
LFE BMS bass

Nov 21st, 2018
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  1. By not enough LFE I think you mean not enough bass. Bass comes out of your subwoofer, but LFE !=  subwoofer.
  3. What usually happens with a Bass Management System (BMS), is LFE management (LM) - the LFE channel gets turned up by 10dB, lowpassed, and fed to the subwoofer. Bass redirection (BR) may also happen, which redirects low frequencies from the other channels and feeds it to the sub after LM.
  5. This is all well and good. But what typically happens, is that (movie) studios mix the LFE too loud AND put bass from channels into the LFE, so when this is played back at the correct volume, it will sound too loud, and so you compensate by tuning the sub/bass down. This leads to too little bass for other content. I mix with no LFE usually, because I do not want to have an  upscaled LFE by copying the bass from other channels (which is imo, wrong), and it is not appropriate to put booms & bangs in music usually.
  7. TO remedy this, you cut (turn down) the LFE by 10-20dB in software/soundcard control panel,/MPC-HC (mpc hc should have an audio matrix mixer). This should be fine, because there should be a similar replacement for the little LFE-exclusive content there is. See a page or so down for conversion btw dB and decimals.
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