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- --[[
- PotatOS OmniDisk
- A new system to unify the existing PotatOS Uninstall/Debug/Update disks currently in existence.
- Comes with a flexible, modular design, centralized licensing, possibly neater code, and a menu.
- This is designed to be executed by the OmniDisk Loader ( but may run on its own, though this is NOT a supported configuration.
- This is NOT usable simply by copying it onto a disk due to PotatOS signing requirements.
- You must use the dcopy ( program or manually generate a hex-format ECC signature and write it to "disk/signature" (PotatOS will, however, not run it unless this signature is from the PDSK).
- ]]
- local function try_report_incident(...)
- if _G.report_incident then
- _G.report_incident(...)
- print "This incident has been reported."
- end
- end
- local r = process.get_running()
- local sandbox = "sandbox"
- if sandbox then
- for _, p in pairs(process.list()) do
- if p.parent == sandbox and p.ID ~= r.ID then
- process.signal(p.ID, process.signals.KILL)
- end
- end
- end
- pcall(process.signal, "sandbox", process.signals.KILL)
- os.queueEvent "stop"
- local function fetch(URL)
- local h, e = http.get(URL)
- if not h then error(e) end
- local o = h.readAll()
- h.close()
- return o
- end
- local UUID = "@UUID@" -- Populated by dcopy utility, in some setups
- local args = ...
- if type(args) == "table" and args.UUID then UUID = args.UUID end
- local json
- if _G.json_for_disks_and_such then json = _G.json_for_disks_and_such
- elseif textutils.unserialiseJSON then
- json = { encode = textutils.serialiseJSON, decode = textutils.unserialiseJSON }
- else error "No JSON library exists, somehow" end
- local license_data = fetch ""
- local licenses = json.decode(license_data)
- local license = licenses[UUID]
- local disk_ID
- local disk_loader_args = args.arguments
- if type(disk_loader_args) == "table" and disk_loader_args.ID then
- disk_ID = disk_loader_args.ID
- end
- local function runfile(program, ...)
- local ok, err = loadfile(program)
- if not ok then error(err) end
- ok(...)
- end
- local features = {
- test = {
- fn = function() print "Hello, World!" end,
- description = "Test function."
- },
- exit = {
- fn = function() os.reboot() end,
- description = "Leave OmniDisk, return to PotatOS.",
- always_permitted = true
- },
- UUID = {
- fn = function() print("UUID:", UUID) print("Disk ID:", disk_ID or "[???]") end,
- description = "Print this OmniDisk's Licensing UUID.",
- always_permitted = true
- },
- uninstall = {
- fn = function() print "Uninstalling..." _G.uninstall "omnidisk" end,
- description = "Uninstall potatOS"
- },
- REPL = {
- fn = function() runfile("/rom/programs/shell.lua", "lua") end,
- description = "Open a Lua REPL for debugging."
- },
- shell = {
- fn = function()
- printError "WARNING!"
- print "Do not attempt to modify the code of this PotatOS OmniDisk. Unauthorized attempts to do so will invalidate the signature and make the disk unusable. All code beyond a limited core is stored in an online file to which you do not have write access. Probably. Contact gollark for further information."
- runfile "/rom/programs/shell.lua"
- end,
- description = "Open an unsandboxed shell."
- },
- update = {
- fn = function() runfile("autorun", "update") end,
- description = "Update PotatOS."
- },
- dump_license = {
- fn = function() print(UUID) textutils.pagedPrint(textutils.serialise(license)) end,
- description = "Dump license information."
- },
- primes = {
- fn = function()
- if not _G.findprime or not _G.isprime then
- error "findprime/isprime not available. Update potatOS."
- end
- write "Difficulty? (1-16) "
- local difficulty = tonumber(read())
- if type(difficulty) ~= "number" then error "ERR_PEBKAC\nThat's not a number." end
- local maxrand = math.pow(10, difficulty)
- local p1 = findprime(math.random(2, maxrand))
- local p2 = findprime(math.random(2, maxrand))
- local num = p1 * p2
- print("Please find the prime factors of the following number:", num)
- write "Factor 1: "
- local f1 = tonumber(read())
- write "Factor 2: "
- local f2 = tonumber(read())
- if (f1 == p1 and f2 == p2) or (f2 == p1 and f1 == p2) then
- print "Yay! You got it right!"
- else
- print("Factors", f1, f2, "invalid.", p1, p2, "expected.")
- end
- end,
- description = "Bored? You can factor some semiprimes!"
- },
- potatoplex = {
- fn = function()
- write "Run potatoplex with arguments: "
- local args = read()
- runfile("rom/programs/http/pastebin.lua", "run", "wYBZjQhN", args)
- end,
- description = "Potatoplex your life!"
- },
- chronometer = {
- fn = function()
- runfile("rom/programs/http/pastebin.lua", "run", "r24VMWk4")
- end,
- description = "Tell the time with Chronometer!"
- },
- latest_paste = {
- fn = function()
- write "WARNING: This views the latest paste on Pastebin. Exposure to the raw output of the Internet may be detrimental to your mental health. Do you want to continue (y/n)? "
- local yn = read()
- if not yn:lower():match "y" then return end
- local html = fetch ""
- local id = html:match [[<ul class="right_menu"><li><a href="/([A-Za-z0-9]+)">]]
- local url = (""):format(id)
- local title = html:match [[<ul class="right_menu"><li><a href="/[A-Za-z0-9]+">([^<]+)</a>]]
- local content = fetch(url)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- textutils.pagedPrint(title .. "\n" .. url .. "\n\n" .. content)
- end,
- description = "View latest paste on Pastebin."
- }
- }
- local function wait()
- write "Press Any key to continue."
- os.pullEvent "key"
- local timer = os.startTimer(0)
- while true do
- local e, arg = os.pullEvent()
- if (e == "timer" and arg == timer) or e == "char" then return end
- end
- end
- if not license then
- printError(([[ERR_NO_LICENSE
- This disk (UUID %s) does not have an attached license and is invalid.
- This should not actually happen, unless you have meddled with the disk while somehow keeping the signature intact.
- Please contact gollark.]]):format(tostring(UUID)))
- try_report_incident(("OmniDisk UUID %s has no license data"):format(tostring(UUID)), {"security", "omnidisk"}, {
- extra_meta = {
- disk_ID = disk_ID,
- omnidisk_UUID = UUID
- }
- })
- wait()
- os.reboot()
- end
- if disk_ID then
- local license_ID = license.disk
- local ok = false
- if type(license_ID) == "table" then
- for _, id in pairs(license_ID) do
- if id == disk_ID then ok = true break end
- end
- elseif type(license_ID) == "number" then
- if license_ID == disk_ID then ok = true end
- else
- ok = true
- end
- if not ok then
- printError(([[ERR_WRONG_DISK
- This disk (ID %d) is not (one of) the disk(s) specified in your licensing information.
- This license (UUID %s) allows use of this/these disk(s): %s.
- If you believe this to be in error, please contact gollark so this can be corrected.
- Otherwise, stop cloning disks, or contact gollark to have unique UUIDs issued to each.]]):format(disk_ID, UUID, json.encode(license_ID)))
- try_report_incident(("Disk ID mismatch: %d used with license %s"):format(disk_ID, UUID, json.encode(license_ID)), {"security", "omnidisk"}, {
- extra_meta = {
- permitted_disk_IDs = license_ID,
- disk_ID = disk_ID,
- omnidisk_UUID = UUID
- }
- })
- wait()
- os.reboot()
- end
- end
- local permitted_feature_lookup = {}
- for _, feature in pairs(license.features) do
- permitted_feature_lookup[feature] = true
- end
- while true do
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- term.clear()
- local usable = {}
- local i = 0
- print [[Welcome to PotatOS OmniDisk!
- Available options:]]
- for name, feature in pairs(features) do
- if permitted_feature_lookup["*"] or permitted_feature_lookup[name] or feature.always_permitted then
- textutils.pagedPrint(("%d. %s - %s"):format(i, name, feature.description or "[no description available]"))
- usable[i] = feature.fn
- usable[name] = feature.fn
- i = i + 1
- end
- end
- write "Select an option: "
- local option = read()
- local fn
- local as_num = tonumber(option)
- if as_num then fn = usable[as_num] else fn = usable[option] end
- if not fn then
- printError(("ERR_ID_10T\nPlease select an option which actually exists.\n'%s' doesn't."):format(tostring(option)))
- wait()
- else
- local ok, res = pcall(fn)
- if not ok then
- printError(res)
- wait()
- else
- wait()
- end
- end
- end
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