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- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Created on Mon Apr 22 09:45:34 2024
- @author: lab
- """
- import numpy as np
- from fractions import Fraction # so that numbers are not displayed in decimal.
- print("\n****Simplex Algorithm ****\n\n")
- # ‘A’ will contain the coefficients of the constraints
- A = np.array([[1, 1, 0, 1], [2, 1, 1, 0]])
- # b will contain the amount of resources
- b = np.array([8, 10])
- # c will contain coefficients of objective function Z
- c = np.array([1, 1, 0, 0])
- # ‘B’ will contain the basic variables that make identity matrix
- cb = np.array(c[3])
- B = np.array([[3], [2]])
- # cb contains their corresponding coefficients in Z
- cb = np.vstack((cb, c[2]))
- xb = np.transpose([b])
- # combine matrices B and cb
- table = np.hstack((B, cb))
- table = np.hstack((table, xb))
- # combine matrices B, cb and xb
- # finally combine matrix A to form the complete simplex table
- table = np.hstack((table, A))
- # change the type of table to float
- table = np.array(table, dtype ='float')
- MIN = 0
- print("Table at itr = 0")
- print("B \tCB \tXB \ty1 \ty2 \ty3 \ty4")
- for row in table:
- for el in row:
- print(Fraction(str(el)).limit_denominator(100), end ='\t')
- print()
- print()
- print("Simplex Working....")
- # when optimality reached it will be made 1
- reached = 0
- itr = 1
- unbounded = 0
- alternate = 0
- while reached == 0:
- print("Iteration: ", end =' ')
- print(itr)
- print("B \tCB \tXB \ty1 \ty2 \ty3 \ty4")
- for row in table:
- for el in row:
- print(Fraction(str(el)).limit_denominator(100), end ='\t')
- print()
- # calculate Relative profits-> cj - zj for non-basics
- i = 0
- rel_prof = []
- while i<len(A[0]):
- rel_prof.append(c[i] - np.sum(table[:, 1]*table[:, 3 + i]))
- i = i + 1
- print("rel profit: ", end =" ")
- for profit in rel_prof:
- print(Fraction(str(profit)).limit_denominator(100), end =", ")
- print()
- i = 0
- b_var = table[:, 0]
- # checking for alternate solution
- while i<len(A[0]):
- j = 0
- present = 0
- while j<len(b_var):
- if int(b_var[j]) == i:
- present = 1
- break
- j += 1
- if present == 0:
- if rel_prof[i] == 0:
- alternate = 1
- print("Case of Alternate found")
- i += 1
- print()
- flag = 0
- for profit in rel_prof:
- if profit>0:
- flag = 1
- break
- # if all relative profits <= 0
- if flag == 0:
- print("All profits are <= 0, optimality reached")
- reached = 1
- break
- # kth var will enter the basis
- k = rel_prof.index(max(rel_prof))
- min_val = 99999
- i = 0
- r = -1
- # min ratio test (only positive values)
- while i<len(table):
- if (table[:, 2][i]>0 and table[:, 3 + k][i]>0):
- val = table[:, 2][i] / table[:, 3 + k][i]
- if val < min_val:
- min_val = val
- r = i # leaving variable
- i += 1
- # if no min ratio test was performed
- if r == -1:
- unbounded = 1
- print("Case of Unbounded")
- break
- print("pivot element index:", end =' ')
- print(np.array([r, 3 + k]))
- pivot = table[r][3 + k]
- print("pivot element: ", end =" ")
- print(Fraction(pivot).limit_denominator(100))
- # perform row operations
- # divide the pivot row with the pivot element
- table[r, 2:len(table[0])] = table[r, 2:len(table[0])] / pivot
- # do row operation on other rows
- i = 0
- while i<len(table):
- if i != r:
- table[i, 2:len(table[0])] = table[i, 2:len(table[0])] - table[i][3 + k] * table[r, 2:len(table[0])]
- i += 1
- # assign the new basic variable
- table[r][0] = k
- table[r][1] = c[k]
- print()
- print()
- itr += 1
- print()
- print("***************************************************************")
- if unbounded == 1:
- print("UNBOUNDED LPP")
- exit()
- if alternate == 1:
- print("ALTERNATE Solution")
- print("optimal table:")
- print("B \tCB \tXB \ty1 \ty2 \ty3 \ty4")
- for row in table:
- for el in row:
- print(Fraction(str(el)).limit_denominator(100), end ='\t')
- print()
- print()
- print("value of Z at optimality: ", end =" ")
- basis = []
- i = 0
- sum_val = 0
- while i < len(table):
- sum_val += c[int(table[i][0])] * table[i][2]
- temp = "x" + str(int(table[i][0]) + 1)
- basis.append(temp)
- i += 1
- # if MIN problem make z negative
- if MIN == 1:
- print(-Fraction(str(sum_val)).limit_denominator(100))
- else:
- print(Fraction(str(sum_val)).limit_denominator(100))
- print("Final Basis: ", end =" ")
- print(basis)
- print("Simplex Finished...")
- print()
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