

Mar 28th, 2011
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  1. $ cat cfg_default.ini
  3. string="english"
  5. int=1
  6. [VIDEO]
  7. resolution=800x600
  8. bpp=16
  9. full_screen=0
  10. bump=0
  11. texture=0
  12. mesh_reduction=0
  13. others_details=0
  14. fog=5
  15. gamma=5
  16. luminosity=4
  17. contrast=5
  18. show_crosshair=1
  19. antialiasing=0
  20. [AUDIO]
  21. master_volume=10
  22. effects_volume=10
  23. speech_volume=10
  24. ambiance_volume=8
  25. EAX=0
  26. [INPUT]
  27. invert_mouse=0
  28. auto_ready_weapon=0
  29. mouse_look_toggle=1
  30. mouse_sensitivity=4
  31. mouse_smoothing=0
  32. auto_description=1
  33. link_mouse_look_to_use=0
  34. [KEY]
  35. jump_k0=space
  36. jump_k1=---
  37. magic_mode_k0=LControl
  38. magic_mode_k1=Control_
  39. stealth_mode_k0=LShift_L
  40. stealth_mode_k1=Shift_R
  41. walk_forward_k0=W
  42. walk_forward_k1=UP
  43. walk_backward_k0=S
  44. walk_backward_k1=DOWN
  45. strafe_left_k0=A
  46. strafe_left_k1=---
  47. strafe_right_k0=D
  48. strafe_right_k1=---
  49. lean_left_k0=Q
  50. lean_left_k1=---
  51. lean_right_k0=E
  52. lean_right_k1=---
  53. crouch_k0=X
  54. crouch_k1=---
  55. mouselook_k0=F
  56. mouselook_k1=Return
  57. action_combine_k0=b1
  58. action_combine_k1=---
  59. inventory_k0=I
  60. inventory_k1=---
  61. book_k0=BackSpac
  62. book_k1=---
  63. char_sheet_k0=F1
  64. char_sheet_k1=---
  65. magic_book_k0=F2
  66. magic_book_k1=---
  67. map_k0=F3
  68. map_k1=---
  69. quest_book_k0=F4
  70. quest_book_k1=---
  71. drink_potion_life_k0=H
  72. drink_potion_life_k1=---
  73. drink_potion_mana_k0=G
  74. drink_potion_mana_k1=---
  75. torch_k0=T
  76. torch_k1=---
  77. cancel_current_spell_k0=4
  78. cancel_current_spell_k1=---
  79. precast_1_k0=1
  80. precast_1_k1=---
  81. precast_2_k0=2
  82. precast_2_k1=---
  83. precast_3_k0=3
  84. precast_3_k1=---
  85. draw_weapon_k0=Tab
  86. draw_weapon_k1=KP_Inser
  87. quicksave_k0=F5
  88. quicksave_k1=---
  89. quickload_k0=F9
  90. quickload_k1=---
  91. turn_left_k0=LEFT
  92. turn_left_k1=---
  93. turn_right_k0=RIGHT
  94. turn_right_k1=---
  95. look_up_k0=PAGE UP
  96. look_up_k1=---
  97. look_down_k0=PAGE DOWN
  98. look_down_k1=---
  99. strafe_k0=LAlt_L
  100. strafe_k1=---
  101. center_view_k0=END
  102. center_view_k1=---
  103. freelook_k0=L
  104. freelook_k1=b2
  105. previous_k0=---
  106. previous_k1=---
  107. next_k0==
  108. next_k1=---
  109. crouch_toggle_k0=C
  110. crouch_toggle_k1=---
  111. unequip_weapon_k0=B
  112. unequip_weapon_k1=---
  113. minimap_k0=R
  114. minimap_k1=M
  115. [MISC]
  116. softfog=0
  117. forcenoeax=0
  118. forcemetaltwopass=0
  119. forcezbias=0
  120. newcontrol=1
  121. forcetoggle=0
  122. fg=1
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