
novabot commands

Apr 29th, 2017
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text 1.50 KB | None | 0 0
  1. nb.suggest
  2. nb.md5
  3. nb.sha1
  4. nb.title url
  5. nb.furget
  6. nb.furset
  7. nb.whatchannelisthis
  8. !help
  10. nb.version
  11. nb.timemsg amount h/m/s mesage
  12. nb.timechk timer_number
  13. nb.spawnclear (clears out all your timers)
  14. nb.fadl furaffinity_link
  15. nb.sq squirrel code (also nb.squirrel)
  16. nb.calc squirrel expression (also sqcalc, sqmath, sqprint, sqc, sqm, sqp, math)
  17. nb.lammy
  18. nb.would
  19. nb.myspecibus
  20. nb.should
  21. nb.rot13 text
  22. nb.allcaps text
  23. nb.altcaps text
  24. nb.randcaps text
  25. nb.bouncycaps text
  26. nb.rainbow text
  27. nb.rainbow4 text
  28. nb.rainbowcaps text
  29. nb.hstroll code text
  30. nb.chbs
  31. nb.ggenie game genie code, or code and value
  32. nb.echo text
  33. nb.backwards text
  34. nb.backwords text
  35. nb.strlen text
  36. nb.dateplus m/d/y days (also "now" works as a date)
  37. nb.datediff m/d/y m/d/y
  38. nb.dayofweek m/d/y
  39. nb.krypto a b c d e f
  40. nb.curtime
  41. nb.pythag a b c
  42. nb.davyiff target
  43. nb.yiff target
  44. nb.ppuaddris address
  45. nb.givejuice type
  46. nb.abuse
  47. nb.yiffisillegal
  48. nb.nespal
  49. nb.winkler
  50. nb.ib
  51. nb.myiff
  52. nb.syiff
  53. nb.false false program
  54. nb.thou
  55. nb.thou person
  56. nb.se1 text to encrypt
  57. nb.kiss nick
  58. nb.kill nick
  59. nb.choice a/b/c/d/e/f
  60. nb.learned
  61. nb.alabash
  62. nb.spambash
  63. nb.drunkbash
  64. nb.gmquote
  65. nb.firebash
  66. nb.rand
  67. nb.rand2
  68. nb.dice dice sides
  69. nb.dice2 dice sides
  70. nb.vdpaddr address
  71. nb.zmulbyadd value
  72. nb.convbase value
  73. nb.ord string
  74. nb.chr ascii values
  75. nb.ordx string
  76. nb.chrx ascii values
  77. nb.jumpengine
  78. nb.beep
  80. nb.getmeasoda
  81. nb.getmeasexysoda
  82. nb.getmeafuckingsoda
  83. nb.logs
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