
FGL-RP Case Guidelines

Dec 13th, 2017
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This is required reading by all staff members

A case report must be filed for every administrative action taken by staff members. This includes bans, deleting messages, official warnings, and so on. Reports are only for action taken in an official capacity.

you DON'T need a report for things like "unofficial warnings", that aren't permanent marks against the individual. "requested deletion", if someone asks you to delete their own post. Normal "maintenance", Etc...

Heart is Valuable

A reminder to staff:

Staff should try their best to not not assume malice when presented with a case. Strive to be understanding and empathetic to all sides of a situation. Tolerance and leniency is strongly encouraged, but is ultimately up to the discretion of the staff.

If you deem action necessary, then follow the steps bellow.

  1. Gathering Evidence
    IMPORTANT: if the infraction involved illegal content, do NOT gather evidence. Delete the infringing material immediately, and cite this policy in your report to explain the lack of evidence.

    Take a screenshot of any evidence.
    Include any relevant context.
    If needed, clean it up by cropping unneeded space.

  2. Take Action
    Take the administrative action you deem required.
    Only continue on to step 3 after the situation is resolved.

  3. Obtaining a Case Number.
    Click This Link to obtain a case number. Then go to the "Event-Log" channel and search for that number. If the case number is in use, repeat this step.

  4. Making a Case Header.
    The report heading (first line) must follow the syntax:

    The individuals must be @mentioned (if possible).
    Your final heading will look like this example:
    [Case 1234567 : posting NSFW material, banned, @Alæstor#9218]

  5. Writing The Case Report
    Go to the "Event-Log" channel. Put the case header first. Write out what happened, what you did, and why. If your report spans multiple posts, please include a [Case NUMBER] at the top of each post.

    Please remember that these case reports are public. Observe our Public Information policy.

    Only an administrator can delete logs, so proof-read carefully.

  6. Filing Evidence
    Once you have filed case report into the Event-Log channel, go to the Evidence channel and upload the relevant evidence with the [Case NUMBER] heading.

    Only the case-manager and the administration can see filed evidence.

    If the content is too big to be uploaded or contains many separate things, temporarily upload it as a compressed archive to a hosting site like or MEGA and contact an Administrator. They will download the evidence and store it properly. Then you may remove the one you hosted.

  7. Filing Amendments to a Case
    All amendments to a case, or added comments, or appeals, must begin with the [Case NUMBER] heading.

Noblesse Oblige

Thank you for your continued service.

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