
Searing light RE fix

Dec 22nd, 2020
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MySQL 2.63 KB | None | 0 0
  1. DELETE FROM spell_affect WHERE entry=914909 AND effectId=0 AND spellId=-879;
  2. INSERT INTO spell_affect VALUES (914909, 0, -879, 'Searing Light (EFF_0) -> Exorcism (ALL RANKS)');
  4. DELETE FROM db_spellitemenchantment_12340 WHERE ID=4111;
  5. INSERT INTO db_spellitemenchantment_12340 (ID, Charges, Effect_1, Effect_2, Effect_3, EffectPointsMin_1, EffectPointsMin_2, EffectPointsMin_3, EffectPointsMax_1, EffectPointsMax_2, EffectPointsMax_3, EffectArg_1, EffectArg_2, EffectArg_3, Name_Lang_enUS, Name_Lang_enGB, Name_Lang_koKR, Name_Lang_frFR, Name_Lang_deDE, Name_Lang_enCN, Name_Lang_zhCN, Name_Lang_enTW, Name_Lang_zhTW, Name_Lang_esES, Name_Lang_esMX, Name_Lang_ruRU, Name_Lang_ptPT, Name_Lang_ptBR, Name_Lang_itIT, Name_Lang_Unk, Name_Lang_Mask, ItemVisual, Flags, Src_ItemID, Condition_Id, RequiredSkillID, RequiredSkillRank, MinLevel) VALUES (4111, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 914909, 0, 0, 'Equip: Searing Light - Increases the damage of your Smite, Holy Fire, Penance and Exorcism spells by 2%.', 'Equip: Searing Light - Increases the damage of your Smite, Holy Fire, Penance and Exorcism spells by 2%.', 'Equip: Searing Light - Increases the damage of your Smite, Holy Fire, Penance and Exorcism spells by 2%.', 'Equip: Searing Light - Increases the damage of your Smite, Holy Fire, Penance and Exorcism spells by 2%.', 'Equip: Searing Light - Increases the damage of your Smite, Holy Fire, Penance and Exorcism spells by 2%.', 'Equip: Searing Light - Increases the damage of your Smite, Holy Fire, Penance and Exorcism spells by 2%.', 'Equip: Searing Light - Increases the damage of your Smite, Holy Fire, Penance and Exorcism spells by 2%.', 'Equip: Searing Light - Increases the damage of your Smite, Holy Fire, Penance and Exorcism spells by 2%.', 'Equip: Searing Light - Increases the damage of your Smite, Holy Fire, Penance and Exorcism spells by 2%.', 'Equip: Searing Light - Increases the damage of your Smite, Holy Fire, Penance and Exorcism spells by 2%.', 'Equip: Searing Light - Increases the damage of your Smite, Holy Fire, Penance and Exorcism spells by 2%.', 'Equip: Searing Light - Increases the damage of your Smite, Holy Fire, Penance and Exorcism spells by 2%.', 'Equip: Searing Light - Increases the damage of your Smite, Holy Fire, Penance and Exorcism spells by 2%.', 'Equip: Searing Light - Increases the damage of your Smite, Holy Fire, Penance and Exorcism spells by 2%.', 'Equip: Searing Light - Increases the damage of your Smite, Holy Fire, Penance and Exorcism spells by 2%.', '', 16712190, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  7. UPDATE spell SET spelldescription0 = "Increases the damage of your Smite, Holy Fire, Penance and Exorcism spells by 2%." WHERE id = 914909;
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