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- --
- --для работы нужна библиотека liteECSapi
- local rs
- local component = require("component")
- local gpu = component.gpu
- local unicode = require("unicode")
- local ecs = require("liteECSapi")
- local sides = require("sides")
- local event = require("event")
- local fs = require("filesystem")
- local serialization = require("serialization")
- if not component.isAvailable("redstone") then
- ecs.error("This program requires Redstone I/O block or Redstone Card to work.")
- return
- else
- rs =
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local colors = {
- background = 0x202020,
- borders = 0xFFDD00,
- }
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local keyPad = {
- {"1", "2", "3"},
- {"4", "5", "6"},
- {"7", "8", "9"},
- {"*", "0", "#"},
- }
- local xSize, ySize
- local buttons = {}
- local biometry = {}
- local input
- local password = "12345"
- local showPassword = true
- local showKeyPresses = true
- local nicknames = {
- "serafim"
- }
- local pathToConfig = "System/CodeDoor/Config.cfg"
- local function saveConfig()
- local file =, "w")
- local massiv = {["password"] = password, ["nicknames"] = nicknames, ["showPassword"] = showPassword, ["showKeyPresses"] = showKeyPresses}
- file:write(serialization.serialize(massiv))
- file:close()
- end
- local function loadConfig()
- if fs.exists(pathToConfig) then
- local massiv = {}
- local file =, "r")
- local stroka = file:read("*a")
- massiv = serialization.unserialize(stroka)
- file:close()
- nicknames = massiv.nicknames
- password = massiv.password
- showPassword = massiv.showPassword
- showKeyPresses = massiv.showKeyPresses
- else
- fs.makeDirectory(fs.path(pathToConfig))
- local data = ecs.universalWindow("auto", "auto", 30, 0xEEEEEE, true, {"EmptyLine"}, {"CenterText", 0x880000, "Добро пожаловать в программу"}, {"CenterText", 0x880000, "конфигурации кодовой двери!"}, {"EmptyLine"}, {"CenterText", 0x262626, "Введите ваш пароль:"}, {"Input", 0x262626, 0x880000, "12345"}, {"EmptyLine"}, {"Switch", 0xF2B233, 0xffffff, 0x262626, "Показывать вводимый пароль", true}, {"EmptyLine"}, {"Switch", 0x3366CC, 0xffffff, 0x262626, "Показывать нажатие клавиш", true}, {"EmptyLine"}, {"Button", {0xbbbbbb, 0xffffff, "OK"}})
- if data[1] == "" or tonumber(data[1]) == nil then ecs.error("Указан неверный пароль. По умолчанию он будет 12345."); password = "12345" else password = data[1] end
- showPassword = data[2]
- showKeyPresses = data[3]
- saveConfig()
- end
- end
- local function drawKeyPad(x, y)
- local xPos, yPos = x, y
- buttons = {}
- for j = 1, #keyPad do
- xPos = x
- for i = 1, #keyPad[j] do
- ecs.drawFramedButton(xPos, yPos, 5, 3, keyPad[j][i], colors.borders)
- buttons[keyPad[j][i]] = {xPos, yPos, xPos + 4, yPos + 2}
- xPos = xPos + 6
- end
- yPos = yPos + 3
- end
- end
- local function visualScan(x, y, timing)
- local yPos = y
- gpu.setBackground(colors.background)
- gpu.setForeground(colors.borders)
- gpu.set(x, yPos, "╞══════════╡")
- yPos = yPos - 1
- os.sleep(timing)
- for i = 1, 3 do
- gpu.set(x, yPos, "╞══════════╡")
- gpu.set(x, yPos + 1, "│ │")
- yPos = yPos - 1
- os.sleep(timing)
- end
- yPos = yPos + 2
- for i = 1, 3 do
- gpu.set(x, yPos, "╞══════════╡")
- gpu.set(x, yPos - 1, "│ │")
- yPos = yPos + 1
- os.sleep(timing)
- end
- gpu.set(x, yPos - 1, "│ │")
- end
- local function infoPanel(info, background, foreground, hideData)
- ecs.square(1, 1, xSize, 3, background)
- local text if hideData then
- text = ecs.stringLimit("start", string.rep("*", unicode.len(info)), xSize - 4)
- else
- text = ecs.stringLimit("start", info, xSize - 4)
- end
- ecs.colorText(math.ceil(xSize / 2 - unicode.len(text) / 2) + 1 , 2, foreground, text)
- end
- local function drawAll()
- local xPos, yPos = 3, 5
- --Как прописывать знаки типа © § ® ™
- --кейпад
- gpu.setBackground(colors.background)
- drawKeyPad(xPos, yPos)
- --Био
- xPos = xPos + 18
- ecs.border(xPos, yPos, 12, 6, colors.background, colors.borders)
- ecs.square(xPos + 5, yPos + 2, 2, 2, colors.borders)
- gpu.setBackground(colors.background)
- biometry = {xPos, yPos, xPos + 11, yPos + 5}
- --Био текст
- yPos = yPos + 7
- xPos = xPos + 1
- gpu.set(xPos + 3, yPos, "ECS®")
- gpu.set(xPos + 1, yPos + 1, "Security")
- gpu.set(xPos + 1, yPos + 2, "Systems™")
- end
- local function checkNickname(name)
- for i = 1, #nicknames do
- if name == nicknames[i] then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function pressButton(x, y, name)
- ecs.square(x, y, 5, 3, colors.borders)
- gpu.setForeground(colors.background)
- gpu.set(x + 2, y + 1, name)
- os.sleep(0.2)
- end
- local function waitForExit()
- local e2 = {event.pull(3, "touch")}
- if #e2 > 0 then
- if ecs.clickedAtArea(e2[3], e2[4], buttons["*"][1], buttons["*"][2], buttons["*"][3], buttons["*"][4]) then
- pressButton(buttons["*"][1], buttons["*"][2], "*")
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function redstone(go)
- if go then
- rs.setOutput(, 15)
- local goexit = waitForExit()
- rs.setOutput(, 0)
- rs.setOutput(sides.bottom, 0)
- return goexit
- else
- rs.setOutput(sides.bottom, 15)
- os.sleep(2)
- rs.setOutput(, 0)
- rs.setOutput(sides.bottom, 0)
- end
- return false
- end
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ecs.prepareToExit(colors.background)
- loadConfig()
- local oldWidth, oldHeight = gpu.getResolution()
- gpu.setResolution(34, 17)
- xSize, ySize = 34, 17
- drawAll()
- infoPanel("Введите пароль", colors.borders, colors.background)
- while true do
- local e = {event.pull()}
- if e[1] == "touch" then
- for key in pairs(buttons) do
- if ecs.clickedAtArea(e[3], e[4], buttons[key][1], buttons[key][2], buttons[key][3], buttons[key][4]) then
- if showKeyPresses then
- pressButton(buttons[key][1], buttons[key][2], key)
- end
- if key == "*" then
- input = nil
- infoPanel("Поле ввода очищено", colors.borders, colors.background)
- elseif key == "#" then
- drawAll()
- if input == password then
- infoPanel("Доступ разрешён!",, 0xFFFFFF)
- local goexit = redstone(true)
- for i = 1, #nicknames do
- if nicknames[i] == e[6] then nicknames[i] = nil end
- end
- table.insert(nicknames, e[6])
- saveConfig()
- if goexit then
- ecs.prepareToExit()
- gpu.setResolution(oldWidth, oldHeight)
- ecs.prepareToExit()
- return
- end
- else
- infoPanel("Доступ запрещён!",, 0xFFFFFF)
- redstone(false)
- end
- infoPanel("Введите пароль", colors.borders, colors.background)
- input = nil
- else
- input = (input or "") .. key
- infoPanel(input, colors.borders, colors.background, not showPassword)
- end
- drawAll()
- break
- end
- end
- if ecs.clickedAtArea(e[3], e[4], biometry[1], biometry[2], biometry[3], biometry[4]) then
- visualScan(biometry[1], biometry[2] + 4, 0.08)
- if checkNickname(e[6]) then
- infoPanel("Привет, " .. e[6],, 0xFFFFFF)
- redstone(true)
- else
- infoPanel("В доступе отказано!",, 0xFFFFFF)
- redstone(false)
- end
- infoPanel("Введите пароль", colors.borders, colors.background)
- drawAll()
- end
- end
- end
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