

Sep 5th, 2012
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  1. [20:59:35] <@Nicademus> its fricking crazy...for me to keep doing this. i have things I could be doing other than this
  2. [20:59:53] <+Sofine> sigh
  3. [21:01:39] <@Nicademus> failed coop #4
  4. [21:01:45] <+Sofine> yep
  5. [21:01:50] <@Nicademus> in a row too
  6. [21:01:51] <+sA-Chopito> :/
  7. [21:01:58] <@Nicademus> so i guess we stop trying?
  8. [21:02:16] <+sA-Chopito> i dotn think so
  9. [21:02:19] <+Sofine> ill chip in more.. can anyone else chip in?
  10. [21:02:22] <+sA-Chopito> but u can put the fee in 15 Sojs
  11. [21:02:29] <+Sofine> funky?
  12. [21:02:35] <+sA-Chopito> i dton got any more
  13. [21:02:40] <+lengend> i could buy more
  14. [21:02:48] <+sA-Chopito> i put more in the last coop
  15. [21:03:07] <+Sofine> funky afk?
  16. [21:03:08] <+lengend> i only have 37fg, so how many sojs can i get with that
  17. [21:03:11] <+funkybastage> well maybe next go around
  18. [21:03:27] <+funkybastage> just credit me nica
  19. [21:03:39] <+lengend> yea credit me too if its not going on tonight
  20. [21:04:06] <@Nicademus> sigh
  21. [21:04:18] <@Nicademus> !clearlist
  22. [21:04:19] <@Guardian-bot> The list has been cleared by Nicademus
  23. [21:04:34] <@Nicademus> !credit sA-Chopito
  24. [21:04:35] <@Guardian-bot> sA-Chopito has been added to the list with a credit by Nicademus on 08/27/12
  25. [21:04:41] <@Nicademus> !credit Sofine
  26. [21:04:42] <@Guardian-bot> Sofine has been added to the list with a credit by Nicademus on 08/27/12
  27. [21:04:43] <+sA-Chopito> Thx nice
  28. [21:04:51] <+sA-Chopito> i think that is time to put 15 Soj fee
  29. [21:04:52] <@Nicademus> !credit lengend
  30. [21:04:53] <@Guardian-bot> lengend has been added to the list with a credit by Nicademus on 08/27/12
  31. [21:04:59] <+lengend> and also credit DOH lol
  32. [21:05:08] <@Nicademus> ok lets charge more so less ppl join....
  33. [21:05:17] <@Nicademus> !credit funkybastage
  34. [21:05:18] <+lengend> 10 sojs is cheaper than the 100fg
  35. [21:05:18] <@Guardian-bot> funkybastage has been added to the list with a credit by Nicademus on 08/27/12
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