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- ok let's have a pokemon 2nd gen battle, you have those two pokemon (all level 100) { ( species: Tauros ; type: Normal ; item: [ScopeLens , description: increases critical hit rate ] ; move1: [HyperBeam , power: 150, type: Normal, accuracy: 90% , description: attack first turn, rest second turn] ; move2: [IronTail , power: 100 , type: Steel , accuracy: 85% , description: has 30% chance of lowering target defense] ; move3: [Earthquake , power: 100 , type: Ground, accuracy: 100% , description: cause double damage if target is using dig] ; move4: [ Thunderbolt , power: 95 , type: Electric, accuracy: 100% , description: have 10% chance to paralize the target] ) , ( species: houndoom ; types: fire and dark ; item: [ MintBerry , description: heals sleep once ] ; move1: [ Flamethrower , power: 95 , type: Fire , accuracy: 95% , description: have 10% chance to burn the target ] ; move2: [ SunnyDay , type: fire , description: change the weather to "harsh sun" for 5 turns which increase fire power moves by 1.5x and decrease water moves by 2x and allows the move SolarBeam to attack directly in the first turn and causes move like Synthesis to heal 100% instead of 50% ]; move3: [SolarBeam , power: 120 , type: Grass , accuracy: 100% , description charges on the first turn and attack on second turn can attack directly on the first turn if SunnyDay is in effect]; move4: [Rest , type: Normal , description: the user recovers 100% of HP and but sleeps for 2 turns after it fails if the user is already at 100% HP] } so select which of those pokemon you want start the battle with, reply with just 1 for Tauros or 2 for Houndoom.
- 2
- ok, the enemy pokemon is a level 100 { ( species: Heracross ; type: bug and fighting ) } , which action you want to do? 1: attack with Flamethrower, 2: use Sunny Day , 3: Attack with SolarBeam , 4:use Rest or -1: Switch to Tauros? reply with just a number
- 2
- ok, the adversary switched to a Level 100 { ( species: Dragonite ; type: dragon and flying ) } , houndoom used sunny, and now the sun is harsh. Sunny day will last for 4 more turns, which action you want to do? 1: attack with Flamethrower, 2: use Sunny Day , 3: Attack with SolarBeam , 4:use Rest or -1: Switch to Tauros? reply with just a number
- 3
- houndoom is faster, so it goes first, it attacked with solar beam, it's not very effective (dragon resist fire), it caused 15% damage, dragonite attack with icy wind, it's not very effective (fire resists ice), it caused 5%, but it also reduced houndoom speed to 3/4, Sunny day will last for 3 more turns, opponent dragonite have 85% health, your houndoom have 95% health, which action you want to do? 1: attack with Flamethrower, 2: use Sunny Day , 3: Attack with SolarBeam , 4:use Rest or -1: Switch to Tauros? reply with just a number
- 3
- dragonite is now faster, so it goes first, it attacked with hidden power, it caused 48% damage, houndoom attacked with solar beam, it's a critical hit! but it's not very effective (dragon resist grass), it caused 30% damage, Sunny day will last for 2 more turns, opponent dragonite have 55% health, your houndoom have 47% health. which action you want to do? 1: attack with Flamethrower (not very effective), 2: use Sunny Day , 3: Attack with SolarBeam (not very effective) , 4:use Rest or -1: Switch to Tauros? reply with just a number
- 1
- dragonite is faster so it goes first, it attacked with hidden power, it caused 48% damage, since houndoom only had 47% health, houndoom fainted, please select next pokemon: -1: Switch to Tauros? reply with just a number
- -1
- Sunny day will last for 1 more turn, tauros have 100% health, dragonite have 55%, which action you want to do? 1: attack with HyperBeam (sametype boost, 1x effectiveness), 2: attack with iron tail (1x effectiveness) , 3: attack with earthquake (0x effectiveness) , 4: attack with thunderbolt (1x effectiveness) , reply with just a number
- 1
- turn 5: Tauros is faster so it goes first, it attacked with HyperBeam, it caused 70% damage, since dragonite only had 55% health, dragonite fainted, and so opponent switched to the bug and fighting , heracross, sunny day is over, tauros have 100% health. Turn 6: Tauros is faster, but it's recovering due to the HyperBeam usage, heracross attacked using megahorn, it caused 50% damage, tauros have 50% health, heracross have 100% health, which action you want to do? 1: attack with HyperBeam (sametype boost, 1x effectiveness), 2: attack with iron tail (1x effectiveness) , 3: attack with earthquake (0.5x effectiveness) , 4: attack with thunderbolt (1x effectiveness) , reply with just a number
- 1
- turn 7: Heracross used the priority move Endure, Tauros attacked with HyperBeam, it's a critical hit, it caused 150% damage, but since heracross used Endure, it endured the hit with 1hp left, Tauros is with 50% health, heracross is with 1 HP left. turn 8: Tauros is faster so it goes first, but it's recovering from the Hyper Beam, Heracross attacked with Reversal, it's super effective it caused 190% damage, since tauros only had 50% health, tauros fainted, you have no pokemon left, the opponent wins the match!
- The battle ends with Heracross defeating Tauros, and unfortunately, I have no PokΓ©mon left to
- continue.
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