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- -- Rare Share Core module v0.6.1
- local AddonName, Addon = ...
- Addon.SoundID = 12867
- Addon.Cooldown = 210
- Addon.PreCooldown = 15
- function Addon.InitConfig()
- if RareShareDB == nil then RareShareDB = {} end
- if RareShareDB["Config"] == nil then RareShareDB["Config"] = {} end
- if RareShareDB["Config"]["ChatAnnounce"] == nil then RareShareDB["Config"]["ChatAnnounce"] = true end
- if RareShareDB["Config"]["Sound"] == nil then RareShareDB["Config"]["Sound"] = {} end
- if RareShareDB["Config"]["Sound"]["Master"] == nil then RareShareDB["Config"]["Sound"]["Master"] = true end
- if RareShareDB["Config"]["Sound"]["Rares"] == nil then RareShareDB["Config"]["Sound"]["Rares"] = true end
- if RareShareDB["Config"]["Sound"]["Duplicates"] == nil then RareShareDB["Config"]["Sound"]["Duplicates"] = true end
- if RareShareDB["Config"]["TomTom"] == nil then RareShareDB["Config"]["TomTom"] = {} end
- if RareShareDB["Config"]["TomTom"]["Master"] == nil then RareShareDB["Config"]["TomTom"]["Master"] = true end
- if RareShareDB["Config"]["TomTom"]["Rares"] == nil then RareShareDB["Config"]["TomTom"]["Rares"] = true end
- if RareShareDB["Config"]["TomTom"]["Duplicates"] == nil then RareShareDB["Config"]["TomTom"]["Duplicates"] = true end
- if RareShareDB["Config"]["OnDeath"] == nil then RareShareDB["Config"]["OnDeath"] = false end
- if RareShareDB["Config"]["CChannel"] == nil then RareShareDB["Config"]["CChannel"] = {} end
- if RareShareDB["Config"]["CChannel"]["CName"] == nil then RareShareDB["Config"]["CChannel"]["CName"] = tostring(nil) end
- if RareShareDB["Config"]["CChannel"]["CID"] == nil then RareShareDB["Config"]["CChannel"]["CID"] = 0 end
- if RareShareDB["LastAnnounce"] == nil then RareShareDB["LastAnnounce"] = {} end
- if RareShareDB["LastAnnounce"]["Time"] == nil then RareShareDB["LastAnnounce"]["Time"] = 0 end
- if RareShareDB["LastAnnounce"]["ID"] == nil then RareShareDB["LastAnnounce"]["ID"] = 0 end
- if RareShareDB["Modules"] == nil then RareShareDB["Modules"] = {} end
- end
- function Addon:Log(MSG, Level, MapID)
- local Module = self:GetModule(MapID)
- local Colour = Module.Colour
- local Title = Module.Title
- if (Level == 2) then
- Level = "|cffff001e" --[[ Red ]]
- elseif (Level == 3) then
- Level = "|cffad36ff" --[[ Purple ]]
- else
- Level = "|cff1eff00" --[[ Green ]]
- end
- print(Colour..Title.." "..Addon.Loc.Title..": "..Level..MSG)
- end
- function Addon:PlaySound()
- PlaySound(self.SoundID)
- end
- function Addon:CheckZone()
- local CurrMapID, ParentMapID = self:GetMapID()
- if self.Modules[CurrMapID] then
- return CurrMapID
- elseif self.Modules[ParentMapID] then
- return ParentMapID
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- function Addon:InitChat()
- if (self:GetChannelID() == 0) then
- C_Timer.After(1, function() self:InitChat() end)
- else
- RareShareDB["Config"]["CChannel"]["CID"] = self:GetChannelID()
- RareShareDB["Config"]["CChannel"]["CName"] = self:GetChannelText()
- end
- end
- function Addon:GetMapID()
- local MapID = C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit("player");
- if MapID == nil then return nil end
- local mapInfo = C_Map.GetMapInfo(MapID)
- local parentMapID = mapInfo["parentMapID"];
- return MapID, parentMapID
- end
- function Addon:GetChannelID()
- return GetChannelName(tostring(self:GetChannelText()))
- end
- function Addon:GetChannelText()
- local General = EnumerateServerChannels();
- local Zone = GetZoneText();
- if (General == nil or Zone == nil) then return nil end
- local Conn = " - "; if (GetLocale() == "ruRU") then Conn = ": " end
- return General..Conn..Zone
- end
- function Addon:GetNPCID(GUID)
- if GUID == nil then return GUID end
- local UnitType, _, _, _, _, UnitID = strsplit("-", GUID);
- if (UnitType == "Creature" or UnitType == "Vehicle") then
- return tonumber(UnitID);
- end
- return nil;
- end
- function Addon:GetHealthPercent(Curr, Max)
- return self:Round((Curr / Max * 100), 2)
- end
- function Addon:Round(number, decimals)
- return (("%%.%df"):format(decimals)):format(number)
- end
- function Addon:GetReadablePlayerPosition(MapID)
- local pos = C_Map.GetPlayerMapPosition(MapID,"player");
- return math.ceil(pos.x*10000)/100, math.ceil(pos.y*10000)/100
- end
- -- function Addon:CheckVignettes()
- -- local Module = self:GetModule(self.LastMap)
- -- local Vignettes = C_VignetteInfo.GetVignettes()
- -- for i, v in pairs(Vignettes) do
- -- local VignetteInfo = C_VignetteInfo.GetVignetteInfo(v)
- -- local ID = self:GetNPCID(VignetteInfo.objectGUID)
- -- if (Module.Rares[ID] ~= nil) then
- -- if Module.Rares[ID][2] < time() - RareShare.Cooldown then
- -- Module.Rares[ID][3] = true
- -- local x,y = (C_VignetteInfo.GetVignettePosition(v, self.LastMap)):GetXY()
- -- local Msg = Module.Rares[ID][1].." ".."?% ~("..self:Round(x * 100, 2)..", "..self:Round(y * 100, 2)..")"
- -- SendChatMessage(Msg ,"CHANNEL", nil, RareShareDB["Config"]["CChannel"]["CID"])
- -- self:Log("Rare found! Announcing to chat..", 1, self.LastMap)
- -- RareShareDB["LastAnnounce"]["ID"] = ID
- -- RareShareDB["LastAnnounce"]["Time"] = time()
- -- Module.Rares[ID][2] = time()
- -- Module.Rares[ID][4] = false
- -- if Module.Duplicates then Module.Duplicates(ID) end
- -- if (RareShareDB["Config"]["Sound"]["Master"] == true) and (RareShareDB["Config"]["Sound"]["Rares"] == true) then
- -- Addon:PlaySound()
- -- end
- -- if (Addon.TomTom == true) and (RareShareDB["Config"]["TomTom"]["Master"] == true) and (RareShareDB["Config"]["TomTom"]["Rares"] == true) then
- -- Addon:CreateTomTomWaypoint(x, y, Module.Rares[ID][1]);
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
- -- end
- function Addon:GetRarePos(ID)
- local Vignettes = C_VignetteInfo.GetVignettes()
- local Returned = false
- for i, v in pairs(Vignettes) do
- local VignetteInfo = C_VignetteInfo.GetVignetteInfo(v)
- local ID2 = self:GetNPCID(VignetteInfo.objectGUID)
- if ID == ID2 then
- local X, Y = (C_VignetteInfo.GetVignettePosition(VignetteInfo.vignetteGUID, Addon.LastMap)):GetXY()
- Returned = true
- return RareShare:Round(X * 100, 2), RareShare:Round(Y * 100, 2)
- end
- end
- if not Returned then
- return Addon:GetReadablePlayerPosition(Addon.LastMap)
- end
- end
- function Addon:AnnounceRare(ID, Name, HP, HPMax, X, Y)
- if (RareShareDB["LastAnnounce"]["ID"] == ID and RareShareDB["LastAnnounce"]["Time"] >= time() - Addon.Cooldown) then return end
- local HealthPercent = self:GetHealthPercent(HP, HPMax)
- local Faction = UnitFactionGroup("targettarget")
- local FactionStr = "Empty"
- if Faction == nil then
- FactionStr = "Untagged"
- else
- FactionStr = Faction.. " tagged"
- end
- local Msg =FactionStr..": "..Name.." "..HealthPercent.."% ~("..X..", "..Y..")"
- SendChatMessage(Msg ,"CHANNEL", nil, RareShareDB["Config"]["CChannel"]["CID"])
- self:Log(Addon.Loc.RareFound, 1, self.LastMap)
- RareShareDB["LastAnnounce"]["ID"] = ID
- RareShareDB["LastAnnounce"]["Time"] = time()
- local Module = self:GetModule(self.LastMap)
- Module.Rares[ID][2] = time()
- Module.Rares[ID][4] = false
- if Module.Duplicates then Module:Duplicates(ID) end
- if (RareShareDB["Config"]["Sound"]["Master"] == true) and (RareShareDB["Config"]["Sound"]["Rares"] == true) then
- Addon:PlaySound()
- end
- end
- function Addon:PreAnnounceRare(ID, Name, X, Y)
- if (RareShareDB["LastAnnounce"]["ID"] == ID and RareShareDB["LastAnnounce"]["Time"] >= time() - Addon.Cooldown) then return end
- local Msg = Name.." Sighted ~("..X..", "..Y..")"
- SendChatMessage(Msg ,"CHANNEL", nil, RareShareDB["Config"]["CChannel"]["CID"])
- self:Log("Rare found!", 1, self.LastMap)
- RareShareDB["LastAnnounce"]["ID"] = ID
- RareShareDB["LastAnnounce"]["Time"] = (time() - Addon.Cooldown+Addon.PreCooldown) --Verry short CD cause we want health + tagged info asap
- self:Log(Msg,1,self.LastMap)
- local Module = self:GetModule(self.LastMap)
- Module.Rares[ID][2] = (time() - Addon.Cooldown+Addon.PreCooldown) --Verry short CD cause we want health + tagged info asap
- Module.Rares[ID][4] = false
- if Module.Duplicates then Module:Duplicates(ID) end
- if (RareShareDB["Config"]["Sound"]["Master"] == true) and (RareShareDB["Config"]["Sound"]["Rares"] == true) then
- Addon:PlaySound()
- end
- if (Addon.TomTom == true) and (RareShareDB["Config"]["TomTom"]["Master"] == true) and (RareShareDB["Config"]["TomTom"]["Rares"] == true) then
- Addon:CreateTomTomWaypoint(X / 100, Y / 100, Name);
- end
- end
- local TomTomLastWaypoint
- local TomTomExpireTimer
- function Addon:CreateTomTomWaypoint(X, Y, Name)
- if TomTomLastWaypoint ~= nil then
- TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(TomTomLastWaypoint)
- end
- local X, Y = tonumber(strtrim(X)), tonumber(strtrim(Y))
- TomTomLastWaypoint = TomTom:AddWaypoint(RareShare.LastMap, X, Y, {
- title = Name,
- persistent = false,
- minimap = true,
- world = true
- });
- if TomTomExpireTimer ~= nil then TomTomExpireTimer:Cancel() end;
- TomTomExpireTimer = C_Timer.NewTimer(RareShare.Cooldown / 2, function()
- if TomTomLastWaypoint ~= nil then
- TomTom:RemoveWaypoint(TomTomLastWaypoint)
- end
- end)
- end
- RareShare = Addon
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