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- var map = File.ReadAllLines("input.txt").Select(s => s.Select(c => int.Parse(c.ToString())).ToArray()).ToArray();
- var queue = new PriorityQueue<Path, int>();
- var visited = new HashSet<string>();
- queue.Enqueue(new Path(new(0, 0), Direction.Right, 0), 0);
- var totalHeat = 0;
- while (queue.Count > 0)
- {
- var path = queue.Dequeue();
- if (path.Position.Row == map.Length - 1 && path.Position.Col == map[0].Length - 1)
- {
- totalHeat = path.Heat;
- break;
- }
- if (path.StraightLineLength < 3)
- {
- TryMove(path, path.Direction);
- }
- TryMove(path, path.Direction.TurnLeft());
- TryMove(path, path.Direction.TurnRight());
- }
- Console.WriteLine($"Part 1: {totalHeat}");
- queue.Clear();
- queue.Enqueue(new Path(new(0, 0), Direction.Right, 0), 0);
- queue.Enqueue(new Path(new(0, 0), Direction.Down, 0), 0);
- totalHeat = 0;
- visited.Clear();
- while (queue.Count > 0)
- {
- var path = queue.Dequeue();
- if (path.Position.Row == map.Length - 1 && path.Position.Col == map[0].Length - 1 && path.StraightLineLength >= 4)
- {
- totalHeat = path.Heat;
- break;
- }
- if (path.StraightLineLength < 10)
- {
- TryMove(path, path.Direction);
- }
- if (path.StraightLineLength >= 4)
- {
- TryMove(path, path.Direction.TurnLeft());
- TryMove(path, path.Direction.TurnRight());
- }
- }
- Console.WriteLine($"Part 2: {totalHeat}");
- return;
- void TryMove(Path path, Direction direction)
- {
- var candidate = new Path(path.Position.Move(direction), direction, direction == path.Direction ? path.StraightLineLength + 1 : 1);
- if (candidate.Position.Row < 0 || candidate.Position.Row >= map.Length ||
- candidate.Position.Col < 0 || candidate.Position.Col >= map[0].Length)
- {
- return;
- }
- var key = $"{candidate.Position.Row},{candidate.Position.Col},{candidate.Direction.Row},{candidate.Direction.Col},{candidate.StraightLineLength}";
- if (visited.Contains(key))
- {
- return;
- }
- visited.Add(key);
- candidate.Heat = path.Heat + map[candidate.Position.Row][candidate.Position.Col];
- queue.Enqueue(candidate, candidate.Heat);
- }
- internal class Path(Position position, Direction direction, int straightLineLength)
- {
- public readonly Position Position = position;
- public readonly Direction Direction = direction;
- public readonly int StraightLineLength = straightLineLength;
- public int Heat { get; set; }
- }
- internal class Direction(int row, int col)
- {
- public readonly int Row = row;
- public readonly int Col = col;
- public Direction TurnLeft()
- {
- return new Direction(-Col, Row);
- }
- public Direction TurnRight()
- {
- return new Direction(Col, -Row);
- }
- public static Direction Up = new(-1, 0);
- public static Direction Down = new(1, 0);
- public static Direction Left = new(0, -1);
- public static Direction Right = new(0, 1);
- }
- internal class Position(int row, int col)
- {
- public readonly int Row = row;
- public readonly int Col = col;
- public Position Move(Direction dir)
- {
- return new Position(Row + dir.Row, Col + dir.Col);
- }
- }
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