
Sword hack

Mar 17th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. -- press x to turn on
  2. loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
  4. loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
  6. local connections = getgenv().configs and getgenv().configs.connection if connections then local Disable = configs.Disable for i,v in connections do v:Disconnect() end Disable:Fire() Disable:Destroy() table.clear(configs) end local Disable ="BindableEvent") getgenv().configs = { connections = {}, Disable = Disable, Size =,10,10), DeathCheck = true } local Players = cloneref(game:GetService("Players")) local RunService = cloneref(game:GetService("RunService")) local lp = Players.LocalPlayer local Run = true local Ignorelist = Ignorelist.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Include local function getchar(plr) local plr = plr or lp return plr.Character end local function gethumanoid(plr: Player | Character) local char = plr:IsA("Model") and plr or getchar(plr) if char then return char:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") end end local function IsAlive(Humanoid) return Humanoid and Humanoid.Health > 0 end local function GetTouchInterest(Tool) return Tool and Tool:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("TouchTransmitter",true) end local function GetCharacters(LocalPlayerChar) local Characters = {} for i,v in Players:GetPlayers() do table.insert(Characters,getchar(v)) end table.remove(Characters,table.find(Characters,LocalPlayerChar)) return Characters end local function Attack(Tool,TouchPart,ToTouch) if Tool:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then Tool:Activate() firetouchinterest(TouchPart,ToTouch,1) firetouchinterest(TouchPart,ToTouch,0) end end table.insert(getgenv().configs.connections,Disable.Event:Connect(function() Run = false end)) while Run do local char = getchar() if IsAlive(gethumanoid(char)) then local Tool = char and char:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool") local TouchInterest = Tool and GetTouchInterest(Tool) if TouchInterest then local TouchPart = TouchInterest.Parent local Characters = GetCharacters(char) Ignorelist.FilterDescendantsInstances = Characters local InstancesInBox = workspace:GetPartBoundsInBox(TouchPart.CFrame,TouchPart.Size + getgenv().configs.Size,Ignorelist) for i,v in InstancesInBox do local Character = v:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model") if table.find(Characters,Character) then if getgenv().configs.DeathCheck then if IsAlive(gethumanoid(Character)) then Attack(Tool,TouchPart,v) end else Attack(Tool,TouchPart,v) end end end end end RunService.Heartbeat:Wait() end
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