

Sep 24th, 2020
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  1. DELETE FROM `db_spellitemenchantment_12340` WHERE `ID`=84455;
  2. INSERT INTO `db_spellitemenchantment_12340` (`ID`, `Charges`, `Effect_1`, `Effect_2`, `Effect_3`, `EffectPointsMin_1`, `EffectPointsMin_2`, `EffectPointsMin_3`, `EffectPointsMax_1`, `EffectPointsMax_2`, `EffectPointsMax_3`, `EffectArg_1`, `EffectArg_2`, `EffectArg_3`, `Name_Lang_enUS`, `Name_Lang_enGB`, `Name_Lang_koKR`, `Name_Lang_frFR`, `Name_Lang_deDE`, `Name_Lang_enCN`, `Name_Lang_zhCN`, `Name_Lang_enTW`, `Name_Lang_zhTW`, `Name_Lang_esES`, `Name_Lang_esMX`, `Name_Lang_ruRU`, `Name_Lang_ptPT`, `Name_Lang_ptBR`, `Name_Lang_itIT`, `Name_Lang_Unk`, `Name_Lang_Mask`, `ItemVisual`, `Flags`, `Src_ItemID`, `Condition_Id`, `RequiredSkillID`, `RequiredSkillRank`, `MinLevel`) VALUES (84455, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 84455, 0, 0, 'Equip: Death or Glory - Last stand dispels all harmful magic effects on you and grants you 10% increased melee attack power, melee attack speed and movement speed. ', 'Equip: Death or Glory - Last stand dispels all harmful magic effects on you and grants you 10% increased melee attack power, melee attack speed and movement speed. ', 'Equip: Death or Glory - Last stand dispels all harmful magic effects on you and grants you 10% increased melee attack power, melee attack speed and movement speed. ', 'Equip: Death or Glory - Last stand dispels all harmful magic effects on you and grants you 10% increased melee attack power, melee attack speed and movement speed. ', 'Equip: Death or Glory - Last stand dispels all harmful magic effects on you and grants you 10% increased melee attack power, melee attack speed and movement speed. ', 'Equip: Death or Glory - Last stand dispels all harmful magic effects on you and grants you 10% increased melee attack power, melee attack speed and movement speed. ', 'Equip: Death or Glory - Last stand dispels all harmful magic effects on you and grants you 10% increased melee attack power, melee attack speed and movement speed. ', 'Equip: Death or Glory - Last stand dispels all harmful magic effects on you and grants you 10% increased melee attack power, melee attack speed and movement speed. ', 'Equip: Death or Glory - Last stand dispels all harmful magic effects on you and grants you 10% increased melee attack power, melee attack speed and movement speed. ', 'Equip: Death or Glory - Last stand dispels all harmful magic effects on you and grants you 10% increased melee attack power, melee attack speed and movement speed. ', 'Equip: Death or Glory - Last stand dispels all harmful magic effects on you and grants you 10% increased melee attack power, melee attack speed and movement speed. ', 'Equip: Death or Glory - Last stand dispels all harmful magic effects on you and grants you 10% increased melee attack power, melee attack speed and movement speed. ', 'Equip: Death or Glory - Last stand dispels all harmful magic effects on you and grants you 10% increased melee attack power, melee attack speed and movement speed. ', 'Equip: Death or Glory - Last stand dispels all harmful magic effects on you and grants you 10% increased melee attack power, melee attack speed and movement speed. ', 'Equip: Death or Glory - Last stand dispels all harmful magic effects on you and grants you 10% increased melee attack power, melee attack speed and movement speed. ', '', 16712190, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  4. DELETE FROM `spell` WHERE `ID`=84455;
  5. INSERT INTO `spell` (`ID`, `Category`, `Dispel`, `Mechanic`, `Attributes`, `AttributesEx`, `AttributesEx2`, `AttributesEx3`, `AttributesEx4`, `AttributesEx5`, `AttributesEx6`, `AttributesEx7`, `Stances`, `Unknown1`, `StancesNot`, `Unknown2`, `Targets`, `TargetCreatureType`, `RequiresSpellFocus`, `FacingCasterFlags`, `CasterAuraState`, `TargetAuraState`, `CasterAuraStateNot`, `TargetAuraStateNot`, `CasterAuraSpell`, `TargetAuraSpell`, `ExcludeCasterAuraSpell`, `ExcludeTargetAuraSpell`, `CastingTimeIndex`, `RecoveryTime`, `CategoryRecoveryTime`, `InterruptFlags`, `AuraInterruptFlags`, `ChannelInterruptFlags`, `ProcFlags`, `ProcChance`, `ProcCharges`, `MaximumLevel`, `BaseLevel`, `SpellLevel`, `DurationIndex`, `PowerType`, `ManaCost`, `ManaCostPerLevel`, `ManaPerSecond`, `ManaPerSecondPerLevel`, `RangeIndex`, `Speed`, `ModalNextSpell`, `StackAmount`, `Totem1`, `Totem2`, `Reagent1`, `Reagent2`, `Reagent3`, `Reagent4`, `Reagent5`, `Reagent6`, `Reagent7`, `Reagent8`, `ReagentCount1`, `ReagentCount2`, `ReagentCount3`, `ReagentCount4`, `ReagentCount5`, `ReagentCount6`, `ReagentCount7`, `ReagentCount8`, `EquippedItemClass`, `EquippedItemSubClassMask`, `EquippedItemInventoryTypeMask`, `Effect1`, `Effect2`, `Effect3`, `EffectDieSides1`, `EffectDieSides2`, `EffectDieSides3`, `EffectRealPointsPerLevel1`, `EffectRealPointsPerLevel2`, `EffectRealPointsPerLevel3`, `EffectBasePoints1`, `EffectBasePoints2`, `EffectBasePoints3`, `EffectMechanic1`, `EffectMechanic2`, `EffectMechanic3`, `EffectImplicitTargetA1`, `EffectImplicitTargetA2`, `EffectImplicitTargetA3`, `EffectImplicitTargetB1`, `EffectImplicitTargetB2`, `EffectImplicitTargetB3`, `EffectRadiusIndex1`, `EffectRadiusIndex2`, `EffectRadiusIndex3`, `EffectApplyAuraName1`, `EffectApplyAuraName2`, `EffectApplyAuraName3`, `EffectAmplitude1`, `EffectAmplitude2`, `EffectAmplitude3`, `EffectMultipleValue1`, `EffectMultipleValue2`, `EffectMultipleValue3`, `EffectChainTarget1`, `EffectChainTarget2`, `EffectChainTarget3`, `EffectItemType1`, `EffectItemType2`, `EffectItemType3`, `EffectMiscValue1`, `EffectMiscValue2`, `EffectMiscValue3`, `EffectMiscValueB1`, `EffectMiscValueB2`, `EffectMiscValueB3`, `EffectTriggerSpell1`, `EffectTriggerSpell2`, `EffectTriggerSpell3`, `EffectPointsPerComboPoint1`, `EffectPointsPerComboPoint2`, `EffectPointsPerComboPoint3`, `EffectSpellClassMaskA1`, `EffectSpellClassMaskA2`, `EffectSpellClassMaskA3`, `EffectSpellClassMaskB1`, `EffectSpellClassMaskB2`, `EffectSpellClassMaskB3`, `EffectSpellClassMaskC1`, `EffectSpellClassMaskC2`, `EffectSpellClassMaskC3`, `SpellVisual1`, `SpellVisual2`, `SpellIconID`, `ActiveIconID`, `SpellPriority`, `SpellName0`, `SpellName1`, `SpellName2`, `SpellName3`, `SpellName4`, `SpellName5`, `SpellName6`, `SpellName7`, `SpellName8`, `SpellNameFlag0`, `SpellNameFlag1`, `SpellNameFlag2`, `SpellNameFlag3`, `SpellNameFlag4`, `SpellNameFlag5`, `SpellNameFlag6`, `SpellNameFlag7`, `SpellRank0`, `SpellRank1`, `SpellRank2`, `SpellRank3`, `SpellRank4`, `SpellRank5`, `SpellRank6`, `SpellRank7`, `SpellRank8`, `SpellRankFlags0`, `SpellRankFlags1`, `SpellRankFlags2`, `SpellRankFlags3`, `SpellRankFlags4`, `SpellRankFlags5`, `SpellRankFlags6`, `SpellRankFlags7`, `SpellDescription0`, `SpellDescription1`, `SpellDescription2`, `SpellDescription3`, `SpellDescription4`, `SpellDescription5`, `SpellDescription6`, `SpellDescription7`, `SpellDescription8`, `SpellDescriptionFlags0`, `SpellDescriptionFlags1`, `SpellDescriptionFlags2`, `SpellDescriptionFlags3`, `SpellDescriptionFlags4`, `SpellDescriptionFlags5`, `SpellDescriptionFlags6`, `SpellDescriptionFlags7`, `SpellToolTip0`, `SpellToolTip1`, `SpellToolTip2`, `SpellToolTip3`, `SpellToolTip4`, `SpellToolTip5`, `SpellToolTip6`, `SpellToolTip7`, `SpellToolTip8`, `SpellToolTipFlags0`, `SpellToolTipFlags1`, `SpellToolTipFlags2`, `SpellToolTipFlags3`, `SpellToolTipFlags4`, `SpellToolTipFlags5`, `SpellToolTipFlags6`, `SpellToolTipFlags7`, `ManaCostPercentage`, `StartRecoveryCategory`, `StartRecoveryTime`, `MaximumTargetLevel`, `SpellFamilyName`, `SpellFamilyFlags`, `SpellFamilyFlags1`, `SpellFamilyFlags2`, `MaximumAffectedTargets`, `DamageClass`, `PreventionType`, `StanceBarOrder`, `EffectDamageMultiplier1`, `EffectDamageMultiplier2`, `EffectDamageMultiplier3`, `MinimumFactionId`, `MinimumReputation`, `RequiredAuraVision`, `TotemCategory1`, `TotemCategory2`, `AreaGroupID`, `SchoolMask`, `RuneCostID`, `SpellMissileID`, `PowerDisplayId`, `EffectBonusMultiplier1`, `EffectBonusMultiplier2`, `EffectBonusMultiplier3`, `SpellDescriptionVariableID`, `SpellDifficultyID`) VALUES (84455, 0, 0, 0, 464, 2048, 0, 67108864, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 6, 0, 6, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 42, 42, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 84456, 84457, 84458, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5080, 6102, 0, 'Death or Glory', 'Ethereal Form', 'Ethereal Form', 'Ethereal Form', 'Ethereal Form', 'Ethereal Form', 'Ethereal Form', 'Ethereal Form', 'Ethereal Form', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16712190, 'Rank 4', 'Rank 5', '', '', '', '', '', '', '??????? 3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16712190, 'Last stand dispels all harmful magic effects on you and grants you 10% increased melee attack power, melee attack speed and movement speed. ', 'Teaches you Ethereal Form. Ethereal Form reduces your Physical damage taken by 10% and reduces your threat generated by 10%, but increases your Magic damage taken by 10%.', '', 'Teaches you Ethereal Form. Ethereal Form reduces your Physical damage taken by 10% and reduces your threat generated by 10%, but increases your Magic damage taken by 10%.', 'Teaches you Ethereal Form. Ethereal Form reduces your Physical damage taken by 10% and reduces your threat generated by 10%, but increases your Magic damage taken by 10%.', 'Teaches you Ethereal Form. Ethereal Form reduces your Physical damage taken by 10% and reduces your threat generated by 10%, but increases your Magic damage taken by 10%.', 'Teaches you Ethereal Form. Ethereal Form reduces your Physical damage taken by 10% and reduces your threat generated by 10%, but increases your Magic damage taken by 10%.', 'Teaches you Ethereal Form. Ethereal Form reduces your Physical damage taken by 10% and reduces your threat generated by 10%, but increases your Magic damage taken by 10%.', 'Teaches you Ethereal Form. Ethereal Form reduces your Physical damage taken by 10% and reduces your threat generated by 10%, but increases your Magic damage taken by 10%.', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16712190, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16712190, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
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