

Jan 11th, 2018
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  1. ```vb
  2. on skript load:
  3. if folder "plugins/help+" doesn't exists:
  4. log "Help+ | Creating Folder"
  5. create folder "plugins/help+"
  6. log "Help+ | Folder Created"
  7. if files "plugins/help+"
  8. log "Help+ | Creating Config"
  9. create file "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  10. set "commandcolor" to "&a" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  11. set "desccolor" to "&7" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  12. set "command1desc" to "Need help? Get Help!" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  13. set "command1" to "/help" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  14. set "command2desc" to "CONFIG" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  15. set "command2" to "CONFIG" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  16. set "command3desc" to "CONFIG" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  17. set "command3" to "CONFIG" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  18. set "command4desc" to "CONFIG" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  19. set "command4" to "CONFIG" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  20. set "command5desc" to "CONFIG" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  21. set "command5" to "CONFIG" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  22. set "command6desc" to "CONFIG" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  23. set "command6" to "CONFIG" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  24. set "command7desc" to "CONFIG" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  25. set "command7" to "CONFIG" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  26. set "command8desc" to "CONFIG" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  27. set "command8" to "CONFIG" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  28. set "command9desc" to "CONFIG" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  29. set "command9" to "CONFIG" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  30. set "command10desc" to "CONFIG" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  31. set "command10" to "CONFIG" in "plugins/help+/config.yml"
  32. command /help <string>:
  33. trigger:
  34. wait 2 ticks
  35. message "&7&m--------------------"
  36. message "{commandcolor}{command1}&7: {desccolor}{command1desc}"
  37. message "{commandcolor}{command2}&7: {desccolor}{command2desc}"
  38. message "{commandcolor}{command3}&7: {desccolor}{command3desc}"
  39. message "{commandcolor}{command4}&7: {desccolor}{command4desc}"
  40. message "{commandcolor}{command5}&7: {desccolor}{command5desc}"
  41. message "{commandcolor}{command6}&7: {desccolor}{command6desc}"
  42. message "{commandcolor}{command7}&7: {desccolor}{command7desc}"
  43. message "{commandcolor}{command8}&7: {desccolor}{command8desc}"
  44. message "{commandcolor}{command9}&7: {desccolor}{command9desc}"
  45. message "{commandcolor}{command10}&7: {desccolor}{command10desc}"
  46. message "&7&m---------------------```
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