

Oct 13th, 2019
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Python 3.90 KB | None | 0 0
  1. #
  3. from Tkinter import *
  4. from PIL import Image, ImageTk
  5. import random
  6. import math
  8. root = Tk()
  9. root.title("")
  10. w = 500
  11. h = 500
  12. root.geometry("%dx%d+-10+0"%(w,h))
  13. canvas = Canvas(root, width=w, height=h)
  14. canvas.pack()
  16. zzz = '''
  17. 0.0 0.017452 0.034899 0.052336 0.069756 0.087156 0.104528 0.121869 0.139173 0.156434 0.173648 0.190809 0.207912 0.224951 0.241922 0.258819 0.275637 0.292372 0.309017 0.325568 0.34202 0.358368 0.374607 0.390731 0.406737 0.422618 0.438371 0.45399 0.469472 0.48481 0.5 0.515038 0.529919 0.544639 0.559193 0.573576 0.587785 0.601815 0.615661 0.62932 0.642788 0.656059 0.669131 0.681998 0.694658 0.707107 0.71934 0.731354 0.743145 0.75471 0.766044 0.777146 0.788011 0.798636 0.809017 0.819152 0.829038 0.838671 0.848048 0.857167 0.866025 0.87462 0.882948 0.891007 0.898794 0.906308 0.913545 0.920505 0.927184 0.93358 0.939693 0.945519 0.951057 0.956305 0.961262 0.965926 0.970296 0.97437 0.978148 0.981627 0.984808 0.987688 0.990268 0.992546 0.994522 0.996195 0.997564 0.99863 0.999391 0.999848 1.0 0.999848 0.999391 0.99863 0.997564 0.996195 0.994522 0.992546 0.990268 0.987688 0.984808 0.981627 0.978148 0.97437 0.970296 0.965926 0.961262 0.956305 0.951057 0.945519 0.939693 0.93358 0.927184 0.920505 0.913545 0.906308 0.898794 0.891007 0.882948 0.87462 0.866025 0.857167 0.848048 0.838671 0.829038 0.819152 0.809017 0.798636 0.788011 0.777146 0.766044 0.75471 0.743145 0.731354 0.71934 0.707107 0.694658 0.681998 0.669131 0.656059 0.642788 0.62932 0.615661 0.601815 0.587785 0.573576 0.559193 0.544639 0.529919 0.515038 0.5 0.48481 0.469472 0.45399 0.438371 0.422618 0.406737 0.390731 0.374607 0.358368 0.34202 0.325568 0.309017 0.292372 0.275637 0.258819 0.241922 0.224951 0.207912 0.190809 0.173648 0.156434 0.139173 0.121869 0.104528 0.087156 0.069756 0.052336 0.034899 0.017452 0.0 -0.017452 -0.034899 -0.052336 -0.069756 -0.087156 -0.104528 -0.121869 -0.139173 -0.156434 -0.173648 -0.190809 -0.207912 -0.224951 -0.241922 -0.258819 -0.275637 -0.292372 -0.309017 -0.325568 -0.34202 -0.358368 -0.374607 -0.390731 -0.406737 -0.422618 -0.438371 -0.45399 -0.469472 -0.48481 -0.5 -0.515038 -0.529919 -0.544639 -0.559193 -0.573576 -0.587785 -0.601815 -0.615661 -0.62932 -0.642788 -0.656059 -0.669131 -0.681998 -0.694658 -0.707107 -0.71934 -0.731354 -0.743145 -0.75471 -0.766044 -0.777146 -0.788011 -0.798636 -0.809017 -0.819152 -0.829038 -0.838671 -0.848048 -0.857167 -0.866025 -0.87462 -0.882948 -0.891007 -0.898794 -0.906308 -0.913545 -0.920505 -0.927184 -0.93358 -0.939693 -0.945519 -0.951057 -0.956305 -0.961262 -0.965926 -0.970296 -0.97437 -0.978148 -0.981627 -0.984808 -0.987688 -0.990268 -0.992546 -0.994522 -0.996195 -0.997564 -0.99863 -0.999391 -0.999848 -1.0 -0.999848 -0.999391 -0.99863 -0.997564 -0.996195 -0.994522 -0.992546 -0.990268 -0.987688 -0.984808 -0.981627 -0.978148 -0.97437 -0.970296 -0.965926 -0.961262 -0.956305 -0.951057 -0.945519 -0.939693 -0.93358 -0.927184 -0.920505 -0.913545 -0.906308 -0.898794 -0.891007 -0.882948 -0.87462 -0.866025 -0.857167 -0.848048 -0.838671 -0.829038 -0.819152 -0.809017 -0.798636 -0.788011 -0.777146 -0.766044 -0.75471 -0.743145 -0.731354 -0.71934 -0.707107 -0.694658 -0.681998 -0.669131 -0.656059 -0.642788 -0.62932 -0.615661 -0.601815 -0.587785 -0.573576 -0.559193 -0.544639 -0.529919 -0.515038 -0.5 -0.48481 -0.469472 -0.45399 -0.438371 -0.422618 -0.406737 -0.390731 -0.374607 -0.358368 -0.34202 -0.325568 -0.309017 -0.292372 -0.275637 -0.258819 -0.241922 -0.224951 -0.207912 -0.190809 -0.173648 -0.156434 -0.139173 -0.121869 -0.104528 -0.087156 -0.069756 -0.052336 -0.034899 -0.017452
  18. '''.strip().split()
  20. zzz = [float(z) for z in zzz]
  22. center = h/2
  23. x_increment = 1
  24. y_amplitude = 200
  26. mz = len(zzz)-1
  27. plot = 0
  28. for freq in range(mz*16):
  29.     freq = freq*0.01
  30.     xy = []
  31.     polar = -1
  32.     canvas.delete(plot)
  33.     for x in range(w):
  34.         xy.append(x)
  35.         xy.append(int(zzz[int(x*freq)%mz]*y_amplitude)*polar + center)
  36.     plot = canvas.create_line(xy, fill='blue')
  37.     canvas.update()
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