
Guide to Mineplex easter eggs

Jul 23rd, 2015
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  1. [b]I just made this as a place where people can find secret places, or maybe things they didn't know about. Some can be really useful for things like private coin bombs and giving friends eggs from the rabbit kit. Feel free to comment anymore you have found!
  2. [/b]
  3. [color=#dd2423]1. To start off on this list, here is the secret room in the lava mine. It is a small room they many people might have not even noticed! [/color]
  4. [b][size=5][color=#dd2423]Step 1[/color][/size][/b]
  5. Go to about here.
  6. [img][/img]
  7. [b][color=#2360dd][size=5]Step 2[/size][/color][/b]
  8. Fall down and you should see some signs and water.
  9. [img][/img]
  10. [b][color=#6cdd23][size=5]Step 3[/size][/color][/b]
  11. [img][/img]
  13. [color=#dd9323]2. Minecart tracks. Here is just a looping track that can be entered by a small opening near Big Larry Island.[/color]
  14. [img][/img]
  15. [img][/img]
  17. [color=#6cdd23]3. The edge of the game waiting area. If you fly off the main island with ender pearls/ dragons, you will eventually go to the the grass area, as seen in the superflat preset. Many of you might already know about this.[/color] :p
  18. [img][/img]
  20. [color=#239edd]4. Morgan Freeman. Many of you may have already know about this too![/color]
  21. [img][/img]
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