
Predator Eyes Of The Demon 60

Feb 1st, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Was it the same creature that I had encountered as a child? I wanted to ask it so many questions but then I remembered what else lurked out there.
  3. I pushed myself up. "You must go..."
  5. The Sasquatch leaned back, its eyes narrowing at me. I could only assume its expression meant it didn't quite understand.
  7. "There's a hunter-'
  9. I was too late. A net of ultra-thin wire unfurled over the Sasquatch, wrapping around it from head to toe. The creature bulked out its muscles and tried to wrench the net off, to no avail. The more it fought to remove the net, the tighter the net constricted around it, biting into its flesh. It looked at me, panicked, as if I'd betrayed it.
  11. "No, no, it's not me-"
  13. The net was yanked back and the Sasquatch fell on its rear. A ghost materialized in the darkness. It was the hunter, no longer shimmering or camouflaged, but as real and as huge and as mighty as the Sasquatch. It holstered a gun-like device that must have shot the net, then pressed a button on a glowing panel on its wrist gauntlet. The net retracted toward it. The tangled Sasquatch fell on its back, and was dragged, kicking and flailing and shrieking, toward the hunter.-pg.334 chpt.12
  15. I reached for the glowing panel on its wrist gauntlet and pressed every single button on it, hoping one would do what I wanted. One did. The wire net went slack and dilated. The hunter swatted me with its other arm and sent me flying. I struck a tree, breaking more than a few ribs this time.
  16. But my desperate act worked. The Sasquatch, its hair coated in blood, its body a lattice of cuts and slices, crawled free of the net and lifted itself up to face the hunter. It was a foot taller and probably the same in width. It bared its white fangs and bellowed in rage.
  18. The hunter stepped back to aim its cannon. Before it could get off a shot, the Sasquatch grabbed the hunter's arm and snapped it at the joint. The hunter screamed, a sound like a nest of hornets enraged, as it fired a blue energy bolt. It missed. A limp arm wasn't going to stop the hunter.-pg.335 chpt.12
Tags: Predator
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