

Oct 14th, 2017
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  1. [16:10] <junh1024-XD> Poorchan isn't it surprising that i've ALREADY outgrown 15.1 surround.
  2. [16:11] <Poorchan> That is surprising.
  3. [16:11] <Poorchan> I don't even have any surround.
  4. [16:11] <Poorchan> 0 surround.
  5. [16:11] <Poorchan> *0.0 surround.
  6. [16:11] <junh1024-XD> *2.0 stereo earbuds
  7. [16:12] <junh1024-XD> Actually, I outgrew 15.1 surround FASTER than I outgrew 5.1 & 7.1
  8. [16:12] <Poorchan> Oh. Okay.
  9. [16:12] <Poorchan> 2.0!
  10. [16:12] <Poorchan> How do you outgrow it?
  11. [16:12] <@Mizi> !kc
  12. [16:12] <junh1024-XD> Mizi, you built Kinu
  13. [16:13] <junh1024-XD> 2012: mainstream 5.1 mixing
  14. [16:13] <junh1024-XD> 2014: 7.1 mainstream mixing
  15. [16:13] <junh1024-XD> dec 2016: 15.1 mixing
  16. [16:13] <junh1024-XD> oct 2017: 15.1 is not enough
  17. [16:14] <Wratha> waas just pinging
  18. [16:14] <junh1024-XD> so that's ~2 years each iteration except for 15.1
  19. [16:14] <Wratha> namedropping~
  20. [16:14] <Wratha> time for saberfacefluffytails
  21. [16:15] <junh1024-XD> I 'outgrew' 15.1 , because I was bumping into its deficincies, like hard to rotate, and no speakers for bottom rear
  22. [%] •·Notify·• Alastor went [offline] Network.:Rizon:.
  23. [16:15] <junh1024-XD> < pic here
  24. [16:17] <Wratha> these fluffy tails are cute
  25. [16:17] <junh1024-XD> (I actually only have 4 speakers, but I mix in more
  26. [16:27] <Poorchan> junh will only be satisfied once all their walls, floors, and cielings are speakers.
  27. [16:27] <Poorchan> 1000.1 surround.
  28. [16:30] <junh1024-XD> nah, just 7 more would be nice
  29. [16:30] <junh1024-XD> a few months earlier, i was like
  30. [16:31] <junh1024-XD> "ok, now that I'm using my 15.1 system, what will I b using next? ambisonics? AHAHAHAHAHA"
  31. [16:31] <junh1024-XD> but now i'm writing a few ambisonics tools
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