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- wyvernsPeripherals = {}
- wyvernsCtrl = {}
- wyvernsState = {}
- checkboxScale = 5
- function pulse(side, delay)
- if delay == nil then delay = 1 end
- redstone.setOutput(side, true)
- sleep(delay)
- redstone.setOutput(side, false)
- end
- function wget(url, dir)
- local page=http.get(url)
- if not page then return false end
- local cFile = page.readAll()
- page.close()
- local fHandle =, "w")
- if fHandle == nil then return false end
- local ret = fHandle.write(cFile)
- if ret == nil then return false end
- ret = fHandle.close()
- end
- function mprint(data)
- local m=loadPeripheral("monitor")
- local x,y = m.getCursorPos()
- m.write(data)
- local sizeX, sizeY = m.getSize()
- if y<sizeY then m.setCursorPos(1, y+1) end
- if y>=sizeY then m.scroll(1) m.setCursorPos(1, sizeY) end
- end
- function printFunctions(side)
- local methods = peripheral.getMethods(side)
- for i,v in pairs(methods) do
- print(peripheral.getType(side).."."..v.."()")
- end
- end
- -- ##Buttons part##
- -- #Local functions#
- -- Registering
- local function registerCtrlButton(id, text, left, top, width, height, edges)
- wyvernsCtrl[id]={[1]="Button",[2]=text,[3]=left,[4]=top,[5]=width,[6]=height,[7]=edges}
- end
- local function registerCtrlToggle(id, text, left, top, width, height, edges, state)
- wyvernsCtrl[id]={[1]="Toggle",[2]=text,[3]=left,[4]=top,[5]=width,[6]=height,[7]=edges,[8]=state}
- end
- local function registerCtrlCheckbox(id, left, top)
- wyvernsCtrl[id]={[1]="Checkbox",[3]=left, [4]=top, [5]=checkboxScale, [6]=checkboxScale}
- end
- local function registerCtrlLabel(id, text, left, top, width, height, textColor, bgColor)
- wyvernsCtrl[id]={[1]="Label",[2]=text,[3]=left,[4]=top,[5]=width,[6]=height,[7]=textColor,[8]=bgColor}
- end
- local function loadCtrl(id, shift)
- if shift == nil then shift = 1 end -- The function won't return any parameter below the shift, this allow me to add global parameters whenever I want
- if type(wyvernsCtrl[id]) ~= "table" then print("Error: invalid id ("").") end
- return wyvernsCtrl[id][1+shift], wyvernsCtrl[id][2+shift], wyvernsCtrl[id][3+shift], wyvernsCtrl[id][4+shift], wyvernsCtrl[id][5+shift], wyvernsCtrl[id][6+shift], wyvernsCtrl[id][7+shift], wyvernsCtrl[id][8+shift], wyvernsCtrl[id][9+shift]
- end
- local function getBackgroundColor()
- return backgroundColor
- end
- -- Drawing
- local function drawEdges(left, top, width, height)
- for i=0, height do -- Draw the left edge
- drawPixel(left, top+i, "white")
- end
- for i=0, height do -- Draw the right edge
- drawPixel(left+width, top+i, "gray")
- end
- for i=0, width-1 do -- Draw the top edge
- drawPixel(left+i, top, "white")
- end
- for i=0, width do -- Draw the bottom edge
- drawPixel(left+i, top+height, "gray")
- end
- end
- local function drawInvertedEdges(left, top, width, height)
- for i=0, height do -- Draw the left edge
- drawPixel(left, top+i, "gray")
- end
- for i=0, height do -- Draw the right edge
- drawPixel(left+width, top+i, "white")
- end
- for i=0, width-1 do -- Draw the top edge
- drawPixel(left+i, top, "gray")
- end
- for i=0, width do -- Draw the bottom edge
- drawPixel(left+i, top+height, "white")
- end
- end
- -- ##Public functions##
- function registerPeripheral(side)
- wyvernsPeripherals[peripheral.getType(side)] = peripheral.wrap(side)
- end
- function registerDistantPeripheral(name)
- wyvernsPeripherals[peripheral.getType(name)] = peripheral.wrap(name)
- end
- function loadPeripheral(peripheralType)
- return wyvernsPeripherals[peripheralType]
- end
- function setBackgroundColor(color)
- local m=loadPeripheral("monitor")
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors[color])
- local x,y=m.getSize()
- for i=1,y do
- for v=1,x do
- m.setCursorPos(v,i)
- m.write(" ")
- end
- end
- backgroundColor = color
- end
- function changeResolution(newResolution)
- local m=loadPeripheral("monitor")
- if newResolution > 5 then
- newResolution = 5
- print("Resolution can't be greater than 5. Automatically set to max.")
- elseif newResolution < 0.5 then
- newResolution = 0.5
- print("Resolution can't be lower than 5. Automatically set to min.")
- end
- m.setTextScale(newResolution)
- end
- function drawPixel(x,y,color)
- local m=loadPeripheral("monitor")
- m.setCursorPos(x,y)
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors[color])
- m.write(" ")
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
- end
- function guiCtrlGetType(id)
- local cType = loadCtrl(id, 0)
- return cType
- end
- function guiCtrlGetState(id)
- local cType = loadCtrl(id, 0)
- if cType == "Toggle" or cType == "Checkbox" then
- return wyvernsState[id]
- end
- end
- function guiCtrlSetState(id, state)
- local m=loadPeripheral("monitor")
- local left, top, width, height = loadCtrl(id, 2)
- if state == true then
- color = "lime"
- wyvernsState[id] = true
- else
- color = "red"
- wyvernsState[id] = false
- end
- if guiCtrlGetType(id) == "Toggle" then
- for i=1, width-3 do
- drawPixel(left+1+i, top+1+height/2, color)
- end
- elseif guiCtrlGetType(id) == "Checkbox" then
- for v=1, height-1 do
- for i=1, width-1 do
- drawPixel(left+i, top+v, color)
- end
- end
- -- if state == true then drawInvertedEdges(left, top, width, height) end
- -- if state == false then drawEdges(left, top, width, height) end
- drawEdges(left, top, width, height)
- end
- end
- function guiCreateButton(text, left, top, width, height, color, edges)
- if edges == nil then edges = true end
- if color == nil then color = "lightGray" end
- local m=loadPeripheral("monitor")
- for v=0, height do
- for i=0, width do
- drawPixel(left+i, top+v, color)
- end
- end
- if edges == true then drawEdges(left, top, width, height) end
- m.setCursorPos(left+1-(string.len(text)/2)+width/2, top+height/2)
- m.setTextColor(
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors[color])
- m.write(text)
- registerCtrlButton(#wyvernsCtrl+1, text, left, top, width, height)
- return #wyvernsCtrl -- Return the ID of the button
- end
- function guiCreateToggle(text, left, top, width, height, color, edges, state)
- if edges == nil then edges = true end
- if color == nil then color = "lightGray" end
- if state == nil then state = false end
- local m=loadPeripheral("monitor")
- for v=0, height do
- for i=0, width do
- drawPixel(left+i, top+v, color)
- end
- end
- if edges == true then drawEdges(left, top, width, height) end
- m.setCursorPos(left+1-(string.len(text)/2)+width/2, top+height/2)
- m.setTextColor(
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors[color])
- m.write(text)
- registerCtrlToggle(#wyvernsCtrl+1, text, left, top, width, height, state)
- guiCtrlSetState(#wyvernsCtrl, state) -- As I just added it to the registry there's no +1 anymore
- return #wyvernsCtrl -- Return the ID of the button
- end
- function guiCreateCheckbox(left, top, state)
- if state == nil then state = false end
- if state == true then color = "lime" end
- if state == false then color = "red" end
- local m=loadPeripheral("monitor")
- --[[
- for v=0, checkboxScale do
- for i=0, checkboxScale do
- drawPixel(left+i, top+v, color)
- end
- end
- ]]
- registerCtrlCheckbox(#wyvernsCtrl+1, left, top)
- guiCtrlSetState(#wyvernsCtrl, state)
- return #wyvernsCtrl
- end
- function guiCreateLabel(text, left, top, width, height, textColor, bgColor)
- if width == nil then width = string.len(text) end
- if height == nil then height = 1 end
- if textColor == nil then textColor = "black" end
- if bgColor == nil then bgColor = getBackgroundColor() end
- local m=loadPeripheral("monitor")
- m.setCursorPos(left, top)
- m.setTextColor(colors[textColor])
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors[bgColor])
- m.write(text)
- registerCtrlLabel(#wyvernsCtrl+1, text, left, top, width, height, textColor, bgColor)
- return #wyvernsCtrl
- end
- function guiCreateProgressBar(curVal, maxVal, left, top, width, height, fgColor, bgColor)
- if fgColor == nil then fgColor = "lime" end
- if bgColor == nil then bgColor = "green" end
- local m=loadPeripheral("monitor")
- local progress = curVal/maxVal*width
- for v=0, height-1 do
- for h=0, width-1 do
- if h <= progress then
- color=fgColor
- else
- color=bgColor
- end
- drawPixel(left+h,top+v,color)
- end
- end
- end
- function guiCreateAdvProgressBar(curVal, maxVal, lowVal, left, top, width, height, fgColor, bgColor, lowColor)
- if fgColor == nil then fgColor = "lime" end
- if bgColor == nil then bgColor = "green" end
- if lowColor == nil then lowColor = "red" end
- if curVal <= lowVal then fgColor = lowColor end
- local m = loadPeripheral("monitor")
- local progress = curVal/maxVal*width
- for v=0,height-1 do
- for h=0,width-1 do
- if h <= progress then
- color=fgColor
- else
- color=bgColor
- end
- drawPixel(left+h,top+v,color)
- end
- end
- end
- function guiGetMsg()
- local _,side,x,y = os.pullEvent("monitor_touch")
- for i=1, #wyvernsCtrl do
- local name, left, top, width, height = loadCtrl(i)
- if x <= left+width and x >= left then
- if y <= top+height and y >= top then
- -- He clicked on a button
- if guiCtrlGetType(i) == "Toggle" or guiCtrlGetType(i) == "Checkbox" then
- if guiCtrlGetState(i) == false then
- guiCtrlSetState(i, true)
- else
- guiCtrlSetState(i, false)
- end
- end
- return i, name, 0
- end
- end
- end
- return -1, x, y
- end
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