content
- end
- local function setup()
- term.clear()
- print("> Script Configuration")
- print(" - Repo API: "..REPO_API)
- print(" - Repo Path: "..REPO_PATH)
- checkRepoReachable()
- checkRepoContainsSyncServer()
- print("\n> Further Configuration Required")
- print(" - Program Name [name] (do not include .lua)")
- PROGRAM = readInput()..".lua"
- local argsTable = splitArgs(checkRepoContainsProgram())
- if #argsTable > 0 then
- print(" - Program Arguments\n")
- ARGS = readArgs(argsTable)
- else
- print(" - No program arguments found, skipping...\n")
- end
- print(" - Root Directory (/lua)")
- DIR = readInput()
- if #DIR == 0 then DIR = "/lua" end
- print(" - Sync Server Channel (40100)")
- CHANNEL = readInput()
- if #CHANNEL == 0 then CHANNEL = "40100" end
- term.clear()
- print("\n> Configuration")
- print(" - Program: "..PROGRAM..ARGS)
- print(" - Root Directory: "..DIR)
- print(" - Sync Server Channel: "..CHANNEL)
- print("\nPress any key to run install")
- read()
- install()
- end
- setup()
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