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- local IgnorePlayersNamed = {NAME=true} -- Name = true or false
- --[[
- [J] - To go down the list.
- [U] - To go up the list.
- [H] - To toggle that item in the list.
- [RMB] - To aim at your target using the current settings. (THIS UPDATES IN LIVE TIME SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO STOP AIMING FOR IT TO TAKE EFFECT)
- --]]
- local services = setmetatable({
- World = game:GetService('Workspace');
- Players = game:GetService('Players');
- Input = game:GetService('UserInputService');
- Run = game:GetService('RunService');
- UI = game:GetService('StarterGui');
- },{
- __index = function(tab,index)
- local serv
- local ran,err = pcall(function() serv=game:service(index) end)
- if ran then
- tab[index] = serv
- return serv
- end
- end
- })
- local cre = function(class,parent)
- local create = LoadLibrary('RbxUtility').Create
- return function(props)
- local inst = create(class)(props)
- inst.Parent = parent
- return inst
- end
- end
- local ResizeUI = function(ui,downscale,byclass)
- if not rawequal(ui['ClassName'],'ScrollingFrame') then print('This was mean\'t for scrolling frames.') return end
- local count = 0;
- for __, asset in next, (ui:GetChildren()) do
- if rawequal(asset['ClassName'],byclass) then
- count = count + 1
- end
- end
- ui['CanvasSize'] =,ui.CanvasSize.X.Offset,ui.CanvasSize.Y.Scale,downscale*count)
- end
- local wfc, ffc, ffoc, cast, ray = services.World.WaitForChild, services.World.FindFirstChild, services.World.FindFirstChildOfClass, services.World.FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList,
- local wfcoc = function(p,class)
- local obj
- repeat services.Run.RenderStepped:wait()
- obj = p:FindFirstChildOfClass(class)
- until obj
- return obj
- end
- local Client = services.Players.LocalPlayer
- local ClientUI = wfc(Client,'PlayerGui')
- local ClientMouse = Client:GetMouse()
- local ClientModel = Client.Character or Client.CharacterAdded:wait()
- local ClientCamera = services.World.CurrentCamera
- local ClientHumanoid = wfcoc(ClientModel,'Humanoid')
- local ClientActiveUI;
- local status = {
- Enabled = false,
- TeamCheck = false,
- HeadsOnly = false,
- RayCheck = true,
- AutoAim = false,
- }
- local function toggle(button)
- local option, val = button['Text']:match('(.*):%s*(.*)')
- status[option] = not status[option]
- if status[option] then
- button.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0)
- else
- button.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0)
- end
- button.Text = option .. ': ' .. tostring(status[option])
- end
- local selection = {}
- local select_pos = 1
- local current_pos = 0
- local __ = function()
- if ffc(game.CoreGui, '___') then return end
- local GUI = cre('ScreenGui',game:GetService('CoreGui')){
- Name = '___';
- }
- local Frame = cre('ScrollingFrame',GUI){
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- BorderSizePixel = 0,
- Name = 'Options',
- Position =,0,.915,0),
- Size =,0,0,30),
- ZIndex = 10,
- ClipsDescendants = true,
- CanvasSize =,0,0,0),
- ScrollBarThickness = 0,
- ScrollingEnabled = false,
- }
- local UILL = cre('UIListLayout',Frame){
- Name = 'LayoutHandler',
- FillDirection = 'Vertical',
- HorizontalAlignment = 'Center',
- SortOrder = 'LayoutOrder',
- VerticalAlignment = 'Top'
- }
- local Template = cre('TextButton',nil){
- BackgroundTransparency = 1,
- BorderSizePixel = 0,
- Name = 'Template',
- Size =,0,0,30),
- Font = 'SciFi',
- Text = '',
- TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255),
- TextScaled = true,
- TextWrapped = true,
- }
- local TSC = cre('UISizeConstraint',Template){
- Name = 'TemplateSizeConstraint',
- MaxSize =,30),
- }
- Frame['ChildAdded']:connect(function()
- ResizeUI(Frame,30,'TextButton')
- end)
- local sel_pos = 0
- for option, val in next, status do
- local tp = Template:Clone()
- tp.Name = option
- tp.Text = option .. ': ' .. tostring(val)
- if status[option] then
- tp.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0)
- else
- tp.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0)
- end
- sel_pos = sel_pos + 1
- selection[sel_pos] = tp
- tp.Parent = Frame
- end
- Frame.CanvasPosition =, current_pos)
- return Frame
- end
- Client['CharacterAdded']:connect(function(c)
- ClientModel = c
- ClientHumanoid = wfcoc(ClientModel,'Humanoid')
- ClientActiveUI.Parent.Parent = nil
- ClientActiveUI = coroutine.wrap(__)()
- end)
- ClientActiveUI = coroutine.wrap(__)()
- local right_down, keylogs, inputlogs = nil, {}, {}
- services.Input.InputBegan:connect(function(input, procc)
- keylogs[input.KeyCode],inputlogs[input.UserInputType] = true, true;
- if not ClientActiveUI then return end
- if keylogs[Enum.KeyCode.U] and current_pos >= 30 then
- select_pos = select_pos - 1
- current_pos = current_pos - 30
- ClientActiveUI.CanvasPosition =,current_pos)
- elseif keylogs[Enum.KeyCode.J] and current_pos < ClientActiveUI.CanvasSize.Y.Offset - 30 then
- select_pos = select_pos + 1
- current_pos = current_pos + 30
- ClientActiveUI.CanvasPosition =,current_pos)
- elseif keylogs[Enum.KeyCode.H] then
- if selection[select_pos] then
- toggle(selection[select_pos])
- end
- end
- end)
- services.Input.InputEnded:connect(function(input, procc)
- keylogs[input.KeyCode],inputlogs[input.UserInputType] = false, false;
- end)
- local function GetPlayerFromCharacter(mod)
- if not mod:IsA('Model') then return end
- for __, client in next, services.Players:GetPlayers() do
- if rawequal(string.lower(client['Name']):sub(1,#mod['Name']),mod['Name']:lower()) then
- return client, client['Name']
- end
- end
- return nil, 'N/A'
- end
- local function Search()
- local t = {}
- for __, child in next, services.World:GetChildren() do
- local UserFromCharacter = GetPlayerFromCharacter(child)
- if UserFromCharacter then
- if child:IsA('Model') and not rawequal(UserFromCharacter,Client) then
- local h = ffoc(child,'Humanoid')
- if h and h.Health > 0 then
- table.insert(t, {child,UserFromCharacter})
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return t
- end
- local function cast_ray(p0,p1,blacklist)
- local Part
- local __=0
- repeat
- __=__+1
- local cond=(p1-p0).magnitude < 999
- Part,p0=cast(workspace,ray(p0,cond and p1-p0 or (p1-p0).unit*999),blacklist)
- if Part then
- if Part.CanCollide==false or Part.Transparency==1 then
- blacklist[#blacklist+1]=Part
- Part=nil
- end
- elseif cond or __ > 15 then
- break
- end
- until Part
- return Part,p0
- end
- services.Run.RenderStepped:connect(function()
- local Storage = {}
- if status['Enabled'] and (inputlogs[Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2] or status['AutoAim']) then
- Storage = Search()
- local dot, face = -1
- for __, info in next, (Storage) do
- local h = ffc(info[1],'Humanoid')
- local skip;
- if not inputlogs[Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2] and not status['AutoAim'] then return end
- if not info[1] or not info[2] or IgnorePlayersNamed[info[2]['Name']] or ffoc(info[1],'ForceField') then skip = true end
- if not ffc(info[1],'HumanoidRootPart') then skip = true end
- if h and h['Health'] > 0 then
- if status['TeamCheck'] then
- if Client['TeamColor'] == info[2]['TeamColor'] then
- skip = true
- end
- end
- if not skip then
- local cc = ClientCamera.CFrame
- local pos = status['HeadsOnly'] and info[1]['HumanoidRootPart'].CFrame.p +,1.5,0) or info[1]['HumanoidRootPart'].Position
- local HitPart=cast_ray(cc.p,pos,{ClientCamera,ClientModel})
- if not (status['RayCheck'] and HitPart) or info[1]:IsAncestorOf(HitPart) then
- local m = (pos-cc.p).unit:Dot(cc.lookVector)
- if rawequal(m,m) and m > dot then
- dot, face= m, pos
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if face then
- ClientCamera.CFrame =,face) *,0,0.5)
- end
- end
- end)
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