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- import random, time
- random.seed(42) # Select which puzzle to solve.
- SIZE = 4 # Set this to either 3 or 4.
- BLANK = ' ' # The string that represents the blank space:
- # Constants for directions:
- UP = 'up'
- DOWN = 'down'
- LEFT = 'left'
- RIGHT = 'right'
- def displayBoard(board):
- """Display `board` on the screen."""
- for y in range(SIZE):
- for x in range(SIZE):
- print(board[x][y] + ' ', end='')
- print() # Print a newline at the end of the row.
- def getNewBoard():
- """Return a list of lists that represents a new tile puzzle."""
- # NOTE: All the single digit numbers have a space in front of them.
- if SIZE == 3:
- return [[' 1', ' 4', ' 7'], [' 2', ' 5', ' 8'],
- [' 3', ' 6', BLANK]]
- elif SIZE == 4:
- return [[' 1', ' 5', ' 9', '13'], [' 2', ' 6', '10', '14'],
- [' 3', ' 7', '11', '15'], [' 4', ' 8', '12', BLANK]]
- def findBlankSpace(board):
- """Return an (x, y) tuple of the blank space's location."""
- for x in range(SIZE):
- for y in range(SIZE):
- if board[x][y] == BLANK:
- return (x, y)
- def makeMove(b, move):
- """Carry out the given move on the given board in `b`."""
- bx, by = findBlankSpace(b)
- if move == UP:
- b[bx][by], b[bx][by+1] = b[bx][by+1], b[bx][by]
- elif move == LEFT:
- b[bx][by], b[bx+1][by] = b[bx+1][by], b[bx][by]
- elif move == DOWN:
- b[bx][by], b[bx][by-1] = b[bx][by-1], b[bx][by]
- elif move == RIGHT:
- b[bx][by], b[bx-1][by] = b[bx-1][by], b[bx][by]
- def undoMove(board, move):
- """Do the opposite move of `move` to undo it on `board`."""
- if move == UP:
- makeMove(board, DOWN)
- elif move == DOWN:
- makeMove(board, UP)
- elif move == LEFT:
- makeMove(board, RIGHT)
- elif move == RIGHT:
- makeMove(board, LEFT)
- def getValidMoves(board):
- """Returns a list of the valid moves to make on this board."""
- blankx, blanky = findBlankSpace(board)
- validMoves = []
- if blanky != SIZE - 1: # Blank space is not on the bottom row.
- validMoves.append(UP)
- if blankx != SIZE - 1: # Blank space is not on the right column.
- validMoves.append(LEFT)
- if blanky != 0: # Blank space is not on the top row.
- validMoves.append(DOWN)
- if blankx != 0: # Blank space is not on the left column.
- validMoves.append(RIGHT)
- return validMoves
- def makeRandomMove(board):
- """Perform a slide in a random direction."""
- makeMove(board, random.choice(getValidMoves(board)))
- def getNewPuzzle():
- """Get a new puzzle by making random slides from a solved state."""
- board = getNewBoard()
- for i in range(200):
- makeRandomMove(board)
- return board
- def solve(board, maxMoves):
- """Attempt to solve the puzzle in `board` in at most `maxMoves`
- moves. Returns True if solved, otherwise False."""
- print('Attempting to solve in at most', maxMoves, 'moves...')
- solutionMoves = [] # A list of UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT values.
- solved = attemptMove(board, solutionMoves, maxMoves)
- if solved:
- displayBoard(board)
- for move in solutionMoves:
- print('Move', move)
- makeMove(board, move)
- print() # Print a newline.
- displayBoard(board)
- print() # Print a newline.
- print('Solved in', len(solutionMoves), 'moves:')
- print(', '.join(solutionMoves))
- return True # Puzzle was solved.
- else:
- return False # Unable to solve in maxMoves moves.
- def attemptMove(board, movesMade, maxMoves, iteration=1, lastMove=None):
- """A recursive function that attempts all possible moves on `board`
- until a solution is found or we've reached the `maxMoves` limit.
- Returns True if a solution was found, in which case, movesMade
- contains the series of moves to solve the puzzle. Returns False
- if no solution was found in `maxMoves` moves."""
- if iteration > maxMoves:
- return False # BASE CASE
- # Get the valid moves, but don't consider a move that would undo
- # the last move made on this board:
- validMoves = getValidMoves(board)
- if lastMove == UP and DOWN in validMoves:
- validMoves.remove(DOWN)
- if lastMove == DOWN and UP in validMoves:
- validMoves.remove(UP)
- if lastMove == LEFT and RIGHT in validMoves:
- validMoves.remove(RIGHT)
- if lastMove == RIGHT and LEFT in validMoves:
- validMoves.remove(LEFT)
- # Attempt each of the valid moves:
- for move in validMoves:
- # Make the move:
- makeMove(board, move)
- movesMade.append(move)
- if board == getNewBoard():
- # BASE CASE - Solved the puzzle:
- undoMove(board, move)
- return True
- else:
- # RECURSIVE CASE - Attempt another move:
- if attemptMove(board, movesMade, maxMoves, iteration + 1, move):
- # If the puzzle is solved, return True:
- undoMove(board, move)
- return True
- # Undo this last move to set up for the next move:
- undoMove(board, move)
- movesMade.pop() # Remove the last move since it was undone.
- return False # BASE CASE - Unable to find a solution.
- # Start the program:
- gameBoard = getNewPuzzle()
- displayBoard(gameBoard)
- input('Press Enter to solve...')
- startTime = time.time()
- maxMoves = 1
- while True:
- if solve(gameBoard, maxMoves):
- break # Break out of the loop when a solution is found.
- maxMoves += 1
- print('Run in', round(time.time() - startTime, 1), 'seconds.')
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