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- The Withering Veil: Comprehensive Campaign Setting
- By: David Tofflemire
- Table of Contents
- 1. Campaign Overview
- 2. City of Duskwatch
- 3. Major Quest Lines
- 4. Key NPCs with Full Statistics
- 5. Event Timeline and Triggers
- 6. Alternative Paths & Timeline Contingencies
- 7. Faction-Specific Magic Items
- 8. District Encounter Tables
- 9. Trap Mechanics
- 10. Unique Spells
- The Withering Veil: Comprehensive Campaign Setting
- Part 1: Campaign Overview and City of Duskwatch
- Campaign Concept
- "The Withering Veil" is a multi-act urban campaign set in Duskwatch, a sprawling metropolis rife with political corruption, factional intrigue, and mysterious disappearances. Players are drawn into a web of conspiracies orchestrated by Relgar Trollknife, a vengeful rogue who seeks to dismantle Duskwatch's ruling elite.
- Core Narrative
- The campaign begins with seemingly unrelated incidents—missing guild members, poisoned nobles, and magical disruptions—but these threads converge as players uncover Relgar’s decades-long revenge plot. Along the way, players must navigate faction politics, moral dilemmas, and escalating crises that threaten to destroy the city.
- Themes
- • Revenge and Betrayal: Relgar’s vendetta against the noble houses drives the story.
- • Moral Ambiguity: Players must decide who to trust and what sacrifices they’re willing to make.
- • Urban Survival: Duskwatch’s decaying infrastructure and factional tensions create constant challenges.
- • Light vs. Shadow: Both literal (magical disruptions) and metaphorical (moral choices).
- Prophecy Element
- "When shadows rise and the veil thins, the lost shall find their way again."
- This prophecy hints at Relgar's ultimate plan to destabilize Duskwatch and expose its hidden truths.
- City of Duskwatch
- Overview
- Duskwatch is a sprawling metropolis that was once a beacon of prosperity but has fallen into decline due to corruption, factional strife, and magical instability.
- Key Characteristics:
- • Population: ~15,000
- • Government: Oligarchic council of five noble families.
- • Social Structure: A rigid hierarchy pits nobles against marginalized groups like refugees and laborers.
- • Economy: A declining trade hub with increasing reliance on black markets.
- Environmental Storytelling
- Duskwatch’s decay is evident in its architecture and atmosphere:
- • Crumbling buildings with faded murals depict the city’s former glory.
- • Streets are filled with whispers of rebellion, fear, and desperation.
- • Magical disruptions manifest as flickering streetlights or strange shadows in alleyways.
- Districts of Duskwatch
- 1. The Spire District (Nobles’ Quarter)
- • Home to the city’s ruling elite.
- • Iconic Landmark: The Council Hall, a grand marble building symbolizing noble authority.
- 2. The Copper Bazaar (Market District)
- • A bustling marketplace where merchants trade goods both legal and illicit.
- • Iconic Landmark: The Clockwork Fountain, an enchanted fountain representing ingenuity.
- 3. The Guttermaze (Slums)
- • A labyrinthine network of alleys and tunnels housing the city’s poorest residents.
- • Iconic Landmark: The Broken Obelisk, a crumbling monument covered in graffiti.
- 4. The Whispering Spires (Arcane District)
- • Home to the Arcane Conclave and magical research facilities.
- • Iconic Landmark: The Leyspire, a towering crystal spire at a ley line intersection.
- 5. The Saltwind Quarter (Docks)
- • A chaotic harbor district dominated by smugglers and mercenaries.
- • Iconic Landmark: Lighthouse of Duskmourn, an ancient lighthouse emitting green light.
- The Withering Veil: Comprehensive Campaign Setting
- Part 2: Major Quest Lines of Duskwatch
- The quest lines below are designed to gradually reveal Relgar Trollknife's ultimate plan while allowing players to interact with Duskwatch's factions, uncover hidden truths, and make meaningful choices that shape the city's fate.
- The Spider's Thread
- A series of interconnected quests revealing Relgar's influence while appearing unconnected.
- Act 1: The Poisoned Chalice
- Initial Hook: Merchant Varys Blackthorn hires the party to investigate poisoned wine shipments targeting nobles.Key NPCs:
- • Varys Blackthorn (Neutral Good Human Male Merchant)
- • Secretly working for Relgar.
- • Motivation: Revenge against nobles who ruined his family.
- • Lady Selenara Frost (Lawful Evil Human Female Noble)
- • Target of the poisoning.
- • Motivation: Maintain power while hiding her role in Relgar's lover's execution.
- Branch Points:
- 1. Investigate Warehouse
- • Challenge: Shadowed Coin operatives guarding evidence.
- • Potential Ally: Dock Master Grenn (Neutral Human).
- • Reward: Favor with the Merchant's Guild.
- 2. Infiltrate Noble Party
- • Challenge: Social encounters with nobles; potential combat against corrupt guards.
- • Reward: Noble contact + Ring of Mind Shielding.
- 3. Track Wine Source
- • Challenge: Animated vines and environmental hazards at a hidden vineyard.
- • Reward: Recipe for a poison resistance potion.
- Quest Resolution:
- • Siding with nobles grants patronage but alienates the Shadowed Coin.
- • Supporting merchants strengthens ties to Shadowed Coin but draws noble suspicion.
- • Hidden Truth: Relgar orchestrated both sides to destabilize noble alliances.
- The Arcane Gambit
- A quest line revealing magical corruption beneath Duskwatch.
- Act 1: Ley Line Disruption
- Initial Hook: Magical accidents are increasing in frequency throughout the city, threatening its stability.Key NPCs:
- • Archmage Venna Brightweave (Neutral Good Elf Female Wizard)
- • Expert on ley lines and former lover of Relgar's victim.
- • Artificer Zyx (Chaotic Neutral Gnome Male Artificer)
- • Inventor providing magical tracking tools for ley line disruptions.
- Branch Points:
- 1. Map Ley Lines
- • Challenge: Navigating hazardous magical zones and deciphering ancient wards protecting ley lines.
- • Reward: Access to a Ley Line Tapper staff.
- 2. Investigate Accidents
- • Challenge: Discovering connections between noble experiments and ley line instability; potential encounters with concerned mages or magical hazards.
- • Reward: Spell scrolls related to abjuration and divination magic.
- 3. Track Energy Drain
- • Challenge: Combat corrupted constructs at a hidden ritual site draining ley line energy.
- • Reward: Access to a unique item, such as the Spellweaver’s Focus.
- Quest Resolution:
- • Players uncover a noble conspiracy attempting to harness ley lines for personal power.
- • Relgar is revealed as destabilizing magic intentionally to weaken noble control.
- • Players must choose whether to restore balance or redirect ley line power for their own use.
- The Shadows Below
- A dark urban investigation revealing Duskwatch's sinister secrets.
- Act 1: Missing Persons
- Initial Hook: Children have been disappearing from the Guttermaze, sparking fear among its inhabitants.Key NPCs:
- • Sister Moira (Lawful Good Human Female Cleric)
- • Keeper of an orphanage in the Guttermaze; desperate for help protecting her charges.
- • The Rat King (Pip Quickfingers) (Chaotic Neutral Halfling Male Rogue)
- • Underground information broker who knows the city's tunnel systems intimately.
- Branch Points:
- 1. Search Sewers
- • Challenge: Environmental hazards such as collapsing tunnels and toxic gas pockets; evidence of experiments on kidnapped children.
- • Reward: Cloak of the Sewers (+2 Stealth in urban environments).
- 2. Investigate Noble Labs
- • Challenge: A stealth mission into secret laboratories run by corrupt nobles; moral choices regarding incriminating evidence.
- • Reward: Documents implicating nobles in illegal experiments.
- 3. Track Kidnappers
- • Challenge: Combat cultists performing dark rituals; rescue victims before they are sacrificed.
- • Reward: Alliance with the Church of Kelemvor and access to their resources.
- Integration with Main Plot
- Each quest line reveals pieces of Relgar’s plan while exposing noble corruption and faction dynamics:
- • Choices affect faction support during the final confrontation.
- • Hidden clues hint at Relgar’s true identity and his vendetta against Duskwatch’s elite.
- The Withering Veil: Comprehensive Campaign Setting
- Part 3: Key NPCs with Full Statistics
- Artificer Zyx
- Small humanoid (gnome) artificer 9
- • AC: 17 (Enhanced light armor)
- • HP: 67 (9d8 +27)
- • Speed: 25 ft.
- • STR 8 (-1) | DEX 16 (+3) | CON 16 (+3) | INT 20 (+5) | WIS 12 (+1) | CHA 10 (+0)
- Special Abilities:
- 1. Infusions: Can enhance equipment with magical properties
- 2. Craft Reserve: Stores points for magical item creation without XP expenditure
- 3. Magical Improvisation: Can quickly create temporary magical effects
- Special Equipment:
- 1. Ley Line Detector: Detect magical disruptions within 120 feet
- 2. Enhanced Goggles: See invisible creatures and objects
- 3. Prototype Teleportation Device: Limited range short-distance teleportation
- Key Information:
- • Works for Arcane Conclave
- • Distrusts nobility
- • Keeps detailed records of magical anomalies
- • Inventor of experimental magical technologies
- Captain Marina Steelheart
- Medium humanoid (human) fighter 10
- • AC: 18 (Plate armor)
- • HP: 86 (10d10 + 30)
- • Speed: 30 ft.
- • STR 18 (+4) | DEX 14 (+2) | CON 16 (+3) | INT 12 (+1) | WIS 14 (+2) | CHA 16 (+3)
- Special Abilities:
- 1. Combat Maneuvers: Advanced tactical combat techniques
- 2. Leadership Aura: Grants morale bonuses to nearby allies
- 3. Weapon Specialization: Enhanced combat effectiveness with specific weapons
- Special Equipment:
- 1. Blade of Command: Longsword +1, can cast Command three times per day
- 2. Iron Fangs Badge: Advantage on Intimidation checks in Duskwatch
- 3. Tactical Medallion: Grants strategic advantages in combat
- Key Information:
- • Leads Iron Fangs mercenary company
- • Being blackmailed by noble houses
- • Knows about missing shipment contents
- • Maintains list of corrupt guard captains
- The Withering Veil: Comprehensive Campaign Setting
- Part 3: Key NPCs with Full Statistics (Continued)
- Relgar Trollknife
- Neutral Evil Dwarf Rogue 15/Assassin 5
- • AC: 24 (Mithral Chain Shirt +3, Ring of Protection +2)
- • HP: 165 (20d8 + 80)
- • Speed: 20 ft.
- • STR 14 (+2) | DEX 20 (+5) | CON 18 (+4) | INT 16 (+3) | WIS 14 (+2) | CHA 16 (+3)
- Special Abilities:
- 1. Death Attack (Assassin): If Relgar studies a target for three rounds before attacking, the target must make a DC 19 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds or killed outright.
- 2. Sneak Attack (Rogue): +8d6 precision damage on attacks with advantage or when flanking.
- 3. Evasion: No damage on successful Reflex saves; half damage on failure.
- 4. Uncanny Dodge: Cannot be flanked; retains Dexterity bonus to AC even when flat-footed.
- Notable Equipment:
- 1. Shadowbane (Unique Dagger +3):
- • On hit: Target must make a DC 17 Will save or become vulnerable to all damage for one round (Pathfinder: gain the shaken condition instead).
- • Can cast Greater Invisibility once per day.
- 2. Ring of Mind Shielding: Immune to detection via magic; stores Relgar's soul upon death.
- 3. Cloak of Displacement: Attacks against Relgar have a 50% miss chance until he is hit.
- Key Information:
- • Leader of the Shadowed Coin faction.
- • Mastermind behind the destabilization of Duskwatch.
- • Seeks revenge for the execution of his lover by noble houses.
- Sister Moira
- Medium humanoid (human) cleric 8
- • AC: 15 (Chain shirt)
- • HP: 62 (8d8 + 24)
- • Speed: 30 ft.
- • STR 12 (+1) | DEX 10 (+0) | CON 16 (+3) | INT 13 (+1) | WIS 18 (+4) | CHA 14 (+2)
- Special Abilities:
- 1. Turn Undead: Can turn undead creatures within a radius of 30 feet, forcing them to flee or cower on a failed Will save (DC = 10 + Cleric level + Charisma modifier).
- 2. Channel Energy: Heal living creatures or harm undead within a radius of 30 feet for up to 4d6 points of positive energy damage/healing.
- Special Equipment:
- 1. Amulet of Hope: Allies within 30 feet can reroll a saving throw result of "1."
- 2. Holy Symbol of Ilmater: +1 to spell save DC against undead.
- Key Information:
- • Runs an orphanage in the Guttermaze.
- • Knows about noble experiments but fears retaliation.
- • Has hidden tunnels under her orphanage.
- • Contact for the Church of Kelemvor.
- The Rat King (Pip Quickfingers)
- Small humanoid (halfling) rogue 7
- • AC: 16 (Studded leather)
- • HP: 49 (7d8 +14)
- • Speed: 25 ft.
- • STR 8 (-1) | DEX 18 (+4) | CON 14 (+2) | INT 16 (+3) | WIS 12 (+1) | CHA 15 (+2)
- Special Abilities:
- 1. Sneak Attack: +4d6 precision damage on attacks with advantage or when flanking.
- 2. Evasion: No damage on successful Reflex saves; half damage on failure.
- Special Equipment:
- 1. Cloak of Rats: Communicate with and control rats within a radius of up to 60 feet.
- 2. Thieves' Tools (+1): Grants advantage on lockpicking checks (Pathfinder: +2 competence bonus).
- Key Information:
- • Controls an underground information network.
- • Knows noble secrets and sewer routes.
- • Can provide safe passage through the Guttermaze.
- The Withering Veil: Comprehensive Campaign Setting
- Part 4: Event Timeline and Triggers
- This section provides a structured timeline for the campaign, with key events tied to player actions and faction dynamics. The timeline includes flexibility points to adapt to player choices, ensuring a dynamic and responsive story.
- Act 1: Initial Investigations (Levels 1–6)
- Week 1–2
- • Key Events:
- • Missing guild members reported.
- • Relgar makes initial contact through intermediaries (e.g., Varys Blackthorn or Shadowed Coin operatives).
- • Wine poisoning incidents begin, targeting nobles.
- • Triggers:
- • Players choose an initial investigation focus (missing guild members, poisoned wine, or ley line disruptions).
- Week 3–4
- • Key Events:
- • Iron Fangs increase patrols in the Copper Bazaar and Guttermaze.
- • First magical accident occurs in the Spire District, causing public panic.
- • Shadowed Coin begins moving assets in preparation for larger operations.
- • Triggers:
- • Discovery of noble involvement in smuggling or experiments.
- • Players encounter evidence linking Relgar to the Shadowed Coin.
- Week 5–6
- • Key Events:
- • Church of Kelemvor investigates undead activity in the Guttermaze.
- • Ley line disruptions intensify, causing strange phenomena across Duskwatch.
- • Children begin disappearing from the Guttermaze, sparking fear among residents.
- • Triggers:
- • Players find evidence of noble experiments tied to Relgar’s vendetta.
- Act 2: Escalating Crisis (Levels 7–13)
- Month 2
- • Key Events:
- • Trade routes are disrupted by smuggling operations and bandit attacks orchestrated by Relgar.
- • A major magical accident occurs in the Copper Bazaar, injuring dozens and destroying property.
- • Noble house corruption is revealed through leaked documents or intercepted messages.
- • Triggers:
- • Players must choose which faction to ally with (nobles, Shadowed Coin, Iron Fangs, or Church of Kelemvor).
- Month 3
- • Key Events:
- • Ley line nexus destabilizes, causing widespread magical anomalies.
- • Iron Fangs declare martial law in several districts to maintain order.
- • Underground networks are exposed as rival factions vie for control of Duskwatch’s underbelly.
- • Triggers:
- • Players discover Relgar’s past and his motivations for revenge against the nobles.
- Month 4
- • Key Events:
- • Assassinations of noble leaders begin, further destabilizing the city’s power structure.
- • Magical barriers protecting key locations fail, leaving them vulnerable to attack or infiltration.
- • Shadowed Coin makes a bold power play, seizing control of critical resources.
- • Triggers:
- • Players learn the significance of the prophecy and how it ties into Relgar’s ultimate plan.
- Act 3: Final Confrontation (Levels 14–20)
- Week 1–2 of Crisis
- • Key Events:
- • A deadly plague begins spreading through Duskwatch, further dividing its population.
- • Ley lines are fully corrupted, causing dimensional rifts and summoning extraplanar creatures.
- • Relgar reveals his true plan to dismantle Duskwatch’s power structure entirely.
- • Triggers:
- • Players gather faction support for the final confrontation.
- Week 3–4 of Crisis
- • Key Events:
- • City-wide chaos erupts as noble houses collapse and factions clash for dominance.
- • The location of the final confrontation is revealed (e.g., ley line nexus, noble estate, or Guttermaze).
- • Triggers:
- • Players must choose their final approach to stop Relgar (diplomacy, combat, or sabotage).
- Contingency Events
- Critical NPC Deaths
- 1. Sister Moira:
- If she dies, her apprentice takes over the orphanage but lacks her connections. Hidden documents reveal additional plots tied to noble experiments. The Church increases its involvement.
- 2. The Rat King:
- If he dies, his network splinters into competing factions. A new information broker emerges but demands higher prices for less reliable intel.
- 3. Captain Marina Steelheart:
- If she dies, the Iron Fangs split into rival factions vying for control. A power vacuum invites outside military forces to intervene in Duskwatch’s affairs.
- Location Compromises
- 1. Hidden Laboratory Destroyed:
- Research continues in backup facilities spread across multiple districts. Evidence is scattered, requiring players to piece together clues from various sites.
- 2. Thieves' Guild Exposed:
- Shadowed Coin operations move deeper underground, becoming harder to track. A new criminal organization emerges as a potential rival.
- 3. Ley Line Nexus Corrupted:
- Secondary ley line nodes activate elsewhere in the city, creating new hotspots of magical instability. Alternative power sources are revealed.
- Timeline Flexibility Points
- Early Game Flexibility (Act I)
- 1. Week-by-week investigations can occur in any order:
- • Missing guild members → poisoned wine → ley line disruptions → missing children.
- 2. Crisis triggers can be adjusted based on player focus:
- • Example: If players ignore guild members entirely, Shadowed Coin approaches them directly with evidence of noble corruption.
- Mid Game Flexibility (Act II)
- 1. Crisis types can adapt based on player successes or failures:
- • Example: If players secure trade routes early on, Relgar shifts focus to magical disasters instead.
- 2. Order of discoveries can be adjusted dynamically:
- • Example: If players prioritize ley line investigations over smuggling routes, they uncover Relgar’s destabilization efforts earlier.
- Late Game Flexibility (Act III)
- 1. Multiple final confrontation locations:
- • Ley line nexus (magical battle), noble estate (political intrigue), or Guttermaze (urban warfare).
- 2. Endings vary based on faction support:
- • United city vs. fractured power structure vs. complete collapse.
- The Withering Veil: Comprehensive Campaign Setting
- Part 5: Alternative Paths & Timeline Contingencies
- This section provides alternative paths for major plot points, fail-safe scenarios for critical NPCs or locations, and flexible timeline adjustments to ensure the campaign remains engaging regardless of player actions or outcomes.
- Major Plot Point Alternatives
- Act 1: Initial Investigation
- Primary Path: Players investigate missing guild members.Alternative Paths:
- 1. If Players Ignore Guild Members:
- • Shadowed Coin approaches the players directly with evidence of noble corruption.
- • Missing guild members are found dead, causing public panic.
- • Relgar reveals himself through a different intermediary (e.g., Varys Blackthorn).
- 2. If Players Side with Nobles Early:
- • Guild corruption is exposed, but Relgar plants false evidence to implicate innocent parties.
- • Investigation shifts to noble house rivalries and infighting.
- • Shadowed Coin becomes an adversary instead of an ally.
- 3. If Guild Investigation Fails:
- • The Church of Kelemvor takes over the investigation, focusing on undead activity.
- • The connection to noble experiments is revealed through a different route.
- Act 2: Escalating Crisis
- Primary Path: Trade disruption and magical accidents destabilize the city.Alternative Paths:
- 1. If Trade Routes Secured:
- • Relgar triggers magical disasters instead, forcing players to shift focus to ley line corruption.
- • Economic crisis becomes a magical crisis as nobles lose control over arcane infrastructure.
- 2. If Magical Accidents Prevented:
- • Relgar releases a deadly plague earlier than planned.
- • Players must shift focus to biological warfare and find a cure through ley line manipulation.
- 3. If Players Prevent Both:
- • Relgar activates sleeper agents within noble houses, initiating a political assassination campaign.
- • The crisis becomes one of governmental collapse as trust in leadership erodes.
- Act 3: Final Confrontation
- Primary Path: City-wide chaos erupts as plague and ley line corruption peak.Alternative Paths:
- 1. If Plague Contained:
- • A massive ley line explosion weakens dimensional barriers, threatening an extraplanar invasion.
- • Players must choose between defending the city or containing the magical breach.
- 2. If Players Unite Factions:
- • Relgar reveals an ancient dragon ally bound by his vendetta against Duskwatch’s elite.
- • The city must unite against this external threat, with players leading the charge.
- 3. If Players Take Control:
- • Relgar triggers a "dead man's switch," causing simultaneous disasters (e.g., plague resurgence, ley line collapse).
- • Players must prioritize which crises to address, shaping the city's fate through their choices.
- Fail-Safe Scenarios
- Critical NPC Deaths
- 1. Sister Moira Dies:
- • Her apprentice takes over the orphanage but lacks her connections and courage.
- • Hidden documents reveal additional plots tied to noble experiments.
- • The Church increases its involvement in protecting the Guttermaze.
- 2. The Rat King Dies:
- • His network splinters into competing factions, creating chaos in the underground.
- • A new information broker emerges but demands higher prices for less reliable intel.
- 3. Captain Marina Steelheart Dies:
- • The Iron Fangs split into rival factions vying for control of the mercenary company.
- • A power vacuum invites outside military forces to intervene in Duskwatch’s affairs.
- Location Compromises
- 1. Hidden Laboratory Destroyed:
- • Research continues in backup facilities spread across multiple districts.
- • Evidence is scattered, requiring players to piece together clues from various sites.
- 2. Thieves' Guild Exposed:
- • Shadowed Coin operations move deeper underground, becoming harder to track.
- • A new criminal organization emerges as a potential rival or ally depending on player actions.
- 3. Ley Line Nexus Corrupted:
- • Secondary ley line nodes activate elsewhere in the city, creating new hotspots of magical instability.
- • Alternative power sources are revealed, introducing new opportunities and dangers.
- Resource Management
- If City Treasury Emptied:
- • An alternative currency system emerges (e.g., barter or faction-specific tokens).
- • Outside economic intervention from neighboring regions creates new political tensions.
- If Magic Resources Depleted:
- • Ancient artifacts are activated as temporary power sources but come with risks (e.g., curses or side effects).
- • Technology begins to replace magic in some areas, changing Duskwatch’s cultural landscape.
- Faction Collapse Contingencies
- Noble Houses Collapse:
- • Hidden heirs emerge to reclaim lost power or create new alliances.
- • Outside noble families intervene, seeking control over Duskwatch’s resources.
- • A new political system forms (e.g., merchant councils or military rule).
- Church of Kelemvor Collapses:
- • Rival religions gain influence, introducing new moral dilemmas for players.
- • A secret faction within the church reveals itself as a potential ally or adversary.
- • A religious power vacuum destabilizes faith-based communities in Duskwatch.
- Arcane Conclave Collapses:
- • Independent mages seize power, creating a decentralized magical order.
- • A secretive magical society emerges with its own agenda for controlling ley lines.
- • New magical paradigms change how arcane energy is used in Duskwatch.
- Timeline Flexibility Points
- Early Game Flexibility (Act I)
- 1. Week-by-week investigations can occur in any order:
- • Missing guild members → poisoned wine → ley line disruptions → missing children.
- 2. Crisis triggers can be adjusted based on player focus:
- • Example: If players ignore guild members entirely, Shadowed Coin approaches them directly with evidence of noble corruption.
- Mid Game Flexibility (Act II)
- 1. Crisis types can adapt based on player successes or failures:
- • Example: If players secure trade routes early on, Relgar shifts focus to magical disasters instead.
- 2. Order of discoveries can be adjusted dynamically:
- • Example: If players prioritize ley line investigations over smuggling routes, they uncover Relgar’s destabilization efforts earlier.
- Late Game Flexibility (Act III)
- 1. Multiple final confrontation locations:
- • Ley line nexus (magical battle), noble estate (political intrigue), or Guttermaze (urban warfare).
- 2. Endings vary based on faction support:
- • United city vs. fractured power structure vs. complete collapse.
- The Withering Veil: Comprehensive Campaign Setting
- Part 6: Faction-Specific Magic Items (Part 1)
- Each faction in Duskwatch possesses unique magical items that reflect their values, goals, and methods. These items are designed to reward players for aligning with specific factions or completing faction-related quests.
- Shadowed Coin Items
- The Shadowed Coin specializes in stealth, subterfuge, and manipulation. Their items are ideal for rogues and those who operate in the shadows.
- Ring of the Veil
- Ring, very rare (requires attunement)
- This obsidian ring seems to shift and ripple like dark water.
- • Grants a +4 bonus to Disguise checks (Pathfinder: +4 competence bonus).
- • Cast Disguise Self once per day.
- • As a bonus action (swift action in Pathfinder), you can become invisible for 1 round when in dim light or darkness.
- Thief's Gambit
- Gloves, rare (requires attunement)
- These fingerless gloves are woven with shadowsilk.
- • Grants advantage on Sleight of Hand checks (Pathfinder: +2 competence bonus).
- • Cast Grease once per day.
- • When you succeed on a Sleight of Hand check, you can teleport up to 15 feet as a reaction (immediate action in Pathfinder).
- Ruling Council Items
- The Ruling Council’s items exude authority and power, reflecting their noble heritage and political dominance.
- Crown of Authority
- Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
- A delicate circlet of platinum and sapphires.
- • Grants a +2 bonus to Charisma checks (Pathfinder: +2 competence bonus).
- • Cast Command three times per day.
- • Advantage on saving throws against being charmed (Pathfinder: +4 resistance bonus to charm effects).
- Noble's Aegis
- Shield, very rare (requires attunement)
- A shield bearing the crest of Duskwatch's noble houses.
- • Grants +2 AC.
- • When hit by an attack, use your reaction to impose disadvantage (3 charges per day). (Pathfinder: Target rolls twice and takes the lower result).
- • Grants immunity to the frightened condition.
- Church of Kelemvor Items
- The Church of Kelemvor’s items are designed to protect against undead and bolster resilience in the face of death.
- Solemn Guardian
- Heavy armor, very rare (requires attunement)
- Plate armor etched with prayers to Kelemvor.
- • Base AC 19 (Pathfinder: functions as +3 full plate).
- • Advantage on death saving throws (Pathfinder: +4 resistance bonus on saves vs. death effects).
- • Undead within 10 feet have disadvantage on attack rolls (Pathfinder: -2 penalty on attack rolls).
- Death Warden's Mace
- Weapon (mace), rare (requires attunement)
- A silver mace with black iron bands.
- • Functions as a +1 mace.
- • Deals an additional 2d8 radiant damage to undead (Pathfinder: positive energy damage).
- • Can cast Speak with Dead once per day.
- Iron Fangs Items
- The Iron Fangs are mercenaries who value strength, loyalty, and martial prowess. Their items are designed to enhance combat effectiveness and provide tactical advantages.
- Battle Standard of the Iron Fangs
- Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
- A banner emblazoned with the Iron Fangs’ emblem, it radiates a sense of unity and courage.
- • Grants allies within 30 feet advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
- • As an action, you can plant the standard in the ground to create a 30-foot radius aura that grants allies +1 to attack rolls for 1 minute (3 charges; regains 1d3 charges daily at dawn).
- Fangblade
- Weapon (longsword), very rare (requires attunement)
- This finely crafted longsword is adorned with fang motifs, reflecting its deadly purpose.
- • Functions as a +2 longsword.
- • On a critical hit, it deals an additional 2d6 necrotic damage.
- • Once per long rest, you can use a bonus action to mark a target; for 1 minute, you deal an additional 1d6 damage to that target on each hit.
- Arcane Conclave Items
- The Arcane Conclave is dedicated to the study and preservation of magic. Their items enhance magical abilities and provide insights into arcane mysteries.
- Staff of Ley Lines
- Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
- A staff made from a single piece of ley line crystal, it hums with magical energy.
- • Grants a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls and spell save DCs.
- • Once per day, you can cast Control Weather without expending a spell slot.
- • You can use an action to absorb ambient magical energy; regain one expended spell slot of 3rd level or lower (once per long rest).
- Tome of Arcane Insights
- Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
- A leather-bound tome filled with arcane knowledge and rituals.
- • Grants advantage on Arcana checks (Pathfinder: +2 competence bonus).
- • Once per day, you can cast Identify without expending a spell slot.
- • When you finish a long rest while studying this tome, you can choose one spell you know; that spell does not require material components until your next long rest.
- These items not only provide mechanical benefits but also enhance role-playing opportunities by tying players' characters more closely to their chosen factions.
- The Withering Veil: Comprehensive Campaign Setting
- Part 7: District Encounter Tables
- This section provides encounter tables for each district of Duskwatch, allowing the Dungeon Master to create dynamic and engaging experiences as players explore the city. Each table includes a variety of encounters, ranging from combat to social interactions, tailored to the themes and characteristics of the districts.
- 1. The Spire District (Nobles’ Quarter)
- d6 Encounter Description
- 1 A noble is hosting a lavish party; players can mingle for information or attempt to steal something valuable.
- 2 A guard patrol confronts the players, demanding identification and questioning their presence in the district.
- 3 A street performer draws a crowd with magical illusions, providing an opportunity for distraction or pickpocketing.
- 4 Players witness a heated argument between two noble families over land disputes; they can intervene or eavesdrop for secrets.
- 5 An injured servant stumbles into the players, pleading for help against a corrupt noble who mistreats them.
- 6 A mysterious figure offers the players a lucrative job to retrieve a stolen family heirloom from a rival noble's estate.
- 2. The Copper Bazaar (Market District)
- d6 Encounter Description
- 1 A merchant is attempting to sell cursed items; players must decide whether to investigate or avoid the stall.
- 2 A brawl breaks out between rival merchants over territory; players can choose to intervene or take advantage of the chaos.
- 3 A pickpocket attempts to steal from one of the players; they can catch them in the act or let it happen.
- 4 Players encounter a street vendor selling rare magical ingredients; they can negotiate for discounts or attempt to haggle.
- 5 A city guard accuses a player of theft; they must prove their innocence or face arrest.
- 6 An old sage offers cryptic advice about upcoming events in Duskwatch, hinting at Relgar's plans.
- 3. The Guttermaze (Slums)
- d6 Encounter Description
- 1 Players hear rumors of children disappearing; they can investigate further by speaking with locals or searching alleys.
- 2 A band of thugs attempts to shake down the players for "protection money"; combat is likely unless players can negotiate.
- 3 Players find an abandoned child hiding from kidnappers; they must decide whether to help or leave them behind.
- 4 An underground market operates in secret; players can buy illegal goods or gather intel on local factions.
- 5 A fire breaks out in a nearby building, creating chaos; players can assist in rescuing people or loot in the confusion.
- 6 The Rat King contacts the players through a network of rats, offering information about noble secrets in exchange for favors.
- 4. The Whispering Spires (Arcane District)
- d6 Encounter Description
- 1 Players witness a magical experiment gone wrong, causing chaotic effects in the area; they must navigate hazards to escape.
- 2 A group of mages debates arcane theory loudly; players can join in for knowledge or challenge their ideas for rewards.
- 3 An apprentice mage seeks help retrieving a lost spellbook from a rival's tower; players can assist for potential rewards.
- 4 Players encounter an arcane guardian protecting an ancient artifact; they must solve riddles or defeat it to proceed.
- 5 A ley line anomaly causes strange phenomena (e.g., floating objects); players can investigate for magical insights or dangers.
- 6 An influential mage offers players a quest involving ley line manipulation, promising powerful rewards if successful.
- 5. The Saltwind Quarter (Docks)
- d6 Encounter Description
- 1 Players witness smugglers exchanging goods under cover of darkness; they can choose to intervene or gather intel on their operations.
- 2 A ship captain seeks crew members for a dangerous voyage; players can join for adventure and potential treasure.
- 3 A mysterious fog rolls in, obscuring vision and creating eerie sounds; players must navigate carefully to avoid dangers lurking within it.
- 4 An old sailor spins tales of sea monsters and lost treasures; players may want to investigate his claims further.
- 5 A dockworker collapses from exhaustion and hunger; players can choose to help him or ignore his plight amidst their own goals.
- 6 Players encounter an undercover agent from Shadowed Coin seeking allies among dockworkers for future operations against nobles.
- The Withering Veil: Comprehensive Campaign Setting
- Part 8: Trap Mechanics
- This section outlines various traps that can be utilized throughout Duskwatch, enhancing the atmosphere of danger and intrigue. Each trap includes a description, mechanics for triggering it, and potential consequences for players.
- 1. Poisoned Wine Trap
- Location: Noble estates or during social gatherings.
- Description: A seemingly fine vintage is laced with a potent poison.
- • Trigger: Drinking the poisoned wine or failing a DC 15 Perception check to notice the foul odor.
- • Effect: The affected character must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 3d6 poison damage and are poisoned for 1 hour. On a success, they take half damage and are not poisoned.
- • Consequences: If the noble host is poisoned, it may lead to chaos or an investigation that implicates the players.
- 2. Arcane Glyph Trap
- Location: Arcane laboratories or magical research facilities.
- Description: A hidden glyph of warding inscribed on the floor or wall.
- • Trigger: Stepping on the glyph or touching it without dispelling it first (DC 17 Arcana check).
- • Effect: The glyph explodes in a burst of magical energy, dealing 4d6 force damage in a 20-foot radius (DC 16 Dexterity saving throw for half damage).
- • Consequences: Players may attract unwanted attention from nearby mages or arcane guardians.
- 3. Collapsing Ceiling Trap
- Location: Abandoned buildings or hidden passages in the Guttermaze.
- Description: A poorly supported ceiling rigged to collapse when disturbed.
- • Trigger: Exceeding a weight limit of 500 lbs on the floor above or triggering a hidden mechanism (DC 14 Perception check).
- • Effect: The ceiling collapses, dealing 3d10 bludgeoning damage to anyone beneath it (DC 15 Dexterity saving throw for half damage).
- • Consequences: Players may become trapped under debris, requiring Strength checks to escape (DC 15).
- 4. Searing Flame Trap
- Location: Noble estates or guarded vaults.
- Description: A hidden mechanism that releases flames when triggered.
- • Trigger: Opening a door without disarming the trap (DC 16 Thieves' Tools check).
- • Effect: A jet of flame erupts from the door frame, dealing 3d8 fire damage (DC 16 Dexterity saving throw for half damage).
- • Consequences: Setting off this trap may alert guards or nearby enemies.
- 5. Illusory Wall Trap
- Location: Hidden passages or secret rooms in noble houses.
- Description: An illusory wall conceals a dangerous area behind it.
- • Trigger: Attempting to pass through without succeeding on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check to perceive the illusion.
- • Effect: Players fall into a pit trap (10-foot drop), taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage on landing and potentially triggering other traps below (e.g., spikes, poison gas).
- • Consequences: Players may become separated from their party if they fall into different sections of the trap.
- Using Traps in Your Campaign
- 1. Placement and Timing: Use traps to create tension during exploration, especially in areas where players may feel overconfident.
- 2. Player Agency: Allow players opportunities to detect and disarm traps using skills like Perception and Thieves' Tools.
- 3. Consequences of Failure: Ensure that failing to avoid traps leads to meaningful consequences that can affect the narrative or player resources.
- These traps can enhance encounters throughout Duskwatch, adding layers of danger and intrigue as players navigate the complex political landscape and hidden secrets of the city.
- Part 9: Unique Spells (Revised for D&D 3.5)
- This section introduces unique spells tailored for the campaign setting of Duskwatch, reflecting themes of intrigue, manipulation, and the interplay between light and shadow. Each spell includes a description, components, and special mechanics compatible with D&D 3.5.
- 1. Veil of Shadows
- • Level: 2nd
- • School: Illusion
- • Casting Time: 1 action
- • Range: Personal
- • Components: V, S
- • Duration: 1 minute
- Description:
- You cloak yourself in shadows, becoming partially invisible in dim light or darkness. While under the effects of this spell, you gain a +10 bonus on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide.Mechanics:
- • While in dim light or darkness, attackers must roll against your AC as if you had concealment (20% miss chance).
- • If you take damage, the spell ends immediately.
- 2. Whispering Secrets
- • Level: 3rd
- • School: Divination
- • Casting Time: 1 action
- • Range: 30 feet
- • Components: V, S, M (a drop of ink)
- • Duration: Instantaneous
- Description:
- You can extract a single piece of information from a creature within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or reveal a secret they know about a person, place, or event related to your inquiry.Mechanics:
- • On a failed save, the target must answer truthfully but may choose to withhold sensitive details at the DM's discretion.
- • If the target is unwilling (e.g., an enemy), they receive a +2 bonus on the saving throw.
- 3. Arcane Disruption
- • Level: 4th
- • School: Abjuration
- • Casting Time: 1 action
- • Range: 60 feet
- • Components: V, S, M (a pinch of powdered silver)
- • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
- Description:
- You disrupt the flow of magic in a designated area. Choose a point within range; a 20-foot radius sphere centered on that point becomes difficult terrain for spellcasters.Mechanics:
- • Creatures within the area must make a Constitution saving throw at the start of their turn or suffer a -2 penalty on their next spellcasting ability check or attack roll made with spells.
- • The area remains disrupted for the duration; any spells cast within it require an additional spell slot of one level higher than normal.
- 4. Shadow Bind
- • Level: 3rd
- • School: Conjuration
- • Casting Time: 1 action
- • Range: 30 feet
- • Components: V, S, M (a piece of black cloth)
- • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
- Description:
- You summon tendrils of shadow that bind a creature within range. The target must make a Strength saving throw or become restrained by shadowy chains.Mechanics:
- • A restrained creature can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC to break free.
- • While restrained in this way, the target takes 2d6 necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns.
- • If the target is in dim light or darkness when you cast this spell, they take an additional 1d6 necrotic damage.
- 5. Echoes of the Past
- • Level: 5th
- • School: Necromancy
- • Casting Time: 1 minute
- • Range: Touch
- • Components: V, S, M (a small mirror)
- • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
- Description:
- You reach into the fabric of time and summon echoes of past events that occurred in a location you touch. You can ask up to three questions about what happened there.Mechanics:
- • For each question asked, you receive a brief vision or auditory clue related to that question.
- • The answers are often vague and open to interpretation; it’s up to the DM to provide hints based on context.
- • If used in an area with significant magical energy (like ley line nodes), you gain a +2 bonus on your Insight checks related to those visions.
- The Withering Veil: Comprehensive Campaign Setting
- Part 10: Final Thoughts & Campaign Wrap-Up
- As we conclude the comprehensive campaign setting for "The Withering Veil," this section provides guidance on how to effectively run the campaign, adapt it to your players' choices, and wrap up the storyline in a satisfying manner.
- Running the Campaign
- 1. Player Agency:
- • Encourage players to make meaningful choices that impact the story. Their decisions should influence faction dynamics, the fate of Duskwatch, and the outcome of Relgar's plan.
- • Be prepared to adjust encounters and plot points based on player actions. This flexibility will keep the narrative engaging and responsive.
- 2. Factions and Interactions:
- • Emphasize the importance of factions in Duskwatch. Each faction has its own goals, secrets, and potential allies or enemies.
- • Provide opportunities for players to interact with various factions, whether through quests, social encounters, or conflicts. These interactions can lead to alliances or rivalries that shape the campaign's progression.
- 3. Atmosphere and Themes:
- • Utilize descriptive language to convey the atmosphere of Duskwatch—its decay, intrigue, and underlying tension. Create a sense of urgency as players navigate a city on the brink of chaos.
- • Incorporate themes of revenge, betrayal, and moral ambiguity throughout the campaign. Challenge players with difficult choices that test their characters' values and ethics.
- 4. Dynamic Encounters:
- • Use the encounter tables provided in Part 7 to create dynamic situations that reflect each district's unique character.
- • Mix combat encounters with social interactions, puzzles, and exploration to maintain variety and keep players engaged.
- Adapting the Storyline
- 1. Adjusting Difficulty:
- • Tailor encounters and challenges based on your players' experience levels and party composition. Ensure that combat encounters are balanced while still providing a sense of danger.
- • If players are struggling with certain aspects of the campaign, consider providing hints or alternative solutions to keep the story moving forward.
- 2. Expanding on NPCs:
- • Flesh out key NPCs by giving them personal motivations and backstories that tie into the main plot. Allow players to form connections with these characters, making their fates feel significant.
- • Consider introducing additional NPCs or factions if your players become particularly invested in certain storylines or themes.
- 3. Incorporating Player Backstories:
- • Integrate elements from your players' backstories into the main narrative. This can create personal stakes for each character and deepen their investment in the story.
- • Use flashbacks or dreams to reveal connections between characters and key events in Duskwatch’s history.
- Wrapping Up the Campaign
- 1. Climactic Confrontation:
- • Build toward a climactic confrontation with Relgar Trollknife where players must decide how to approach him—through combat, negotiation, or deception.
- • Consider multiple endings based on player choices throughout the campaign. Possible outcomes could include:
- • Relgar’s defeat leads to a power vacuum filled by various factions.
- • Players ally with Relgar for a shared goal against a greater threat.
- • A tragic ending where Relgar succeeds in his plan but at a great cost.
- 2. Epilogue:
- • After resolving the main conflict, provide an epilogue that reflects on how Duskwatch has changed based on player actions. This can include:
- • The fate of key NPCs and factions.
- • Changes in power dynamics within the city.
- • New opportunities or threats arising from their choices.
- 3. Future Adventures:
- • Leave room for future adventures by hinting at unresolved plot threads or new challenges emerging in Duskwatch or beyond.
- • Encourage players to explore new storylines or develop their characters further as they transition into new campaigns.
- Final Thoughts
- "The Withering Veil" is designed to be a rich and immersive experience filled with intrigue, moral dilemmas, and complex characters. By embracing player agency and adapting the story as it unfolds, you can create a memorable campaign that resonates with your players long after it concludes.
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